
Scanning for life forms edition

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knowing data, he was more likely scanning for cunny

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TOS only has three main characters user

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By that logic Discovery only has one.

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>I'll just wait for Bashirfaggot, thank you.

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>Picard reveal trailer and release date at Comiccon
>Discovery begins filming in two weeks
>Discovery season 3 premiering right after Picard's season 1 finale
>Lower Decks reveal at Comiccon
>Spock and Q short treks announced with 4 more on their way, some of which are bound to come out before Picard's late 2019 premier
It feels good, boys

Yea, I hate those imaginary people too.

I found him.

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If I was Q I'd force Bashirfaggot to marry Ben Shapiro just to teach her a lesson and then forget about it

There's a disgusting amount of them.

On the contrary. STD has no characters, only caricatures

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BF looks nothing like Ben Shapiro, you face blind autist

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Why haven't you watched the DS9 documentary yet? It's confirmed.

Is there a torrent? I want to steal some of Bashirfaggot's labor.

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Now that's what I call a collection of images

The only new Star Trek torrents are a release of Voyager in """1080p""".

he's like a giant, anatomically correct teddy bear.

>tfw halfway through s7 of tng and cant get myself to watch the end
I dont wanna see the end brehs

Switch to DS9 until you're ready to finish TNG.


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Can we all agree that seasons 3 and 4 are the best seasons of TNG?

you need to overlap your trek runs like they used to do during cable syndication. Do an episode or two of one series, along with an episode or two of another series. WHen one series comes to an end, just swap another one into it's place. If you wanna get really crazy, throw some Stargate or Dr Who into the mix


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Dont you mean Babylon 5 and battlestar?

Dr who is a empty husk of a show that got woke and went broke before it was cool.

I'm going to agree even harder and proclaim TNG Seasons 3-6 as the best of Star Trek.

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if that's your jam, then go for it. but I feel like both babylon and BSG are a bit tonally dark and edgy compared to TNG

Truer words were never spake

I feel bad for the TNG cast in the movies.

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Movies dont count desu

Right. Only money counts. Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching!

Generations and First Contact were fine.

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What did Beverly and Deanna do in Generations?

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I will submit that Generations was an extension of seasons 3/4 delayed due to budget.

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Airflow Management

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Final Approach

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I love this movie

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said no one ever.

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>section 31

huh, maybe it will be cool. Most likely they won't do anything with this.

Holy fuck when did all these star treks suddenly appear?

Mr. Worf, your uniform.

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>DS9 had two Trill
That's hardly fair.

What's the issue?

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It's a few people in the shot, actually, but he's the only named main character wearing the older uniform.

Real militaries phase uniform variants out all the time.

We have options even today when doing uniform transitions. I suspect its similar then too.

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It's actually not uncommon for milspec uniforms to overlap for a bit when they are transitioning. Quarter masters can only order/stock so many at a time, and when they are wearing day-to-day class Bs, It doesnt matter if everyone looks the same, as long as they look straight

Real militaries don't have replicators. Every single officer in the entirety of Starfleet can recycle their old uniform and receive a new uniform at the exact same time.

The replicators don't make uniforms, they make food.

while this you are technically correct, logistically, it still takes time for everyone to cycle through their current wardrobe, update thier replicator settings, and etc. Realistically, there would be a memo or ship wide dispatch or something telling everyone they have a week or two to get with it.

Again, real militaries don't care if everyone looks the same, they only care if you look like a mess

But I want to bitch about Generations because I was told to hate it!


>In addition to foodstuffs, replicators could be used for replicating machine parts, clothing, or other objects. Although clothing could be replicated for general wear, replicators would not allow non-Starfleet crew members to replicate official Starfleet uniforms. Outgrown clothing could be returned to the replicator for recycling. Industrial replicators could even be used to replicate heavier machine parts. (TNG: "The Game"; DS9: "For the Cause"; VOY: "Caretaker", "Phage", "Mortal Coil")

>it still takes time for everyone to cycle through their current wardrobe, update thier replicator settings, and etc.
It takes 30 seconds to load your old uniforms into the replicator for recycling, and 30 seconds to receive new uniforms.

Why would a Vulcan have fake tits?

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If everyone on the ship is in the replicators for the same 30 seconds, then who is flying the ship?

You do it at the end of your duty shift. The whole ship is done in 24 hours, and everyone on your next shift has exactly the same uniform.

so what you are saying is that even in the 24th century, when uniforms can be instantly tailor made to fit, there is still a period of time with people coming on and off of duty shifts with overlapping uniforms

What to you get when you combine Neelix and V'ger?

>uniforms can be instantly tailor made to fit
Explain Garak if this is possible. They have to send out for uniforms

Humbert Humbert?

