What do you guys think is the best podcast? My vote goes to pic related

What do you guys think is the best podcast? My vote goes to pic related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I only watch his videos. Is his podcast good?
I'll probably give him some money.

The Dick Show.

he's half Korean

Most punchable face I ever seen next to that Stuckmann guy

The Dick Show

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This guy looks like such a fucking faggot. I hate his stupid fucking face.

Also, never trust a man that wears a beanie. It's the mark of the subhuman.

Based Tim. He's definitely my go to for my daily driving.

Isn't he an alt-right incel?

God, the /pol/ overflow is still going on huh.

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Timcast actually talks about shit news tries to ignore, pretty based. Hate his stupid centrist shit, but otherwise he's good.

More like a Sanders supporter with a bad case of dunning-krueger.

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Tims BTFO liberal extremist terrorists like Antifa.

i like tim P but he kinda pisses me off at times
he is a gigantic broken record.

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>the left can't criticize the left
Ideas like that are how you destroy your own side.

>tim pool is a part of the left
ideas like that are how you realize that your brain has stopped working

the best podcast is chapo and all the replies to this post will prove what a fucking comedic wasteland the modern right is

You're the one who said he was.

>implying he isn't part of the left
Imagine thinking you can tell people what they are.

liberal platforms are universally supported by fascist plutocrats and thus cannot be defended

i have watched Timmy p for three years. Like hell did I ever state what you believe I said. That is his whole fucking schtick: "leftist critiquing the left"
it just gets a little grating and he can seem hypocritical.

If I wasn't ok with "the left criticizing the left", I would have unsubscribed in 2016, but look, here i am, defending him yet also criticizing him, exactly what u purport.

Only bad podcasts are chapo and cumtown. Both are for retarded 12 year olds. All other podcasts are okay.

that wasn't me, i would never say "i like tim p"
imagine thinking that you have to take everything these people say in good faith

I watch his vids, but as far as podcasts
>The Last Podcast On The Left
>The Jericho Podcast
>The Adventures Of Danny And Mike

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>being so far left you think tim pool is right wing.


Tim Pool helped found VICE, you mongoloid. He's about as left as it gets, he's just not a violent antifa retard like modern leftist degenerates.

So you are an ideological purist then. You think he's not left enough by your standards to call himself left in your opinion. Are you going to put him in jail and ban him from speaking? That's the ultimate form of leftism.

more like
>being so far right you think tim pool is left wing

He's calling out the people that are protected in all forms of government and media. Tim is great.

Maybe he's trying to save the left from coming off as complete lunatics as they have for the last decade


>That's the ultimate form of leftism
fuck lol you say shit like this unironically and wonder why leftists don't try to legitimately engage with you and instead just make fun of you

Leftists in 2019 are purging their own. Doesn't matter if he's extreme left by 2014 standards. By 2019 standards he's just not left enough like Trotsky before Lenin purged him. America's left have begun their death spiral of rapidly increasing extremism and violence. No leftist is safe from other leftists now that the purges have begun.

>Gavin Mcinnes helped found VICE, you mongoloid. He's about as left as it gets

>What is the Soviet Union?
Open a history book. Every leftist government inevitably turns to death camps, reeducation programs, and mass graves to push their agenda. And when they get caught the leftists who survive pulled the No True Scotsman card.

Agree, it's why a gay minority like Andy Ngo can get brained by antifa chimps during fucking pride month of all times.

If Trump wins 2020, it will be in no small part due to how fucking retarded antifa and google are acting.

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you guys are gonna have a field day tearing me apart:
cox n crendor
ear biscuits
comedy bang bang
peer pleasure (typically rock and metal artists interviewed)
Mysterious Universe

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leftoids don't even realize that socialism has literally killed 70 trillion

He worked for Vice and the Human Rights Campaign. He was even happy when Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was elected and he supports Tulsi Gabbard.

