Looks like Kino is back on the menu
Looks like Kino is back on the menu
Won't trannies get upset?
why is it allowed?
Why does every woman and faggot in existence loves that movie? What's its secret?
Who cares about trannies
Aren't they always no matter what?
It's a movie that makes fun of basic white girls in a way white girls can feel laughing at themselves (through the shells of black men). It's that easy. It was pretty funny the first time I remember watching it, but its certainly a bit dated.
so Whiteface is okay but Blackface isn't?
The good people of Yea Forums.org have a pretty noticeable obsession with them for one thing.
I'd like to introduce you to my friends "Historical context" and "Intention behind use".
>not caring about trannies
Get with the times grandpa
Your friends are faggots, the intent is the exact same in both instances.
Of course Hollywood shills are okay with reverse racism and anti-white propaganda.
They're both funny
You are a faggot
>reverse racism
Nobody calls it this except SJWs. Everyone just calls it racism. You played yourself, tranny.
This movie is Woody Woodpecker levels of popular in Latin America.
>By Hannah Frishberg
Why is /pol/ always right
most nazis were tranny
>drag queens
Drag queens are the blackface of trannies
I hope so
Not her fault terry crews is starring in white chicks 2
So it's not very popular in Latin America?
whiteface isn't a thing
Its just banter lad
You probably meant to word that differently, or you never heard of the movie this thread is about.
Average /pol/ user
How so? Because white people dont get assblasted over it like fragile nogs do?
Historically democrat supported slavery.
Woody is huge is Brazil.
The intent behind the whiteface in White Chicks is to mock a race of people to make the audience see them as less than human and justify making systemic attempts to prevent them from integrating with black society and voting?
Because (((hollywood))) has to put at least every male comedian in a dress as much as possible because they're a bunch of subversive degenerate hacks.
Well argued my friend, you really showed me.
I understand you're trying to redirect the conversation because you don't actually have an argument but you have to understand I'm not some braindead /pol/ browser. I am of average intelligence, please put at least a hint of guile into your redirection attempts.
Women are less than human so yeah I'm all for this and glad these niggers are helping us out
>to make the audience see them as less than human and justify making systemic attempts to prevent them from integrating with black society and voting
More SJW shit. That's nobody's intent with blackface. You're the one projecting this onto it. The racism is in you.
>but Blackface isn't
Implying it isn't.
Then Hitler sent them to concentration camps along with the other degenerate anarchists, communists and traitors.
Why do jews love seeing black men in drag so much, bros?
Never happened. That's just Soviet propaganda.
Nazis were gay and proud.
It's not the jews fault women find you repulsive
Wasn't this one of those movies that served to feminize Crews
it's funny, based jews humiliating niggers.
Dont jews make black people go in drag so they they can demasculate them? I remember Dave Chapelle talking about it how they really insisted on him doing it. I even remember in the Netherlands a Moroccan rapper got offered to drag in a movie for like 20k and he did it. Do they really enjoy doing that kind of shit. Jews are weird.
>racism never existed
oof bro
Trannies are the blackface of women
Try and be a bit more subtle, JDF.
cry more incels
sounds based to me.
Keep whining niggerlover
I dont give a fuck. I hate them both. But its strange how they are so obsessed about it.
>Won't trannies get upset?
Crossdressing is part of black culture. Trannies are lucky blacks don't out them for cultural appropriation.
That's the jew guy moving his hands like how flies move their front legs right; like they're planning something?
based genius