Historical events that would make kino?
Historical events that would make kino?
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did they really hang an elephant
Yeah imagine a 90 minute build-up to a fucking animal being hanged. What a waste of time.
raped a white lady
Google "Murderous Mary"
She was a circus elephant that killed a trainer, and they did indeed hang her
yes, only white people would do that
Crash at Crush
Hinterkaifeck Murders
Dyatlov Pass
Couldnt they just shoot it?
>The elephant was hanged by the neck from a railcar-mounted industrial derrick between four o'clock and five o'clock that afternoon.[5] The first attempt resulted in a snapped chain, causing Mary to fall and break her hip as dozens of children fled in terror. The severely wounded elephant died during a second attempt and was buried beside the tracks.
Damn son...
guns weren't made legal until based Trump
i agree, only white men could design and build a crane
Fucking Americans
enjoy your country being raped by africans
>local blacksmith Hench Cox tried to kill Mary, firing five rounds with little effect.[3]
based local blacksmith Hench Cox he was a true human being sad his five rounds had little effect
Shackleton's expedition
Franklin's lost expedition
Amundsen v Scott
kek this
> On January 4, 1903, in front of a small crowd of invited reporters and guests Topsy was fed poison, electrocuted, and strangled, the electrocution ultimately killing her.
Holy shit
>Franklin's lost expedition
I assume you're aware that The Terror is a thing?
When will he get his own movie?
They hung it in front of a bunch of kids? The fuck?
Eastwood in his prime could've played him
>She was a circus elephant that killed a trainer
Wasn't he just some asshole who was hired for the day and had never used an elephant goad before?
>be an elephant from africa
>get abducted by small apelike niggerfaggots
>they force you to do tricks
>you kill one of the niggerfaggots
>they kill you for it
white men are good at finding new and ingenious ways to kill things that don't deserve to die
crackers are fucking retarded.
>dumb white faggot elephant "trainer" gets crushed
>oh well, lets kill the animal now!! haha cool
fucking pink devils.
Yeah, I guess blacks burning and slashing eachother with machetes and throwing their kids against rocks is so much more humane
>kidnap one of the most intelligent and emotional animals on earth out of its natural environment
>break its spirit via lashings
>force it to do gay tricks and carry around fucktards in parades
>elephant finally snaps and kills one of the fucktards
>shoot elephant 5 times
>severely injured but lives
>hoist it up on a chain
>chain breaks
>elephants falls, hip shatters
>surrounded by screaming children
>in severe pain and injury
>hoist the elephant up again
>finally fucking dies
America was a mistake
Yes, apparently homeless just days prior. He prodded her at a spot where she had an infected tooth
Yes, killing blacks is more humane than killing elephants.
Magellan's expedition would be kino the likes of which few have ever seen. So much crazy shit that happens during it.
They are failing to imitate the brutality of Europeans, and who can blame them for falling short? White people really set the standard for unadulterated barbarity and pure, undiluted inhumanity.
They could shoot it with cannon
mewithoutYou did a concept album on it.
This is a whites only board
I like these two
Ban me then, bitch.
I wish they'd make a movie about Sherman's march. The seething from triggered /pol/tards would be hilarious
>He was also caught several times within the hospital drinking from patients undergoing bloodletting, and attempting to eat the bodies in the hospital mortuary.
>After some time, a 14-month-old child disappeared from the hospital, and Tarrare was immediately suspected. Percy was unable or unwilling to defend him, and the hospital staff chased Tarrare from the hospital, to which he never returned.
I think killing each other with machetes is much more brutal than hanging
White people used to take their kids out for a picnic to watch blacks get lynched. Seeing a mob beat, torture, sometimes cut limbs off and even set on fire blacks was a family affair. All of this done to blacks who never even got a trial to be proven guilty.
Said Cletus while Niggers stealing, killing and raping in his country for over a century. All this while Paco and his ten Cousins are taking over.
It whistled at a married white woman in Mississippi.
baka how did we ever tolerate white pepo
Absolute madlad
I agree. What are these facial expressions called?
Would love to see a movie about based John Brown
The Gladbeck bank robbery/hostage crisis. I think there is a kraut tv film but this needs a proper version.
