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I miss Scruggsposting

Yew need a count, friend?

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All day I’ll toast
In every post
To my good friend, the Janny
Poor Janny

user and I
With posts writ sly
And frogs that cry
“Fuck Janny”
Poor, dumb, Janny

user you see
Here on Yea Forums
Where he’s doing it for free
And he’s cleaning after you and me

The threads are cruel
My posts all jewels
And he’s a tool, our Janny
Poor Janny

But when it’s through
I'll come back to
And post anew
“Fuck Janny”
Poor, dumb, Janny

Keep on posting, man
Like you’re living in the Klan
Fuck the niggers and the Jan’
And evade the silly bans
From Janny

user you see
Here on Yea Forums
Where he’s doing it for free
And he’s cleaning after you and me

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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was among the Coens' worst films?

>whiny fast talking Jew who subverts the cowboy stereotype slaughters all the white masculine cowboys in cold blood

what did the Coen brothers mean by this?

Yes, I would, partna.

>saving a 3mb png for a file that should be 9kb
>using up my data and expecting me to wait 30 sec while 4channel servers load the pic
fucking rope yourself.

The absolute state of American grammar.

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>'There's just gotta be a place up ahead where anons ain't low down, and shitposting's played fair. If there weren't, what are all the scruggspostings about? I'll see y'all there. And we can taunt the jannies together and scold the sneedposters over all the meanness in the used to be Yea Forums.'

It should have just been an hour and a half of Buster.

>30 seconds for 3mb
fuck off with your chocolate internet

Yes. And it’s still better than about 90% of this decade’s films. Personally, I didn’t much care for Ladykillers.

Kino post.

This. I honestly did not know it was not that, but a compilation of short-films, none of them carrying a tone as similar as Scruggs. It doesn't even make sense to call the movie "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" as that only encompasses 1/6th of the movie. I still appreciated what I watched (got half way through the last short film and gave up, what a dud note to end it on), but man I was left jonesing for more. What a wasted opportunity.

hello retard

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Ladykillers is one of my favorites, but I recognize that I’m in the minority on that one. I love all the performances by the entire cast. I wish more movies had characters that consistently enjoyable.

The title, if I’m reading it right, refers to the song of all westerns. That!s what Buster’s story is about - the brighter(but still wildly violent), polished, romanticized westerns of previous generations giving way to the darker, more morally ambiguous, “truer” westerns that came after. White hat or black hat, they’re still singing the same song. That’s what the other stories in the anthology are each doing in their own way - showing us darker, truer stories that are still an ode to the romance of the western.

He's a devil, not a man

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I'd unironically watch a western movie with this guy directed by the Coens or Tarantula

>Burly Vince
>Burly Vince
>Just one look at his chat log and you will wince
>Tipped his hat to every çun
>Now his cowboy days are done
>When ole Hanson called his bluff
>Ole Burly Vince

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