Who are Adam and Lilith? Can someone give an legit answer?

Who are Adam and Lilith? Can someone give an legit answer?

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>needing answers for kiddie cartoon

back to Yea Forumsbsolute brainlets with your shit show

space aliens that crashed onto earth via asteroid/first impact

And what happens during the first impact?

The show and movie explain it dude. Adam contained the fruit of life which created the angels and lillith contained the fruit of knowledge which created humans and terrestrial life. If the 2 merge together the resulting being would have the power of a god.

dinosaurs got memed

Im fucking sick of evangelion threads.It was fun in the beginning seeing newfags missing the whole message of the show despite being thrown at you constantly but now its just the same fucking spam over and over again.
Its worse then sneed posting.

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>thinks his opinion matters

What's with asians and their inability to understand God's divinity?

You are a newfag.

Kind of. IIRC, an alien race sent sorts of "seeds" to spread across the universe. On Earth, Lilith crash landed in whats called the black moon/Geofront NERV based in EOE, and caused first impact - the extinction of the dinos, etc. Adam landed in the white moon in the Antarctic. Humans came from Lilith, but other angels come from adam and are at odds with each other for dominance. When humans found and tried to re-activate Adam, it caused 2nd impact to which they had to use science to revert him to an embryo state. That's from what I remember, hopefully it explains some. I don't remember anything from the Rebuild movies, sorry, but that shit doesn't count anyway until it gets finished as far as I'm concerned.
Has literally nothing to do with God

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Seeds of life planted by aliens. Adam makes immortal monsters. Lilith makes life as we know it. Each planet was supposed to have one or the other so that they wouldn't become God like.
Adam was on earth first. Lilith showed up and ruined everything. That was 1st impact.

t. snyder

stay btfo, weenie

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>The most talked about and discussed anime for 20 years
>Netflix does a bastardized dub with an actual fucking tranny as Shinji, some Irish pop whore as Auska, and censors the gay references from Kawru
>Zoomers who completely miss the point of the series create shit threads like this.

Fuck this timeline

>Its worse then sneed posting.
Wojak posters aren't akin to quality anyway.

>censors the gay references
lmao, for real ?

>>The most talked about and discussed anime for 20 years
DBZ? yeah fucking evafag, now put a fucking bullet in your head edgy normie

referenced maybe but who the fuck "discusses" dragonball other than autistic 12 year old spics?

Why are you pretending the show was straightforward? The series glances over it at best and doesn't even mention F.A.R..
Rebuild touches on it more than the series did, and even then it's sparse. Ironically, most of the background comes in depth from a PS2 game.

Only people who have a +150 IQ truly can understand Evagelion

No one discusses DBZ.

Yes, really. They changed "I love you" to "I like you" and removed the reference to them showering together

Listen faggot, 20+ years of bitching that Superman pushes Goku's shit in every time don't count as discussions

The gay references aren't really censored considering the dialogue is still accurate to the script.

They explain everything you need to know in the show you autistic evageeks cuck. The rest is gay fanfic shit for sci-fi obsessed nerds that don't understand storytelling deeper than wookiepedia articles about chairs and breasts

Did you watch Death and Rebirth? They literally fucking explain Adam in the first 5 minutes. Only they fucked up because what they thought was Adam was actually Lillith

Big guys.

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No, not really. Kaworu, being an angel empathizes with Shinji and, by extension, the human race. He calls his empathy love.
However, in a series about kissless virgins, watched primarily by kissless virgins, empathy can seem gay.

I think Goku is stronger and has more muscles and Vegeta, what do you think? Also Bulma's panties are awesome!

>I love you to I like you
It's the same translation.

Indeed, Kaworu is an allegory for Christ. Pure love for one another. No, just kidding, gay shower sex XD

Eva's come from Adam don't they? So that's what the white dude is

who the fuck "discusses" Memegelion other than autistic 15yo tacos and 20/30yo virgins? tell me
no, is shit, stupid and pretentious shit for mongoloids who do not see that Anno created shinji for a handful of unsuccessful virgins to believe they are smarter or better, and surprise, it worked, total hack

>They explain everything you need to know in the show you autistic evageeks cuck
They really don't. They are intentionally sparse with it.

the giant white thing is Lilith. All Evas were cloned from Adam's tissue except Unit-01. That one was cloned from Lilith.

01 comes from Lilith.

There's your clue dickbreath

Anno created one big, long series that essentially said, "Dudes, you really need to get out of your parents' basement, make real friends, stop obsessing over cartoons."
Pretty slick troll, if you ask me.

Death and Rebirth is more extra than what most people watch. It's the movie they released *because* they realized the background was skimped too much.

Great post. 10/10

they give you everything YOU NEED TO KNOW. they don't give you everything.

Knowing about the F.A.R. or SEELE's secret plan for Instrumentality has nothing to do with Shinji coming to terms with his place in the world.

They -clearly- explain everything and break down the show detail for detail, even though Misato herself doesn't learn the truth of things until End of Evangelion, come on, duuuh don't be dense!!

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and the biggest sample of autism is that for more than a decade weebs keep talking about this shit, feeding the meme of "DEEEEP" no, it's not deep, it's crap and anyone with a brain would understand this shit, you guys they still believe that it is deep, and that is the most pathetic thing

>All Evas were cloned from Adam's tissue

Then how come they want to triggere a third impact by contacting Adam, but interacting with the Evas won't do shit?

Adam and Lilith are both creators. Adam was sent to Earth to be the seed of the inhabitants, but he crashed into Antarctica and was in a frozen status so Lilith mistakenly came down to Earth and created humanity. The reason the Angels are hell bent of killing off humanity and freeing Adam is became we weren't meant to be the inhabitants of the planet. The Angels really don't have an axe to grind with humanity other than we weren't the intended lifeforms to inhabit this planet. Shit loads of plot holes in Evangelion, but it kind of deals with panspermia.

lol k

nah that was just a cheap epic twist that makes no sense
they said humans came from lilith and the images clearly show thats bullshit

I remember listening to the directors commentary back in the day, with a couple of guys reading apocrypha trying to explain the plot, and that Amanda Winn Lee woman who got btfo'd from the redub.

