>a bunch of brainwashed zoomers destroying their lives because they swallowed all the progressive propaganda: THE SHOW
>the zoomers believe that the rape the drugs and the LGBT propaganda is cool and now they see the protagonists as people to follow
What went wrong with this generation?
A bunch of brainwashed zoomers destroying their lives because they swallowed all the progressive propaganda: THE SHOW
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing wrong with rape and drugs
>implying Zendaya would have sex with this disgusting chimera of modern science
Would she suck his little withered penis that can't get hard until it dribbled out a pathetic goo and then fuck his ass with a strap-on? Doesn't she want a penis in her vagina, as nature intended?
manlets are living proof that women are willing to compromise
yawn triggered much?
>destroying their lives
Their lives were already destroyed. The old kind of family life only worked for some people, the rest were just pretending, secretely in pain, that everything was alright when it wasn't. And that's what leads to generations like the current one being depressed and using drugs.
conservatives won't go out with a bang
but with a whimper
Way to out yourself as underageb& that never actually lived in a culturally harmonious environment surrounded by people like yourself.
Want to know why people are unhappy these days? It’s because we’re living in a giant engineered social experiment with no defined terms of failure and no way back. The last fifty years have been about steering societies and cultures away from self determination and into hollow consumerism and un-necessary multiculti programming that goes against all our natural instincts to share friendship, hardship and good times equally with those most like us.
Ask yourself who is benefitting the most from the destruction of a successful social model 2000 years in the making. If you’re not happy it’s because your nature is rebelling against your environment, not because the societal environment was wrong fifty years ago.
/pol/ date night
You are not funny
There are actually idiots that think being attracted to the tranny still makes you straight. Fucking morons
Jules is best girl
I want the fat piggy girl to tell me I'm worthless and have a small penis.
Just dress up as a girl and speak to the mirror
Stop making up a narrative from your ass because there is a show that hurts your fee fees
I'm not fat, nor do I look even remotely girly. The whole allure of it is being told this by a dominant woman, not by myself you fool
kek you sound mad
I'm not.
>replies to the person supposedly triggered when you're triggered too
Like dominoes.
>mfw chad is the most kino character
Wish they'd just get rid of the fat bitch storyline and focus on zendaya/jules/chad.
Back to your containment board
So does that make Rue straight?
you are not funny
Why even make this thread op you faggot fuck. Don't the discord trannies spam this fucking show with the same fucking picture enough?
I want you to kill yourself
>The societal environment was only ever correct once, 50 years ago. It just so happens to coincide with my conservicuck rose tinted glasses of the 50s era
You know that it wasn't actually a great time for families, right? It's always been an exaggerated meme. People were repressed as shit.
>heavy metal music is corrupting the youth
>dungeons & dragons is corrupting the youth
>horror movies is corrupting the youth
>mortal kombat is corrupting the youth
>doom is corrupting the youth
>internet chat rooms is corrupting the youth
>alt-right youtubers is corrupting the youth
>LGBT propaganda is corrupting the youth
>Would she suck his little withered penis that can't get hard until it dribbled out a pathetic goo
dunno, but i would
you'll never be a girl faggot.
Don't you people think that liberals and Jews are literally out to displace and silence you?
>oh no, the young'uns don't hate one another based on arbitrary labels and differences in life choices
Get fucked grandpa.
u mad
were they wrong?
literally all true
Can you actually name a site where they haven't tried to deplatform conservatives aside from Yea Forums?
^^^^^ fuckin this lmao
you boomer kikes are next on my shitlist, the future is ours
Only one of those tells people it's ok to cut off your penis
He is not making up a narrative though also the show is irredeemable garbage
you won't be missed tranny
at least three of them do
All trannies and their enablers should be executed
>He is not making up a narrative though
Keep telling yourself that OP
maybe it's a discord tranny trying to start up a new thread since the old one reached bump limit. The Disney shills do the same thing with cap marvel
Are you trying to prove OP right?
