Other urls found in this thread:
the vvorst movie I've ever seen
>Jumpscares bad
based Haha-reactors
The meme that people are starting to realise that jumpscares are a cheap trick to make a scene 'scary' and that well-written, well paced movie is altogether a better experience than a few fleeting seconds of false catharsis?
Gay vidya meme
nah jumpscares will always be popular. They're haunted house simulators that appeal to key demos. Paranormal Activity franchise is practically a jumpscare factory and it grossed multiples of its budget.
Jump scares are alright used properly
cope, basedhorrorfag
Its just ascended brainlet. Hitchcock knew the real master-craft is being able to utilize both to their full effect. You begin Pyscho with the jumpy slasher horror to put people on edge and then you use that hook you have on them to have them engage with the deeper horror of the plot
I enjoy jumpscares if they're something mundane like a door slamming, not so much when a monster suddenly leaps toward the camera and goes OOGA BOOGA WHERE ALL DA WHITE WOMEN AT. And even then, it can be good if the design is strong enough.
Paranormal Activity
>only the first one
surely an exaggeration? I agree it's bad though.
some autist actually took his time to make this
I'm with you, but a good jump scare can really help a horror movie so long as they limit themselves.
I actually liked the movie and just wanted to make a vv joke
Blairwitch doesn't belong here. Thats actually Chad-tier but redditors hate it
Hating on jump scares has been a thing since forever.
The fact that you only recently heard about it from Yea Forums memes, just shows how much of a zoomer you are.
Slop for plebs, like 99.94% of the horror and vampire genres.
Its literally just a video game meme that cancer spread out of Yea Forums
Into the trash it goes
>The Wailing isn’t listed
Feels good Bros
The meme is that normies are realising what has been repeated here for the past 9 years
user this is a thing for decades
ahhh yes, the main site of every normalfaggot am i rite
yes, and he's calling others onions
>this is a thing for decades
apparently unlike OP
nah, It Comes at Night has this beat by a country mile
Horror fans have been trashing jumpscares for ten years now, it's nothing new. Just because you're once again late to learn about these things doesn't mean we all aren't familiar already.
>people are starting to realise
This has been a common sentiment for years. Please leave, zoomers.
Finally someone over the age of 18
This, even outside the internet it's been a meme since the Slasher phenomenon (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc), maybe even earlier but that's the first time I recall people complaining about jump scares
i dont uinderstand why horror has to be 'scary' to be good. horror elements can be enjoyed for other reasons. its dumb to get scared from a fucking movie if you arent a child.
You misspelled artist
Who is responsible for onions horror? It has always been the Chad outsider genre and now it's pretty much exclusively cringe and gay
Jump scares are reaction tier.
Jumpscares aren't scary. Being startled isn't the same as being terrified.
>i dont uinderstand why horror has to be 'scary' to be good.
>jumpscares bad
I mean...they are cheap.
Black philip got sucked off
holy shit based timing
shitposting this shit .. , TLDR
If I were a mod I'd permarangeban anybody who posts a fucking wojak and sticky all baneposting threads
noroi and lake mungo are great pal
>i dont uinderstand why horror has to be 'scary'
Did you unironically type this?
anyone has that chad virgin image about watching movies with the lights on?
Yikes and cringepillied
>If I were a mod I'd permarangeban anybody who posts a fucking wojak and sticky all baneposting threads
Being this cunt spelling demon .. God has seen we all go Your st House tomorrow an Purge You Reddit .. GET THEM OUT GET THE DEMOMNS OUT /BURN ...GET THE SPELLING OUT NOW ..
we will be there at 6am MOMMED/ you deserved it .. an I Can see you laffing at this . Bomb stuff stuff that proper chan ok .. Dont EVER .. DIS...CHAN OK
does anyone else startle easily but remain calm in actual intense situations? i hate jump scares. apparently it's a good thing because it means my reaction time is really good and that i'd survive as a caveman.
>anyone else autistic
>If I were a mod
lol who made the Hitchcock meme his movies are a fucking joke hahaha
well i am so...
Explain how they are good
Its easy as fuck if you arent an uneducated retard. Leftist NPCs would rather learn about "deconstructing whiteness" than microcontrollers.
Poeple have been comlainng about jumpscares mainsteamly for years an years now. It's not fucking new. Good lord, some of you people really do only use Yea Forums and never interact with anyone in the outside world.
ok normie
Name of the 2 asian movies pls
ok autist in a bubble.
t. LARPing copecel
Noroi and Audition
Someoen post the newer one with chaguments
Thanks my lord!