I feel like we've actually done pretty fucking good over the last 100 years.
and blacks still do it today, to their own kind.
Should’ve shot it some more t b h
Now Tyke was a kino elephant killing
Please read this article user. Maybe then you will see that the war was just about taxation.
t. Euro
yeah haha fuck white people amirite
discord trannies eternally BTFO
would be pretty cool. i watched an entertaining history document on him
How would you kill an elephant?
Everybody's good at something.
with an elephant gun
Unironically yes
Why are leftists so ironically eurocentric when it comes to the misdeeds of humanity? They put white people on this pedestal and again ironically give more ammunition for the far right.
Nigger loving Northerners ALL deserve to be killed
Eastwood is one of us, he wouldn’t dare.
Or many small guns.
Leftists living in your head rentfree in an apartment below the trannies
brutal photo
Tyke the kike btfo
>just about taxation
Absolutely fucking untrue. It was slavery. The root of why the North and South diverged and basically became two separate nations was because of slavery. The founding fathers knew this would happen and wrote about it. Many, many authors from the time leading up to the civil war noted the stark cultural differences between the two regions, primarily because one still relied on slave labor while the other was industrialized. The institution of slavery was antithetical to the Constitution and the ideals the nation was founded upon. Lincoln knew this, remember his little speech on a house divided?
That article is also bullshit. The cause of the war was the south seceding with no constitutional basis and then having their ragtag terrorist militia attack a U.S military fort.
Not an argument.
our spartacus :(
White people are based as fuck
A small minority of Northerners wanted to free the slaves. The war was about tariffs that funded almost the whole federal budget. Civil war was not about slavery in any meaningful way.
They electrocuted an elephant once too. Even took films of it.
>muh slavery
We should have castrated you niggers after the war.
This was difficult to masturbate to
Awww, the brainlet couldn't retort my argument so he resorted to racial slurs.
Fuck you Cleetus, we should have paved over your swampy wasteland after we kicked your terrorist asses.
>That one chink with the .30-30
portuguese conquests in the indian ocean
600 wins vs 40000 on multiple ocasion
soldier rips out tooth to shot at moors
soldier forgets helmet and comes out and back in of siege to retrieve it
madmen stuff really
Ahahha what a joke. Did you even read that article that was filled with quotes from Northerners and European observers? Tariffs on import good funded the US government. Lincoln was not going to let South go on their way and stop paying taxes. Lincoln did not give a fuck about slaves and neither did majority of Northerners.
And the article also talks about the legality of the secession and how US government refused to take Davis to court because they would have probably lost. In the end the goverment created some sort of double jeopardy clause and let Davis go free.
White people are the most merciful and conservationist. Don't @ me with your stupid serial killer shit. We both know its true.
>”nah, I’m just a white guy”
>omg how can they kill dogs? Fucking inhumane bugmen
>haha fuck the that stupid elephant
Why are whites so mentally ill? Why don't they equate all animal life as the same?
Are you also from Kingsport, user?
The elephant "trainer" in question was actually a stand-in for Mary's usual handler during shows. The replacement placed in charge of her was an abusive alcoholic who beat and prodded her with a hook in an unsuccessful attempt to make her compliant. The backfired spectacularly when she instead turned on her violent oppressor, knocking him to the ground and stepping on his head, which killed him instantly. The townspeople were incensed at this supposed tragedy and demanded that this poor creature be hanged.
>Why are whites so mentally ill? Why don't they equate all animal life as the same?
human species is mentally ill
if you're not vegan you have no right to cry about animals getting killed
The Civil War was provoked by Southern sectionalism, culminating in the attempt by Southerners to unlawfully subvert the constitutional government. Why did southerners do this? Because they believed that the electoral position of the southern (slave) society had grown untenable and that American politics would henceforth be dominated by "Black Republicans" who would countenance things like "abolitionism" and "nigger equality". For decades they had attempted to avoid this predicament by expanding the empire of slavery into the western territories, Mexico, the Caribbean, wherever they could. It didn't work so they took to criminal pretensions to war instead. Unfortunately for their fool idealistic asses, the industrial and military position of the southern (slave) society was no more tenable than the political position. They started shit and they got hit. Any attempt to obfuscate this is an apologia for traitors.
