i am so sick of this stupid faggot
I am so sick of this stupid faggot
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True. He will never beat Doom
t. notlitty
post body fatty
Say that to his face faggot
What capeshit character could he pull off?
It’s funny how Kevin Nash’s career is skyrocketing with critically-acclaimed hits like John Wick, while Rocketty circles the drain with trash no one saw like Jumanji and Baywatch. Who’s really the bitch here?
summer of 92
>no one saw
Worldwide: $962,126,927
Only movie I regret seeing the cock in was that one mummy movie where he was a bad CGI scorpion. F that dude.
finna boil?
The one who was anally raped by a bunch of negros
I never watched wrestling when he was on and I don’t like his movies, but I sure wish I could afford to do his steroid cycle.
he's getting too full of himself
are those giant sized cookies or it's just the camera angle they use in porn to make asses look bigger
What motor does he run on? Like how many fucking hours does he sleep?
because you're not hungry enough jabroni
men who take pictures of their food and upload them on social media are turbo gay
Hey Paul, what are you doing on Yea Forums?
How the fuck does he eat so much? I can like 3 pancakes max.
How fucking long has this dude been taking gear? His hearts going to give out eventually from the steroids and shut
Nash bros, Batista bros it's not fair how can he eat like that and not get fat ! !
Finally, a worthy thread.
His persona is so contrived and dishonest.
Go to sleep Autista
He's a big guy
He eats it and then burns it all. Look at the diets of some heavyweight strongmen sometimes, it's an absurd amount of calories.
On a lot of roids all the time. That much muscle mass requires a lot of fucking food.
He takes pictures of this shit calling them cheat meals when they're probably typical snacks.
>i am so sick of this stupid faggot
Call him a "faggot" to his face. Post the results.
>netflix documentaries
That's definitely a small plate with regular cookies so they look bigger
Jumanji did 900 mill vs last jedi...
I'm not saying he has a great personality, but of all the people to feel hatred for, The Rock? Really? He's so innocuous and tame irl. He is literally a turbonormie. I can understand not liking his career, but why the fuck would you hate him? Why hate anyone you've never met who has never done anything to you?
Based and Littypilled
He’s such a humblebragging hardo. Jesus what a douche
This. Almost all his movies are shit or mediocre, he's a shit actor and probably a dick.
He makes almost nothing but terrible movies and his whole persona is fake as fuck
Dude needs a better agent at the very least
They shove him in every fucking movie and only dumb normies like him
I think Dwayne Johnson is a very strange guy.
In all his films, you never see him next to a muscular and beautiful actress to do the fight and action scenes, as he does
They are always fine and anorexic actresses
Or just a THICC actress, with fat ass
Bizarre and strange
is he paid to promote shitty shows like this?
I cannot picture him wasting his time with overrated garbage like strange things.
Vanessa Kirby is like, very hot my man.
Most top wrestlers are arrogant and have hige egos. Its kina part and parcel of thr industry. Daniel Bryan is probably the only main eventer I can think of who is down to Earth.
>hating based Dwayne
Best Jobber!
But for who?
based and pancake pilled
The Rock is a straight up fudge packer man, he takes it up the butt. Had my gaydar on him immediately. His persona is fucking fake as hell too. Probably an asshole in real life
Why did littyposting never take off, bros?
He seriously gives off an incredibly weird culty vibe, like he's a totally fake person. Cruise like.
Yep of course he's paid to fucking promote it. No doubt about it. You really think he's sitting there watching those shows? Lmao. He's too busy taking it up the ass.
>big sexy hunk of dead cow
what an edgy faggot
Big Dave > Cena > Rock
Let me ask you this what do you see? Are you kidding me? How big are those weights? You telling me for a huge dude like Rock he's lifting that much? So many shots of him doing light weight for his size. Makes no sense.
And this bitch is on roids? Lol what the fuck bro.
Everything about the rock screams fucking gay faggot. Who takes pictures of their food. And then he does it in front of some jewflix fake tv show to promote it. What a fucking faggot. Obvious that Rock is literally fucking gay, and fucking fake as hell.
Total fake persona. Fanny pack photo is confirmation 100% he's super gay. Doesnt have any fucking daughter...get outta here. Probably adopted through the underground Hollywood child trafficking rings.
Why the fuck is he watching Netflix on a laptop? Is he a college roastie?
I can't picture him being gay, he is a muscle beast ffs.
He's not a bad actor really, his problem is that he can't play a believable tough guy. Basically he skipped right into 90s Arnold without making any actually good movies first.
fuck off dwayne lmao go get litty up your faggot ass
>And this bitch is on roids? Lol what the fuck bro.
nigga, everyone who's that big is almost certainly on roids, just not as excessively much as bodybuilders
Show us on this doll where based Rock touched you.
Who would bottom a guy his size? I’m genuinely curious.
Rock is /ourguy/
You’d be surprised. He’s literally taking grams of gear every week. Like around 2,000mg of test alone + a few grams of other compounds. He most likely has his own steroid room in his house full of needles and vials and pills where he locks shit up and shoots up his ass.
Forget the critics. This is for the fans. Let's get litty
That's him natty, btw.
Started juicing pretty hard when people accepted his push and developed nasty bitch tits. Had to wrestle in a shirt for about a year after the surgery to fix his pecs.
i wish it were me
>all these basic bitch meals without eggs
wtf Chimpanzeebros how did Rock get so big???
