Basically the 1st 3rd of the film. AMA
Plot- The Batman
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so Robert Pattison is playing Dick Grayson?
This seems like it could be legitimately cool, but its way too experimental for WB
Holy shit Kyle is that you? If it is i KNEW you'd get tired of working for these Bastards. You know who i am. Had beers with you last month ;).
Anyways, for the TV posters, this is DCs way of keeping Affleck. If this does well he's back on as Batman. They know they messed up but are letting time pass to readjust the EU. Snyders back on too and Affleck wants to do his solo film but Reeves has to do good on this.
please tell me you're not larping
The director of this film has the backing of a ton of respected by the studio system directors. Everyone who has made a MI film - Abrams, Brad Bird (who did MI4 & Incredibles), Christopher Mcquarrie, The new Bond director. The guys who did 21 Jump Street and Spiderverse. The writer of Daredevil series.
No. This is legit. The same thing is happening with Leto and Joaquin Phoenix. If Joker (2019) does well then Snyders plan of Letos Joker being Inspired by "Arthur" rather than him being THE joker is being green lit and accepted as canon. They're trying to course correct the DC EU. It's salvageable but Reeves has to do good.
>They know they messed up but are letting time pass to readjust the EU. Snyders back on too and Affleck wants to do his solo film but Reeves has to do good on this.
Please fuck be real... I swear to god if you're making shit up... my heart can't take it
I don't know if this is normal but there's just a pretty big list of people in-the-know that are like sounding boards for this director.
Not Kyle. Not saying that your theory is wrong but the people all seemed to be happy to get away from the Justice League stuff.
This has no relationship to my call but I heard that DC sees directors and actors like illustrators and comic writers. So like Gale Gaddot could appear in this triology as a variation of her Wonder Woman character but it might not fit with the canon of Snyder's stuff. And DC is cool with that.
is this about azrael?
I don't think so. They said that the villains in the film aside from the new IP one are all characters we've seen before.
I don't think it's Bane. It'll be a villain or hero that takes on a new secret identity. They made clear that it won't be a fan service thing where non-fans are in the dark with the reveal.
>The final encounter
>The mystery villain painfully removes his mask
>It's CIA
I would assume that Pattison is playing Dick Grayson. I'm pretty certain there will be Bruce Wayne stuff in the film though .
Reread my notes. I took everything as implied that Barbara was or is Batgirl (thus her getting into the Batcave) but there was no mention that Batgirl was in the movie.
so the vigilante is a good guy at first but turns bad?
Sounds like Under the Red Hood more or less. Sounds like it could be Jason who's the new villain too. They pulled the new I.P. b.s. with Arkham Knight so who's to say they won't again.
But it works given the circumstances. It would be lame to just replace Ben Affleck if they want to keep the DCEU universe going. Vigilante is probably Slade.
Where does birds of prey and James gunn’s suicide squad work alongside this? is everything in the same canon?
> Slade
Yeah, I was thinking about this too. He also was at the end of the justice league movie.
it's the og batman and they're doing a batman beyond thing, isn't it
>Chinatown, LA Confidential, Aviator
So 40s-50s LA lol
what a fucking gay ass aesthetic-over-everything choice
I never got the name of the actress but the distributor has been pressuring to cast an actress (who is not associated with action at all i guess) and they wanted to know what our development exec thought of for the role. Catwoman appears to be a centerpiece of all of this. Movie sets her up more than Batman or Dick Grayson.
I am done at the company as of today but am drinking with another intern next month when she turns 21. Will let you know if she gets any more details.
>new villain placed a strict code on villains
so it's Batman all along
Sounds good, if it's true, of course. Hoping it will do well.
New vigilante will be first robin or whatever.
The character is going to be brand new. There's pressure to create new characters for DC. I think because development companies might get some type of merchandising or IP residual by doing this.
That actually sound too good to be true. WB is beyond retarded, so there's no chance in hell it's true. But good for you OP. You don't suck at larping and making up stuff.
>lets keep the failing Synder shit
It's obviously Bruce dude
what batman movie is gonna play only with robin, batgirl and other characters no one really knows outside cartoon/comic nerds
first robin is dick
jason is the bad robin, but they already pulled that shit in batman arkham knight
It won't be a "shock reveal" . It'll be a character set up in the 1st act. It'll be a character the audience is familiar with.