>We stand upon the dark platform of southern slavery, and all we ask is to be allowed to keep it to ourselves. Let us do that, and we will not let the negro insult you by coming here and marrying your daughters.
--William L Yancey, leading secessionist orator, Wilmington, Delaware, 1860
Everyone is calling them retards for killing the elephant, you insane tranny.
Prior to the (Emancipation) proclamation, Lincoln confessed to New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley, “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
Sure buddy, slavery was very important indeed...
This. America must be destroyed
I can't tell if posts like this are satire or legitimate anymore
yes there is absolutely no difference between killing animals for food and torturing animals in circuses.
Seething moeposters.
This upsets me, cunt trainer probably deserved it
“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”
Black republicans are revisionist history created during Republican dominated late 19th century to justify the war to secure Southern tariffs that made up around 80% of federal budget.
Oh look, non-whites treating elephants with respect by throwing gasoline bombs at them.
>b-but subhumans do it too
Kids were a lot tougher in those days, they worked in the coal mines and got black lung not like the kids today who only know how to do Fortnite dances.
Black guy deffs did it though
remember throughout history where humans have done worse to other humans buy dumb ameritard haters think a dumb animal's life is worth more than a human's cause "muh implied innocence" when people in europe and china and every other place had done far worse to even kids in the same time period
fuck dumb animal loving chimpbrains
>White people being sadistic savage retards
Surprise surprise. Raping Africa even with their animals
I hate soulless chinks with every ounce of my being. Wish it had taken more of those double faced insectoid snakes out.
if he was a cute anime girl this would be kino
Blaming it all on "MUH TARIFFS" completely misses the point. Secessionist movements in the south, at their root, were based on the faulty notion that states rights > federal authority. It originally flared up over tariffs, an issue where the South won, but after that it was all about slavery. The federal government placed restrictions on the expansion of slavery and the southern states continually rejected federal authority.
Also do some reading on the culture and life in the antebellum South. See how much the institution of slavery changed them. You can't look at how vast these differences were and think none of it mattered.
As for Lincoln, he held common white supremacist views of the time, but it is a complete mischaracterization to say he didn't care about slavery. Read his speeches, he clearly saw the dangers of slavery as an institution and how unstable it made the Union.
Well no shit, of course his primary goal is going to be saving the nation he's in charge of. The only way he could accomplish this was destroying the institution of slavery.
>Black republicans are revisionist history created during Republican dominated late 19th century
read a book, nigger
>[W]hen you speak of us Republicans, you do so only to denounce us as reptiles, or, at the best, as no better than outlaws. You will grant a hearing to pirates or murderers, but nothing like it to "Black Republicans." [...] But you will not abide the election of a Republican president! In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, "Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!"
t. Honest Abe "Dixie Raper" Lincoln
In his inaugural speech as Governor of South Carolina, Francis W. Picks pledged the state would “open her ports free to the tonnage and trade of all nations” should secession occur.
The Chicago Times foretold the impending economic disaster.
“In one single blow our foreign commerce must be reduced to less than one-half what it now is. Our coastwise trade would pass into other hands. One-half of our shipping would lie idle at our wharves. We should lose our trade with the South, with all of its immense profits. Our manufactories would be in utter ruins. Let the South adopt the free-trade system, or that of a tariff for revenue, and these results would likely follow.”
Consider this dire warning from the New York Evening Post in March of 1862:
“That either the revenue from duties must be collected in the ports of the rebel states, or the port must be closed to importations from abroad, is generally admitted. If neither of these things be done, our revenue laws are substantially repealed; the sources which supply our treasury will be dried up; we shall have no money to carry on the government; the nation will become bankrupt before the next crop of corn is ripe.”
In the British journal, All the Year Round,“ Charles Dickens observed, “Union means so many millions a year lost to the South; secession means the loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as of many other evils.”
Civil war was about taxatiom because Northern industrialists knew that if South stopped paying tariffs then federal government would start to tax Northern industry.
