Original DVD release

Original DVD release...

Attached: odr.jpg (1024x576, 104K)

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Ultimate edition to match with the sequels released around 2004...

Attached: du.jpg (1024x576, 117K)

Blu-ray realease...

Attached: br.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

Remasterd blu-ray...

Attached: rbr.jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

Ultra HD Blu-ray

Attached: uhd.jpg (3840x2160, 955K)

4K remaster would unironically be the best if it wasn't for the crushed blacks

here's Lost Highway blu which was released this week compared to the last blu

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-01 215415.jpg (1195x1007, 174K)

jesus christ

Why would they remove the green tint? Wasn't that the Matrix characteristic?

Top is too bright

They didn't remove the green tint, they added the green tint with the ultimate edition, there was no green tint in the original realease.

This one clearly looks the best

Are you sure? Do you own a film print? You are not and you do not.

lmfao it got worse over time

yeah the theatrical wasn't green. Wachowskis added it for home release and to fit in with the more color washed sequels.

I actually like the new blue tints in the 4K blu. Skin tones are also much more natural.

i mean if you dont want the blue filter just buy a dvd

Attached: 1548213454216.jpg (275x315, 5K)

Why is Neo dabbing

I thought they just called it blu ray because it sounded cool

sure as hell, wasn't a green tint in it's intial theaterical release back in 1999, that came later, especially after Reloaded was released with that green puke everywhere

I would be more accepting of 4k blu-ray if 60fps wasn't so godawful to look at

Original home release wasn't green either, they edited that within the ultimate edtion in order to match with the sequels.

thanks for the correction. now never do that to me again.

Can anyone tell me what made this movie so special? I watched it, it's fine, I don't see why people constantly praise it. I'm still confused about this, I want an answer

Attached: 1534130533597.png (202x206, 46K)

What is the green tint supposed to mean?

that isn't even green, wtf

I'm done with this Reddit board. Fucking idiots here now

>inb4 brainlet

ikr. our eyes can only see 24 frames a second.

>One bait post is enough to motivate you to leave
Weak cuck faggot

Bro, it's a BLU Ray, WE GOTTA make the movie blue!

You really think
Is baiting? He's just an unironic moron

we didn't have capeshit back then, this was as good as it would get, don't blame us

From the UHD 4k

Attached: 2019-06-27_130622.jpg (1920x1080, 913K)

now post this

is he dabbing?

I saved just few pics

Attached: MatrixUHD.mkv_snapshot_00.53.04_2019.04.07_11.36.20.jpg (3840x2160, 2.11M)

quality is pretty meh anyway

Attached: MatrixUHD.mkv_snapshot_00.02.03_2019.04.07_11.28.07.jpg (3840x2160, 1.64M)

HDR was a mistake

it's the same rip what do you mean

I have the 4k hdr remux on my computer

it looks exactly like this
so I cant be bothered to post a pic

however the movie does have a green tint (as it should) they just handled it better. It's more subtle and in the sequels when its noticeable, it's more of a lime green. In general all 3 movies look amazing on 4k UHD

Last one. Where this version finds itself in trouble is noise (chroma noise specifically)

Attached: MatrixUHD.mkv_snapshot_01.33.14_2019.04.07_11.38.25.jpg (3840x2160, 1.29M)

what's the point of 4K again?
it's just additional blurriness and lens aberration instead of picture quality

another classic

Attached: bluray.jpg (834x600, 434K)

>what's the point of 4K again?
it's better than the standard bluray version, so you go with uhd or you stick with your OG version


This picture is a bit dishonest.
Actually watching it in a good TV with the right settings probably would make bottom scene look more natural.
Top scene just look like someone brightened the levels in Photoshop.

>implying chroma noise is the problem with UHD

I'm pretty sure that the resolution just being upscaled is the problem.

It wasn't bait, 60fps is unnatural

Movies don't exist in 60fps without being interpolated, and that's not authentic 60fps anyway and it looks like shit so who cares.

It's banal, uninspired garbage that easily impressed normies think is deep and original because they don't know any better.

they're direct screencaps from the blus. You can change settings for anything, but they're all mastered for the Rec709 standard on modern tvs.

TVs are calibrated at the factory to adhere as close as possible to Rec709 and you shouldn't mess with that baseline.

Then why up the frame rates at all? I'm all for improved picture quality, but if the trade-off is that it looks like it was shot on a camcorder then I'm not falling for it.

why do they do this, they either digitally scrub all the grain off which makes it look waxy or they make it so grainy that you can't see shit

I don't think a movie actually shot in 60fps would look like it was shot on a camcorder anymore than a videogame running at 60fps+ looks like camcorder footage.

It's a picture from the movie, but the picture quality is not really that good. If someone had an actual screencap directly from it, judging would be easier.

>TVs are calibrated at the factory to adhere as close as possible to Rec709 and you shouldn't mess with that baseline.
By "right settings" I meant movie mode or custom mode, that kind of stuff. Just not filling the movie with unnecessary image processing.

>Movies don't exist in 60fps without being interpolated
billy lynn
avatar 2
gemini man

Hobbit was higher than usual, but wasn't even 50fps, and it was shown like that only in the theaters if I'm not mistaken.

>t's a picture from the movie, but the picture quality is not really that good. If someone had an actual screencap directly from it, judging would be easier.
wat. they're both screencaps from the blu.

None of those movies are 60fps. The Hobbit had a limited release in 48fps, and I think it was slammed because again, the movie itself wasn't actually shot in 48fps, it was shot in 24.


2 of those aren't out and the hobbit wasn't even filmed in 60

stop shilling your own shit channel

>the movie itself wasn't actually shot in 48fps, it was shot in 24
Source? Everything I'm reading says they were shot in 48.

60fps can look good tho.


I think a large part of the reason we find it bad is because we aren't used to it.

Weeb directors during their peak creativity, new filmmaking techs, cool programming concepts. Huge deal in the late 90s early 00s, zoomers won’t understand.

It's the kind of movie that would absolutely blow your mind in 1999 because there was nothing like it back then, but if you watch it in 2019 it's probably nothing special because everything these days has CGI and superhero-like stories.

It's the same reason why people these days can't understand why Avatar became the #1 grossing movie. New technology novelty combined with a decently engrossing story.

>Avatar became the #1 grossing movie
It still pisses me off that Endgame has become the new #1, Avatar was a good movie with spectacular worldbuilding and had a vision. Endgame is just another cashgrab

What’s in the cake that him sent?

Attached: 5532E74B-4172-4E66-9779-5BC0045D1366.jpg (415x356, 30K)

redpills and bluepills way past their expiration date

Since it's in the Matrix, it's only safe to assume that it's some kind of data virus.

Luckily it's looking like it will still remain #1.

Wait really? Sauce?

Because it's one of the tightest written action movies ever made and has great set pieces. This isn't rocket science.

We find it bad because it has largely been the domain of shitty digital cameras. Only in the last five years or so have they gotten good enough to make it work.

Gender reassignment code.

You're probably right. I do hope we see more of it in cinematic form though because I find it hard to believe it isn't actually better. Video games have always been better with higher fps, and everyone agrees that movies are better with higher resolution, so.