Based and dare I say, redpilled
the next generation are going to be more homophobic and whatever ist because you cunts are pushing too hard. You don't force feed people. They just get pissed in the end if you do.
What does this mean
Which ones?
Not OP though
Internet chat rooms tell me to dilate constantly
I'd say so based onAt least they'll kill themselves sooner or later.
Couldn't tell, you're just as retarded
These scenes are only good when the black dude fucks both of them
>mfw they were right
I second this
Why is Hunter Schafer one of the most beautiful actresses to recently appear?
Man, poor Barry from Game Grumps...
I blame you guys for providing such a deeply unattractive alternative prospect.
That was weak
because of the subliminal attraction to androgyny we all experience
Shut up retard
If you guys don't quit posting my wife I'm going to get.....dangerous.
You suck at this
>live in 50s
>women literally make less money
>homosexuals are beaten up, drugged by psych words or murdered
>can't be a lesbian, otherwise you'd get shock therapy or disowned by your entire community
>can't have freaky sex because everyone morally polices you
>meanwhile, the government is watching your every move because of the Red Scare meme
yeah, great time for "muh cohesion" and family values, retard. Is that why drug abuse and suicide rose significantly after WW2?
do you fucking boomers ever shut the fuck up??
this is you on the right in this scene
>"let's post the same repetitive conspiracist crap every day for the rest of our lives! and frogs"
You have to go back
>hurr durr hurrr
Shut up, retard.
this. I started hating lgbt people because you cant escape their faggotry these days
Kill yourself faggot enabler
Do you think the roasties and trannies are able to self reflect, to look back to themselves as children and regret what they have become?
>I'm not responsible for my own actions, it's your fault I treat you poorly!
I hope you one day try this defense in court.
There's a type on Yea Forums for whom what you're describing seems to represent a utopian prospect even though they'd still be just as marginal a group of people within it. I tend to imagine them becoming bitter alcoholics.
>women literally make less money
Yeah they were busy being mothers and not wage slave whores
>homosexuals are beaten up, drugged by psych words or murdered
>can't be a lesbian, otherwise you'd get shock therapy or disowned by your entire community
Both very good things
>can't have freaky sex because everyone morally polices you
Define "freaky sex"
>meanwhile, the government is watching your every move because of the Red Scare meme
Some things never change
Do you think one day you will ever shut the fuck up about trannies and roasties and stop being so obvious that you're tying too hard to fit in?
Do you think you belong on tumblr or reddit?
dunno user but I'm confident that when I reach my own 40s and 50s I'll be able to take pride in the amount of my life I gave away to an anonymous bhutanese imageboard
Sorry, must have struck a nerve. Don't go killing yourself over it.
Nah that's you
>What went wrong with this generation?
capitalism and those in hollywood finding money in politics and twitter feeds
they're using AI to write scripts these days or at least partially write scripts and they're using social media outlets as sources for what people want to see
this is extremely easy to see in recent marvel movies and current star wars movies
>replying to me twice
Pathetic, retard
Shut the fuck up you tranny bitch. Why don't you dilate. What are you going to do when Trump is your president for 4 more years?
But I am bi though so your point is void
>Yeah they were busy being mothers and not wage slave whores
They were also literally barred from most fields of study and not paid for the same labor.
>killing gays is a "very good thing"
based theocratic Islamic extremist. I'm surprised you are still alive, did the bomb not go off at the abortion clinic?
>define "freaky" sex
anything against the norm, which was a lot in the 50s.
>some things never change
Well, most of the things I mention do, edgy /pol/faggot. Why am I even bothering to answer?
I think I finally get it, Euphoria is Riverdale for people who think they're too old for Riverdale
That's not me
>literally obsessed with trannies
Nah it's for trannies and libshits
You're the one in a perpetual seethe about trannies that aren't even on this board, user.
Exactly, it's for people who want to watch Riverdale
>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
>libshit libshit libshit libshit libshit
Jesus, does it ever get tiresome?
