Watch american psycho after reading the book

>watch american psycho after reading the book
>there aren't several minute long scenes where Bale describes every other actor's clothes in excruciating detail
thank christ

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>watch the movie after reading the book
>Harron leaves out Batemen talking on the phone for 15 minutes with his co-workers trying to decide where to get dinner

missed opportunity imo

>harron left out the scene where bateman ate three milkshakes one at a time in mcdonalds full of mexicans
What a hack

>watch american psycho after reading the book
>no list of every single thing he owns
The whole point was that he was completely shallow and only cared about objects and remembered every detail about the objects but never remembered anyone's name and never remembered anything about humans except their possessions and their title.

It made sense for the character

>watch the movie
>no scene with bateman sticking a rat up a hooker's vag

I liked Lunch With Bethany

>watching American psycho after reading the book

>disappointed they left out the scene where he stabs a kid in the neck at the zoo

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a kikelet at that lmao

cool it with the anti-semitism

I read the book and the movie was better. The book was good, but a mess and it overspilled all kinds of random shit for too long. The movie concentrated it nicely to a more coherent experience. But it was a really funny part of the book how Bateman would every single time name the brands of clothing someone was wearing.

You have to be a brainlett if you didn't understand the same thing from the movie.

>movie leaves out the sentient cheerio


I am a brainlet and so are most moviegoers. The low-iq master race is the superior race, we outbreed you high-iq chumps.

>The low-iq master race is the superior race, we outbreed you high-iq chumps.
This is unironically a deep evolutionary truth

If your iq is higher than room temperature the your sperm spend all their time doing math instead of swimming.


I disagree that the movie was better. I feel like they're both great in different ways, the movie for giving us a nice, cohesive story that isn't as rambling as the book.
But I liked the book for getting you into Patrick's psychotic and obsessive mindset and also for the sense of confusion and ambiguity. I liked that the book felt like Pat was dipping in and out of sanity.

i bought the book just for the grooming advice

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>Read the book after watching the movie
>Patrick Bateman doesn't point to the top right corner of the book to check his repeating digits
Literally unreadable.


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the book came out before Yea Forums dude

No way

>watch American Psycho after reading the book
>this scene doesn't take place
Seriously, wtf?

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I wish Tom Cruise had made his elevator cameo role. The Bono scene is overrated and also shit.

Isnt there a scene in the book where he stabs a lost child in the throat?

it was a jewey looking kid who's mommy wasn't paying attention (and therefore COMPLETELY justified)