Altered Carbon is in my Top 3 best shows i have ever watched

Altered Carbon is in my Top 3 best shows i have ever watched
Why is it so underrated and why does it not receive the recognition and praise it deserves?

Attached: AlteredCarbon-FINAL.jpg (2400x1186, 626K)

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I've tried three seperate times to get into this show and couldn't. I don't get the appeal at all.

>asthetic af
>as far as i know, only real cyberpunk show there is
>badass and well written main char
>dude from the hotel
>very multi faceted
>deep topic, deep conversations and emotional scenes, yet badass action scenes too

ive watched it through three times, i enjoy it but some shit does stand out

>ortega cant act
>lizzie was a waste of screen time in every way possible
>wasted episodes on repeated resistance flashbacks

zoomers and feminists (netflix audience) dont care about scifi especially not with a problematic masculine cis white male lead

overall season 1 was great but im not really looking forward to s2, i dont think mackie can play the same role as joel so it may as well be a different character entirely

The whole cast can't act

It's legit terrible.

It was great until the half way point and then it became terrible.

There are way better shows with the same premise

covacs and the hotel AI were perfect dude

Kovacs actor has the same confused but cocky attitude in everything he does. Agree the hotel AI was alright but he was only like 30 minutes of the whole show.

i only liked this to the extent it copied Blade Runner, which is a pretty plebish opinion i know but whatever. Once the noir/detective vibe ebbed, i lost all interest and stopped. also so many of the sets were laughably chintzy that it looked like a play. thomas jane is the superior sci-fi detective in a far better show.

I liked it a lot up until the resistance buillshit, then it went all to shit.
Great concept though.

Should have stuck to the book. If they fuck up Broken Angels I'll kill someone

the "last eps bad" Reddit meme, Altered Carbon is pure kino

why didn't he just fuck his sister

ok but what are the other two shows you've watched?

he was retarded. if my weird faced immortal billionaire asian sister just wanted to be reunited and maybe fuck i'd be okay with it, but he put nigcrist pussy on the highest pedestal possible

Because it's pretentious garbage

Go read the definition for pretentious then come back and explain how Altered Carbon fits that in any way.

neon noir garbage. cyberpunk is total garbage

>zoomers and feminists (netflix audience) dont care about scifi especially not with a problematic masculine cis white male lead

Attached: guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-2.jpg (1195x796, 289K)

it was decent until the sister came and it went to shit. also the latino bitch isnt a very good actor

It's pretending to be more smart than it actually is

I'm not going to spell out "you have shit taste" for you. Nice try but you're going it alone cowboy.

Star Lord is a cuck

It over-elaborates on simple concepts in order to be edgy and "artistic", but it just fails to hold any attention as a result. That entire convoluted resistance bullshit went on for far too long after it already got it's point across for one example.

>is a literal joke character
try again

pretty good but it falls apart halfway through. it starts to deviate pretty far from the novels and it gets more and more bizarre. still great though, the world its set in is fantastic

i still like cyberpunk shit in theory but couldnt get in the novel because for some reason, even if it hits all the buttons its supposed to hit.. it fucking sucks, couldnt finish it. making a tv show from this shit-tier material could be done if they dont really respect it and improve on it but it didnt happen.


More like cringepunk

>especially not with a problematic masculine cis white male lead
oh shut the fuck up already with that. it's gotten past the point where your defensiveness is just as annoying as them

I really liked the book but it did feel a little edgy at times. I made it to I think episode 3 of the show. It was alright, but it suffered from typical Netflix shitty acting and I couldn't get into it.

im not even white dumb fuck, you're delusional if you think it's not becoming a problem

cyberpunk made sense in 1980 but god damn, we are now in 2020, that future is now... a lil less flashy but as dystopic as expected. eh, time to come up with science fiction of the NEXT near future, nah mean, stories based around the year 2060 or whatever

Show was visually outstanding and fairly compelling up until the last 2-3 episodes- it went to shit at the exact moment it was revealed the black lady just so happened to be the creator of the stacks despite zero references or buildup to it prior

i didn't say that you are and i don't know why you think that's even relevant to what you're called out on

>creator of the stacks
That didn't happen.

the book is a little weird. you might be interested in the 2 sequels though. same character but both set on different planets in the future. its almost like an anthology. first novel is basically a noir/detective thing, 2nd one is a war story/full on scifi that explores martian technology. 3rd one is politics/religion "war" kinda thing.
2nd novel is my favorite of the series, has a really cool take on martian technology and the author is very good at making it seem truly alien instead of just bigger laser beams

I liked the first episodes, but lost interest completely when it went full run-of-the-mill generic action show around episode 6, with the stupid backstory and the nonsensical plot contrivances


>I have brought you here to solve a murder
>who's murder?

i cared more about the backstory between covacs and her sister more than anything in the show honestly


Attached: joel-kinnaman.png (288x609, 242K)

He's a chad. Seething goy.

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The detective had perfect nipple


im a big fan of the cyberpunk aesthetic. gotta start watching this

If that's a deal breaker for you then you should really stop watching all western films and shows
I think Bollywood is free of their influence

>>deep topic, deep conversations and emotional scenes, yet badass action scenes too

Actual brainlet.
The show is filled with flaws from begining to end, it's all style and no substance. The characters are weak, the acting is weak, the story is fucking boring, the "deep" thematics are barely explored and the action fucking sucks because none of the characters have any weight to them. It's all surface level and if you enjoyed it you have never seen good sci-fi.

Mute done it better

She was hot as fuck.

who was lizzie? kovacs sister? cant fuckin remember

oh the dead nignog.

>Why is it so underrated and why does it not receive the recognition and praise it deserves?
Because it totally falls apart at episode 6