>"Dudes, you really need to get out of your parents' basement, make real friends, stop obsessing over cartoons."
no, you said that, if you want to look for hidden meanings to a story so simple and stupid about a useless fag, congratulations, you are one


>they give you everything YOU NEED TO KNOW.
Obviously not or threads like this wouldn't exist throughout the Internet for decades

IIRC, it's due to Evas lacking an S2 engine.
01 eating Zeruel was a massive game changer in this regard.

This anime is fucking garbage because it does all this build up and character development just so the Illuminati can turn everyone in a orange juice collective consciousness because of muh loneliness. This by itself is fucking retarded because humans are very individualistic by nature so why the hell would we want our souls to be merged with everyone else so we can gain “understanding”

Everyone turning into orange juice is also fucking retarded because it leaves us stuck on Earth in a primordial state even though we have the means to clone people and create huge fuck-off robots.

Just clone me a big titty bitch and I’ll be happy don’t fucking throw me into the orange juice with the gross brown people’s souls

So... now that you posted this, incels here will hate Anno like they hate Memerson?

Manga caused more trouble than can be understood. Maybe they should have worked on their translation skills instead of adding "fuck"s and other dub noises.

discordfags trying this hard? this is pathetic lmao

What are you smoking? The show is emphatic about 01's unique nature.


Lilith was Adams first wife in the Bible, she however would not do as Adam wished, so GOD made Eve from Adams rib. His perfect woman. Lilith then eventually became the mother of all demons.

>In the bible

>things that make no sense happen in the show all the time
>talk to the fandom about it
>they know canon names for everything and lore never explained in the whole show

Seriosuly, is there more to evangelion than the anime? Where do people learn those things about the seeds of life, black and white moon, first ancestral race, dead see scroll, clones of Adam, Clones of Lilth and so on? Half of that was never mentioned in the show, the other half was briefly mentioned, yet people show extensive knowledge of them all.

all of that is mentioned in the show, rewatch it.
Except first ancestral race is which is fanfic bullshit

>This anime is fucking garbage because it does all this build up and character development just so the Illuminati can turn everyone in a orange juice collective consciousness because of muh loneliness. This by itself is fucking retarded because humans are very individualistic by nature so why the hell would we want our souls to be merged with everyone else so we can gain “understanding”
I have seen the point flying, for a moment - supersonic speed.
I mean I THINK it was the point. To fast, and to far above.

Are you asking about the series+EoE or Rebuilds? Because that's a Rebuild screenshot and there are lore differences between the two.

Go out and stop being an incel.

>Fanfic bullshit
It's from Anno himself, you fucking faggot.

4.5 billion years ago the BLACKED moon of Lilith crashed on earth

Because the plot isn't about all that shit, that's just a framing device. The fanbase is full of autistic faggots that the creator hates

It’s some overly done allegory for humans being lonely and separated emotionally from everyone else

It just tries to be artsy for the sake of art that’s why it has all this meme-y religious stuff

>Obviously not or threads like this wouldn't exist throughout the Internet for decades
It's just like "Twin Peaks".
Autists overlook the story itself and want to get bogged down in irrelevant details.

A normal person watches and thinks:
>Hmm, the giant robot fights have taken a backstage to the psychological turmoil of the young boy. That must be the show's focus.

An "Evangelion fan" watches and thinks:
>If the Eva is a biological construct, but runs on electricity, where are the batteries stored?! Tell me Anno, hide the answer in a shitty video game.

Most of the additional lore is from the games. It complements the plot of the series and does not contradict it which is enough for people to consider it canon. It's also why people don't consider the manga canon because stuff in it is in direct contradiction with plot and themes in the series and might as well be an alternate reality.

Most of that is glanced over in the show. Mostly during Misato's investigation subplots. It's extremely easy to miss just because they offer very little habd holding.


Wait so if Adam + Ririth = Goddu, and NERD have both of them, why aren't they godlike? P.s. what was the bearded guy's master plan? Did he literally just wanna defeat the angels because he was a Good Man?

What’s the point of this anime then wise guy

Which plot, though? The show has at least four different timelines.

shinji get ipad

Half of the thing people talk about the lore is from interviews, the PSP and PS2 games, they explained very little about it in the anime.

Eons ago the First Ancestral Race sent giant planetoids containing Seeds of Life to colonise the universe. The seeds are giants containing the souls of the ancestors plus LCL - biological liquid
By accident TWO crashed on earth. The first ancestral race had planned for this emergency; the Lance of Longinus is a failsafe mechanism to deactivate one of the Seeds. Adam was shut down by the Lance. Lillith bled LCL which was the primordial soup from which terrestrial life evolved. Of course humans dug up Adam and removed the Lance, this caused 2nd impact which was actually the Adam seed emitting a field to reshape earth's conditions for a different form of life. The Angels are life forms emitted by Adam. Where the life from lillith starts simple but evolves intelligence and awareness (tree of knowledge) life from Adam is unique, self contained [solipsistic] creatures that do not reproduce or change but are "perfect" in themselves (tree of life).

>Wait so if Adam + Ririth = Goddu, and NERD have both of them, why aren't they godlike?
That was the plan. Needed to defeat the Angels first and get rid of the Spear of Longinus.

>P.s. what was the bearded guy's master plan?
Partially he wanted to reunite with the soul of his dead wife (the soul was actually in Unit-01) but mostly he wanted to be in control of Instrumentality so he could become God.

Stay on evageeks forums faggot, the show is too deep for you.

It does? The show only had one, then there is the rebuild and then the manga

This is partly from the game but the game lore game from anno and other gainax staff. There was also other canon sources like booklet distributed at special movie theatre showings

Why needed to defeat the angels first? Why not just become God? (What is that process?)

Every time Shinji wakes up in that empty hospital room, that's the start of a parallel timeline. The show then skips between them all.

Series+EoE is what almost all people mean when they talk about Evangelion plot. If they mean any of the other media they usually specify it. The plot of 25 and 26 is not that different unless you believe instrumentality had a different outcome in that one and in either case the backstory and lore for both 25/26 and EoE is the same.