Hello discord tranny or JIDF. Not even niggers would give a shit to defend niggers lol
Pic 1
Pic 2
Amerisharts have the fucking NERVE to complain about how asians treat animals, I think it's fair to say South America (except for Brazil) is the only place in the world where animals can have some fucking dignity.
I'm upset right now. Fuck I love elephants so much
Pic 3
I'm sensing this thread needs to calm down through some soothing dilation. Lets try it like this, cis-hets can sit out if they like:
>Use a lot of lube. (Water-based, not silicone.)
>Stretch before and after dilating.
>You will need several towels or waterproof pads to place under you while dilating. Chux pads or puppy training pads are a good solution if you don't have laundry facilities.
>You can take a painkiller after dilating, but not before because it would increase the chance of hurting yourself.
>Try urinating or having a bowel movement before your dilation session as it can make it more comfortable.
I hope we can all calm down and come to an understanding by following these tips and tricks to help with dilation, thanks everyone now we can get back to the thread topic.
“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
Lincoln, 1860 campaign speech
history of the Chinese Communist Party
Pic 4
There is, killing animals is worse
Pic 5
In conclusion, FUCK the JIDF or trannies that come on every thread if anyone is even slightly "politically incorrect." Fuck niggers. And fuck jannies.
>whites did some bad shit
From 1800 to 1815, three serious attempts at secession were orchestrated by New England Federalists, who were infuriated by what they believed was unconstitutional acts by President Thomas Jefferson.
Among the voices for secession was Connecticut Senator James Hillhouse who declared,
“The Eastern States must and will dissolve the Union and form a separate government. I will rather anticipate a new confederacy, exempt from the corrupt and corrupting influence and oppression of the aristocratic Democrats of the South.”
“There will be — and our children at farthest will see it — a separation. The white and black population will mark the boundary,” wrote Timothy Pickering, the prominent Senator from Massachusetts.
It was the belief of Hillhouse, Pickering, John Quincy Adams, and others that the South was gaining too much power and influence at a cost to the New England states.
What was Jefferson’s response to the threat of secession? It certainly wasn’t war.
“Whether we remain in one confederacy, or form into Atlantic and Mississippi confederacies, I believe not very important to the happiness of either part.”
“Events may prove it otherwise; and if they see their interest in separation, why should we take side with our Atlantic rather than our Missipi descendants? It is the elder and the younger son differing. God bless them both, & keep them in union, if it be for their good, but separate them, if it be better.”
Secession aspirations were also found in the North. There was just a better president to handle them back then.
Please refer >Dilation is necessary for a calmer chan experience, we all do it here don't worry you won't feel left out
I don't care about that, it's that you imply whites are worse than violent niggers or soulles chinks as you've stated a shit ton of times
Also, no more (You)'s or replies. The way you faggots work is try to derail the thread even until max replies are reached so you depend on our replies. Have a nice day my good desert dweller.
Santa Fe Trail with based Ronald Regan was a good rendition of that nigger lover getting justice.
Hanging it was so much easier.
>nobody even read his embarrassing attempt at comedy so he has to (You) himself
nah, by shooting an elephant one would come to understand the ultimate futility of the white man's empire in the east
>that face
You read it however. my retardation has overwhelmed you into taking thirty seconds out of your day to reply to me. checkmate fag
Based. Fuck the trannies trying to derail the thread while defending apes and bugmen.
Pfft, ya'll nigga's think that's bad?
>Tusko" was also the name of a male Indian elephant at the Oklahoma City Zoo. On August 3, 1962,[4] researchers from the University of Oklahoma injected (human use involves oral ingestion) 297 mg of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) to him, which is nearly three thousand times the human recreational dose. Within five minutes he collapsed to the ground and one hour and forty minutes later he died. It is believed that the LSD was the cause of his death, although some speculate that the drugs the researchers used in an attempt to revive him may have contributed to his death.[5][6][7]
Wow that's a lot of suicides. Do transvestites really kill themselves THAT much more than other people. I mean 40%, that's a big percentage
>be animal
>have no consciousness or free will
>tfw no epic 6 hour Charlemagne kino
fuck this gay earth
>Gay ass numale indie rock band makes a whole album about an elephant being hung
Rock cant die off fast enough
>Be Amerishart
>Think LSD scales with body weight and not brain size
>Give innocent elephant enough LSD for 3,000 people
>Elephant dies of seizure
>tfw OP makes god-tier thread but it gets derailed by sjw cucklords bickering with alt right fudgepackers
Truer words have never been spoken.
i'm surprised werner herzog hasn't made a film about him.
blacks are statistically overrepresented among serial killers it's just a meme
You've got a lot to learn
Have fun burning in hell you fucking scum.