You're a dickweed who listens to Chapo.

yeah man it's so fucked up that they beat him up for being gay, while screaming all those antigay slurs at him

Lefties did the same thing at Aberdeen college riots. They pulled down a flag pole and beat a fellow leftie into a coma while screaming that he was a "Nazi". Guy was one of their own who just walked by at the wrong time. Lefties need to read the warning signs and get out of the cult before the Kool-Aid and guns start being passed around.

Fuck watching his podcast its hard enough watching his short videos.

I like Tim but I also hate him, he should stop reporting the same topic multiple times

>Mysterious Universe
Based and Sandcoin pilled.

>can't defend the literal subhuman actions of antifa
>have to deflect by resorting to strawman

hey man, i'm not the one forcing you guys to constantly use this disingenuous framing any time anything happens to one of your token minorities

Right, beating up a gay man for being gay is WAY worse than beating up a gay man for holding a camera!

They like to be compared to Brown Shirts but really they're just straight up Red Guards. Heaven forbid a real leftist actually mobilizes them.

this guy is such a whiny faggot holy shit

>disingenuous framing
What is disingenous? He's a gay minority who was attacked and is now in the hospital with brain bleed by subhuman antifa thugs. What other way is there to frame it?

Videos show he was attacked out of nowhere.

BBQ Pit Boys

>Videos show he was attacked out of nowhere
by which you mean videos start with the punches being thrown?

this Tim is like left libertarian iirc
>omg you committed wrongthink you're not the true left, I'm

Stop revising history you leftist scum. Video evidence is everywhere.


yeah but Tim has worked for other lefty SJW 'news' as well.

I like how the left has abandoned any pretense of being fake "allies" and are now just boot stomping gay minorities in the streets and throwing chemicals on them. At least now the world sees the ugly truth behind liberals' facade.

Googled this and the first thing that popped up was "Far-Right Extremists Wanted Blood In Portland's Streets. Once Again, They Got It." Someone is going to bring a gun to these things eventually. Especially with police being told to let Antifa do whatever the fuck they want.

i mean... one would be assault and a hate crime and the other would only be assault, but both of those are not what happened

He doesn't like it when left wing "journalists" defend political violence and censorship so that means he isn't really left wing to you? Jesus christ.

They aren't left wing anymore, they're just filthy commies. They straight up admit it at this point.


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There's a video of what happened. The fact that commies like you lie about what's on video is some 1984 shit.

why yes, that IS literally exactly what i described: a video that starts with the punches being thrown, thank you for proving my point

And even then the commies sti won't care.

"Who cares that Antifa killed ONE person, Nazi's killed MILLIONS"

I'm agreeing with you twat Jimmy Dore turned me onto Tim

>throwing chemicals on them
you guys lap up bullshit like it's your job, this is what the the police's stupid fucking "cement" tweet was based on

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imagine actually taking the time out of your day to listen to tim pool, who is possibly one of the dumbest people alive

ahahahahaha the absolute state of the right

seek help

He's retarded for still clinging centrists.

Tim is the left and so is his audience.

your brain is made out of cardboard if you legitimately believe this

why do leftists seeth so much over liberals who don't put with their shit?
Like they love Maher till he shits on the left for being such touchy fags

>wearing a beanie to hide your baldness
Honestly embarrassing

>best podcast?
The Weebcast

>this kind of reddit tier hyper effeminate sarcasm

why do you people talk like this. are you so entrained by sassy twitter culture that you've forgotten how to communicate like a normal human being? i swear it's like you faggots were made in a factory or something, you all have this limp-wristed joss-whedon-quip-esque way of speaking and it's frankly cringe. i subvocalized all your posts with the gayest lisp possible because that's the sort of vibe you give off. fucking yikes fella

>tim pool, bill maher, other centrist dipshits
oh man us leftists are really missing out!

cox is an annoying neckbeard fag

So you're another brainwashed liberal ideological purist. Your kind are killing the left that Tim was a part of, the good left that used to stand for non-violence and goodness. Your left is the evil left who march with jackbooted thugs and conduct violent attacks on civilians.

the first one isn't sarcasm or a quip though, christ you people are stupid

daves of thunder

His audience is made of right, moderates, and liberals that aren't so far left they're up for all the bullshit currently going on.