You just called yourself snyder, dumb tourist.

>Lillith bled LCL which was the primordial soup from which terrestrial life evolved. Of course humans dug up Adam and removed the Lance, this caused 2nd impact
>The Angels are life forms emitted by Adam. Where the life from lillith starts simple but evolves intelligence and awareness (tree of knowledge) life from Adam is unique, self contained [solipsistic] creatures that do not reproduce or change but are "perfect" in themselves (tree of life).
this is explained in the show by Gendo, everything else doesn't affect the plot at all
I bet you faggots watched it dubbed too

Imagine flying to a random planet and finding the angels all just kind of chilling out

Japanese culture is different and a literal translation would not capture the intended meaning of the lines.

If there are still angels out there, then SEELE could reproduce the process and also become God. Also they had to get rid of the God-killer weapon (the red spear that they threw to the Moon)

Then all they have to do is merge a creature with Fruit of Life (Adam/Angels) and one with Fruit of Knowledge (Lilith/Humans). That triggers Instrumentality, which a central person can control. (It ended up being Shinji by accident.)

>Every time Shinji wakes up in that empty hospital room, that's the start of a parallel timeline

How and why?

That's the Berenstein bears universe

They're a representation of the vessels in the Kabbalistic creation myth, Shevirat Ha-Kelim.

The Angels egos are too strong.
Them getting tanged with everyone else is a recipe for disaster. Also, it's just what the dead sea scrolls said.

The entry plug of Unit 01 is like a nexus of time and space. Unit 01 is from Lilith, and has the soul of Shinji's mother controlling it. Having the fruit of knowledge means it controls time, so everytime Shinji dies, or is about to, Unit 01 creates another timeline and pops Shinji into it so he can keep living.

pfft. gay.

shut the fuck up retard

>Adam and Lilith
their origin is similar to Superman and Supergirl (Anno is a hack)
>kryptonite = spear of longinus
>moon = kryptonian rocket
>adam = superman
>lilith = supergirl
and that's where most similarities end though

>a humanoid ancestral race 4 billion years ago was committing sudoku
>want to survive in some humanoid form elsewhere [i.e adam/lilith (Seeds of Life) being rocketed through space and angels/humans having the same DNA]
>adam was the first to land on earth (in white moon space rocket), he creates angels
>lilith was the second to land on earth (in black moon space rocket), she creates humans
>they weren't supposed to land on the same planet
>one of them has to dominate earth, Kaworu, being a cuck, let Shinji kill him

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remember that humans are the 18th angel, triggering third impact is just a case of having an angel incorporate itself with both Adam and Lilith (this is why the series revolves around preventing the angels from contacting lilith at all cost)

if two angels try to do both at once shit presumably gets fucky

Where the are you getting this form?

This was all in the literature that came in the 1997 (I think, or maybe 1998) limited Tokyo metro-region McDonalds Happy Meals. It's canon, though.

Truly the Kubrick of anime

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christian fanfiction is gross


Adam and Lilth are far older than the christianism

post nose and personal opinion of mel gibson

Weebs only think that evengalion is good and deep because it shoves religious imagery and freshman philosophy in it and their tiny brains think that means its smart

>adam and lilith are older than christianity
then they are simply still jewish fanfiction, since judaism as a faith and these characters are not that old.
mel gibson was based and calling out kikes is a national duty

hot take everyone is dumber than you are

Adam is the Christ and Lilith is Sophia.
It's Gnosticism.

Lilith his in a vessel body, slave of a human.
Adam came in a vessel, make her reveal her true potential using his logos and die for the Angels sins.

When Christ came, he freed Sophia who was banned on earth and they came back to the Pleroma with the true god.

Shinji became a demiurge but he destroyed his own ego and accepted that he can live in the world of Yaldabaoth, he find the Gnosis with the congratulations.


Fanfiction is defined as a fictional work writen by a fan as a part of a story of another author, without beeing commissioned or authorized by the original creator of said story/universe. The genesis is a original work, if anything the following books are the fanfics

> Owen starts the third impact

What does he choose?

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Reminder that EoE is not canon. Congratulations is the true end.

>Yea Forumsbsolute
looks like its back to lurking buddy

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Adam and Lilith are the first man and woman. Eva just turned it into an ancient aliens story

yeah, Netflix is really known for being a super right wing christian streaming service that hates gays
mega cringe bro

Remember when she made him spill his coffee and he started choking her? after the mind trip ended he remembered that and thought all that bullshit about self discovery was gay and went back to what he was doing

it was weird that everyone wanted Sinji to stop being depressed but really...his life was terrible. Its not like he had a lot good things going for him and he was still depressed.

>Netflix adds in gay
>Yea Forums angry
>Netflix removes gay
>Yea Forums angry

This. He literally fucking explains it lmao and people think it's still gay. It's not gay love, its pure empathy and unrequited love. He represents the ubermensch as presented in the show's philosophy, he is open to a pure connection with people.

>gorillion tiny legs that clearly can't support the weight of his giant body
How did that nigga move?

They self insert as Shinji and want him to succeed so they succeed.

he's clearly been mangled and mutilated by BASED Gendo

How are those contradicting? You retarded?

Tbh the best parts of this series are the comfy bits and the character interactions. I wish there was like a second series where Gendo kills all the Seele faggots after Tabris and the rest of the show becomes about him and Shinj reconciling and the trio trying to be normal kids

To summarize your post

>Netflix changes shit unnecessarily
>Yea Forums angry.

To summarize my own post:
>Yea Forums angry.

There should be another series where Asuka, Rei, Misato and Kaworu ride Shinji's baloney pony.

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If you want SoL watch the first hour of 2.22. Even though they aren't really the same characters but eh.

When will they learn?

Gendo wanted instrumentality, but it's implied that he just wanted to be with his dead wife (whose soul is inside unit 001). It's assumed he would try to control it in some way.

Everyone wanted/needed the angels dead.

There are people on Yea Forums who have only now realized what the "tumbling down" meme refers to.

Wait, does Netflix also show EoE? or just up to Congratulations?

This is so fucking stupid.

Is there some Shinto shit that explains this? Because it sure as hell isn't Biblical.

