Where did he go wrong?

Where did he go wrong?

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society unironically failed him and his cocktail of drugs was pretty bad

other environmental effects had their hand in it too. he needed a psychologist who actually gave a damn and actually tried to help instead of giving him a billion different medications. some are okay and can help.

also americans need to lose the stigma that medications are bad. sometimes you need psychological help, you school shooting burger shits

I haven't been on Yea Forums in two months, redpill me on this guy

He's the Cunnytaker

he was a coward of the cunny

A man denied his cunny

>society unironically failed him
You have to take some responsibility for your own life you can't always blame society

Nobody knows his name, he rides a black horse across the country searching for his lost sidekick Cunny The Kid.

How the fuck can you be imprisoned for having a sexual conversation with a fake child? That is some 1984 shit man. What's next, thought rape?

What show??

It's conspiracy to commit statutory rape

You're right, we should wait until after they fuck the kid to arrest them

he didn't bring his six shooters

Statutory rape with a child that literally doesn't exist? How can he be charged for Statutory rape when the minor is actually a grown ass man with a fake account. If i go up to someone and point my finger at them and say bang can i be arrested for attempted murder? It's bullshit.

Mens rea.

if you had a detailed chat history involving how you want to kill someone, then you show up to that person's house with a weapon, you shouldn't be arrested?

Beat a man, insult a man, kill a man. But denying him of his cunny is one step too far.

But there is no possible way i could ever commit the crime if the person doesn't exist.

you see a decoy of the person and you walk into their house with full obvious intention to murder them

Any links to the vid?

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t. pedo

He always wears black because he identifies with the poor and the downtrodden

just a man wanting to tell his tale

>*Starts trying to hug 12 year old*
>It was a hologram
>*Chris Hansen teleports behind you*

Happy to oblige partner, I'm sure old Vincent would want his tale told.

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But clearly there is something wrong with society as well. There's an epidemic of young men getting depressed and suicidal and the treatments are abysmal


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meant for

>*unsheathes hidden katana
>*activates the eight gate
>"pssh, nothing personnal, Hansen"

Capitalism, no joke

i mean once you see the obviously adult woman why not just say it was obviously roleplay? are we expected to believe that this cunt looks under the age of 21?

reminds me of my benedryl trip
only true niggas will undertand

same, who s this guy?

it's the jews, unironically. especially the jewish feminists.

i unironically used to be addicted to benadryl because i enjoyed the feeling

He's past the age of 15. He is more than old enough to be held responsible for his actions.

shitty arbitrary number honestly that is different for everyone. not everyone matures at the same time and not everyone should be treated that way

but women aren't responsible for getting pregnant after fucking 10 guys in a row without protection?

Gotta draw the line somewhere. The US and most countries draw it at 18 at the latest. Fuck that guy and fuck everyone over the age of 18 who fucks up big time and blames someone else.

Where did that come from? Of course they're responsible for it.

>im not a pedo it was the medication messin' with my head

nah, he did fuck up with the paedophilia thing but instead of just imprisoning him and adding to the land of the free with the prison industry they could have actually gotten him the help he needs but that'd cut into profits and the culture of "FUCK EVERYONE WHO DOES [WRONG]" in america

I'm a crazy fuck anyway. so dph just is fun because it's not like this is that different than normality for me

He was a good man who lost his way in the cunnylust

>how are people arrested for selling drugs if the drugs they're selling are to a cop and not a real buyer, that's entrapment!
>how are people arrested for conspiracy to murder when the hitman they tried to hire was a cop and not a hitman, entrapment reeeeeeeeeee
If you go into internet chat rooms looking for underage girls, purposely ingratiate yourself to what you believe are underage girls, initiate sexual overtures with what you believe are underage girls, and make a date to have sex with what you believe are underage girls while their parents are gone and go so far as to show up at what you SINCERELY BELIEVE is an underage girl's house, you are a child predator and deserve jail time. Full stop.