That was a publicity stunt by Thomas Edison. He wanted to demonstrate that his competitors' electric company was dangerous and that his company should get the contract instead.
Maybe if Kinski hadn't died he would have made it eventually. I miss based Kinski so god damn much.
There's already been a great movie made about him, but even I think there's still many more avenues one could go about his portrayal
"I am fighting this war because of tariffs not slavery lol. and nobody i know cares about slavery either!!"
Then they killed them for nothing, then. Whatever way you want to twist it, fine by me. The truth is impenetrable, that white people destroyed the world for profit.
High school English kek
Which in itself would make a smashing film.
That said, there's a film on the feud between Tesla and Edison about to be released. Looks like it's not terrible but certainly not kino either.
Maybe you could execute an elephant more humanely with a pneumatic pressurized rod?
On the subject of the mentally ill, here's another.
If you wonder why all the studies are old, if anyone tries to do similar studies on groups like homosexuals or on race or anything, they're not allowed to and it's called being "SCIENTIFICALLY UNETHICAL!!" and they censor any work and take away their degrees. We're not even allowed to question things anymore.
Niggers would have just tried to fuck it.
>be american
>have no consciousness or free will
>get shot
Shackleton has a great movie/miniseries and doesn't need one. Scott, or rather Terra Nova expedition deserves its own series with Amundsen in the background (members of both expeditions met exactly once) while Amundsen could have a movie about his whole career instead.
slavery wasnt the reason for the war, remaining a united country was, and abolition was a sideeffect of the northern victory
slavery was however the reason the confederates split of
Hello Sven
A reminder on one of the favorite victim cards of faggots
But where did the fork go?
Source: Your Ass
Id accept a ukrainian qt in a heartbeat
Anything that isn't about Anglos or Americlaps.
T. Desert inbred
Why didn't they just use one of those?
>"Monkey hanger" is a colloquialnicknameby which people from the town ofHartlepoolin north easternEnglandare sometimes known.
>According to local folklore, the term originates from an incident in which amonkeywashangedinHartlepool, England. During theNapoleonic Wars, a French ship of the typechasse maréewas wrecked in a storm off the coast of Hartlepool. The only survivor from the ship was a monkey, allegedly dressed in a French army uniform to provide amusement for the crew. On finding the monkey on the beach, some locals decided to hold an impromptu trial; since the monkey was unable to answer their questions and because they had seen neither a monkey nor a Frenchman before, they concluded that the monkey must be a French spy. Being found guilty, the animal was duly sentenced to death and was summarily hanged on the beach.
Because it happened before elephant guns existed.
Isn't it what Samuel Baker was using during his expeditions. He called it "The Baby". He only fired it about ten times because it made him make a full spin and bleed from his mouth. No one else dared to even use it.
>1916 happened before 1850
Why are reactionaries so fucking brain dead? I'm really wondering.
Does the politics mold your mind into this deformed state, or were you simply born with it and an inability to reason and evaluate evidence comes naturally?
Fucking bushwhacking southern carnie faggots. I wish I was around back then i'd have hanged them all while the elephant and I rode out to a more enlightened part of burgerland.
you're right, i thought the elephant hanging happened in the 1700s. sorry for being retarded user.
I too would like to a see a documentary on basking sharks.
>t. buttrock faggot
listen to real music you zoomer
Yeah. Not sure what caliber he used, but some elephant guns were fucking crazy, with bullets the size of jawbreakers.
Why are Jews so fucking brain dead? I'm really wondering.