No, Nee'ger

Garak was more an artisan if I recall, and hemming pants and whatnot was "beneath him"

They work in 8-hour shifts. You won't be working at the same time as people from last shift. You'll be working at the same time as people from your shift, and you can all be matching.

>untitled Nickelodeon series


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It's likely this...Starfleet still goes by old traditions/logistics and moves in phases...sometimes they want 100% conformity...sometimes they don't mind a mix.

The Air Force right now allows ABUs and OCPs...you can also wear blues 24/7 if you are a twat. I've worn BDUs, ABUs, Combat ABUs (odd but hey exist), and OCPs. OCPs are by far the bestest even though there are even variations there (think the S1/2 TNG uniforms vs S3+)

In transition you can wear whatever they authorize. I still suspect there is a conservation of resources request even in the future. Hence the S1/S2 uniforms into S4 (I get it...studio costs...lets ignore modern acting reasons)

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>Picking up a massively butthurt lifeform on the planet captain, it appears to be hailing us.

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join us

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To draw the eyes away from her surprisingly small pointy ears.


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Is this the moment Data jumped the shark?

seems legit. IIRC, Viacom owns both Nick and CBS, and Nick is all about those live action tween dramadies these days.

Why does you copy of Voyager look so good and crisp

cause we're good

join us >:)

DS9 was so fucking good. I really didn't like Bashir at first. I thought he was just annoying and unlikable. In fact, going in, I didn't really care for any of the characters outside of Kira's sweet ass, but by season 3 I loved every character. Quark and Odo are fucking kino, O'brian's engineering shenanigans and family are comfy as fuck, Kira and Dax just get sexier every season, Cpt Sisko's progressive hardass insanity is legit fun to watch, and even Bashir's aspie antics with total legit tailor man become endearing.

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I can see you are a man culture.

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based and picahdpilled

He's not a human though, you dirty dumb mutie scum.

You know what, I'll just fucking say it, I honestly think that Insurrection is the best of the TNG movies. It and Generations are the only movies to feel like they belongs. First Contact and Nemesis are straight up action movies that completely forget about the stuff that made Star Trek what it is. The time travel bullshit in First Contact just doesn't work with the Borg since you then have to explain why they don't just time rape everyone all the time. The pacing is weird and bouncing and back and forth between Action Picard and Rock N Roll Cochran doesn't work well. And as for Nemesis...well fuck. Just look at it.

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He's not a mutant either. He's an illegal genetically modified aspie.

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Do you think Frakes was a little squeamish when he filmed this, knowing Merritt was riddled with AIDS?

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>knowing Merritt was riddled with AIDS?
I'll say. Just look at all the aids on his hand. The aids are practically glowing.

Sounds like a mutie to me.

*cocks shotgun dramatically and uselessly*

>hey guys you want to all wear the same uniform for our military organization today?

>pick up TNG, past experience with Trek was watching the entirety of TOS and animated with dad years ago
>half dozen or so episodes in and other than the ferengi ep which kindof ended on a wet fart everything's been kindof "ehh" or painful
i-it gets better right

For some reason, the thought of someone cocking a phaser is fucking hilarious to me.

>Cpt Sisko's progressive hardass insanity is legit fun to watch

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>i-it gets better right
FIrst season is kind of boring second season it pics up it starts getting pretty decent around 3rd or 4th season and about every single episode after about midways of season 3 is at least decent

*taps post*

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How the fuck was Quark always slaying such primo trim?

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The Crushers and Troi make me want to chew tinfoil, do they stay this insufferable or is that also part of the show getting its legs.

>tfw you'll never get a sequel series about Quarks half Klingon son traveling the Alpha quandrant kicking ass and taking latinum.

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He put away his toys and acted like a grown up.

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Beverly eventually goes full on Mommy tier, and Wesley mostly just disappears. Brace yourself for some major camel toe porn in a later episode.

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I think the second season the crushers arent in, then they come back in 3rd, wesley is always insufferable so just grin and bare it until he gets written off the show lol. Troi is always there, but she gets more tolerable later on.

He makes captain in the later seasons.
>Troi is always there, but she gets more tolerable later on.
And she really starts bring the T&A.

He gets captain when they give him the defiant, he had to be a captain with the ship.

i fapped to that scene at least a half dozen times

>Brace yourself for some major camel toe porn in a later episode.

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He holds the position of (tugboat) captain with a Commander's rank. He's only ranked Captain for 3/5ths of the series.

I still can't believe DS9 was able to make a Ferengi my favorite character. Quark was the OG.

haha imagine if you were to walk in right then and slap troi's ass

>He's only ranked Captain for 3/5ths of the series.

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Is pon farr some sort of social commentary about incels?

>3/5ths of the series.

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hes just spock, every vulcan is the same

it's more specifically a matrix of images

Little green men was one of my favorite episodes. My favorite character was Garak. Quark was a close second and Gul Dukat was my 3rd (all ranked about the same as my favorites really)

Yes, because if they dont fuck they die.