They left are purging "centrists". The anti-centrist movement are the most extreme and evil lefties. The ones who want literal death camps and violent attacks in the streets. When you see anyone complaining about centrists you know you're dealing with a radical violent commie out for the blood fo the innocent, who wants nothing but to kill and pile bodies as high as they can go.

no, he is based

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i've gotten a shitload of illegals deported since trump took office. my block has gone from like half beaners to pretty much none

>literally every picture he has a hat

Gee it's like he's trying to hide his receded hairline or something

huh almost like there's a fundamental ideological difference between leftists and liberals

fucking retard maybe go read one wiki article before babbling your marble brain thoughts

Cumtown or bust

How? Do you just call ICE? I wanna clean up my local Chipotle.

wow let me just call up my leftist handlers so that we can arrange a sitdown with you to get access to all this political strategic gold that you're sitting on

ahahaha, what a faggot you are

>wahhhhhh violence is bad

behold, the onions right

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Most famous men have gotten hair plugs, Elon Musk, Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey. At least Poll doesn't waste his money on that shit.

Listening to a podcast because it has a gay political agenda. Imagine being this big of a jew.

He's bald. He literally looks like the stereotypical leftist basedboy. Untrimmed beard, bald head and glasses.

Violence to silence political opposition is bad. The left is bad because that's what they're doing. Violence in self defense against those leftists is good.


That's what I love about him. It's so much easier to win over left wingers with a guy that looks like Pool than a guy that looks like Shapiro or Crowder.

>Untrimmed beard
Why is this? Don't they know about beard trimmers? Cost less than $20 and takes 2 minutes.


>he thinks an actual leftist can gain power in the usa
you people will always be missing out if you aren't center left, America isn't some third world shithole or snotty European country.

Socialism doesn't fly here, have fun beating trash cans and boomers though

>people are ok with actual violence but claims they're being attacked if someone says nigger or faggot.

Here's your hero bro


>so much easier to win over left wingers
sir, i think you dropped this mask

That's why they're turning to violence. True leftists only ever take power by violent oppression of those who disagree with their dictatorial demands.

Same. I love tim's beanie

Part of the Problem, "YOUR WELCOME!", Cumtown, The Fifth Column, Tom Woods Show, Scott Horton Show


what little facial hair his half-gook ass can grow is very obviously trimmed, retard

Literally unlistenable cringe bullshit

This. The media keeps brainwashing people into thinking that these ideas are more popular than they are. They aren't, just read some opinion polls.

>you come near me again and you won't have any teeth


>(((opinion polls)))

The Dick Show and Cum Town are the only podcasts that are actually good. The first 10-12 episodes of Sleepy Cabin are really great too, but it drops off hard.

Liberals can be leftists too retard

I just started it on spree killers, and it's pretty decent. I tried listening to a show called Small Town Murder, but it got annoying by the 12th mention of "Ohhh, that's a lot of white people. Scary, why so many white people" Just talk about the crime, fuck.

>the media is far left and does not uphold the center-left establishment

>threatens after the fact

Yeah pretty sure it's all bark because he was mad as hell that his hairline got the limelight

Nigga, if that looks trimmed to you, you're face must look gross as fuck. Go shave faggot.

I'm center right and I realize the importance of winning over people on the left. I hate socialism and the military equally.

This. They are also trying to collapse capitlaism with insane social welfare policies and mass immigration.

Indeed. He looks like such a onions boy but he speaks the TRUTH.

I'm not bald but I realize most men have receding hairlines. We just don't realize it because plugs are so common.

>socialism is far left and not establishment left


Nick Fuentes for entertainment
Cum Town for news
Chaps Trap House for erotica

Gavin is actually pretty damn left in a lot of aspects. His most extreme right view is believing in traditional families and parenting. What the fuck is wrong with you lefties. My lightest right wing view points are further right than his.

AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA holy shit so this is the power of NA education

I tried to listen and watch El Chapo and Cumtown they were both totally shit everyone was some limp-wristed soifag who thinks being edgy is funny but they aren't even that edgy.

Just watch old OandA

>you retarded
you're such the intellectual

i forget what the thing was they were reacting to, but it reminds me of felix's impression of the dipshit audience member saying "they're pretty balanced, they make fun of liberals and conservatives, that's the two kinds of politics!"

>listen and watch
but they're both podcasts

He's not wrong tho, it's like saying Libertarians can't be rightwing.

>The Adventures Of Danny And Mike
my nigga

One of them does video though, they all look like nerdy spergs

He has nothing in common with "his side" anymore. He's deluding himself into thinking he's still on the "left" so he has some plausible deniability over his subject matter (aka reactions to articles written by other half-rate journos)

>one calls for the abolition of capitalism
>the other bootlicks capitalism at every single opportunity
>hmm guess they're the same huh


lmao what a queer

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Let me tell you about the culture war.

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Why does the side that advocates abolishing capitalism work so hard to maintain the current capitalist order?

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>Please donate to my Patreon so I can get hair plugs

>tim pool is not part of the left
ideas like that are how you realize that your brain has stopped working

im sure he has plenty of money to get that already lol


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I dont care if your left or right if you defend violence of any kind you are a real piece of shit who doesnt deserve to give his opinion.How can you be anti racism and agree with violence against your ideological oponents. Because their word can be dangerouse you think it justify violence ? It only give reasons to bring more violence. Youre all acting like children going crazy on the street, wanting to silence people by assaulting them. Im half black but i prefer to live in a country when some people might call me offensive slur than around psychopath waiting to jump on someone for their difference. Because yes, as much as you can resent their opinion, even if they are disgusting, you can still discriminate them.

Tim's a closeted Republican if only because the left has ran themselves off a cliff lately.

>he thinks theres some generic leftwing ideology called leftism and its followers called leftists
There's just leftwing politics and liberalism is apart of leftwing politics, go read a book.
Leftwing politics isn't just you dogmatic wankery

>liberalism needs cheap foreign workers to abuse
>open borders are a human right

This is who LPOTL is made for

that and women

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>the guy who did it is also bald


>he thinks theres some generic leftwing ideology called leftism
There is you idiot, it's the generic corporate leftists propaganda from the second Obama term that keeps getting pushed. It's the pro-open-borders-because-slavery-is-ok-when-we-call-it-capitalism leftism. It's the we're-not-racist-but-let's-make-a-new-racial-hierarchy leftism. It's the war-is-bad-but-let's-bomb-people-for-israel leftism. You'd have to be fucking retarded not to see it.

millennial matt is bald?

Underrated post

his brother is way more based.

Cum Town

idk who that is just kinda looks bald considering how far that beanie is tilted backwards and his forhead is pretty big with no hair

he's an almonds milk boy if ive ever seen one he wouldn't have done shit

Look at all this liberal content. Tim has dropped any pretense of being even a "centrist" anymore. He's just another reactionary right wing talking head now.

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I just call that The Democratic Party

based and pool-pilled

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this is basically what i am talking about. Sure the left has its wingnuts and controls the mainstream, but tim doesn't even TRY to appear left wing these days he just keeps saying
>trust me im left wing
how the fuck so, tim?
In recent memory the only indication i can thing of him being remotely left wing is that he is centerist on abortion legislation and SLIGHTLY endorses Andrew Yang... like cmon Timmy boi you are fooling who?

Fair enough, but that's what people mean when they say leftist in the context of american politics. The rest of the left is considered right wing by those people, because right wing = bad apparently.

all that seems pretty fence sitter to me, quit being so distraught over some bald hapa not agreeing with your point of view

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Nah, he's leftists cuck. It's not his fualt the Democrats went full batshit insane and are speaking fucking Spanish at their debates lmao
Damn, how do we stop this foreign Mexican interference in our elections?

