Moments of questionable CGI.
Moments of questionable CGI
Why is that shot even CGI?
Michael Mann is a loon
Apparently when filming Sweeney Todd in 2007, Depp had to make a small jump, nothing weird, but somehow the actor managed to twist his ankle while landing, that event delayed the production 2 weeks.
Since that incident, Depp requires in his contract that any character he plays shouldn't do any kind of risky stunt (including small jumps), but I think he is allowed to dance.
>risky stunt
Jesus Christ how physically inept is that man?
Johnny Ineppt
this looks good tho
Public Enemies is brilliant and the best 30s gangster film of the 21st century
Terrible bait.
Someone post the scene from GoT S8 where tyrion jumps off the ship
He's probably fucking hammered 90% of the day
TRON Legacy gets a pass since it was new technology at the time, plus the setting allows for a level of uncanny valley
Curious Case of Benjamin Button looked much better than that, for a whole runtime and that was two years prior
luckily only the face is CGI, the rest is a stunt double. They can easily remaster it probably.
pretty sure that's what OP is pointing out, the terrible Depp CGI face pasted on a stunt guy
jesus christ
Dat isnt even CGI do
The bad cgi people aren’t cgi?
that actually looked really cool back then
you had to be there to understand
Would love a webm
I was 16 when it came out and it was shitty and embarrassing then. Shut up zoomer.
It looked bad even when it came out, user.
back then as a 7 year old I could tell it looked like shit
Pretty much immediately took its throne as the worst CGI ever created.
Pretty sure Rock´s less than stellar movie career was mainly thanks to this botched CGI shot.
Why are you lying? That was shit on day one. I remember talking about how terrible the CG Rock looked after seeing it in the cinema.
This movie was full in the throes of CG stunt doubles when they thought this new fangled technology was perfect for everything and used it in every action scene.
This. It was groundbreaking, there wasn't anything comparable at the time
Roleplaying zoomers are just parroting what they heard their parents say some years later
Stop talking to yourself.
> 15yrs later
> CGI is the same
It's as bad as last marvel movies.
Quick and dirty just ripping out that youtube video
imagine being this much of a faggot
>jump 2inches
>twist your ankle and cry like a bitch
I can only imagine how wretched this must be in HD
from around the same time, it was an epidemic
It isnt CGI...
Its just smaller as the camera is further away
I remember my friend insisting I read the novel first before watching this
Hold the fuck up, I remember they had to CGI Wesley Snipes' eyes open in one of the scenes because he hated acting in the Blade sequels
someone post it
don't you have to be 18+ to post here?
this kind of shit looked spectacular at the time. everybody LOVED those new computer made effects
In retrospective, they don't look any worse than those laughable ray harryhausen monsters
No, it didn't. It looked like bad rubbery CGI stunt doubles.
Got a jif
>Open your eyes Wesley
For what fucking reason?
That shit looked bad to me when I was a kid. Sure, I tolerated it more, but I still thought it looked blatantly off.
He refused to open his eyes for the shot.
he was seepy
Why didn't they use an extremely convincing stunt double?
kiddo, i watched 1976's king kong and 1981's clash of titans at the theater
early CGI was revolutionary and, as crude as it was, it look much better than anything available at the time
The Burly brawl in Matrix Reloaded was an uncanny valley fest
Your posturing is impressing no one. Get lost.
if he hated acting there, why was he even in the movie?
For what fucking reason?
Not wanting to harm yourself is not being inept, retard
benjamin button had some really janky looking moments and he's just sitting around grinning like a dumbass for most of the movie
He was being difficult.
because Wesley is a nut
look at the way his neck moves
Tom Cruise's ass
>that mild face
this looks really good for the time
Don't have a better webm
He just didn't.
You keep posting the same thing over and over.
What're they thinking!? It could have been 100% cables and kung fu choreography leading it to kino status.
Die Another Day was such a fucking mess.
It looked like shit in 2002 and it looks like shit now.
laughable at best
>Pierce Bronson tries watersport with his wife.webmm
this is realer than real life though
>What're they thinking!?
"maaaaaybe i should pretend to be a woman"
Fucking pleb. Harryhausen is P U R E K I N O.
he is a nigger
Made worse by the fact that the opening scene of the film featured real surfing done by pro surfers as stunt doubles.