>He's only ranked Captain for 3/5ths of the series.

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Checked out, both those digits and his math


Garak was another character that really surprised me. His relationship with Bashir was really comfy.


join us

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>Wesley mostly just disappears
oh thank god I was about to mcfucking lose it after the dimensional nigga called him the mozart of engineering or something else equally retarded and masturbatory


Currently watching Voyasperm myself.
Infinite Regress. Great ep.

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need the Gdrive Uscript?

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Does a life form scan detect semen? Just asking for a friend, who has a cum sock and would really like to know.

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>Objective Rankings coming through.
Best core cast: TNG
Best ensemble cast:DS9
Best Ship design:TNG
Best Aliens:ENT
Best SciFi Stories:TNG
Best Drama Stories:DS9
Best Action:ENT
Best Captain:TNG
Best Inhuman Outsider:TNG
Best T&A:VOY
Best Bar/Common Area:DS9
Best IP Destruction:STD

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Best core cast: TOS
Best ensemble cast: DS9
Best Ship design: TOS
Best Aliens: DS9
Best SciFi Stories: TNG
Best Drama Stories: DS9
Best Action: VOY
Best Captain: N/A
Best Inhuman Outsider: DS9
Best T&A: ENT
Best Bar/Common Area: TNG
Best IP Destruction: STD

DS9 3

>DS9 doesn't include Irishman (1)

Yeah. I can get behind this.

I'm still salty about ENT. It had so fucking much potential, and it took 4 goddamned seasons to get good. If it had another 5 seasons it would have been a great show.

Voyager vs. Species 6339 ship
("Attack for Vinculum")

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>Best Inhuman Outsider:TNG
what's that


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Where my B-gurrl at, yo!?

She's back doing coke (now that she got employed again).

based lore user

I love /trek/!
Best thread of the board!

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>DS9 cocksuckery in this thread
Reddit finally won, hence the downfall of /trek/

What is dead may never die

DS9 is top comf, you tit abuser.

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post quark in drag!!!! lol ds9 is so wacky hahahaaha XDDD

>Best Bar/Common Area: TNG
oh fuck no

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You should channel your anger into something nice, like pressing flowers or modeling.

>making light of alcoholism

A fanbase of a show is a good indicator of what type of show you're watching if you've never seen it or know nothing about it.

For instance, you can make a pretty good guess that Friends was mostly for normie women in their 20s or that The Sopranos was mostly for the 18-45 demo of men, working-middle class types.

With DS9, you see a lot of screechy reactionaries to any opposition or legitimate criticism. It's the fanbase that really hates having any sort of salient critique and we can surmise the people who watch the show are mostly NEETs, leftists, and LGBT types given this - mostly in the 20-50 demo.

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"Blue me, pinkskin"

ds9 for bitch niggaz

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Being a DeepSleepNein fan, esp. over the other trek series is like coming out of the closet and not even knowing it. A good portion of people can make an assumption about you that you probably don't realise

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>we will add your gender distinctiveness to our own

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i said i hate ds9

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If TNG fans don't dislike the TNG movies as much as Star Wars fans dislike the Prequels, they have much, much worse taste.

They are mediocre as films, and don't appeal to the fans except in the lowliest manner.

it stinks and i don't like it

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Bun>Fing for Vee.

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That's mildly disorienting...

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Eh, DS9 is the second-best Trek series. However, this might be true if you think it's think it's better than TNG.
>DS9, TAS: contrarian
>VOY, ENT: fucked in the head a little to be honest
>DIS: belongs in an institution

Who will Watch the Waters is the best Star Trek episode, and I think less of you compared to me if you think otherwise.

Considering how fantastic this series looks, it's nothing but a tragedy that it is absolutely the worst Star Trek series, all because of the writing.

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why does it need to be so dark? How the fuck can they work properly

She's got spirit, I'll give her that.

Do you have friends?

Meh, I would say sometimes the artistic direction is questionable, but the production values are exquisite.

It's just a shame, again, it's embracing an approach where they want the GOT audience. It's somewhat similar to Square-Enix, who wants to make AAA games, but the percentage of the market interested in their types of games have considerably shrunk, so they basically release garbage with AAA production values, but try to appeal to everybody with many still niche qualities, and the end result is that appeal to nobody.

rundown? I'm not following your post.

CBS, like SE, knows it properties will always be too niche if they pursue only that audience interested in their content made in the same fashion. So they, like SE, try to exploit their properties in a fashion that they try to make their products appeal to as wide a number of people, while keeping the loyal fans.

The end result is that is pleases almost nobody, and the properly stagnates or soon dies.

Compare the FF series to the Star Trek series.

This episode really is flawless.

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It's ok, I guess.