>tim not leftwing
>calls for socialismlight on the jimmy dore show

>how the fuck so, tim?
pro choice, pro faggotry, pro affirmative action etc etc etc
typical lefty

Pretty based. I used to live in a neighborhood that was like 90% paisa trash. If ICE were as proactive back then I probably would have done the same.

>Fence Sitter General

>omg Tim how could betray us for not wanting tranners to shit in the women toilets

Link 5 videos of Tim being critical of republicans or the right wingers from the last 6 months.

>the OK sign is not a sign by the alt-right

what faggy language is that?

they actually believe that proud boys are white supremacists

>a leftist

Have not heard one leftist policy from him.

>That is his whole fucking schtick: "leftist critiquing the left"
>it just gets a little grating




This is what you're saying right now.

Everytime I've seen those guys in my city, they're just a bunch of spics.

it's Finnish I think
his people fought and btfo'd communism lol now he shills for them

The nigga ain't a politician. Also he clearly says in many different ways that he's for a wider and more comprehensive social safety net, is anti-imperialist and anti-war, and was all on board for everything Bernie was promising the Left back before 2016.

The difference is now, those things don't make you a Leftist, they make you centrist at best. You're not part of the Left if you're not for wokeness, racial and social justice, reparations, universal healthcare and financial support for illegals, and redistribution of the top tax bracket's wealth.

But yeah, you people are right, if you criticize your own party, you were never a True Scotsman.

>Criticize Tim
>it means i'm a communist
Right wing intellect everyone

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Can you faggots recommend podcasts instead of going in circles about politics?

>Sure the left has its wingnuts and controls the mainstream
Right, so why wouldn't he shine a light on everything these people won't. Basically all forms of social media and news are left wing.

This whole Andy Ngo thing has sent me into kind of a tailspin. Like, I don't read Twitter much, but every so often I search batshit things or read AOC's follower's and see them spouting dumb shit about "Asylum is a human right" or some retard shit like that.

But with this Andy Ngo thing, you have thousands and thousands of people, verified checkmarks, literally saying "All Right-wingers are Nazis" and that Andy, a tiny gay asian dude with a camera, is inciting violence and deserves to be murdered because he took pictures of Proud Boys once and documented fake hate crimes on his Twitter. They talk about the people on the other side like they're literal child-killing Nazis, terrorists, and murderers and it's fucking insane because this is a voting demographic of people.

Apparently tiny gay Korean dudes can be Nazis now, that's perfectly cool.

And the worst part of all of it is they just seem to be spiraling deeper and deeper into it. They're going to be killing people in the streets soon (likely in Portland which has no cops anymore) and they're going to justify it because one "right wing" dude hit a girl with a car once.

stuff they don't want you to know if you want a good conspiracy podcast

you clearly are though because Tim the meek liberal gets you so buttmangled

He used to be a heavy centrist, though after covering the typical lefty he has been slowly becoming what you say he is.

he's the only democrat I like because he's against the censorship on conservatives

>all the males look the same
what did america mean by this?

So in your mind, you cannot be left-wing if you aren't 100% lockstep with the SJW Antifa crowd? You can't criticize people who lead your party? You can't discuss the impending and crushing censorship and oligarchy of Tech conglomerates? You can't report on actual shit that is happening at the border?

Literally point me to ANY ONE OF THOSE VIDEOS on that picture, and explain to me why a Leftist couldn't make that video. Just one.

I get why they WOULDN'T, but you can't demonstrate why they COULDN'T.

>listening to a rape apologist

>being a cuck

>Not listening to literal rape podcasts

How about grow up

Andy Ngo is literally a professional troll/victim who smears antifa constantly and tries to find conflict with them. It's essentially same as if Jim Acosta would push himself in the middle of a Trump rally. I think the ass kicking was maybe a little too harsh but the right wing sperg out is really hilarious and such a fake outrage.

Yea, they keep talking about the "rise" in alt-right violence but frankly, im not seeing it. It just seems more and more stories come up about Trump supporters and anybody, really, not on their side getting attacked and beat up.