What is the purpose of having this saved on your computer? Are you going to whip it out in a conversation with an actual transexual? The .01 percent of them and the even less number you even see or interact with outside of your bedroom? Is it to make some ebin argument here? Why? Nobody mentions Discord or trannies or transitioning or HRT...you start crying about it. Nobody in this thread is a tranny, so what's it for? Yourself? Do you just want to fuck one?
It's oh so tiresome, user. It's not doing anything. You're just getting called a faggot.
When you trannies go back back yeah. You bring all the hatred you receive here on yourselves.
Kill yourself queer
>Nobody in this thread is a tranny
Lol why lie?
It's literally a boogeyman at this point. You sound like a triggered SJW to be honest.
how many boards do you discord trannies need?
I love you too
There are only 46 unique posters and you honest to shit believe, that among 46 autists who browse a specific board, with a specific thread, there is a single transexual?
I've literally never heard this show discussed other than here or know a single person that watches it. Quit trying to viral market it or meme it as the new Girls or something when literally no one cares about it.
Seems like you really just want to go over to Discord and fight with trannies. Then why are you here, showing me your dumb screencaps? I don't care about Discord, I just want you to shut the fuck up about it. It's all you /pol/niggers cry about anymore.
bulk fucking shit, heaps of boards are owned by the discord now and they/you spam Yea Forums every fucking day with your lgbt filth.
Did you put this together yourself like the fucking aspie faggot you are? I don't give a flying fuck about Discord, why do you keep spamming your screenshots from your favorite site?
I didnt know you faggots existed u til you started trying to take over everything. You all deserve to be executed
she's a big gal...
you know this is a fucking TV show, right? sam levinson loves this hyper-sexual teens shit.
Oh it's this mentally ill retard again
He needs serious help desu
Is probably the same fags that are always spamming brie and zendaya threads
I can't wait for discord spamming to get banned like onions does.
Then get some meds
>people my age are having lots of sex but I'm not, so they deserve to die for being degenerate :(
yeah that acting was awful
I'd say "why don't the mods do their fucking job" but it's probably the janitors and mods posting these threads in the first place.
the tranny cries out in pain as they strike you
We can't even have comfy Trek anymore without zoomer /pol/niggers crying about socialist propaganda and ebul Jews. It's literally every thread now. LOTR threads have devolved into Pippin incest memes and tax policies.
It's all dead now.
they're definitely behind the aids kike threads. The moderation team was infiltrated years ago, Yea Forums has that tranny janny who always babysits lgbt shit and reddit generals like /reylo/.
I still don't care, will you just leave already? Woah, some tranny is spamming on Yea Forums? Call the President, I"m sure we need to discuss this for hours on end.
>trannies have also infiltrated janny positions
you are quite literally obsessed. What is wrong with your head?
You're fucking mental, jesus
I don't even understand half of what you just posted
faggot tourists sucking each other off in reddit generals are retarded, why not just keep your faggotry on reddit in the first place.
>What is wrong with your head?
Says the tranny
I believe it. It happens across all the boards that may be "problematic." It's always either threads outright posting porn or threads like this where they make a /pol/ post then flood it with their bullshit mental illness.
Nuh uh
>reeee stop exposing us
Go back to plebbit if you want that. You are not getting it here
I absolutely guarantee you that I've been here longer. Nobody but zoomer faggots cry this much about trannies. This is a recent thing. You're trying far too hard.
everyone is having a better time than you and there's nothing you can do about it.
>you aren't going to get on topic discussions here!
We used to, before you retards showed up in 2016....
go back to /pol/ you dumb white incel
Explain why literally anyone should give a shit about your detective work here? How does it change my life?
no chance 90s born queer, you're obviously a tourist.
Did he find you out?
reddit nigger
yeah uh
>You are not getting it here
You're part of the reason why though?