Top this.
>what were they thinking
don't tell me you guys didn't autistically watch every behind the scenes documentary for all the big movies at the time (star wars matrix etc)
he was full of himself at that time
he was doing top tier movies with acclaimed actors for years at that point
>nobody posted the pinnacle of CGI atrocity "The Thing" (2011), a prequel to a 1982 movie that still has the best visual effects in history
Holy shit I thought that was just Johnny Depp jumping over a counter and I thought it was cool
doesn't look any worse than Black Panther
For some reason it looks better within the context of the movie, probably because every scene has a CG background, so it stays consistent instead of being jarring
don't like to think about it
we don't talk about that
is that totally not jeremy renner?
I disagree. It's jarring in most scenes.
because eventually someone posts that behind the scenes footage of all the amazing practical effects AD did for it and all of them got scrapped because those norvegian fucking mongerls thought it looks "too old"
fuck norway
I like the theory that it looks shitty because the matrix is overloading from having so many agents in the same place
I was just watching bts matrix last night. Are you me?
i always somehow end up on those videos at least once a year or whenever im procrastinating
holy fuck this
how is it this bad? you could make a better version on a $500 PC in like a day
i NEVER understood this
you a real one
>In retrospective, they don't look any worse than those laughable ray harryhausen monsters
The Harryhausen look for the Mummy 2 was intentional. The director wanted it to feel like a stop motion thing so he had the movement look somewhat cruder and the CGI look less polished.
I dont even understand visually whats supposed to be happening in this gif
You just made that up. It actually is because it was unfinished.
Wolverine is somehow spinning around the crown of the Statue of Liberty with his claws.
Langoliers are a beautiful kind of ugly
They kinda look like the mimics from that Edge of Tomorrow manga
>ignoring the entire point of the post just to shit on someone
kys retard
Ive always had a problem with this scene.
Great flick tho
Where's the bad CG?
He was high for most of the shoot and kept acting like an entitled child.
Snipes was unenthused by the film and pissy about Jessica Biel/Ryan Reyolds' characters clearly being brought in as new young leads, so he acted like a brat the entire shoot.
And when it's not rubbish CG it's
Literal osteoporosis from decades of alcohol abuse.
Look, water is hard to do.
>that fake camera jiggle at the end
>her hair blowing in the wrong direction
>Toby looks like a cardboard cutout
>MJs hair is blowing the wrong way
>No sense of G-forces
Where's the soul?
how is Cara so fucking hot in literally everything?
every time I see this gif posted the quality is worse
Fucking KINO
It's a mannequin.
>a $500 PC in like a day
This is still way over budget for an episode of TWD.
Directed by McG aka McringeGinger
>le "it looked good in the day" posters
No, none of this shit did.
Why didn't they use CGI for this scene?
LMFAO so she didnt even want to work on a 4 second scene with him? They paid a dummy?
That's not fucking CG retard
tfw they cast a guy who already looks like a dwarf in real life and then turn the character into this mess
she's not hot there
They switched order
yeah they were really floating through the city there with her hair blowing in the wrong direction
Are the early 2000s the worst time for film VFX?
He means it's a green screen which can be done without a computer
Why is there 10 seconds of the chick talking before showing the dumb CG monster?
Looks good to me.
Yeah in 1960.
it's FUN
no wonder american flicks don't try this shit anymore, if their retarded audiences are unable to get it
>where is the shadow from the big pillar ??
>shadow direction from the actors doesn't match any light from the cgi background
>shadows of the 2 jedis in the background are fake superimposed shit, it lacks the softness of the actors'
>pillars looks metallic and for some reason reflects less light than the cgi stone in the BG
absolute kino in its purest form
What's supposed to be the problem?
Except for that moment in the opening scene even you see young Flynn IRL
>We're always on the same team
It was shit but people looked the other way because of The Rock. He wasn't as widely known as he was now but the teenage WWF demographic liked it.
This has to be a comedy skit holy shit
Classic network TV
this is actually shitty, mediocre and soulless
at least the old ones from B movies are to be expected, and purely meant to entertain audiences
Is the shot really necessary?