Its funny, the media plays up the angle of Trump supporters going out and attacking poor blacks and brownies like reaving gangs mad max style but that never happens. But wear a MAGA hat in SF or LA and you will probably get beat up and contract aids.

>So in your mind, you cannot be left-wing if you aren't 100% lockstep with the SJW Antifa crowd?
wingnuts on both sides, god damn. No you fucking goon, i did not say that. I pretty much agree with 99 percent of what tim says and watch him every single day.
I just think Tim can be hypocritical
I have not once seen him embrace a leftist platform, and I have not once seen him be critical of the right.
OF COURSE I want him critical of the regressive left, I AM CRITICAL of them too for cripes sake. You guys seem to miss my point entirely.

>who smears antifa





What the fuck.

he didn't fuck Maddox that hard

>maybe a little too harsh
I think the words you're looking for are: Illegal and an escalation of political violence.

My point was
>Antagonize a group for a living
>Surprised when you get your ass kicked

boo hoo

thats why I didn't vote Hilary

>wingnuts on both sides, god damn.
Antifa aren't "left wing extremists" because they and their tactics are embraced, endorsed, and defended by the majority and the mainstream media. They are, by definition, the average Leftist.

Leftists are so fucking deranged lunatics they are pushing people away from the left, based.

>smears antifa
How do you "smear" a bunch of braindead cuckthugs who get into gangs to start destroying property and hitting or bullying anyone in their way because they believe in leftist propaganda so much it completely rotted their brains? All you have to do is film them blocking traffic and attacking people who aren't even doing anything and that counts as "smearing" because they don't like it when people realize they're not freedom fighters like the media has told us they are.

Antifags should all be gassed, not a single thing would be lost. Absolutely worthless, godawful faggot people. The only good thing about them is that they're like the epitome of SJW/libcuck bullshit AND they attack you unprovoked so they give the opportunity to beat the fucking shit out of the cancer destroying western society.

>boo hoo
Yet when the cops come shut down your little circlejerks you cry a river of bitch tears. Neck yourself faggot.

Nah, there's just too much good grifter money in the right wing reactionary bubble.

>>Antagonize a group for a living
>>Surprised when you get your ass kicked

So they were justified, and he deserved it. You say it was "harsh" but you justify their right to do it, because he brought it on himself. He was asking for it.

That's not really a slope Lefties want to go down because you'll find a big case of cognitive dissonance at the other end when you start making up rules for yourselves and different ones for others.

All Antifa are fascist criminals, you cannot "smear" them. Shoot them like the Nazis they are.



cool, so can rapists get off the hook now

stupid fucking women

It's why the only Antifa shit that happens is in Portland and California and other hippy states where the police have all quite because they can't be bothered dealing with riots every other day.

There's no such thing in most other states where people are armed.

On another note, I saw Vox run an article recently about how the Left needs to "take back guns from the Right" and start arming themselves, and I'm sitting there thinking "Nigga, the 2nd Amendment is for everyone. You're allowed to go fucking buy a gun, the only one who said you can't is YOU."

A decade ago he would have been considered a lefty hipster. The current left is so beyond nuts that some multi ethnic dudes hanging out is considered the KKK.

I'm not a podcast guy but this one got me. Blackout

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Don’t make em like this anymore...

>celebrity death pools
>inviting literal retards on the show
>cum blankets and assless kilts
>high school stories about a pedophile teacher

Ahhhh... those were the days...

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being a professional victim is good money

Yeah, women totally try to get raped. Andy literally searches for conflict.

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Why does he wear the beanie?

based pakman ran circles around this clown


>Yeah, women totally try to get raped.
They're literally antagonizing a group of men by dressing how they do and showing up in areas where men gather.

How can they be surprised when they get their ass raped?

(You just said it, two posts ago, remember?)

It's the same as a woman going into a rapist bar fully naked looking to get raped.

This sounds a lot like a chump trying to score gotcha points and never actually engaging with any of the ideas being discussed. Pakman's entire shit is "Yeah but you agree the Right is bad, right?" or "Wait aren't you doing the identify politics right now?" and then smiling as if he made a point.