If this was an actor, who would you cast them as?

If this was an actor, who would you cast them as?

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Frankenstein’s Monster

did it seriously not even bother changing its name

Professor X

there has to be a breaking point

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Wtf is he modeling, wheelchairs? Lol. You gotta wonder just how much money Jews are willing to burn to push this rudderless agenda.


Probably changed it from Tyrone

The picture of mental health.

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Ingress Elbow

isn't this kinda insulting? it's like a circus or freakshow display

>black, transgender AND disabled


>leftists don't have a deranged obsession with blacks

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Will Smith's son.

they all look like mugshots

Michelle Obama in the upcoming biopic

Her first runway shoot

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Does second on the top row even realize he's a model or is he just some """refugee""" that thinks they are processing him?

>look at me
>i am the model now

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all that time sitting being a vegetable and not once he decided to study biology.

Dude he hit the jackpot cashing in on this shit

>black hair
>black eyes
>different shades of poo colored skin
people always talk about hate, 'these people have hatred' , 'you are a hater'. But multiculturalists have an absolutely seething hatred of whites. The fact that they can look at a populations of Europeans, people who happen to form the most phenotypically diverse population on the planet and say that it 'lacks diversity', demonstrates that THEY are the ones with an irrational hatred of people because of their race