Does the kosher mold your mind into this deformed state, or were you simply born with it and a natural gift of ignoring many things said, using semantics, being so mentally agile, and derailing any conversation that' politically incorrect comes naturally?
I had a dream once where for some reason they were using a crane to remove a dead elephant body from some place. And they were lifting it by the neck really high to avoid buildings and its head popped off and the body fell and exploded into chunks.
I don't fucking know what my problem is.
like what?
What about conquistadores during the war against the aztecs, it could be KINO
All rock is shit
Who is Hannibal
If only we'd just stuck to ridding the world of niggers the world would be perfect by now.
The only animals worse than mosquitoes and wasps.
Yes, I'm sure it's just a (((coincedence))) that a shit ton of these pro-immigrant politicians are either backed by lots of rich jews or are jewish themselves.
Or that Jews are always the most hyper-progressive and pro immigrant speakers in other countries yet mostly are very anti immigrant in their own illegitimate desert shithole.
You out yourself by even defending kikes too. I can see your nose and hear your Hava Nagila crap from here. Die. Bye.
It would never work. People aren't allowed to see what it takes to win a war.
>more countries the US can bomb into oblivion for resources, and help Israel fight off even outnumbered 10 to 1
Yeah, us goys sure are dumb for not figuring it out.
The exile and return of Justinian II
The problem with you mutts is not that you are evil
The problem is that your are stupid
I want a movie based on this guy. en.wikipedia.org
You won't regret it
>At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. Dexter initially handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.[8]
white folk be dabbin on niggers lol
Good ol days, back when problems were fixed
This one is fuckin sad.
That album's really good though.
The way he made his fortune is amazing
Seriously, you don't even have to make any of this shit up, it's already beautiful
Can you remind me about what happened in 1914? Or 1939? I think I'm having trouble remembering, because the reality of what Europeans do when they're left alone doesn't seem to fit well into what you're saying. It's almost like you are incorrect.
I hate it when movie actually scale something down because "it would seem too unbelievable to the audience"
On May 2, 1968, a 12-man Special Forces patrol, which included nine Montagnard tribesmen, was surrounded by a North Vietnamese infantry battalion of about 1,000 men. Benavidez heard the radio appeal for help and boarded a helicopter to respond. Armed only with a knife, he jumped from the helicopter carrying his medical bag and ran to help the trapped patrol. Benavidez "distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely valorous actions... and because of his gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men." At one point in the battle a North Vietnamese soldier accosted him and stabbed him with a bayonet. Benavidez pulled it out, yanked out his own knife, killed the North Vietnamese soldier and kept going, leaving his knife in the dead soldier's body. After the battle, he was evacuated to the base camp, examined, and thought to be dead. As he was placed in a body bag among the other dead in body bags, he was suddenly recognized by a friend who called for help. A doctor came and examined him but believed Benavidez was dead. The doctor was about to zip up the body bag when Benavidez spat in his face, alerting the doctor that he was alive.[3]
Africans literally rape babies to *cure* HIV
Name a white country that does that
The Germans scored a direct hit on an M10 tank destroyer, setting it alight, forcing the crew to abandon it.[69] Murphy ordered his men to retreat to positions in the woods, remaining alone at his post, shooting his M1 carbine and directing artillery fire via his field radio while the Germans aimed fire directly at his position.[70] Murphy mounted the abandoned, burning tank destroyer and began firing its .50 caliber machine gun at the advancing Germans, killing a squad crawling through a ditch towards him.[71] For an hour, Murphy stood on the flaming tank destroyer returning German fire from foot soldiers and advancing tanks, killing or wounding 50 Germans. He sustained a leg wound during his stand, and stopped only after he ran out of ammunition. Murphy rejoined his men, disregarding his own injury, and led them back to repel the Germans. He insisted on remaining with his men while his wounds were treated.[69]
>because the reality of what Europeans do when they're left alone
Invent modern civilization? Tbf Asians did it too, pretty well most things considered, even the ME was on the right track until islam lobotomized itself.
I wonder when Africa is gonna catch up? I suppose they'll be more on track after the Chinese are done colonizing/exploiting them.
I'm kind of interested in history yet I have no interest to learn anything about the rise of the carolingian empire, pls redpill me on why it's interesting.
