Any good movies/tv shows featuring CHUCKS?

any good movies/tv shows featuring CHUCKS?

Attached: chuck taylors.jpg (480x640, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

2 Fast 2 Furious
I Robot
GTA San Andreas
the inevitable Ramones biopic

I know you're a memeing dipshit, but here

>any good movies/tv shows featuring CHUCKS?

I forget if they're in the movie but Robin names them in the comic book

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This show features a very predominant Chuck.
still the only good Manic Pixie Dream-Girl to ever exist

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are they still called chucks?

any good movies/tv shows featuring SNEEDS?

i know that sneed fella used to wear chucks

comfy simpsons thread

Literally meme shoes, I have no idea why people get those.
>inb4 wannabe """powerlifter"""

How old is too old to wear this shit?

>literally sneed shoes, i have no idea why chucks get those.
>inb4 wannaseed powerfeed

If you're a buff, handsome and hulky, you can wear whatever you want and still get away with it.

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Child's Play
Charlie Brown


I prefer gucci loafers.

Kiss em, coolie

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Anyone know where I can cop these chucks? Trying to put together a dope fit for summer haha

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>2 Fast 2 Furious
> I Robot
He said GOOD movies.
>GTA San Andreas
He said movies.


Sin City has them. Frank must like his Chucks.

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Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Chick look really sexy in sneakers


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I miss this style of website. Why can't we go back to this?

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>the in-depth reviews that outline the best Chucks scene in the movie
some good work here

Repo Man almost certainly

Good taste in feet.

Sneakers look like dog vomit though.

Alien 1979
Also Aliens was Reebok kino

It's a classic you meme-ridden jackass