No you didn't, you lying faggot. I have been since 2011 and it has always been shit. The only comfy threads were the smallville ones
im simply posting what you denied existed in the first place, now you're upset because your queer ilk is being exposed.
If I was born in the 90s, then I'm at least in my 30s you stupid cunt teenager. What are you even trying to say anymore? You're fucking obnoxious.
kek, niggers are a joke.
lol I
>. I have been since 2011 and it has always been shit.
Maybe if you're a /pol/ and /gif/ poster I guess?
Why does this show strive so hard to portray sex and partying like some seethy and glomy scene out of a David Fincher film?
All the clips I've seen from this show makes it look like every character is about to be killed from the visual aesthetics side of it.
One would think they would try to portray sex and youthfull exuberance a bit more up beat.
It's like they took the UK version of Skins and removed all the joy and humour out of it.
t. little white dickie
I am not stopping you nigga. I also absolutely hate star trek and always ignore threads about it.
First thing I thought
The second is how fucking ugly that girl is
simpsons threads, robo cop threads, Amadeus threads, hamill threads, lost threads, alien threads, sopranos threads were always good before the rise of the 90s born queer and the zoomer invasion.
>I also absolutely hate star trek
Opinion fucking discarded then, you really must be a zoomer.
/pol/ hates my existence so no
Being gay is based and redpilled
>I see trannies everywhere
Want to bet that I'm a tranny? What's your Paypal, faggot?
90s born queer were a mistake, they're not real people, people born in the 90s and later are all at least half a fag.
hitler loved it in the ass
at least 40% of them do
You have a strange hatred for the 90s, was it because you were born in 2000?
Shut up, fag
It's nigger redditfag
Star trek sucks, deal with it.
get off this site you old crusty piece of shit
>smallville ones
spotted the gay cunt
>one of the greatest decades of economic growth and constant film and television hits, not to mention a literal Renaissance in American animation
You must be really jealous you missed out and you grew up with autistic garbage like Ned's Declassified like the baby you are.
lol whatever helps you cope bro.
Just post your boipussy and get it over with
t. zoomer
How many neetbucks in your piggybank do you want to gamble that I'm a tranny?
No they won't. They'll all be super supportive of LGBT rights. Most of them will be LGBT. Our future is here old breeder.
Nah those were legit comfy threads for every sexuality
>central intelligence agency
Cant you at least make your bait plausible?
How would anyone know about your sexual orientation or whatever you do in the bedroom unless you're advertising it like some kind of degenerate?
woah, edgy. I tip my trilby to you sir.
everyone knows hitler loved huge dicks up his ass
LotR loreposting threads as well
I would believe you but the gay mafia are pushing too hard too soon. That never ends well
about 5 doll hairs
Apples and oranges shithead. Only your last poor attempt at drawing parallels turned out to be true. Look around man
did he hit a nerve
It's semantics, the OSS existed in 1942 and was the predecessor to the CIA.
A lot of people use "NKVD" or "Cheka" during periods where they had different titles too. It's the same thing.
>aside from Yea Forums
Also we aren't conservacucks over here. Conservatism is the flat diet pepsi equivalent of a right wing ideology.
>every sexuality
kill yourself faggot
Is this how bad education is in schools? Homosexuals in the 40s and 50s were constantly being rooted out and identified. Government even produced propaganda videos equating them to child molesters. You know, the same disinfo you /pol/niggers cite?
people born in the 90s didn't experience the 90s dumb fuck.
You didn't address what I said.
I love you too
>conservatism is the new punk rock!
Homosexuality is a destructive and to some addictive behavior that you don't have to indulge yourself in
I hate people born in the 90s because they're all all extremely sheltered, half gay, prematurely balding, over weight fucks who are proud of their ignorance and still behave like teenagers despite being almost 30.
kill yourself faggot.
yeah they were fantastic.
That sounds awesome, sign me up. I’ve had it with all the effeminate faggotry of contemporary society.
>t. psuedoscientist Muslim
Do they eat da poo poo too?
is this the show all the zoomers are killing themselves over? Sweet, lets promote it more. See if we can get that number higher.