I wonder if this looks worse or better at a decent resolution and bitrate
That's Bollywood level of stupidity and I like it
This is the worst movie ever made.
a lot of people tend to overstate his shitty behavior without giving his side of why a care. Yeah it was shitty and unprofessional of him but imagine making a breakout blockbuster role for yourself only to have some studio suits surgically implant Ryan fucking Reynolds and generic forgettable white lady #1208120 into your franchise. They took a Blade movie and made it not about Blade at all, I would be pissed too. Also he was cracking with the IRS shit too. Anyway, I don't really wanna defend him too much but he did also get fucked by the studio and actors who climbed the ladder by sucking cock and not making their own fucking Blade.
Whoa, I love Megaman Legends
This whole fucking movie... what were they thinking?
Much worse, but I pulled it from a youtube video and then forgot the name of the show, so I'm stuck with that.
god this movie sucks
It's funny because if you redid that scene the movie is decent buildup to terrible payoff.
That compositing on the background is anything but cute.
I like how Bullseyes hands go nowhere near Dare Devil, but he has his weapon in the next scene that he stole from him
you know I'm starting to think M Night didn't really get this show
what the fuck
I got my first boner watching this movie as a kid
Imagine being able to look like anyone you want, and choosing to look like Miles fucking Teller.
That at least has the excuse of being basically the first ever attempt at de aging with CG, in 2006.
Are all the action scenes in this movie just flat wide shots? Comedies set up the same way for pratfalls.
Looks good when you're loaded full of hormones pretending to be a woman.
which ps2 game is this?
It's better when you freeze frame
The extreme differences between the live action and bad CG stunt shots are so jarring
wtf is that shit ??? Saws pls
What Pixar movie is that from? Ice Age?
I like how he barely looked any different.
How do you not notice a FUCKING TIGER coming at you?
I had to watch this like five times to get that he was changing his face back
where's the CG
That's really bad acting too on his part. He didn't even look like he was aiming for Carl's head.
1. cara's whole body was cgi in that
2. you gotta be gay to care for the background in those scenes. nothing intrinsically wrong with that
This sure looks better than makeup.
this is amazing
>This is still way over budget for an episode of TWD.
Baffles me that AMC is fucking making a 3rd TWD show.
I'm imagining the spring sound from Sonic
>that filename
no it wasn't and the backgrounds look bad
Was that Torchwood?
That doesn't look that bad, pretty damn good compared to the deer or that one greenscreen'd trashyard.
Looks like an FMV point and click
How about an absolute lack of CGI?
I don't understand why her head is composited over that body. I'm not even sure if the body is someone else or completely CG, but I don't see why they couldn't just have her in costume doing the whole scene then and there before adding all the smokey shit.
Jesus Christ, being a CG artist must be a complete nightmare.
lel. you're so dumb. how do you post something that can be so easily disproven?
That's a myth, the only parts that are CG are the magic swirling stuff, because it's CGd to be coming out of her it can look odd in some shots
It makes me question the logic behind the scene and why an animal would explode like a hand grenade when hitting a hibachi.
Does that count?
[dunking sound]
He wanted to kill off Blade so he didn't have to be in anymore movies with those goddamn crackers
Omg where is this from? Is this a saw movie?
>not posting the green man version
Are those CGI breasts?
Imagine not being able to make a fun move out of Avatar.
>no decorations
>plain as fuck everything
>no personal effects
it looks like an ikea showroom. literally soulless
>Its real
But ikea showrooms are full of decorations and personal stuff and crap
They try to make that shit look as homely as possible
A video game.
Coincidental case of spontaneous combustion.
I remember that show
Are youuuuutheOvotar Oong?
Shit, you're right. Looks like an apple store.
I saw this in theaters. The audience erupted into laughter upon seeing him. He looks terrible then and now.
We need guns, lots of guns.
they shouldve reshot negans wind up, its not even half-assed because he knew he'd be "interrupted"
what the hell is this from?
This doesn't look that bad, to be honest. It's certainly not great but solid for 1997
It looked just as as shit then, thats why its so infamous as an example of dreadful cgi
what part do you think is cgi
What is causing the sparks?
can someone post that statue melting in the hobbit part 2?