>Feels good Bros
Are you really not confident enough in your tastes that a movie you like being in a list that makes fun of movies that are actually good would be a direct attack to your tastes?
>using an Arduino for something that simple
I thought it was interesting, primarily because I grew up Calvinist, but it wasn't scary
>Good lord, some of you people really do only use Yea Forums and never interact with anyone in the outside world
t. underage living in his Yea Forums bubble
The first paranormal activity existed before smartphones and people thought it was actually real footage like the blair witch because everyone is a retard who had dialup to check myspace three times a week. That is a terrible example.
You disgusting little retard. I can picture you, mouth agape, drooling like a fucking chimp as you typed that asinine reply. I'm so sick right now. You make me physically ill. I can smell your warm fucking stink through my screen. Piss and feces and that disgusting sour milk smell of a mongoloid's breath. You cannot even grasp how much I despise you, you wretched little shit.
t. underage comfy inside his ignorant bubble
No one said it wasn't easy, sperg.
Back to r3ddit
>autistically take the time to make this
Implies it is difficult and time consuming, aka not easy. Libcuck BTFO once again.
Back to ignorance
>oc is bad
You have to go back.
Is there anything more based and redpilled than a horror movie that draws basedboys in with slow buildups, then jump-scares them unexpectedly like a chad
Hivemind of the worst kind
Do you even know what t. means?
>jumpscares aren't bad
This is a contrarian tv joke-meme and if you fall for it you're a pathetic retard
t. retard
Indeed, redditors are ignorant, so in a sense you are correct. I can tell you have a very sharp mind.
5.0 is coming soon
>assblasted redditard cant even sign off posts correctly
You just called yourself a retard.
whooaaa le leddit doesnt like jumpscares so I hab to luv it!!!!
t. moron
Not really. (I'm not that user btw)
It does mean "I am retard" but when directed towards someone it clearly means they're emulating them and saying for them, "I am retard"
Jumpscare bad
>normies are all 140IQ and are up to date on all memes
Spoken like a true copecel fake normie
>"comedian" jumps off stage and runs in the audience tickling people causing involuntary laughter
>Yea Forums: how is that not a legitimate form of comedy?
Hi Moron, I'm Dave.
>signing off posts
Summer tourist detected
>lacks basic comprehension abilities
Good to know.
movie go quiet
then suddenly loud
it was very good horror movie
>a-anyone who doesn't get spooked by jumpscares is low test!
>unlike me, who pees his pants and poops (but just a little) every time creepy lady jumps out from the shadows!
>now watch as I post the same 3 images of guys with beards and open mouths I cherrypicked from Reddit 4 years ago to prove I'm right!
>nothing happens
>omg this is so deep so atmospheric such bone chilling slow burn, I'm so friggin superior for liking it yep I'm based and totally so fucking much more patrician than mainstream horror plebs, yep I'm smart
>faggot director tries to fuck with my body's functions in order to make their shitty horror movie better
>"Heh, not so fast faggot"
>*whip out phone and head to*
>*avoid all jump scares by plugging my ears with popcorn and keeping my eyes super shut*
>"Better luck next time, Five Nights at Film School Dropout!"
>angry horror schlock directors kick their megaphones into the trash and go back to directing their true passion: gay porn
Jumpscares are essential to a great horror movie.
Jump scares just don't scare me that often.
I'm not even that fearless an individual.
IT, the new one, made me jump literally one time. (The clown at the slaughter house early in the movie.)
>t. faggots
>Only A24 makes good horror
Good horror doesn't exist.
You want to see real horror? Go to an abandoned building an examine the fungus and disgusting insects that live there, that's more frightening than any 'horror' film.
>so BTFO she starts crying about reading comprehension
I don't mind jumpscares as long as they don't spam them, rely on them or have them be shit like an item hitting the floor or a cat.
Or go to a bernie sanders rally aka a special needs convention
You do realize that it's mostly women who are trying to force this shit right? These cunts are ruining every piece of popular media they touch because they are so afraid of challenge.
>person can't comprehend a 3 word post in it's context to the conversation
>thinking that's not worth pointing out and laughing about
LMAO. The ignorant bubble liver keeps the hits coming.
You can tell people who like/defend jumpscares are insecure because they cant appreciate good horror.
This. The worst movie I've seen to do that was a haunting in Connecticut. Main woman gets attacked by flashing jump scares by the end.