>zoomers aren't sheltered
Something happened where they just spread like a cancer. It'll be hard to purge them from society but it can be done
>eat da poo poo
I dont know any children's shows after 1994, never heard of neds whatever
Grow up you fucking child
Jules makes my pee pee hard hehe
it's funny because user wants so badly to be thought of as a hard man making hard decisions
I love you too
You're the one with dumb opinions about gays, Ahmed.
im not a zoomer, zoomers are sheltered as well but they're an age group that have gone full nigger, those born in the 90 are more feminised faggots.
Sold, where's my ticket.
Yes, I was referencing this video where he makes up stuff to scare people about gays.
Nah this is a different show.
>>homosexuals are beaten up, drugged by psych words or murdered
Why are you obssesed with trannies?
Except he is 100000% right
I wasn't the user you were speaking with. But you clearly are a summerfag who has no real world, real-life experiences what so ever. So, grow the fuck up. Twerp
Blacks are known for being smooth with the ladies.
no one has said that once in this thread
yeah because you are gay
as someone born in the 90s, I can say we all thought being feminine was cool.
we were the generation known for emo/scenesters afterall. straightening your hair and wearing super tight pants was part of the culture.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.
>you are a summerfag if you don't fall for homophobe memes
You don't get any rebbit gold for being edgy here, retard. Why don't you come back when your balls drop?
Not gay unless your balls touch another mans balls.
>hard man making hard decisions
Hating men who behave like women ccomes pretty naturally to most people. What's the hard decision?
Everyone just laughs at them know, they have become a parody of themselves.
His filenames are the same as the ones posted with that phrase and he has other phrases he spams
But the easiest way to spot him is the use of that phrase, "90's queers were a mistake, something about 90s born queers", etc
His posting style is very easy to spot
>Is it just me
could be, patrick. remember you're implying at some stage it actually *had* influence
>homophobe memes
Imagine actually typing that shit on here.
>But you clearly are a summerfag who has no real world, real-life experiences what so ever. So, grow the fuck up. Twerp
Nah you are still fucking a dudes ass
>Hating men who behave like women ccomes pretty naturally to most people.
which is whiny you whiny, gossipy bitches are so scornfully regarded. Yea Forums is your sewing circle
how is that kid typing with his hands holding the plate user?
>this anime weeb porn site for cloppers is secretly ebin based, redpilled and homophobic
you've never belonged here.
>Government even produced propaganda videos equating them to child molesters.
They weren't wrong
Thinking about my balls now? Feel stupid for chopping yours off just to look pretty in a dress?
>I have been since 2011
Kys reddit
I find the occasional thread where it feels that way but overall, no. As much as /pol/ pisses people off and isn't funny anymore, the excesses of the progressive crowd are quite a bit more anger inducing for people. The drop in lgbt favorability among youth recently sounds about right and what I would have predicted.
He already posted, bought a 4channel pass and is waiting there, laugh wheezing through his one good nostril for the (you)s to come in
>Government even produced propaganda videos equating them to child molesters.
how accurate
Your meme game is lame summerfag. Go on back to le plebbit. Twerp. You're an embarrassment.
>spends hours each day on discord looking for tranny stuff
>looks on other sites as well
>has a folder full of screenshots and tranny pics
>spends all day posting about them on Yea Forums
Article is probably fake and it's not an argument. You were talking about gays.
>Government even produced propaganda videos equating them to child molesters.
they were right
>imagine falling for faked articles in the age of the internet?
I literally can't find any evidence that these articles with these headlines exist, anywhere. It's almost like disinfo?
yeah the kikes did a real number on you guys
>Transgender Researchers
Da fuk!
For that matter do we know anything about Rue's sexuality at all? She acts above it all but she might be a virgin. On a related note, does she suck dick to pay for drugs? How does she pay for drugs?