The Exec on the phone call tried to call out "so it's the Joker" and it was clarified that the film is a mystery where you need to follow the clues and maybe rewatch again when the reveal happens.
Don't you mess with me
it's going to be monty isn't it?
obviously it's monty
It's Bruce, right? why would a movie have zero bruce wayne, why would audiences care about a new IP villain or play along with nerds that it's dick or jason or barbara or blablabla or whoever else no one cares about or even know
It's Alfred. At some point he even became the joker to please his boy.
>larper effectively breathes new life into the retards still thinking Affleck isnt done as batman
Bwhahahahahahah. Fucking embarrassing all around. I look forward to the newly continued claims he isnt out over the next 2 yrs
tfw you live long enough to see the biggest marvel film fail to a 10-year-old original IP and the dceu gets the credit it deserves
My god you summerfags are completely squeaky clean huh? How stupid can you be? This just sad
The context I got from this is that Catwoman is major, major, major to the film and moving forward stuff with the franchise.
So in my mind it was like this director has grown a pair of balls and drawn the line and said "Catwoman is a villain. No film has ever made her into a villain. I will".
That doesn't even make any sense. What happens when Joker gets put back into Arkham? Does he not realize Alfred is just gone?
Praise him!
>that plot
Thanks OP sounds as bad as i thought it would be.
OP here. I would say that my impression from working around here is that there's a 0% chance that Affleck ever puts on a suit again.
it sounds relatively well thought out, enough that a studio would invest in it and it fits with Pattison (though not the bit about affleck, dude is done)
In that comic he isn't really the joker, he is just pretending to be him.
But how does he pretend to be him? Is he doing actual crime or is he just hanging out in abandoned warehouses until Batman beats him up?
That would be kino
>Holy shit Kyle is that you? If it is i KNEW you'd get tired of working for these Bastards. You know who i am. Had beers with you last month ;).
>second reply
>trying to corroborate your own bullshit larp by same fagging
jesus christ Yea Forums stop being so fucking gullible
what a stupid fucking story. holy shit.
Its Superman. The movie then continues for 3 hours as BvS 2, but better than last time. I'm a mutual freind of the director
FYI people post LARP leaks here because ledditors /r/dceuleaks eat it up
Hmm, just googled "The Batman"
Again, I think there's a 0% chance that Affleck or anyone from Snyderverse is connected to this.
This town is all about association and popularity has the lifespan of a mayfly. This is my 2nd internship. 0 people have said JL was cool or that there's any interest in this.
I don't even work w/ the DC side of stuff but it's pretty apparent that they're like a team that missed the playoffs and fired their head coach. They want to rebuild.
And, you know... The comics
I am Robert Pattinson. I can confirm this is true.
Please be true. Cawd.
Call wasn't super specific. No mention of Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Damien. It felt like the only new sidekick was Barbara Gordon.
Might disappoint people but it was sort of phrased that the caped crusaders aren't extreme martial artists but more like detectives that can hold their own in a fight.
there's some old film that was referenced in the call called The 3rd Man. I don't think it's on streaming. But supposedly that's a reference.
them being able to fight is kind of pivotal to the concept.
I don't think they need a bunch of hand to hand combat scenes, but whatever they include should be well choreographed, and not look like a bar brawl
Maybe I phrased it wrong.
It's more like Batman and his team are detectives that know how to fight , more than fighters that know how to do detective work?
With Catwoman it was phrased like she's more like Ocean's 11 than Kill Bill.
Anyone else thinking this sounds kinda like the Arkham Knight plot? I am not complaining, I like the JT story and would like to see a big screen adaption of it. I'm intrigued.
what does it means tho?
>batman movie
>with no batman
>a shit ton of characters are introduced (sure most of them would be fairly well known to audiences already though)
Matt's talking monkey flicks are fine but I doubt even WB would give him that much leeway
This looks fake as hell.
Holy fuck it's Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man!!!1!
My guess is Deadshot. Lemme check what Will Smith's doing currently...