Why does N*tflix ruin everything?

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>There are people on Yea Forums who have only now realized what the "tumbling down" meme refers to.
I can understand not watching Eva before but SURELY Yea Forums has heard Komm, Susser Tod at least one time before just after seeing TUMBLING DOWN posted so many times over the years, right? There aren't people THAT new on Yea Forums are there?

>Is there some Shinto shit that explains this? Because it sure as hell isn't Biblical.
It's not Biblical. They gommed a bunch of cool-sounding Old Testament apocryphal imagery onto a giant robot show that eventually turned into Anno psychoanalyzing himself amidst a shrinking budget.

It's no different than Westerners being fascinated by Eastern mysticism. Think of the Beatles when they all became Hindus or something.

>There aren't people THAT new on Yea Forums are there?
There is some percentage of users that logged on for the first time this month.

Also, I forgot how catchy that song is. The music is seriously one of the strangest parts of this series. It's all over the place.

Here's your Shinji, bro

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Came here to see if someone had posted this

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That user is slightly wrong. The merged Fruits would make the resulting being as powerful as the First Ancestral Race, the ayyy lmaos that created the Eggs and thus, Lilith, Adam, Humans, the Angels. It's not actually God, but basically aliens so powerful you might say they have demi-god like powers. As touched on earlier, all those failsafes and stuff like the Lances were put in because it'd be like humans (IRL, not in Eva) creating a being just as smart and powerful as us. That obviously creates all sorts of problems because one day they could learn and evolve and overtake your place.

Adam is an ancient alien that creates Angels
Lilith is a ancient alien that creates Earth life (humans, fish, plants etc)
By accident both landed on Earth and the two are inherently at odds with each other
Adam went into stasis alongside his Angels to allow Lilith to create her life
Adam was accidentally briefly awoken in 2000 before being put back in stasis but his Angels are waking up and they want to destroy humanity to make a world for Adam.

The Human Instrumentality Project is to have Adam and Lilith merge alongside all human souls to become God.

Seele says this is their goal but actually wants to merge the council's souls inside an Eva to become a God and leave everyone else out.
Gendo wants to do the same but just him and Yui (whose soul is inside Eva 01)
What actually happens is a weakened Adam is absorbed into Rei/Lillith alongside every human soul on Earth. All insecurities and fears no longer exist in that state. Shinji is given the gift of CHOICE. He can DECIDE to stay in this disembodied state or he and anyone else who wants to can return to a physical body and live life with all the hate, fear, anxiety....but also love, joy and friendship that can also happen.

Kawuro or whatever was never a love interest. He isn't even a person he's supposed to represent a part of shinji

>they could learn and evolve and overtake your place.
That would be unlikely since the F.A.R created the black and white moons as arks. Their race was on the decline, so they initiated an instrumentality of their own and loaded their souls into each moon's Chamber of Guf.

They continue to live on in us. The reason they didn't want fruits of life and knowledge to merge is because that would put them at the same dead end that caused their race to go extinct in the first place.

>Also, I forgot how catchy that song is. The music is seriously one of the strangest parts of this series. It's all over the place.
I actually listen to it pretty often in the background. You're right, it's catchy.
You're right about the music too. It's everywhere.
I did like Komm, Susser Tod in EoE though. It's such a light hearted and upbeat tune and vocals and they're singing about how everything is tumbling down and all that stuff that sounds suicidal like "let you down, end it all, leave forever, etc". All while basically the world is ending on screen and everyone is getting tanged.

>Seele says this is their goal but actually wants to merge the council's souls inside an Eva to become a God and leave everyone else out.
>Gendo wants to do the same but just him and Yui (whose soul is inside Eva 01)

This is why Yui loaded herself into Unit 01. She realized Seele's plans for immortality would have excluded her baby (Shinji). SEELE realized this and Yui believed they were probably going to have her liquidated, so this way she's still in the picture and could watch over him from a powerful position in addition to hijacking the body that SEELE was preparing for their own apotheosis (Unit 01)

Well, this is kinda news to me, and here I am thinking I know everything there is to know about Eva. Do you know where that's from, not that I doubt you? I always assumed the FAR had those failsafes for my reason, I can't even remember where I heard it. What lead to their downfall? Was it metaphorical "end" like an evolutionary one so they did that, or was there something that was seriously killing all of them?

Man, sure a lot happened on Supernatural since I stopped watching

>doesn't explain why Sinji wanted to kill Asuka and then stopped because she actually wanted to die

Based and redpilled.

Evangelion isn’t that complicated, it’s a simple arc about learning to develop a healthy ego and boundaries following family trauma, wrapped in the allegory of an old monster movie mashed up with a lightly subversive early 90s style mecha anime

It was from one of the video games. I honestly don't remember. This is all from when I was in high school, so it's been about a decade.

If I remember correctly, though, it was that their evolution had come to an end and their stagnation presaged inevitable extinction. Even back then, it smacked of the Golden Path from Dune: to scatter humanity all over the place and alter them so that, even if they're not as strong as before, they can never be completely wiped out.

>The S2 Engine Theory was advocated by Dr. Katsuragi. As the world is formed with spirals, the engine acquires energy from its shape, which is the same as DNA.
>From here, the S2 Engine was being envisioned as an energy source that would attempt to procure helical energy — in other words, an inexhaustible supply.
So the Eva's run on spiral power?

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Shinji started strangling her because in his self-psychoanalysis while he was in the Tree of Life, she was the stand-in for all of his self-hatred.
When he first woke up, he wasn't quite sure yet what was real.
When she stroked his cheek, he realized he was now in reality by his own choice and broke down crying.
The final "I feel sick" or "How disgusting" line shows that both characters still have a long ways to go.

To wit, achieving mental health is not an on-off switch, but a constant process of evaluation and growth.

But Shinji jerked off over Asuka so he wasn’t gay.


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Cowboy Bebop is better

I figured Sinji realized he hated Asuka and wanted to kill her and when she stroked his cheek she was basically letting him know that she wanted to die....so he stoped
and thats why she calls him "disgusting"

Gurren Lagann> NGE> >>>> CowReddit Bebmeme

All anime is reddit

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It's a scene that opens itself up to a lot of ambiguity.