You do realize that the DSM has recognized a cognitive and neurological difference between homosexuality and pedophilia for almost 4 straight decades now, right?
Literally the first time in 8 years I have seen someone type "homophobe memes". You are the cunt who never belonged here.
They are so obssesed that when they run out of shit to post they make shit to post.
90s born queer kill yourself
The porpuse was to get you to post that
What essentially, do you think Yea Forums even is? Do you honestly believe it's some bastion of right-wing thought?
Been here before /n/, dude. Old Yea Forums was liberal. We made fun of Bush.
>homophobe memes
your new is showing
Everybody made fun of bush
It's fake, user.
>You were talking about gays.
Nope, it was big on Yea Forums. Yea Forums was literally called a 'Left-wing website' by mass media productions. You really weren't there.
>there is a single transexual
There is ALWAYs at least 1 to 2 trannies in every thread. Its called, Yea Forums's Razor.
Much like Occam's Razor of simplicity, >Yea Forums's Razor of simplicity claims that if there is a thread on Yea Forums, there is at least 1 tranny it screeching about something off-topic but nonetheless about lgbtq.
Calling you out for typing "homophobe memes" does not equal right wing thought
this time
>You were talking about gays
>outing yourself as a literal underage zoomer
lol go to bed.
why are you making it sound so hot?
And read this if you want to get redpilled on the gay/tranny agenda
That book was released in 1989 and everything it talks about has happened and continues to be used against us.
Jesus fuck you're retarded.
It was libertarian retard. Yea Forums has NEVER been liberal. That's revisionist garbage.
this particular one was debunked years ago, brainlet. the station used the wrong picture of a couple, they sued the station and won the case.
Why are you trying this hard to push easy to dismiss disinformation?
>. You were talking about gays.
Left wing:
>people regardless of age, race, or gender deserve to have equal opportunities and the ability to mind their own business
Right wing:
>people should work 70+ hour weeks, be segregated, attend mandatory church, and must be separated by race *proceeds to run over and kill a protestor, then shoots up 51 at a mosque because they're brown*
I wonder which is worse.
Everybody made fun of bush though
This was from 2007. A guy goes to a gay pride parade and takes pics of what he sees:
It's gotten quite a bit worse since then. And you can't say anything about it publically.
That obviously is in France. If niggers ever did that in Russia they wouldn't have survived.
Why do you cunts have to lie. The place that was rooting for Ron Paul was left wing
Are you saying we shouldn't be teaching children what consent means? I don't know why that's bad in your drug-addled brain. How is that an issue?
>And you can't say anything about it publically.
There is a reason people don't say what is obviously happening until after the risk has subsided and others took it all on first.
I know I never thought I'd see the day when Yea Forums became filled to the gills with pearl clutching little faggot babies like it is today. Fucking height of comedy when anyone here talks about degeneracy, and "think of the children!" The same site that's actually ruined people's lives, got people to kill themselves and laughed about it, is suddenly some kind of moral authority? Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
Calm down fag. I don't think that user disagrees with you
>>right wing are segregating
Nice try. We're not the ones screeching for safe spaces
they're all sick fucks user
I thought you said it was fake you lying fag
I really want to be like Woody in that scene but current year-isms make me worry too much
Cool /pol/ raid thread.
If you're older than 40 and still posting on an Armenian sock darning forum you should unironically neck yourself.
why are you pretending those pieces of shit weren't gay pedos?
How many hours a day do you spend looking at tranny shit and posting about it on Yea Forums?
Damn you really got BTFO if you are moving the goal post this bad
>one is a dailymail article
>others have virtually nothing to do with original faked headlines
Based and disinfopilled!
faggots should be executed
look here's some innocent brown people being welcoming to the local LGBT community
Why do right-wingers post from obscure clickbait webzines like "newspunch" as if they have any credibility?
>, then shoots up 51 at a mosque because they're brown*
it was literally a terrorist recruitment centre.