He's got quite a lot of films in production so it probably isn't him, hmm.
will smith won't play deadshot anymore
>>New IP villain
>>could be one of Batman's allies
>>bullshit retread of Hush and Phantasm
Fuck this shit.
>hush is not a main character
I fucking wish they would give hush a movie thats not just a animation. he's one of the most interesting underrated batman villains that normies don't know about. Honestly nolan should have just made a dark knight movie with him as a villain,it would have been kino
Dick is in the Batman costume for almost the whole movie. It's just not Bruce/Batman.
My guess is that Spiderverse is extremely popular around town and replacing the character wearing the same costume is trendy?
Hush was a meh character. Only good story with him was Dini's Heart Of Hush. Loeb and Lee's run is severely overrated.
You're fired dipshit!
as a character he's pretty meh in terms of his backstory, but I think his gimmick of identity theft and 200IQ is something that would translate really well over into a live action movie. It has so much potential for kino
>he doesn’t know
I don't believe it.
wtf bruce wayne is batman??
hi Kyle this your boss Moshe Goldstein...don't even bother coming into work tomorrow
Kino incoming
>there's some old film that was referenced in the call called The 3rd Man
The Third Man is a noir from the 50s about an American who goes to Eastern Europe to investigate the death of his old friend Harry Lime. All the witnesses say they saw men fleeing the scene, two of whom are identified and third who is a mystery. The "third man" of the title.
It turns out the third man is Harry, who killed some rando to fake his death, so the victim was the killer all along
Feels dumb spoiler tagging a 60 year old film, but its so you should watch it fresh. Interesting if it has any actual relevance to R-Bats films.
I'm ok with this
I like the part of them fighting the villains like all have a bit part as an introduction, seems much more kino and comic booky than just focusing on one villains origins story
Well you're smarter than most people on this board
So the Vigilante is Deadshot or Slade?
>he doesn't know The Third Man
jfc the absolute state of Yea Forums
Going along with OP's larp that this is to keep Affleck there's really only one person the new vigilante could be
Arkham Knight storyline where Dick is Batman?
Film probably starts with Jason killing some random C list villain to set an example
third man is beyond kino...i doubt Matt Reeves could come close to it. would be cool to see a noir batman movie
So Jason Todd? I'm didn't watch that so I didn't know this Batman's backstory.
Red X is the villain, never revealed who
Jason Todd
Was Robert Pattinson explicitly announced as "Bruce Wayne/Batman"? That's how he's credited on IMDB anyway. Is that just misdirection?
Alfred IS The Joker, user
He just needed to smile.
This is obviously fake as shit, but this interesting, I don't lie
>Bruce Wayne becomes Batman at 25. Dick Grayson becomes Robin at 12
> Affleck is exactly 13 years older than Pattinson
I'll refute this with a number of facts everyone can check and confirm from official sources.
>Ben Affleck has stated on television that he is not going to play Batman ever again
>Matt Reeves wants a story based around Bruce Wayne early in his time as Batman, around 20 years before the Affleck Batman in the Batman life cycle
>Pattinson has been cast to officially replace Ben Affleck as Batman
I have yet to see direct word for word confirmation of Pattinson as Bruce, but they'd literally contradict their own recent statements if he wasn't. Not that it's unheard of, but I'll believe their official, recent statements over some LARP wishful thinking to bait Affleck and Snyder hopefuls into replies.
The Bat is dead.
Bury it.
Consider this mercy.
>implying Bruce becomes Batman and instantly gets his first Robin
That would undermine everything we've ever seen about both his beginnings as Bats as well as the beginning and overall character of the Batman/Robin dynamic. You're reaching, and it's showing. See
I'm just playing along with OP. Batman typically gets Robin a year into his career anyway
>Snyders back on too
I know this is LARP but it's all I've ever wanted
getting shitty Arkham Knight vibes from this
ofc this isn't real
No fucking shit
Waaaay too daring of a capeshit. Far too interesting to be true
I’d love to feel your skull crack under my foot. Faggot
2 kino
>no one cared who I was...
They just released an article about the Mission Impossible actress for Catwoman. OP did mention that Mission Impossible directors were talking to Reeves about this....