What did we think of DP (Detective Pikachu)?

What did we think of DP (Detective Pikachu)?

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Surprisingly good, got choked up during some parts

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I liked Psyduck.

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Wish the reporter character and her dumb psyduck was another character with a better Pokemon. That kid needed a better B-team/ sidekicks.

Also didn't like the twist since it sort of ruins the fun dynamic of the kid and the Pikachu. Still better than expected, and better than most movies based on anime/games/whatever.

The Ditto lady has hot.

>your dad is pikachu
>the person you were looking for was with you the whole time
Tears came out at the reveal (as obvious as it was)

I'm confused as to whether Detective Pikachu's personality was supposed to basically be the dad's or a something else. When we actually see human Ryan Reynolds at the end he certainly doesn't seem to be in full Deadpool mode. Perhaps Detective Pikachu is a hybrid of him, the original Pikachu, and perhaps some influence from the amnesia and psychic fuckery mixed in.

Whole film took a bit of a nosedive imo when the villains full plan was revealed, but overall I liked it. It showed that there is potential for both live action Pokemon as well as treatments of the universe that aren't full-blown Saturday morning cartoon silly.

Kind of weird that they hired Suki Waterhouse to play essentially a glorified extra. I mean, she's not A-list, but I would say she's bigger than that.

Do they eat pokémon in the pokémon universe?
>mfw I guessed the (obvious) ending without even seeing it
Why didn't Pikachu just fucking tell him "hey I'm your dad"? Don't tell me it's because "there wouldn't be a movie".

Mew the Second wiped his mind to protect him from assassins.

Ah, I remember now that some guy at work told me that, but I forgot. Thanks user!!

I would have downplayed Mewtwo. but otherwise it was an okay movie.

Incredibly well made. Amazing FX. Obvious villains and the pantomime Pokemon was pure shit and ruined my immersion of seeing believable creatures.

she's so qt

>Amazing FX
I didn't watch it but I didn't like how the Pokémon seemed like "realistic" cartoons rather than animals.

I wanted to fuck Mewtwo while watching it


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PLEASE tell me she gets breeded by the Justice Smith.

There's an implied attraction to be sure, but no real romance between the two.

The Arcanine scene, on the other hand- holy shit.

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Some guy at work told me there are no pokémon battles or pokémon gyms in the movie. Is that true? And is that explained? (like maybe this takes place before or after pokémon battles were even a thing, or just in a town where it's not popular).
Also there's no Team Rocket in it? Kind of sucks but I guess they really wanted to make this movie just to tease fans and test the waters.

yes to everything

There's a blink-and-you-miss-it newsreel style clip of adult Ash in a Pokemon battle near the beginning. Otherwise, the city the film is set in is dedicated to the symiotic relation between humans and Pokemon and they're implied to have a ban on Pokemon battles- BUT there are still underground battles and we see a couple of those.

She looks like a bong, in 5 years the bong genes will kick in and its yikes from there on out

Born in South Florida according to IMDb. So she'll probably OD on meth before she hits the wall.

that was red you pleb

It was alright. Highlight for me was mostly the Pokemon designs and seeing Pokemon integrated into the world. Honestly, once it reached the post-Mime scene into the Underground Battle one, it started going downhill for me. I don't how the fuck they didn't make a bigger deal out of the near city sized Torterra's though. That was mostly the only part that felt really dumb to me throughout it, at least dumb after taking the kiddie factor out.

I was going to say it's the same fucking thing but I guess Red's hat is different.

She looks like a runner. Like it would be hella easy to run a train on her.

Pokemon, human, or mix?

There's no way that there aren't people in the Pokemon universe who fuck those things, right?

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>blink-and-you-miss-it newsreel style clip of adult Ash in a Pokemon battle
>there are still underground battles and we see a couple of those.
Sounds like kino, I should have seen it while it was still at the theatre.

Probably the best movie ever made.

There's webms of that first scene that I've seen here previously. Perhaps some user currently browsing has it.

>Some guy at work told me there are no pokémon battles
Not true. Theres a whole scene that takes place in an underground criminal pokemon battle ring.

>no pokémon battles or pokémon gyms in the movie. Is that true? And is that explained?
Yeah, this movie isn't about becoming a pokemon trainer, it's about detective pikachu. They're on a case, uncovering some shady pokemon conspiracy shit.

This movie genuinely felt like it was made by people who loved and grew up with pokemon. The scenery and environments are all oozing with references, and even throwaway dialogue. Detective Pikachu at one point says "Oh thank Arceus" instead of "Oh thank God" but nothing explains what Arceus is. You just already know if you're a pokemon fan. The movie is full of shit like that. It's a great way to start pokemon in Hollywood.

The credits where they had all of the cast drawn in the games’ art style was very cute

Thanks! I must have been confused then and he probably just said there were no gyms, but not that there were no battles. He was crazy excited about the movie before it came out, and loved it after seeing it.

I remember thinking how cool that must have been for any cast members who were actual Pokemon fans. I know Smith supposedly is.

I liked it overall and it had some nice visuals. Everyone was losing it over Justice Smith and when I saw it I have to say he's not very flattering to look at, at least not in this movie, they could've cast someone better imo.

If they were dead set on making Tim black so that the father twist would be more surprising, they could've got a better looking actor than Justice Smith. I'm not even trying to be mean-spirited about it but he was pretty unpleasant to look at, they didn't make much of an effort with his look, Pikachu and the detective chick were charming enough, and the Deadpool actor was fine for the 5 seconds he's in it.

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A bunch of people in my theater laughed when Reynolds showed up at the end. I guess because the son is black and Reynolds is white? I don't know. I expected the twist when we never actually got to see what the MC's Dad looked like as every flashback with him just featured his back or something, so I guess maybe because I was expecting it, it just wasn't funny? I thought the kid looked light enough I could buy him coming from mixed parents, and pretty sure they showed his Mom as black.

I could buy that it was his dad I guess, I just didn't think the actor looked very good in the film, he looks okay sometimes but other times he looks weird. But I assumed they made the MC mixed race to try and throw people off about Ryan Reynolds being his father? Even though the flashbacks show he's white before even revealing his face.

They all look better in the credits desu, I liked seeing them in the Pokémon art style, made it feel more authentic.

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She looks like she catches Dark Types.

The black dude is a really shitty actor, but I liked pretty much everything else

Was Ryme City supposed to be like a fusion of Tokyo and London? That seemed to be the look they were going for.

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literally forgot that I even saw the movie

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>Gundam advertisement


I didn't really care how any of the actors looked really. I just didn't think it was that crazy Reynolds was the Dad when revealed. Kind of hated how it seemed he didn't remember being Pikachu at the end though, at least that's how it came off.