>character has a well paying job, lives in a nice house, drives a nice car, bangs a cute gf.
>he's still depressed somehow
Character has a well paying job, lives in a nice house, drives a nice car, bangs a cute gf
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You'd probably feel better if you quit Yea Forums. Being serious.
I tried to leave. I can't.
you can medically correct any chemical imbalances resulting from a neurological disorder
how? prozac? speed? vodka? i guess that works for lots of people
nu uh thats not what /pol/ says, they also say my doctors are all jews so wtf am I supposed to believe?
Placebos can fix any mental problem.
Can’t remember your dreams? Yes you can
Do you want to have long lucid dreams? Now you do
Are you confident? Yes you are.
It’s easy and people only pretend to be mentally ill for attention
>le chemical imbalances
This isn't even hard science, it's a rough hypothesis that's yet to be proven. The sad truth is that, no, you probably can't cure personality disorders. You just live with them. It's totally possible to "have it all" and still be depressed
Mental illness doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. Rich, successful people kill themselves all the time.
Why’d Robin Williams kill himself? Sure, his career was winding down, but he was famous, had money, could get pussy any time he wanted
>character has a well paying job, lives in a nice house, drives a nice car, bangs a cute gf.
if his dream was to surf and bang teenagers all day in a beach bungalow, of course he would be depressed by such boring life.
>Yea Forums poster thinks material items magically solve mental illness
>thinks those things are all you need to make you happy
Nope nope nope
All these. A good paying job doesn't mean shit if you aren't satisfied with it. I personally feel that most unhappiness stems directly from your job since that's what you spend most of your weeks doing.
>It’s easy and people only pretend to be mentally ill for attention
And the stigma and misinfo continues with retards like this around
I know this feel
>qt younger wife who is objectively hot, but who I want to have sex with less and less
>own house, granted with a mortgage but it's a 10 year and cheap
>own three cars outright
>earn $112k with a pension a year in a place where houses are $100-150k
>top school for a graduate degree
>youngest person in executive leadership in a $1b a year organization
But I'm a high functioning alcohol and do a ton of kratom now to substitute that. I got a pretty nice garden going with some marijuana and poppies, so I have that to look forward to.
I guess my bummer is that I wanted to be a writer, an outdoor education guide (like sailing, rock climbing, scuba diving), or work in intelligence and foreign policy.
I tried all three and failed, and now I'm depressed and too old to respec. Should have said fuck it and become a hiking bum, but when I did that I wanted a house and GF.
The grass is always greener. I can get real into work sometimes and work 70 hours a week on projects, but othertimes it luls and I shit post on Yea Forums while getting paid stupid amounts of money.
>hurr durr only loser NEETs can have depression
Yea Forums cracks me up. Full of depressed mental cases that turn around and say mental illness is fake in one thread and in the next start a thread on how they want to kill themselves
I agree but
>Robin Williams kill himself?
he had a bad case of alzheimer. (among other problems)
The recent doc about him was nice.
>he had a bad case of alzheimer. (among other problems)
>The recent doc about him was nice.
Oh shit, really? That sucks. Such a talent
i have all of that. i almost hung myself the other day except my wife came home early as i was bolting a hook into the ceiling beam.
If I gave you my paypal, would you send me like 1000$ so I could buy a ebike?
check "Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind".
he was an alcoholic and drug user for a while too... so yeah
Almost like different people post different opinions or something.
was this playing when she opened the door?
Please go home /bbg/, let me have peace in Yea Forums
>in a place where houses are $100-150k
You live in some Sun Belt shithole, that's why you're depressed. Move to a cooler place and you'll be happy
Yea Forums is my home.. /bbg/ is my versin of cheating.
lol made me laugh. thanks man i needed that
Not even fucking remotely true, you act as if all humans follow the exact same biological blueprint every time. Although we share many, MANY similarities, it’s always some exceptions that need to be made.
Different body types, different diets, different meds for different diseases and disorders, etc.
I know for a redditnigger like yourself, being a cog in the machine is what’s comfortable for you, but we’re all pretty different as it stands.
no problem.