Male brain isnt mature until 30 and the female brain stops maturing at 14.

they are raised in a soft world
get depressed by the most stupid things

That analogy doenst work. The person would have to provoke you in some way to make you want to kill them, just like the decoy provokes people into wanting to have sex by being the only female in a modern chatroom.

TCAP is entrapment because there are normally zero real females in chat rooms and Vincent would have fucked any female that didnt instantly log off regardless of age.

vincent ambrosio

He said he was going to fuck her multiple times in text once he meets up with her.

>i never faced adversity or anything of the sort and i'm okay so everyone else should be too

shut the fuck up, you dumb boomer twat

Cunny rustler from out west

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got a link, these dudes are funny as hell, I bet you guys wish you could pull the shit these guys do

>The person would have to provoke you in some way to make you want to kill them
Ted Bundy and Charles Manson would like a word with you retard.

dude straight was describing the stuff he wanted to do to "her 12 year old body" in the chat room

not him but lets just put it this way

>let's say you want to kill your husband
>and go through the trouble of finding a black man willing to do it for cash.
>he even asks you are you sure multiple times and says I won't call it off once you give me the money
>you say I'm sure and give him the cash

Just because the blackman wasn't a hitman but actually an undercover cop should you get off just because he wasn't actually gonna kill your husband




She also cried like a little bitch when she got arrested

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That' part where he empties his pockets and Chris has this look of "OH SHIT" because he thinks it's a gun

Why risk it? just have cops tackle them as soon as they go through the door cuff them THEN question them. I'm shocked Hansen has stayed alive all these years


why the fuck can't liberals understand the concept of personal responsibility?

why the fuck can't liberals (you, you capitalist supporting cuck) understand there are many factors

rent free

>I’m your huckleberry, Hansen
>Cunny is just my game

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Post that part


>It started with a swipe on popular apps like Tinder, Grindr, Kik, Skout and MeetMe. Unwittingly, the men would match with an undercover detective posing as young man or woman. Some light banter and jokes were exchanged, until the reveal that the fake profiles belonged to a 14- or 15-year-old boy or girl.

Why the fuck are they going on Tindr?

most of they didn't get sentenced because of that IIRC
they get released afterward

life imitates art

Actually most of them don't even get lawyers and some even try to defend themselves in court. The guys that get lawyers do fine.

proportional use of ssris in America dwarves even other countries in the anglosphere

Ol' Hansen lives by the gun, dies by the gun

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how much Adderall was this guy using again? I think they start dozing at like 10mg twice a day, wasn’t he doing like tenfold that? Dude was tweaking on meth


Yes, where all the children hang out.

I love how chris calls him tex.

How is that relevant at all you shitsipping faggot? They hurt actual people.


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the entrapment of Vincent Ambrosio by the coward Chris Hansen

Do you think the cupcakes were her idea?

Thank goodness someone is keeping our children safe while they're using Grindr.

how many times per day does this image get posted on Yea Forums?

I assume all of those people they hurt goaded and provoked them into killing them, right? Nobody just compulsively commits criminal acts like killing people or raping children totally unprovoked, riiiiiiight?

Diversity and it's virulent social justice ideals were born from Soviet propaganda you wormtongue

'sup my fellow 700 Club nigga

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Nah he still seems stuck on 12 year olds

>americans need to lose the stigma that medications are bad
Americans are over-medicated if anything. Most medications ARE bad and most mass shooters have been prescribed some sort of SSRI prior to murdering a bunch of people. Antidepressants are treated as a cure-all especially by boomers who grew up in a time where new drugs were always coming out to fix whatever ailments they had, and millennials who compete to see who is the most mentally ill like it's some kind of badge of honor.

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when is he going to do a video on him?


It's been up for a couple of weeks.

I meant him. when is he going to do a video on him?

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He was a cunnyseur
Along the internet he did glide
Lube and keyboard by his side
Many a maiden lost her virtue to his trade
Many a cunny was swiftly unmade
The bastards entrapped him that year
And now he’s gotta bare his rear

No, this isn't a problem in first world ethnostates.