Just absolutely disgusting a DMTlet like D'ork Johnson gets roles in Jumaniji over /our guy/
Kek what a bitch
Literally who?
>plain bakee potato
Jesus christ dude at least put some sour cream and chives on there, something
Spotted the fatty
rent free
Love how this nigger keeps talking up how much he "works".
Waking up at 4 to play in the gym, then go to my non-work acting job based on my steroid muscles, play around all day potentially with hot actresses, while eating expensive healthy meals made by a chef, before going home to my mansion or luxury RV.
>t. fat NEET that lives in mommy's basement
This faggot has no idea what work is
joe rogan can't even make a fried egg properly lol
He owns and operates his own film/production studio. The last three or four films he was in came from his own shit.
Posts like this are my favorite of all on Yea Forums. Simple declarations that OP just wants others to hear.
Of course we all know The Rock is litty but I still enjoyed your post OP.
>The last three or four films he was in came from his own shit.
Says pretty much everything necessary.
>play around all day potentially with hot actresses
dude is gayer than a plate of strawberry pancakes, being around hot actresses probably does feel like real work to him
really? do they say shit like "now dwayne the trouser come down so you are my bitch, I fuck you in ass like the bitch"
Black Adam apparently
>You telling me for a huge dude like Rock he's lifting that much
you clearly have no idea how weightlifting works. Proper form + reps > weight.
>promotes hard work ethic
>promotes masculinity
>is a beast among twink manlet Hollywood
>promotes lifting
>doesn't get political
>one of the best wrestlers of all time
>Childhood hero to all
Only s*ylads hate based Rock
Imagine telling people they have no clue and not having a clue yourself
It is scientifically proven that high weight low reps increases strength and mass over low weight high reps
Look up Brad Schoenfeld you fucking retard
>steak cooked poorly
Wow....he’s retarded. It’s true what they say, money can’t buy class.
What the fuck he can't cook for shit. That's some wifey-thread tier shit its just fucking eggs how does he make them look so unappealing.
when will he bring female muscles to his movies?
never, because he likes only muscular men on his side?
What is he trying to imply here? That he can overeat and watch Netflix, while having a roided up superhuman body, and hit acting roles? Is this supposed to relate to Americans?
His Danny DeVito impression isn’t any good.
These. I knew something was up when he fought the entire male cast of the fast franchise. The nicest people ever, Vin Diesel plays WOW for fucks sake.
Pour the steak juices into it.
>>one of the best wrestlers of all time
He sucked ass in the ring. His offense looked like shit, his selling was ridiculous and his promos were scripted and relied on overused catchphrases.
I can't deny that he still drew dimes though.
What really? Please elaborate or link
Literally nobody knows who the fuck you are Bautista...NOBODY
meanwhile everybody knows THE ROCK.
for both of you
literally best on the left
You actually think Dwayne has choice about casting? Hollywood is a cult and is funded by the same people. You need millions to make a film you have to be bankrolled by a studio 95% of the time who choose a carefully crafted list of specific as fuck people for roles (because celebrity status = massive propaganda power) The idea that an actor has any control over a film is just an illusion created by marketing and laughable as there are probably only a few that even have pockets deep enough to single handedly bankroll a film.
t. cuck man "0 wins" phil
Vin "grinding on that wood" Diesel is the biggest faggot in Hollywood retard
she looks like a demon now, what happened to her mouth?
Summer of 92 was when Nash should've retired his acting aspirations
Kek what a bitch
look at all these limp dicks it's so fucking weird
He's lifting those weights at high reps and little rest in between
didnt he upload his naked ass kid to instagram and claim it was a cultural thing, instead of realizing he was uploading a picture of his naked ass kid to the internet
Fast & Furious movies make a shit ton of money too. In fact two movies made over a billion.
ITT: Natty physiques only.
He's living his life to the fullest, while you're sitting on your ass doing nothing but post on Yea Forums. Get the strap.
That shipped sailed a long time ago
He's a closeted fag
Fake ass motherfucker.
Used to rock hard cocks, huh Dwayne?
Lit ain´t me starts playing
I don't really dislike him, but him being in a movie is usually a sign that it's low quality and not worth watching. His entire filmography consists of straight-to-DVD flicks that somehow ended up in cinemas.
He does totally seem gay though. Even other wrestlers suspected him.
Ugly NPC cunt
Zero character or charisma
Unlike based arnold
Lmao what a broke ass nigga
You sound like that Manbaby guy from Yea Forums's marvel vs manbaby comics.
The Rock has never made a memirable movie. It's like McDonald's of cinema
Gear was literally made for cattle to pack on tons of size before being slaughtered. Did you ever see a bull in the gym? All the training is simple barebones stimuli to get these muscles to grow, all the work he really does (as every roider does) is put food and drugs in his body
He is promoting the Netflix show and the food he is eating. I doubt he even takes that photo. After the photo he throws the food away and closes the laptop. Why would a millionaire watch movies and documentaries on his tiny ass laptop?
Is he still yearly pops into WWE randomly and acts like he's still a regular Superstar?
You're a retard
>After the photo he throws the food away and closes the laptop.
You sound like a faggot
I bet you think tempo lifting the bar for ten reps at 4-0-2 is better than pumping out 10 reps at 135 in less than 10 seconds