Have a bonbi too.. it makes me feel better .
show mercy for those of us making a recovery
If you have a wife and still want to die, your wife is either uncute or unkind deb8 me. Exception for chronic pain/disease
lel, I hope you are a 10/10 Chad or very rich because reality is going to hit hard when you get older.
If you mean to say I won't be able to get a cute wife, I completely agree. I also have a painful chronic disease so suicide was on that table to begin with.
That said, I'd rather be unmarried than married to some awful witch
you're a good soul m8. just like my neighbors; everytime i have an interaction with them it makes me feel better.
I'm saying that not everything goes according to plan... most of the time.
Depression is a literal Mental Illness and it doesn't care about how great your life really is, it will screw you over if you don't get the proper help.
your wife slamming into the wall falls under "your wife isn't cute"
I've seen cute older women though, despite the rarity.
>your wife isn't cute
what if she was cute from 15 (when you met her) to 40... you just leave her?
even if you have 3 kids?
even if you, yourself look like shit now?
no true sense of greater identity and community
i remember years after smashing the same sloot that i had trouble getting hard or even being into it
This only works temporary
That's bullshit. OP is not a homosexual for once.
Daily reminder that this is literally pseudo-science, and unproven hypothesis with multiple contradicting problems, and the entire population has been conditioned to believe a pharmaceutical commercial tagline.
Who gives a fuck what /pol/ says, it's an unproven hypothesis and you are acting like human cattle, parroting a belief fed to you by one of the world's largest drug dealing collectives.
^this is why you don't leave your Meg Ryan near the radiator.
This is real. Currently dealing with the same shit. Ever since 16 wanted to die, thought if I had money girls and things I wouldn't want to die all the time
Didn't help, 27 now. Gonna go to doctor and talk about options, meds etc
See a therapist or a clinical psychologist. Your primary care is not trained to know what to do with you.
It might even be possible that you just live a mentally unhealthy lifestyle. Not enough exercise, too much time inside, unfulfilling friendships, lack of certain nutrition etc.
Thank you
Maybe it's cuz I'm a canercous fren poster
That Linkin Park guy had a pretty sweet life before an heroing
No problem bud, and don't resort to meds unless everything else fails, or you are seriously considering suicide.
carnivore diet
>I'm a canercous fren poster
I'm a cancerous bonbiposter and I feel much better now than before. You should try.
You've never worked hard in your life, that is why. Pull up a stool, as this old fart tells you the tale of when I was 15 and had a job burying people at a cemetery, among other duties. Let me tell you sonny, when I got home to my SEGA CD and got to play Rebel Assault I was in fucking HEAVEN. Didn't need drugs. Or women. Or the Internet, which didn't exist then outside of military applications.
This is also good insight but you need to add it with all the other established means of improving and maintaining mental health. Lets meet in the middle, my gen X friend
i had a 6 figure job, new cars (paid off), nice new 4 bedroom house (paid off), money in the bank. after ten years in that job i just quit because it was stressful af and i hated it. i was ready to neck myself. that was last year. i sold my house and rented a condo and have been living off savings. i still have plenty of $ and am looking for a low stress job. i was going to burn out at my old job. i was starting to have panic attacks at work because i had so much shit on my plate and a big team of fuckwits i had to manage, when i didn't get to hire any of them. was smoking weed and drinking myself to sleep every night. now i've stopped everything and have been working out everyday. it almost always is the job. fuck i'm getting agitated just typing this thinking of that job. it
Sorry young man, I must have given you a lot of extra work during my carrer of texas ranger "dealing" with mexicans. I was 11 when I started.
>all the other established means of improving and maintaining mental health
Like what? Don't say women. And don't say exercise because in that case I got plenty. ;)
Really, what are your suggestions?
I want to believe that you are a ageless female Meheecan-stopper. Thank you.
Things don't make you happy
Right it's the chase, the rest of the time it's keeping busy for money, body, and mental health.
Exactly it's bullshit
and not even because they are rich but because they're otherwise NORMAL, they have no idea what it's like to be an abnormal person in this society and yet they say they're "depressed" FUCK OFF
Try having autism or being a schizoid like me, devoid of emotions and a sense of self, it's hell. You fucking normies have it so fucking easy I am so angry, oh wait, I'm not because I'm a depersonalized schizoid and I can't really get angry but still, fuck you normies.