Shit dodge. I haven't ever seen Africans starting world wars and killing each other by the millions over territory.
inb4 "muh african slave traders" that wouldn't have existed without Western economic and political pressure.
They also believe that bald people have gold in their head
>country has shit medical care and education after being under the yoke of a brutal foreign oppressor that treated the people like cattle and disallowed them from pursuing anything but the most rudimentary of education for centuries
If given the chance I wouldn’t hesitate to curb stomp you into cement.
Hey, they wouldn't have it bad here for most part if 1st world pricks weren't trying to smuggle them out of the country for their own amusement.
>no nika riots
This would unironically be unbridled kino.
They say
Thomas Edison is the
man to get us in
to this century...
and that man is me.
Lmao they didn't even have written language before whitey came
You would think after a few hundred years of being ruled over that they would learn something simply by observing and better themselves.
delet this
The absolute state
When a cat crosses the street in front of my car I accelerate at it
Wow so edgy dude xD
Why the mix between mexicans and texans create this badasses?
Is some kind of cruel joke?
Varg kinda cute no homo
>6 hours in hell
>believe that people are worth far more than animals
>don't harm animals anyway because it's dis-pleasurable
Animals make horrible noises, smells, and sights when in pain- why harm them?
No investigation, no right to speak.
It's almost like this imperialist thought process you're displaying here is pure fucking bunk.
One of my favorites ITT. You'd think a case so bizarre would've inspired at least one kino attempt. Dude was a bottomless ghoul with no visible mental issues. With snake like jaw and behavior.
We don't deserve lino like that
You have a charismatic hero and his tomboy romantic interest trying their best, in the end they can't stop it from happening but promote a law to stop elephant hanging again.
Just don't name the movie the Hanged Elephant and show the trailer of a romantic/adventure movie and then put the stupid twist.
"dont deserve" is very subjective
Wasn't your mother a human or something?
Why does my generation seems to care more for a fucking dog or turtle than a child, even if is the bastard of a nigger is a human with dreams.
This could be misinterpreted.
I am from Unicoi county
>Wow that's a lot of suicides. Do transvestites really kill themselves THAT much more than other people. I mean 40%, that's a big percentage
They're mentally ill and eventually come to regret their stupid decisions!!!FACT!!!
It's true.
Edison was a fucking scumbag!!!FACT!!!
It's been done.
>unironically thinking this only has to do with their transition and not the way society at large find them to be disgusting and that they have to justify their existance every day
absolute brainlets
>White people used to take their kids out for a picnic to watch blacks get lynched. Seeing a mob beat, torture, sometimes cut limbs off and even set on fire blacks was a family affair. All of this done to blacks who never even got a trial to be proven guilty.
They really were the greatest generation!!!FACT!!!
that's not what that post says, brainlet
They are and I don't care about them justifying anything. People don't even like their wife and kids. Fuck these weirdos. "I need support and acceptance" well don't we all faggot.
>>unironically thinking this only has to do with their transition and not the way society at large find them to be disgusting and that they have to justify their existance every day
Perhaps society finds them disgusting because they are. And they don't need to justify their existence every day. They know they have a psychological abnormality and eventually the guilt takes its toll. It's like how you'll eventually hang yourself after years of sucking big black cock and finally realize that you're a faggot so matter how feminine their penises are!!!FACT!!!
>"I need support and acceptance" well don't we all faggot.
What they want is attention and validation that what they're doing is right when they know in their XY chromosome hearts it's wrong!!!FACT!!!
just be honest that the suicide rate isn't just because they're insane due to their mental condition
>amerimutts dropped two fucking atomic bombs on innocent people
I really want a high budget WW1 movie that just shows the entire worst of it all. And it gets worse and worse and worse and at the end it just goes
>All for naught
>In less than 20 years it all happened again but even more brutal
I am being honest and saying I don't care and people treat you like a freak because you're an unnerving deranged freak.
And now they're rightfully dead.
ok reddit
This once again proves that Amerimutts are literally niggers of this world. I hope chinks nuke the shit out of these animals.
