How come there has been no kinos inspired by pic related?

how come there has been no kinos inspired by pic related?

Attached: 220px-Silent_Hill_2.jpg (220x317, 25K)

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Jacob's Ladder you fucking idiot

Practically every thriller that came out in the decade following had the exact same ending

Because video games are superior to film, the lowest-effort artform.

jacob's ladder inspired silent hill 2. i want films inspired BY silent hill 2

Jacob's Ladder 2

Silent Hill 1 is better. Even SH4 is better than 2 and of course than 3.

2 > 4 > 1 >3

since i know people love 3 and are gonna give me shit for this, 3 was easily the most uninspired one. 4 tried something very different, sorta worked sorta failed, but it was a unique experience so i rate it high.

Because video games are a shit tier medium made for children

>he posted, on the board that has daily threads about the avengers

see this 2>1>4>3, any other SH games are not worth mentioning

3 managed to follow up the unfollowable 2 with the same format, but still managed to make it it's own thing somehow. All original entries ended up creating their own separate personalities, which is rare in franchises of any sort.
I liked 4 personally, but honestly the format in 2 & 3 didn't need tinkering with for the assumptive "need" for change for the sake of change. It was the perfect horror-styled format and should have been played WITH, not dropped completely.

I agree with 3 but 1 is better than 4 and maybe equal to 2. It has the better areas, pacing, mistery and Nowhere is perfect. Only a zoomer who can't into low poly will say otherwise.

PC port of Silent Hill 3 is really good. I wish all ps2 games had ports like that back in the day.

Attached: 2019-06-30 19-21-43-44.jpg (1920x1200, 120K)

Latter parts of A Dark Song gave me a somewhat SH2 otherworld vibe

Bullshit, it's an audiovisual medium like any other and I don't see how you fail to find verisimilitude where everyone else does.

I can accept you being a SH2fag, but 1 and 3 are both better than 4.

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3 has the best music


It's a garbage game user and there was a shit movie made of it.

Not when music and paintings exist

uhh, you look so tough insulting an user, you are getting me wet.
this, idiot.

all you can do with paintings is fucking look at them

no it's not and 4 is the worst

Sub 100 IQ post, delete it.

sub 100 IQ post, delete it.

i'd like to clarify that silent hill 3 is still an amazing game.

Attached: 1481982580576.jpg (1920x1080, 849K)

Man the talent drain on the video game industry was devastating

But the first Silent Hill movie was good enough. It was a great rendition of the game in movie format.

ive never played silent hill by god damn they produced some absolutely awesome music


It wouldn't work in movie format, the twist would feel so cheap in a movie, that game has to be experienced.

I liked it, but it was based on the first game.

I hope heather has a hairy cooter

1 > 2 > 3 > 4

I know. But the guy who direct it was an obvious fan and did a great job imo.

This scene in particular:

It's not even a 'twist' in the game really. It's telegraphed throughout the game in progressively more overt instalments.
Getting off the boat on the Hotel dock and checking the letter to find it was now just a blank piece of paper was a harrowing thing to find on your own. From then on the contents of the tape you spend the level searching for isn't a mystery, but a dreadful inevitability looming.

Replace 1 with 3 but you're based, 4 is the creepiest by far