You can say she wanted to die, and her self-destructive actions would suggest the same, but at the same time, she's the only other person we know of to self-manifest. Her sense of self and desire to exist is strong enough to pull her out of the soup.

I took it to suggest to the viewer that this is not a happy ending. In fact, it's not an ending at all. They have to go find food and shelter now and they still haven't resolved their issues.

Elements of a plot designed to sell toys.

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A part of me also feels that Yui had a similar God complex. There had to be a reason why Gendo fell in love with her in the first place - both had similar god complexes but achieved it in different ways

>Lilith is a ancient alien that creates Earth life (humans, fish, plants etc)

I've always maintained that Evangelion is Creationism for Atheists. In Eva, Humanity is created for a purpose. Not evolution. But a twisted form of intellugent design

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Dubs of truth

>saying this on Yea Forums
Zoomers must go.

>In Eva, Humanity is created for a purpose.
yeah, but that's explicitly wrong. Humanity was the accident. The Seed that was meant to land on earth was Adam's. Lilith's Seed crash landed here by accident. The angels want to destroy Lilith so that Adam can get back to populating his planet as he's supposed to.

>GNR time-travels to collect souls
Guns 'n Roses?

this. the different forms of life originating from each respective adam or lilith being are never meant to interact with one another, but 2 happened to land on earth by chance. though, for some unexplained reason the black moon came with two of the same type of lance (each moon is supposed to have a longinus and cassius spear). the forerunner type aliens who sent the seeds of life are pretty major fuck ups thbqh.

>a longinus and cassius spear
Rebuild fags get out.

To be fair, a tranny could easily relate to a wimpy, self-hating failure.

So either Eva is very simple and just very convoluted or it's actually quite complex but poorly told

I'd never seen this one. I laughed. Thank you, user.

Could somebody help me to understand the very last scene of EoE?

I mean in the movie Asuka resolves her issues (rather quickly I must add) and realizes that her mom may be crazy but still loved her, and after much introspection Shinji decides that life may suck but its worth living it, and that connecting with others is necessary even if it hurts.

This is all good... but then they wake up in that beach and immexiately despise each other? Why?

In addition to being crazy, Hideaki Anno also changes his mind about his work constantly. The American director of the series recalled Anno telling him that Asuka's last line referred to morning sickness and that she was pregnant, then Anno changed his mind over the course of the conversation.

If you were a great cook, and started making a chocolate cake, but halfway through decided you wanted to make escargot instead, the end result would be a disaster no different than if you were a terrible cook.

not gonna feed the tripfag, so I'll just add to this user that anno's mental state during its production and resulting intentions behind the show is well known and documented

2004 is probably his birth year too

Stop acting like people haven't been making fun of anime faggots have been on here since the early days of this site

>I mean in the movie Asuka resolves her issues
No she doesn't. She gets over her hatred of her mother. Her self-esteem, her abrasiveness, her inability to accept setbacks or even criticism, etc have all remained unaddressed.

There is no single, clear-cut explanation.

underrated post

Let's say that Gendo had his way and Instrumentality happened with him in charge, thus reuniting with his wife. Wouldn't she logically be incredibly pissed of that he had spent over a decade neglecting and mistreating their son?

Oh my...
You never read the Bible?
Do you really know what you are doing in this world?

Wrong, Cananitisem was the original, genesis was just a cheap spin off focusing on Yahweh because the judes were 2cheap to get licenses for the other gods

didn't he say being with him would only hurt shinji more? I'm not defending his logic, but what he believed

Adam came to Earth before humans existed and created the first 17 Angels, then Lilith came afterwords and the impact of her landing knocked Adam into a deep sleep in the Antarctic. (The First Impact)

While here Lilith created Humans (who collectively are technically the Eighteenth Angel.)

Humanity discovered Adam and after fucking with him woke him up and caused the Second Impact. This turned Adam into that eye thing Gendo gets and during the battle Lilith got skewered by the Staff of Longitus.

Gendo is a celf-centered egoistical power-driven maniac who cares nothing about the people around him.

Shinji strangles Asuka because even if they are the only people on earth, she still won't fuck him. Pure incel rage.

I think that's an impossible hypothetical to answer because he failed to realize that all of his hacks of SEELE's plan were also basically self-sabotaging since they were all predicated on the belief that there are bonds stronger than that between a mother and her child.

I think at the very best, you could say that Gendo would use his newfound power to make Shinji's life better. He drove Shinji (and everyone else for that matter) away because the loss of Yui hurt him so bad he never wanted to go through that again.

One wonders if he knows that Yui deliberately merged with the Eva Unit 01 and that she chose to leave him in favor of their child.

Damn it, I thought I could skip those after the series and just watch End of Evangelion

>who cares nothing about the people around him.
No, he cares. Not about everyone, of course. He uses people he needs to achieve is goals, but for those he loves, he is so afraid of hurting someone he pushes everyone away. He'd rather they think he's an asshole and keep their distance than trust him and get hurt by him.

>Because it sure as hell isn't Biblical.
the creator didnt even read the bible he just took shit that he thought looked or sounded cool and used it in his giant robot pervert cartoon

SEELE are freemasons / kikes believing they understood the Gnosis and want Tikkun Olam to become themselves Demiurges creating an Adam Kadmon / Anthropos entity, escaping the cursed unperfect world of Yaldabaoth, however they are just becoming the same as him in their safe space, they are ignorants of the real True God beyond Yaldabaoth.

Beings like Lilith (Rei) and Adam (Kaworu) come from a world above Yaldabaoth and are here to help their seeds.

Shinji and Asuka found both the Gnosis, at their death they will escape from the matter and join Rei and Kaworu on the pleroma, which are both immortal beings outside of our perception.

Anime is pretentious garbage. At least Cowboy Bepop is fun but apparently it's not autistic/pedophilic enough for weebs to put it on the same pedestal

It was obvious that Shinji wanted to fuck that dude, even without the subtitle. Get over it, fag

"Hit 'em again!"