Cry more faggot
This is what White Americans have to look forward to once they're a minority in their own country.
White Americans who are not White Nationalists yet need to get a reality check.
all the white hate itt is just a /pol/ false flag
>Elephants are known as some of the most violent animals on earth
>They literally kill for fun and love making other animals suffer. One of the few known animals to kill for pleasure
>People defend them because they are "cute"
I knew it was the fucking Russians again...
Fucking Drumpf
That poor camaro
Friendly reminder that in Nazi Germany all elephants would be protected as it was the first country in the world to abolish vivisection and institutional animal abuse.
>Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals. Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist, who, on instructions from Hitler, committed Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps. In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian whose hatred of the Jewish and Christian religions in large part stemmed from the ethical distinction these faiths drew between the value of humans and the value of other animals; Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to ban slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II.
Such noble people.
>ignores all the ivory hunters doing barbaric shit in Africa
>One of the few known animals to kill for pleasure
I dunno man, the more of these nature documentaries I watch the more it seems like most animals enjoy indulging in that shit when they can
Behind the beautiful tradition of Jewish kosher slaughter
the more I learn about them
the more I hate them
Of course you do, Chaim.
it was a different time in the South...
This is happening all over the Midwest by the way. And they're operated by kikes and their (illegal alien) spic workers because they know that white Americans would object to these practices.
Is this the glorious days /pol/ keeps reminiscing about? The people back then sound fucking retarded.
And only white people believe this.
What does hanging elephants got to do with /pol/?
This is more /his/ than anything else.
>no visible mental issues
nigga he was eating small live animals before he even became a freak show. dude was cracked
>just be honest that the suicide rate isn't just because they're insane due to their mental condition
And you think it isn't, that these people are viciously victimized every waking moment and driven to kill themselves?!? No. They have psychological issues which is why they want to change their sex. People like you want to pretend that this is normal and it isn't no matter how much you scream and cry about it will never change that!!!FACT!!!
>And now they're rightfully dead.
And left us a wonderful civilization that women, niggers, faggots and numale white betas have trashed over the last few decades after all of that hard work!!!FACT!!!
A demon.
>And you think it isn't, that these people are viciously victimized every waking moment and driven to kill themselves?
Yes, how can you disagree with this?
>ok reddit
You know I'm right while Tesla sodomizes him with an AC/DC powered spikey dildo in Hell for eternity!!!FACT!!!
>See OP's post
>285 replies
>Every single post in the thread preview is suddenly talking about tranny suicide rates
Okay, I've said this 30 or 40 times before, but I'm done with this website for good. If you guys aren't some machine learning AI algorithm designed to just only discuss 5 subjects, then you're all amazing at it. If you're actual human beings typing on a keyboard, I urge you, nay, implore you to have sex.
>Yes, how can you disagree with this?
Because it's not true and only in their minds because the guilt and shame they feel of being abnormal. Same reason why weeaboo's are usually found hanging in a closet!!!FACT!!!
Actually it’s the Jews and Jew enabling boomer who fucked up society
directed by the cohen brothers, it would win multiple oscars
Your thought process is all fucked up.
>Muh Jewbzzzz
Yeah, we're just gonna kill em.
Mad Jack, even a short film would be nice.
>"we did it murphy... we stopped the germans" *dies*
>"we did ? I did"
More like Uncle Based
i was gonna say that it reads like people documenting an encounter with a demon and not knowing what to think of it. they see a man with a strange disorder instead of a beast who cant function in our plane
To be fair they lynched white people too. White people used to keep it real
underrated post
SO based fuck these faggots. Imagine being a bleeding heart nigger just so you look like a good person to strangers. Fucking pathetic.
HUH??? weird? It’s almost like...I’m really thinking....
The time the white people killed some niggers, that'd be a good movie.
well you don't exactly see americans blowtorching dogs to death at the park
Voted for drumpf
Reddit soi bois got him, the poor bastard
He died as he lived, a hero.
I would want it from the romans perspective, and shot like a horror movie where you never actually see the enemy
>"Murderous Mary"
Holy Fuck. It really is Chaos and Randomness. If there is a god, let it be a nature-animalistic avenger.