It'll be taken care of soon enough. Prepare yourself.
pathetic pedo fag kill yourself
>/pol/ is a boogeyman though
Kike produced porn
Woah conservatives btfo
your third link literally doesn't even exist.
Fuck off you lying cunt.
Ebic m9
All that need to be proven was that those two guys were gay pedos, thats what happened. Why are gays in this thread pretending its not real?
Well, he is a qt.
>muh slippery slope
>pedophilia is the same neurological pattern as being homosexual
You're a reactionary.
why do queers keep molesting children?
You already know the reason why. Don't act ignorant
Which movie is this?
Because it's dumb to pretend all gays or all gay parents are child rapists. Just like it's dumb to assume all gay people are drag queens (they aren't), that all gay people eat shit, that all gay people have AIDS, any of that. You'd need a real smooth brain to fall for that.
That's too bad. The drag outfit makes the little fella less hot, not more.
Because you have an agenda and are easily duped?
The movie is called Tytone destroys
Because they are pedophiles, not homosexuals. Not a single neuroscientist thinks they are the same brain patterns.
Yeah sure that's it
Stop liking what I don't like.
>error 404
It's not a real article you stupid faggot.
Why don't you just enlighten me then? Tell me how credible "newspunch" is.
Reminder just a decade ago gay marriage was illegal in almost all states
Just who is this Yea Forums?
>fucking it up twice
Get the fuck back to Facebook you senile goofball.
The faggot in this thread said the story was made up and the guys picture sued for using their image which is complete bullshit. They were gay pedos with link to an international gay pedo ring. I'm not making it up.
Waste of DNA every last one of those monkeys
That retard calling it that still doesn't change the fact that it was libertarian and not the left wing bastion you cunts lie about
all of your original disinfo shill attempts were literally faked articles though. You cherrypick the one story, about pedophiles.
I don't know why you think they are gay first and pedophiles second. Most gay men are not wired to be attracted to children. They aren't the same responses. You're just conflating them both because you read on a Naziboo site that it's a good way to demonize opponents.
Nobody said it was a "left wing bastion", what was said that it wasn't a right-wing bastion. And this whole "Yea Forums is lolbertarian" is also a meme you're too young to remember.
Are you just like, a genuine retard or something?
Wow this is uncanny I'm usually a /pol/ lurker and I feel super at home here, discord trannies, "muh dick" posts, incel posting. It's all here!
television and film.
>I don't know why you think they are gay first and pedophiles second
because they're literally a gay couple who adopted a little boy and molested him before passing him around to their other gay pedo friends
Then they aren't gay, user. They are pedophiles. Why is this fucking difficult? What then is the argument even? There are plenty of supposed straight men/women too who are pedophiles, and it happens at a higher frequency. So why aren't you enraged by that?
I always find it amusing that posters like you never complain when its left wing or pro lgbt content being spammed
that's an interesting strawman you got there, faggot. It doesn't change the fact that you're the one shitting the board up.
they're a gay couple who were fucking each other before that little boy
Because most of that shit is "up with life" cornball stuff, and most right wing shit that gets spammed is just hate on repeat specifically posted to demoralize and dehumanize others. But you know, "both sides are awful am i right."
>a literal Naziboo and criminal punches an ANTIFA woman
yeah, both are heroes...
>A straight guy rapes kids
>I sleep
>A gay guy rapes kids
Yeah alright buddy.
Why don't you want them to be gay so bad?
I'm not reading all that /pol/cel bullshit.
Because attraction to children isn't homosexual? It's pedophilic and the DSM regards that as a completely different neurological response.
Way to reveal yourself. Go back
So basically these are clickbait articles that if you read them, aren't as dramatic as the headline?
Sure is the end of Western Civ there, Ahmed.
I've been on this site since the fuckin Tom Green raids, YOU go back you newfag boomer jr piece of shit.
No, he would have been a hero if he stomped on her neck and made her a quadriplegic.
But they were gay in this particular case. Stop denying that they are gay. And i don't even agree with that user about homo=pedo