Honestly, you can skip it with no real issues. For all intents and purposes, it's a recap with some additional background, and it covers parts of EoE. There's some really interesting stuff in it, but you don't need it unless you really want to go down the rabbithole.

Pic very related. Probably one of the show's biggest mysteries.

Attached: tumblr_inline_mlfk8nd9DP1r16974.gif (400x269, 942K)

Have sex

What happens in your pic? I don't remember that.

The fuck are you talking about, cowboy Bebop is one of the best recieved series of all time. People don't talk about it because the episodes are largely self contained and straight to the point.

No one does. It's one of the most subtle split frames in the series.

It's the very last thing Rei sees when she was choked to death by Ritsuko's mom.

That’s Adam

GNR is Rei

Well, Kaworu but same difference. But that opens it's open series of questions. Like, how does he appear when he would not be conceived till later? Or what does Kaworu see when he dies?

>This turned Adam into that eye thing
it's an undeveloped fetus

I thought that was after the Second Impact. Kaworu is Adams soul, which diverged at the second impact. I couldn’t tell you what it means, maybe just a visualization that Rei and Kaworu are connected as Adam and Lilith

>Rei and Kaworu are connected as Adam and Lilith
That's how I understood it. They're both fundamentally the same being albeit Fruit of Life vs Fruit of Knowledge. Since they're both the Seeds and the doorways to Guf, their souls probably have other special properties.

HOLY SHIT BROS!!!! netflix just got the rights to angel cop

Attached: angel cop.jpg (724x406, 35K)

What is Angel Cop?

I am a NEET that has read and analyzed literally every line in Eva, was gonna explain it but

covered it

Lolek and bolek

Unironically about how Jews create puppet terrorist organizations and own the banks.

Go watch naruto you weirdo.

obsessed incel

Ur dumb

That is literally what Angel Cop is about, you retard. It's infamous for being antisemitic.

The fucking edge.
>brown people’s souls
S m h my hed

Stop obsessing over jews and have sex

but my GF is a jew..

>Wohohoah I figured out the show more than you newbs!
Such a hipster

I mean they liberally interpreted it but it does come from Genesis
>And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

waifu pillows don't count

>Posting pic from rebuild

We have a solid explanation for what the angels/adam/lilith/etc were in the original series, but in rebuild who knows

>implying jewish waifu pillows exist and people would want one
not him but ask me how I know you're a jew

because you're impressed by my higher IQ and ability to see your life on an anonymous message board

I'd want a jewish waifu pillow

>Le /Pol/ bad man is scaring me on the internet again
The sub version is no antisemitic that it does not fucking exist in the US. You can only find the dub if you're lucky.

>This by itself is fucking retarded because humans are very individualistic by nature
Only Westerners are. Humans are tribal creatures, it's why we didn't roam alone until collective humanity enabled us to


>Izubuchi: I think as a result it (Evangelion) was good, but I remember there was a point of time when it was suddenly elevated to a subculture status. And it was becoming irrelevant to the passion for robots you have, and taken out of context to a different direction. Watching it, I felt like “Ah, Anno is getting crushed…”

>Anno: In that way… I didn’t plan it like that. It was very strange.

Anno is really the master.

>make unorthodox mecha for shits and giggles
>giant autistic fanbase is born

Attached: anno_2.jpg (624x480, 66K)

His wife was just as crazy as he was. She was the daughter of a member of SEELE, she probably drank as much of the kool aid as they did

Thank you

>confirms it just to brag about intelligence
you know it's also pretty typical of a jew to always assume that they're the smartest person in the room


Statistically jews are proven to have higher levels of intelligence. It's just a factual statement.

What the fuck? This is the first I’m hearing of this.



>jewish statistics confirm jews smartest of all
you don't say...


If jews are so smart why did they put their country in the middle east?

it seems to be doing pretty well while their neighbors are shitholes.

How did Gendo place Lilith's soul into Rei?

this anime has such fatalistic undertones, from episode 1 you know humanity is fucked

>country in turmoil due to neighboring countries
>builds a huge wall to keep them out
>doing pretty well while their neighbors are shitholes
interesting, tell me more about Israel's relationship with their neighbors

Putting up a nice house in an awful neighborhood isn't a good idea.

How did they get Eva Unit-03 to sync with Toji? Was his mom in it somehow? If so, why wasn't he selected as the Fourth Child way earlier?

Attached: Eva Unit 03.png (704x480, 549K)

>Was his mom in it somehow?
wouldn't that be impossible since it was made in America? he probably synced with it because it was corrupted by an angel. but then again, he was a pilot in rebuild so maybe...

It's been a veeeery long time but in the original series, around the time of the Toji Unit #03 experiment, it is (IIRC) explicitly stated that all the kids in the high school classes have some theoretical capacity to sync with Evas. Details, I don't know.

On the one hand, the prick elitist in me is slightly annoyed that the kids are talking about Eva again just because of some new re-issue. OTOH the kindhearted manchild basedboy in me is delighted that younger people seem to be uniroincally discovering this seminal anime, this totem of pop culture for themselves, and asking all the right questions. t. decrepit old boomer who has the VHS tapes

Giant Naked Rei

It´s not stated if his mom was in there, but likely since it was kinda implied his entire class served as pilot pool with their mothers being dead or gone.

The reason he became the fourth pilot only then was because only then did the necessity for one arose, IIRC.

Ambiguous Canon and wrong to boot. Yui was only interested in preserving the memory of humanity. She had little investment in instrumentality and may have even outright opposed it.

Oh this isn't the first time I've watched it, decrepit old boomer with VHS tapes. This is just one big point I've wondered about for years and years and always see if someone can provide a true answer.
Yes, Shinji's school all contain "potential pilots" but the only ones who can (potentially Toji too) have a fragment of their mother's soul in their respective Eva. Minus Rei since she's a clone of Yui which is why she can sync with Unit-00 and Unit-01. I just don't know if they actually state Toji's mom is in Unit-03 in some media I haven't ran across.

Yeah, see I think it's just implied, I always ask though in case someone pulls some long lost pamphlet from some convention out that's actually canon that answers it.

