Whats the deal with this movie
Whats the deal with this movie
I really enjoyed it.
I saw it and then Taxi Driver for the first time. Nice pairing.
Cheap anti-pedo propaganda. Ironically an exploitation film.
pleb filter
The thinking man's Taken.
cheap anti prostitution propaganda?
haven't really seen it, but that's what i get from the cringey trailer
>haven't really seen it
Then why are you here?
Just the best film of that year, thats all
this, but inverse pleb filter
i told you retard, that's what i got from the trailer
how didn't you learn to read before learning to type for fuck's sake?
Answer my question.
fucking awesome movie thats what the deal is
How can you call this film cheap or for plebs?
It was brilliant and hits pretty close to home for what's really going on with elite pedo rings.
Not only was the film God tier, that soundtrack too. Phoenix was robbed an Oscar
I cant take joaquin seriously because of his fucked up lip
kys yourselves
this movie was ruined for me when he got onto a train in grand central and the interior of the train was clearly an amtrak train car
amtrak has service in penn station, only shitty metro north commuter trains are at gct
Based train autists are best autists.
t. new york fag who lives in westchester and rides the train every day