It's good but not an all time great, imo. i wouldn't describe it as flawless. The acting is a bit over the top at times, especially ray wise's.

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Fuck you. It's puts every single one to shame.

It's also probably the only fedora-wearing piece of media, (a quality I usually despise everywhere that I have encountered), that has any quality, at least in television.

You just like it and want others to like it and when they don't you get abusive and enraged.


>The acting is a bit over the top at times
>watching Star Trek for the acting
Fuck you. Patrick Stewart is at his best, and it's the writing that makes a Star Trek episode.

Really, Who Watches the Watches makes most TNG episodes look like VOY episodes.
Close. It's specifically because I know how blind they are, which bothers me.

I bet there are people who like ENT. That's who I'm talking to.

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You troll well young pad'wan but you still have far to travel.

>fighting over which episode is best
>not just recognizing that they're good episodes
>become abusive and hurtful

>Are you sure you know what he wants? That's the problem with believing in a supernatural being. Trying to determine what he wants.
Okay, the one flaw. This was too on the nose.
Utterly and complete legit.
Fuck you. I can't stand atheist propaganda either, but this is perfect science fiction.

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Why are so many trekkies angry? You guys seem nice at cons.

>Fuck you.
>more abuse
>more ad hominem

it's just that one guy here

Some of the dismissals are bullshit, like nobody actually want to think about what they watch, hence those who like ENT.

Not everyone gets Enterprise.

That guy who writes hurtful comments?

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True. 70% think it's garbage, but don't get it, and the other 15% hate it and know why. 15%, (sub-100 IQ Trekkies), "get" it, but like it.

hi 229

When we going to get a Trek with a militaristic captain and or alien captain?

I want an Andorian female captain. In a show set during the TOS movies. She views her self as a soldier and rose up through security/tactical before getting command of a ship.

I hate the TNG films and refuse to watch them again. They're trash.


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I want a white male virgin captain in his 40s to make him relateable.

Literally everything I'm saying I stand behind.

Lets just reflect for a moment on what we lost.

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You'll rewatch them.
You know you will.
And you'll hate yourself for it.

how is this a homage?

idk, probably an episode of ENT ripped off from Who Watches the Watchers, but since it's ENT, it probably botches everything and is abysmal.

funny but not to the point that I laughed.

you're trolling and making a nice living doing it.


You're being abusive.

No fucking shit.

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Well, it depends what you mean by trolling.

I want to make people angry, but I believe what I'm saying.

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Rare when the CGI version outdoes the original tho that's likely just filming and sharpness.

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I've been going to 1701 for years and every single time I open the tab there's always THAT guy making cringe comments over and over. It's like he's an alien entity that has power over the mods and they're afraid of him or something. Last time I was there he was literally making shitting sounds and adding bizarre commentary from the episode being shown. Don't get me started on the in-jokes these people have, calling keiko cakehole and changing the cast's names and whatever. I honestly couldn't give a shit about any of it up until I had to endure what was the end of every couple of episodes where they shoehorn some heavily edited video their local tranny "musician" made with absolutely TERRIBLE music, it's like breakbeat but made by someone with no skill or training, 4minutes+ of this shit the fucking cringe man, and they have multiple videos of this shit going on. At least in the past you could just go through the list they had on display and watch whatever ep you wanted while the group watched VOYAGER but they even hid that the absolute fucks. Don't even bother to want to watch some trek on the weekend there because it's movie weekend, or MOOBIES like these dweebs like to call it. Last time I saw them actually stream a trek movie was the first time these fucks shoehorned this shit as an excuse to watch movies aka fucking forever ago. And you can't even try to connect with these people because you're basically held hostage to sit and listen to them drone on about unfunny stupid shit 90% of the time, their daily boring routine lives or their shitty jobs for hours and hours.

They even finally stopped playing movies that were tangentially related to trek through an actor or whatever and went fullblown autism mode with random crap playing around AND EVEN MORE edited cringe bumpers that are even worse than before when all you ever wanted was to just watch some trek. Fucking faggots.
Absolutely horrible congregation of cringe.

Prepare for a full nerdout…

Star Trek Phase II Ent...

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why is captain america in std

Missed one...

Also...wow..no combo breaker?

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no fucking novels

we're trying to lose the nerd image, dude

>no Cardassian (2) AT THE BARE MINIMUM.

oh no

based and kurlan-naiskospilled

i'll fucken blunten a hunting knife into a spoon and stab ur eyes out with it

>my tits are small
>tits are a desired sexual property
>fake tits are a logical solution

he's got like 8 stomachs probably takes him weeks to get drunk

Data would had made the best captain if he had the chance to get his own show.

The replicators can make uniforms in STD. They've wasted thousands of dollars for 30 seconds of CGI to show it.

Attached: STD - replicator.webm (800x400, 2.88M)

...and better than Insurrection.

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