Spoken like a true npc. Go tend to your yard you utter insect

>"Shinji is Anno's self-insert" in the deepest tier

Attached: laughing-death.gif (360x270, 1.18M)

had the vhs tapes too, but being a retarded young teenager I sold them to buy more anime. I still regret it to this day, but at least the sephirotic release will let me relive those glorious yellow bold subtitles

I'm not young tho. Or not THAT young. I just never got into anime growing up but had been meaning to watch the series for years should I start

Attached: 1537420507094.png (634x487, 346K)

we did it

the real show ended 20 years ago

I am confident this is at least partially true, but remember this:
1) there is a lot of attention to detail in the series, cannot be casual
2) Anno is not reliable
3) Some of us autists like the series also for simple, plain thing like design, directing, setting... all that stuff has a direct face value worth that needs not deep analysis.
The rest is nice references and a psychological background with well built (albeit mostly unlikable at least in some way) characters

He gets a lot of that from Tomino (Gundam). They are notoriously some of the least detailed oriented people in the industry. Anno would continuously forget about Rei during the early episodes.

>Evangelion fans: "NGE is so deep, so much meaning"

>Anno: "In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot."

Attached: anno_3.jpg (624x480, 60K)

he planned the last shot of EoE in episode of the series.
The guy is a master troll.

I agree, and strike me more emotionally other than appealing me more aestethicgally, but Evangelion is still very good.

All this info below can be found out in games, mangas, and other things outside of the anime. (Bad writing?)
Basic gist:
-Ancient Aliens (The Ancestor Race) had 2 traits, POWER (abilities to change form, bend light, anything superhero-tier) and KNOWLEDGE (science, technology, rational thought)
-For an unspecified reason, they perish as a species; but before they go they decide to spread life across the universe as a form of legacy
-they make several “seeds” (Moons) that have beings known as “angels” in them who’s sole duty is to find suitable worlds and populate them
-Each seed has either a POWER or KNOWLEDGE, as both being together was something the Ancestors forbid (either in hubris, or as a cautionary action in relation to some bad outcome with their own race)
-they shoot the seeds out and die
-Earth is impacted by 2 seeds, “Lilith” a being of KNOWLEDGE and “Adam” a being of POWER
-In the off chance that this were to happen, the Ancestors created weapons for the Angels to use called the “Spears of Longinus”
-Adam and Lilith duke it out and Adam stabs Lilith with his spear (sex jokes, lol)
-Lilith is pinned down and begins to bleed an orange blood in large quantities (show calls it LCL)
-Adam goes into a coma like state
-The LCL begins to create all known life on Earth, every being is a by product of Lilith
-Adam stays dormant until NERV finds his body in the artic and tries to mess with it
-Adam wakes up to see that Lilith-spawn has covered the planet
-He begins to destroy the worlds life (even at a microscopic level)
-He somehow reproduces, and all the Angels we see in the show are Adam-Spawn
-His children are trying to reunite with him, rid the earth of all life and repopulate the planet with Adam-Spawn

There, that’s the background

I agree with you on that. 90% of the stuff is just copy a pasted from old robot shows he watched growing up. His directorial techniques are actually pretty nice and you can see he actually takes joy in trying to make his own Ultraman or Kamen Rider set piece.

Attached: anno_1.jpg (624x480, 64K)

Play the N64 game

There is no way he's being completely serious when saying stuff like that. The early episodes had massive focus on Rei and Asuka wasn't even in the picture yet. It's impossible to even take that comment seriously.

>(albeit mostly unlikable at least in some way)
Wasn't that what drew them all to the Human Instrumentality Project though? All of them had huge holes in their lives and spent the whole series longing for what Instrumentality provided

I really don't want to watch this since it seems like everyone ever will always argue about it. Can someone just explain the whole thing then what it means to me? I'll give you 5 bucks

>sticks a bunch of random shit that can easily be interpreted as symbolic
>only like half of the 26 episodes are even about robots fighting
>last 2 episodes are experimental bullshit about all human souls merging and a guy coming to terms with his self worth
>the creators still try to say its all just about giant robots
bunch of fucking hacks my god

*in episode 1 of the series.

Keep in mind that shinji didn't even know about the Eva's (or forgot rather) up until they basically shoved him into one. Letting Toji know in advance could almost be considered a favor

Why not preserve humanity instead of it's memory? The stupid bitch caused just as many problems as her dumbass husband and son

Rebuilds are sequels.


Because he was an emotionally retarded child as well who used that fear as an excuse to keep one of the few things he genuinely cared about away.
The whole thing about the AT fields is that they're visual metaphors for the walls everyone puts up to keep others out.
Adam and the other angels use their AT fields as offensive and defensive weapons. Lilin use their AT fields to keep themselves as discrete individuals, and without it everyone becomes tang and lives like the changelings in DS9, one big cuddle-puddle forever.

Probably shit anime gook neet characters I'm guessing

He is, whether you want to believe it or not. The 'Rei archetype' was totally unintentional. She fulfills her role in the show, she's a plot device, that's it. If the character isn't heroic or spunky, Anno doesn't really care about them.

you forgot
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

Based and bogpilled

>(Bad writing?)
Not really. You don't need to know the lore to understand whats happening narratively. It's world building that's there to dig out on rewatches and in other media.
Not hammering at it with dull exposition is a benefit to world building because it makes you use your imagination to fill in gaps, or just create headcannon of your own.
Think about Star Wars and the OT. Obi wan mentioning offhand the "clone wars" does more to make you imagine what they were like then three fucking movies explaining everything about them.
It makes you go "I know what a clone it. I know what a War is. A princess is looking for a space knight who fought in them. A guy who could possibly defeat the Spooky Scary Space SS officer introduced in the first scene as unstoppable." Your brain is capable of connecting those dots and making its own story about what happened.
The back story everyone had made up for Boba Fett was infinitely more interesting and badass then being the clone of Jango Fett.
tl:dr Less is More

>watch most of NGE
>really interesting
>don't really understand motives of some characters
>get to watch mechas
>2 characters staring at each other at train station
>for 5 mins
>I don't know, must be a anime thing
>still interesting
>main character
>suffers from "maybe senpai will notice me" syndrome
>whatever, mechs
>Spear of Faggotry out of no where!
>ok, this thing is important, not sure why
>whatever, cool mechs
>last 2-3 episodes of NGE
>Some faggot uses the word "Lilith"?
>am I supposed to know what he's talking about?
>who cares
>don't know what is happening but i'm still interested
>who am i
>why do I pilot eva?
>take a break
>not sure if I'm going to watch EoE
>watch EoE
>starts off good
>people dying
>oh shit, plot really picking up
>live action shots?
>psychedelic ending
>choking sounds
NGE+EoE isn't deep. It is anime with an interesting premise that leaves *a lot* of detail out. I'm guessing that was intentional by the director/writers. The only way you can understand wtf is actually happening is to read/watch all the extra content. I'm glad I watched it. But it was a little bit of a let down. Especially the way Yea Forums had been talking about it.