I didn't ask to be born this way and you guys go around as if you are hot shit, you hate everyone who is different from you, you don't even TRY to understand and you think that because you're normal that you're RIGHT and your feelings make it right. Why should we have to pretend to be normal for your sake? Who the fuck are you? Oh I'm sorry my existence scares you or weirds you out, I didn't choose it faggot. I hate normies so much, a bunch of ignorant fuckers
Hope you feel better in the long run, user. You sound weary. Strength to you, sir!
how can i tell if me feeling like shit is linked to my diet?
Can't say I can totally 100% relate, but you hit it out of the park.
If you eat fast food it's possible.
oh yes kiddo, my job has been the same for decades... arresting the Meheecans at the borders, putting them in jail until a judge says they can go free.. and then they go free.
Fucking Lyndon B. Johnson
This so fucking much.
Unfortunately no one outside of Yea Forums will ever hear these words.
>putting them in jail until a judge says they can go free.. and then they go free.
We all know that feel
This is all the proof we need that either there isn't a god or that if god exists then god would browse Yea Forums
Try therapy before you try medication. No reason to drug yourself if your problems can be solved by therapy.
If you mean fucking is enough exercise it's not. These are not my suggestions, these are well established, scientific methods of improving and maintaining mental health despite the bullshit reputation.
Exercise (not just fucking)
Healthier diet
time spent in sunlight and in nature.
Time spent with people you like or can at least have okay conversations with
Not drinking too much (too much is less than you might think) same with weed
Artistic expression
Reaching a flow state (doing what you're good at and at the border of skill improvement) An actual very important state of mind to experience regularly
Sleeping soundly and sleeping as much as you should be with at least a semi-regular wake/sleep cycle
Setting and achieving goals to better yourself
keeping a journal
Keeping a journal where you write down 3 things you're grateful for once a week
Re-directing pessimistic thoughts unless they are absolutely true and valid.
there are others too, that's off the top of my head.
This girl must have nuclear bad self-esteem issues. Has any human being ever actually seen what her actual eyes look like? Or what she looks like without makeup? Imagine going through life where your sense of confidence comes from being the fakest you can possibly be for two-second clips on a Malaysian beekeeping forum.
>If you mean fucking is enough exercise it's not
I said no women.
>time spent in sunlight and in nature.
>Time spent with people you like or can at least have okay conversations with
>Artistic expression
>Reaching a flow state (doing what you're good at and at the border of skill improvement) An actual very important state of mind to experience regularly
>Sleeping soundly and sleeping as much as you should be with at least a semi-regular wake/sleep cycle
>Setting and achieving goals to better yourself
>Re-directing pessimistic thoughts unless they are absolutely true and valid.
^I agree with those, breh.
You can also maybe pray to God that gave you life for protection and guidance too.
*and also not drinking and smoking too much or at all. I quit drinking and already I feel much better, but Rome still ain't built, you know?
>This girl must have nuclear bad self-esteem issues
you mean like 99% of teenage girls and 98% of women?
I started consuming more vitamin B12 just to see what would happen. Shit has been crazy for me, like I was deficient in it or something because I'm feeling better than I have been in years.
Interesting post formatting,.that's not how you use Yea Forums. Why don't you know how to use Yea Forums user?
Also bretty good idea and helped me
tried that, didn't do shit for me
I post many, many, many, many, many different ways, user.
time to take a dose of lead then m8
i know a chronic pain mentally ill woman and shes insufferable
Lol yes and you used the wrong one here
^autism. Fresh. Three days.
You're all a bunch of fags
keep your fotm whore to yourself
That also sounds nothing like some regular person who just found Yea Forums would say. It sounds a lot like something, but not that.
>keep your fotm whore to yourself
she's not a whore but yeah I would love to keep her to myself, I'm not homosexual like you
You got a 69 so you have to do that with the second person who responds to you.
Suck it bitch, that's why your generation has the worst depression numbers ever seen.
Jesus Christ, just stop. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment off of you.