Tfw too dumb to learn anything /biz/

>tfw too dumb to learn anything /biz/
films for this feel?

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Hudsucker Proxy

there's nothing to learn friend
they're just gambling addicts

You mean too smart? you should feel good for not having a dream of "IM GONNA MAKE IT TODAY I SWEAR"

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great movie

usury is incredibly easy however there is an old aphorism that goes "easy come, easy goes"

the dementia that permeates that board is fucking hilarious lmao

Buy Link and hold for ten years


/biz/ buys high and sells low

Easiest way to make profit is to do the opposite of everything /biz/ says

Also crypto is a meme anyway so the only way to win is not to play

who here getting absolutely JUSTed?

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>/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

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how do I made loads of money?

the big short

You missed the boat brah

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>dude buy my fake currency lmao

I just bought the heaviest shilled coins in /biz/ made bank with BTC and ETH. lost majority of it to LINK

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>tfw don't understand a word on that board
>tfw dont know where and how to start
>tfw poor

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>tfw work for a financial company and constantly feel like a brainlet

Managers say I'm doing very well but in truth I'm full of shit

I love business and stock-trading movies. Although I didn't really understand The Big Short I loooove those kind of movies. I watched Wolf of Wall Street at least 5 times! Margin Call? No, never heard it.