Yeah, I got that, like 10 seconds in. But a whole fucking minute of a single still frame? Was this scene really necessary?
"Dude, it's deep because Asuka, like, hates her, and stuff"
Other urls found in this thread:
What the hell was that about anyways
i want to hate fuck asuka so bad
Complete and total newfag.
reddit might be more up to your speed little guy
Yet another pleb filter.
>53 seconds of a still frame
>this garbage fire ever being used as an example of good anime (animation)
t. never watched this weeb shit
im here for the gang bang
i want to hug asuka and say to her that nothing will be wrong
How do you watch this shit?
What version is the most complete? didnt Netflix remove bits?
Is the dub any good?
they ran out of m o n e y
Both dubs are bad. The Netflix dub is a new translation so some of the iconic moments like "I'm fucked up." and Kaworu telling Shinji he loves him are gone. Also they didn't get the rights to the ED song and sometimes the OST is missing during episodes.
Hey retard, how long do you think it takes to go down 80 stories?
Is there a particular version of the show I’m supposed to watch?
Some torrents have more episodes in it than others
All you need is 1-26 and End of Evangelion. There is also a movie series but it's really not worth it.
gives you time to soak in the tension
also the budgeting for eva was a notorious disaster so saving money was a big concern
We get it, you've seen the memes about this scene. Now stop making stupid posts like these.
fuck off
>FIVE (5) Eva threads on Yea Forums at the same time
Why do mods tolerate this shit?
Grow up
They had to save money for the battles somehow
>single still frame
they blink and Asuka sniffs.
Why is the U always silent in Japanese names
they're not, it's just that o's are pronounced differently in japanese (more from the back of the mouth, as opposed to english, which is a very front-heavy language), so the u is the rounding out sound you hear after the o
it's also why shitty translators will often forget to add the u in fansubs
>is a still frame of random shit with a voiceover
>it's the absolute hottest scene in animated history
How did they achieve this, bros?
I had to turn the volume down during this so people wouldn't be able to hear it through the walls and I was getting so hot and bothered desu
Because the characters look and move so solidly and inhabit a world so consistent and convincing, and the writing is so strong that when the VAs talk and you just see a bit of the room they're in you totally believe whatever they're saying is what the characters are doing in the room
In this instance: assplay
These. They're going down a super long elevator ride and not speaking. During the silence Asuka is probably thinking nasty thoughts about Rei which build up into an explosion. All these normies just now watching this decades-old show and not getting it and getting mad because the show has a greater understanding of human interaction and human emotions than they do. Geez.
It's a crucial scene because Asuka finally gets Rei to question Gendo and rejects him in EoE
It's fine, the dub's translation is more accurate and the removed bits were never there in the first place except in the imaginations of ADV/Manga's writers. But subbed is best.
Netflix's version uses the Director's Cut so it's actually got extra bits. Plus it's at 1080p, which saves you from downloading an enormous torrent.
cowboy bebop redub when?
what scene?
>rejects him in EoE
Truly the biggest cucking scene
kaji and misato fucking
>Dude, it's deep because Asuka, like, hates her, and stuff"
said nobody ever
why even bother redubbing a show that had a nearly perfect dub?
>When she starts moaning
Do you mean to say watching the sub includes extra scenes that aren’t in the dub?
>nearly perfect dub?
umh sweaty, there's no diversity in the VA cast. Jet BLACK needs to have a blacker voice and Ed needs to be voiced by a female (male) VA
>Fallout: New Vegas sex scene
Wow a whole minute. I hope you had your phone handy so you could check facebook.
Hates her to the point of wanting to eat her pusy and scissor with her all night long 5 days a week
Yeah, I got that. And that effect could've been achieved in half the screentime. 53 seconds is just a massive waste of time.
not only is this cringe, i don't think that you get the type of reaction you are looking for.
In regards to THIS type of response.
Actually, I did, and I spent that minute shitposting about this scene on Yea Forums. Far better use of time, desu
bruh i'm like 90% sure i started that meme.
Just say a-su-ka really fast with a nip accent.
isn't it more like
the u is there it's just subtle
Padding. They we're hurting for money near the end of the series. That's why the last 2 episodes are just a clusterfuck of random images
We get you get annoyed easily. Move on and stop reading every single post made
Good animation comes in different forms.
I even keep this on my phone for times like this.
1 minute is nothing. Try doing an Endless Eight marathon.
It could have been saved if the background was transparent and showed the back of the Eva base.
It seems this piece of japanimation is too deep for you OP
Asuka using the Mass Production's sword is easily the greatest achievement in animating a sense of weight before or since.
Do you enjoy yourself when you spend all your time imagining scenarios to be offended about?
That would have required actually animating things, user.
Filtered. It's well known that GAINAX never ran out of money, but they had huge production problems towards the end. Anno knew how he wanted to end the series but he didn't know how he'd get there, so there were rewrites up until days before episodes aired. This led to some drawn out stills during scenes like the one with Kaworu in Terminal Dogma simply because they didn't have enough time to finish animating other scenes in time before the episode aired. The director's cuts of episodes 21-24 are further proof of this. The elevator scene itself makes perfect sense considering how huge Nerv is
1-26 then EoE. make sure to get the director's cut episodes for 21-24. there's some extra scenes in them. ignore death & rebirth and the rebuilds.
This is the only scene I can think of where two main characters who don't really care for one another share a frame for no good reason
Its that kind of uncomfortable silence that usually gets cut out of stories because it would get in the way of things
It’s the equivalent of the scene where Sideshow Bob steps on rakes over and over, or Peter clutching his knee. The episode was running short, and they needed a way to disguise that.
We all know that you have the attention span of an ant, Redditnigger. Go watch capeshit, that's more your scene.
I hate when anime has absolutely no regard for physics and human limitations like this. It's why no one can ever take this shit seriously as an artform.
Me too. I want to rape Asuka until her pussy bleeds.
Cartoons aren't art.
He uses gas and gravity to increase his momentum and is strong af and skilled with his blades that he's able to cut through flesh and bone with ease. What's their not to get?
Also Levi isn't human, he's a fucking monster
I didn't understand the story, it was too convoluted.
The new one is atrocious. The old dub isn't perfect but at least the performances mostly carry the spirit of the original script rather than the most boring literal translation possible. Avoid the Netflix version like the plague.
>carry the spirit of the original script
yeah, no
Not really any different than the sweeping scene in Twin Peaks
>TFW am 30 year old boomer but never watched NGE beyond the first few episodes
>now downloading the comfiest english sub torrent and getting ready for some animekino
thanks zoomers :^)
The average 24 minute episode of any anime show ever contains about 200 unique frames.
Levi isnt human Mr I dont read teh manga
that would have distracted from the girls, but they could have subtly animated breathing and blinking.
When I first watched it the tension had me on edge. Asuka explodes at the end was good pay off as well.
>tfw watched it but don't remember anything of that worthless trash
>people genuinely posting about this almost 30 year old entry level pleb chink cartoon because they've just watched it on kikeflix
How do I torrent and where do I download this anime?
There is no defending this, anime is for kids and stunted adults and these are all objective facts just fuck off.
Why do you care about a dead guy anyway?