Wait, why the FUCK wouldn't they just give her a full costume instead of having her in her underwear here? And why bother painting her tattoos on if the body was going to have so much more layered over it??? All it does is make her most untouched face seem like it has different lighting on it.
I'm so fucking confused. They won the award for make-up, and the make-up in the film IS good, so why not just give her her complete costume?
Come on, this was the same year.
i'm glad we advanced so much!
Jigsaw (Saw 8)
oh. makes sense. i need to go watch that. remember marathoning all of them over night. that intro has been ingrained in my brain ever since
According to the VFX folks in an interview, the only parts of her scenes in the final film that are not CG is her nose, mouth and the area around her eyes, but not her eyes themselves.
When slowed down it is uh, obvious
It's the face, right?
Faces are possibly the hardest cgi thing to do
The reason for all that, get this, is that they hadn't designed the costume yet and so decided to just make her a CG character and do it after filming.
so this movie actually used a lot of practical effects too and so they just needed to make the cgi look like the practical effects rather than total cgi with no reference. the transition from practical to cgi and vice versa seemed more natural because of the transition was harder to notice. really well put together movie. a lot of heart
Black Panther ran out of time for the CG and god it fucking shows. Terrible set design aswell
if you really want to see how crappy it looks, look at her hands
It's dumb as hell, but I had fun treating it as a dark comedy. So, basically like the other movies.
Nature's most perfect killing machine
>Quieter than a whore farting in church
>Most intelligent of any apex predator.
>Bite as strong as a crocodile.
>700lbs of muscle jumping at you with claws and teeth that you won't even hear until you're fucking dead.
>we need you in the shot or people will say they're fake
>oh nobodies gonna think these are fake!
Lines that haven't aged well
The Black Panther scene everyone posts was shot in October as part of reshoots, delivered to the effects house in December, and the movie came out in February. It's an impossible deadline and very unfair on the effects team.
Maybe is you getting older user.
>thousands of dollars and hundreds of manhours went into trying to make cara hot
Doesn't look that bad. It's just more comical that he's shot at point blank with an RPG.
yeah thats pretty much how i treated them. each one after the first just got dumber and dumber with them retconning and adding twists.
i think most people just watch for the effects but if they are going cgi then yuck.
I blame The Matrix for this, every movie wanted cool effects like Matrix
>they gave her CGI boobs and hips
I think that's just really shitty makeup
LOST gets a pass for being KINO
>that mouth
didn't blade do slow mo shit first though? or are you saying matrix kinda steamlined it?
Blade II predates Matrix Reloaded though
No, they did it with CG this time to save time due to her short screentime and heavy reshoots. In one of the trailers her eyes are even the wrong color in a shot because it wasn't finished.
Watch the mouth move.
Honestly looks better than I remembered it being.
There's enough detail on her real body that matches the final one that you can tell they had the design down pat. And the fact they went to just enough effort that they even painted her up with gold leaf shows they had something. I mean, maybe she was supposed to look nude but the decision to basically cover her up, or that pic related idea (and all the art I'm finding now just seems like basic ideas rather than fully fledged designs) just didn't work.
God damn what a fucking disaster that film was. Imagine getting into POST PRODUCTION and not knowing what your antagonist looked like.
Sorry, holy fuck, I'm just typing as I think because I find that so hard to believe. How did this film ever happen at all?
>didn't blade do slow mo shit first though?
Honestly I don't remember the first movie having slow mo fights
I'm talking about all the fighting with the camera flying around like in
The weirdest thing is that every one of these films that I've seen look perfectly fine on a big screen for the most part, yet look fake as balls on a smaller display.
fuck i can't stop cringing now
>parts of Cara Dewhatever's face float around the screen while a janky CG character moves
What a great movie.
Now I know why her face looked so floaty... doesn't match anything
i believe the last fight in the blood temple thing had that typical limbo underneath a blade slice thing. could be remembering wrong. haven't seen blade since i saw it in theaters
Gas fueling the hibachi was ruptured, release the gas in a fireball. That sort of 'explosion' is more accurate than most movie grenades are.
cara was literally PERFECT there. joker and harley were GOAT
will smith and all the american military bullshit truly ruined the movie
What's really, really stupid, is the same character appears at the start of the film in a different costume that's 100% practical, other than glowy eyes.
no, I remember people laughing at it
I laughed at it
it looks like shit.
