Today is Liv Tyler's birthday

Today is Liv Tyler's birthday.
Say something nice to her Yea Forums

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ok i will

Attached: armageddon1.webm (1440x600, 2.99M)

>Ben Affleck

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she is part negroid

love her hairy cunt in the leftovers

Reminder that Elf pusy belongs to Men

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only when i'm in town

Was it autism?

Ben Affleck is for real on the spectrum, right?

She has a derpy face and annoying voice

Nice tits Liv

Imagine being Elrond.

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HBD you absolute babe

she used to be really, really hot

I wanted to cum in her orifices a long time ago!!!FACT!!!

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her performance in LotR makes me cry

Disgusting race mixing flix. Elf girls for elf cocks and human girls for human cocks.

>From 1972 to 1979 Buell lived with rock musician Todd Rundgren. In 1976 Buell became unexpectedly pregnant from a brief relationship with Steven Tyler. She gave birth on July 1, 1977, naming the daughter Liv Rundgren and claiming that Todd Rundgren was the biological father. By then Rundgren and Buell had ended their romantic relationship, but Rundgren nevertheless signed the birth certificate and acted as a father figure to Liv, including paying for her education.[15]

I like Stealing Beauty and idc if she’s ancient now.

The two most beautiful elves ever to exist on Arda both fuck mortals.
What did Tolkien mean by this?