The director is based for the way he shits on waifu-fags.

absolute madman

Attached: lel.png (239x200, 17K)

>And what happens during the first impact?

The dinosaurs made mechs to fight the aliens.

The origin of life.

Important post. Good writing must be consistent and keep tone and immersion (unless tone dissonance is intended for a given, specific effect).
Describe everything in detail is not good writing - is pornography.

>The 'Rei archetype' was totally unintentiona
It's called "Kuudere" and he's always been vocal about his distaste for its popularity. If you think that means he actually forgot the character exists, then you're still an idiot.

fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off

Rebuilds are sequels. They take place after the events of End of Eva.

Is way before the dinos.
Adam tried to Angel-ize the Earth, but Lilith arrived the last minute by chance (and mistake).
Since Lilith did not have a workable Lance of Longinus, Adam's one was activated.
Adam shut down, Lilith made soup.
Primordial soup. Her way of doing things is starting from little things and then produce Lilims.
I mean humans. By evolution.
Lilims are weak but they have knowledge so they can eventually build shit that flies shoots lazors and what not, see?
Even steal the power of the children of Adam.

Gotta elaborate on that famalam
defecate in your own mouth

Sounds pretty convenient for a writer that’s known to be inconsistent and change things up at random

>Gotta elaborate on that famalam
It's the same but different.
The oceans of blood and the blood spray on the moon from instrumentality are hints. It's like a do-over.

Human Instramentality was essentially a Hard Reset on the events of Eva. How things ended up back where they started is still a mystery, but there is evidence that the events of EoE have a permanent impact on the plot. Things like the bloodstreak on the moon and the sea being completely red. Things like the outlines of the Mass Produced Evas being found all over the world but the bodies missing.

Watch 1.0 a second time and you'll start to make the connections.

Star Wars makes explicit references to events like the Clone wars

Eva doesn’t mention the Ancestral Race once, or many of the things that easily could have been dialogues from Gendo. The whole reason why we love this show is due to shitty ambiguous writing with an unorthodox premise being miraculously done in a way that’s vague enough to be thought of in a philosophical way

It’s literally a case of using the wrong formula and still getting the right answer on a math test

Never watched rebuild. Never been interested, I found the whole idea pointless.

>Never been interested, I found the whole idea pointless.
I thought the same thing back when it first came out up until I watched it.
Audio and visually speaking, it's impressive as hell and it's fascinating to see where the plot diverges. Ramiel's redesign alone is phenomenal. Though the real differences are not as apparent until 2.0.

Gay people are incapable of understanding that.

You'd be the undisputed expert on what gays understand.

Toji states that his mom died a long time ago. The implication is obvious.

>why wasn't he selected as the Fourth Child way earlier?
All of the kids in Shinji's class were candidates for eva pilots.

Because humanity is ephemeral.
Seriously, the bitch was an expert in bioengineering. That's not the kind of thing you do unless you expect humans to go through massive throes.

Yui's motives were to become a god. It's why she manipulated Gendo and is the true villain of the series. She did love Shinji though.

But at the end of the series Yui's soul is inside unit 01 with a lance of longinus, drifting through space. As Unit 01 is a clone of Lilith, has taken in a S2 engine, and she has a lance, she has all she needs to start life on another world.

Again, stupid and wrong. Cut it with the fanwank.
Regardless of if she wanted to be a god or not (and her actual desires are debatable at best in that regard), Yui actually cared about humanity in ways that Gendo was inherently capable of. Claiming she's the "True Villain" when Gendo wanted to throw all of humanity under the bus is contrarian edgelord bullshit.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the "True Villain" were they friends they made along the way?

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Gendo's instrumentality would have just been what Yui/Rei wanted, he just wanted to meet Yui inside unit 01. Yui wanted the same thing but no Gendo and herself free in 01 to conduct her own agenda. She was the selfish one.

Reminder that each faction had a different objective for instrumentality

>Angel Instrumentality: All human life is wiped out, angels inherit the earth
>SEELE Instrumentality: Each SEELE member's soul is implanted inside a mass production Eva, they combine all human souls into them as fuel and become god-like beings.
>Gendo Instrumentality: Everyone gets combined together with the added bonus of Gendo going inside unit 01 to meet Yui
>Yui/Rei instrumentality: All souls combined together but can leave it if their heart desires it.

No, I haven't because that's stupid.

>Gendo's instrumentality would have just been what Yui/Rei wanted, he just wanted to meet Yui inside unit 01.
But that's not the case whatsoever. Gendo was actively seeking to either rule or take revenge on humanity. He wanted to destroy it, not help it. He would have destroyed everyone's souls, not united them. Fundamentally speaking, he's no different than the angels.

>people still think Anno couldn't be that dumb
>the guy who literally slept peacefully as his apartment was on fire

I don't think it's impossible for him to forget a character, especially with the schedule they were on. If you think he really cared about Rei beyond being a plot device, then you're just like the rest of the autists here that overestimate the amount of thought he actually put into a lot of the elements of the show, including characters.

But feel free to converse about how the character displays many different themes about what makes us human or something.

>But feel free to converse about how the character displays many different themes about what makes us human or something.
Rei's inhumanity was central to her character and very intentional on anno's behalf. And I'm willing to be his quote is in context of someone asking how he felt about Rei, which he's been very open about designing her specifically to be unlikable, but completely failing at it.