>Drew Swastikmore
Because projectors are dimmer and blurrier.
Cara was literally DIGITAL there
It's recreated to correctly simulate all the lighting and interaction from the stuff behind her.
It's way easier to have everything CG instead of color correcting frame by frame the actor.
To be honest, it KIND of gets a pass because almost all the Star Wars fancy shit was matte background, so at least its consistent in its use of shitty background CGI
And you know this is practical cos you can see the actress' non-existent chest shoved up to painful looking levels to give her boobs, but here they're just CG and not pushed up
>no The Thing 2011 posted
Good. That shit is PTSD levels of bad that it needs its own thread
Why replace so much? All that remains of the actress' performance is the very middle of her face, just the nose and mouth. Even her eyes and ears are CG. She wasn't wearing mocap gear so effectively her performance doesn't even appear in the scenes. I believe she was also dubbed over while in that powered up form too so why even hire her at that point.
torchwood might be the dumbest show Ive ever seen
I'm still mad.
i saw it years later, didn't realize it's been 8 years already. fuck.
i thought the designs were okay, cgi bothered me though.
cos this movie was rushed and a total mess in post production. A trailer company was doing the final edit on the film in the end.
there is less cgi in this shot than you think.
The only reason it works is because the fake faces match the on/off flickering lights... and it's fast.
At least they were able to cgi here cock and adam's apple out.
The funny thing is all they'd have to do is put crab hands on the rock and pull him on a trolley while some fake legs wobble around.
The last, great cgi film. Then it all went to motion blur lazy shit hell from there.
I fapped too much to this girl that I don't even care about the CGI quality anymore.
>that behind the scenes video where they actually had the original manifestation of the Thing scene planned out
>all of it was cut out
Man you can see how basically none of her was actually used in the final film. Not even the sides of her face are real in the after shot, or the eyes. It's a nose and a mouth floating around while a PS3 cutscene plays.
Hey, the CG character actually has boobs and some hips.
The arms waving around that that ugly smooth motion that always gives it away as CG. Why can't they ever fix that?
watching this to nothing's gonna stop us now. it works. comfy.
this looks perfectly fine. is this a good CGI thread now?
Won an Oscar for makeup.
That looks terrible. Which part is it you think is CG?
>when your wife jumps in the pool
ITT: Clueless retards dismiss good CGI as bad without even understanding which parts were CGI'd and which parts weren't
>coward comes in after bump limit so he doesn't have to actually point out any examples
I know it very well. I've spent days, if not weeks, staring at this woman's curves.
Yeah I hate this too, bad shit like this usually boils down to poor on-set planning paired with lack of time for vfx companies.
I'm guessing her final design changed after the shooting, look at thumbnail, she's not wearing anything matching the final look execpt the tattoos...
she doesn't have any curves
He was upset that Goyer was trying to undermine his character in order to use the movie as a vehicle for spin-offs, also he smoked too much weed in his trailer and his eyes were bloodshot.
if you didn't masurbate to Cara's nice body you are gay
Literally only the smoke is CG here. Cara did all that dancing for real.
why are landwhale transfaggots always so mad at Clara?
point to her curves if you disagree so much, she's a flat fridge
>this seething carafag
Snyder cut when?
But then just put lights on the set!
This thread is driving me insane. Aside from this film, EVERY single film posted in this thread baffles me. Someone had to decide to shoot things this way, knowing there would be CG added in later. Like, OP post; if you knew Depp couldn't jump like that himself, why not frame it or light it to cover up his face better and blend the CG in better. Some of the rest of the posts in here are just failed attempts or lack of rendering power, but then you see shit like this.
I just made my first After Effects ufo and it looks fake as hell, but still managed to look better than some of the shit in here.
Snyder is the one that decided on that piece of shit as the villain
So you stared at nothing.
>bed bugs from hotels
She travels a lot faggot
snyder's version was deemed to dark for whedon, so they changed it for a guy with a horned helmet
Truly "Carafags" are the dirt worst. Imagine being this defensive.
>In retrospective, they don't look any worse than those laughable ray harryhausen monsters
Disgusting taste.
That looks fuckin stupid