Do they actually make you jump? I saw conjuring 2 in theater and there are tons of jumpscares in that but i just chill out and am expecting it and never actually get surprised.
the ssoy
>you just sont understand my ideas
>muh bubble
Redditards are fucking gay
mega cringe
The amount of s*y in this post
t. ignorant retard in his ignorant bubble
>Good lord, some of you people really do only use Yea Forums and never interact with anyone in the outside world.
I like jumpscares because they keep you on edge during the movie
>facebook filename
dear god
why has no one seen the chinky faces . an sister.. , Listen Dont n worry BVoth Drowned but Demons .. we ok .. fack zeleb got cancer months a . . Dust ..
we got it
Listen shutdown ok . okl Take care ok ..
based stroke-in-progress poster
Only true contrarians hold the belief of jump scenes not being equivalent of fart jokes. Just because something very basic has reached the public consciousness it doesn't make the point moot.
Soiposters should be banned on sight, seriously. Every single one of them is retarded or underage.
Hi Ignorant Retard
>Soiposters should be banned on sight, seriously. Every single one of them is retarded or underage
yes i had it on my iPhone and sent it to messenger (to myself) so I can post it. what's bothering you?
Now thats f***** based
this my friends, is what we call a matrix glitch
Epic bro, truly epic. *applause*
Basedbois deal with it you eat onions it lowers your testosterone haha they're all gay haha this dude in the pic drinks onions juice omgg
Seriously man this is the most funny meme on Yea Forums rn
t. summer
Hi summer, im Hersch. What are your favourite reddits?
SoiBoy Recipe:
Take 1 gallon of horse cum and combine with 1 cup of your gay-trans-boyfriends dilation blood.
You will need 6 inches length of pink cum.
Dubs and you drink each shot!
If your dilation has no water in it add 3 ounces of vodka and put it in a shallow glass bottle.
Fill the glass with enough of your horse cum mixed with the vodka to create 1 inch long ball of cum.
Drink it all down in 4 hours or so.
(Make sure you know you didn't do what you were told and drink your juice right before it hits you. This way it won't run off your tongue!)
Melt down the vodka and add your horse cum. Pour your horse cum into the wine bottle.
Add more horse cum, pour the wine out, and drink up.
Now add 1 ounce of white piss to the vodka and mix it well.
Strain it through 2 glasses, add 1 cup of pee, and add more to the bottle, repeat until all the pee is covered up with horse cum.
You will need 5 inches length of pee to hold that ball of cum together.
Add a cup of hot dog shit with your pee mixed in, and drink it up.
Now replace the pee with the dog cum.
And voila your own soiboy to fill with horse cum
yep, I'm thinking this is based and redpilled
Please, someone tell me the right opinion to have. The very second I think I'm secure in what I subjectively enjoy I have to completely reboot my beliefs and build my sense of self from the ground up.
I'm so tired. I don't know what to do anymore. Every corner is a wrong turn. I say one thing today, I'm based. I say the same tomorrow, I've become cringe in as little as 24 hours. Is this what it means to be alive in our world? To never know what's truly correct and good?
my girlfriend saw your post and laugh. She thinks you're cute.
The only meme here is your sad existence. Fucking wojackshitters spreading their smooth brain takes all over these board.
Wtf is wrong with you
Slap her ass from me
Recipe I got from Buzzfeed(and it's beautiful!)
>soi wojak number 29452
autism speaks
Why do libcucks like drinking sperm so much? Is kt because theyre all effeminate? Its gross
I unironically liked this flick, due to the attention to historical detail. The rest is laughable "horror" that woudlnt even scare a post-menopausal catlady with a persecution complex.
I don't use reddit, sorry Hersch. Hope your day is going well!
>eerie, slow burn, atmospheric...
Buddy, the autism is in living your life drowning in memes to the point that when you think about a little project you want to make you think, I'll base it on that meme that mocks my political opponents!
THIS. so much this
i want to get a coffee like that
Literally NPCs.
>someone's criticizing something I enjoy
Good job user, you really showed him.
This. Horror doesn't have to scare me it just a vehicle with which you explore and allegorize a real and very pervasive social issue. the horror movie itself isn't what's scary but the reality behind it is.
>The Thing gets a pass
feels breddy good
Jump scares aren't even that bad, just use them in moderation
one based poster in this whole shit thread
faggots love jumpscares
underrated and based smugposter
just dont be a soipilled npc faggot and think for yourself
Alien and Hereditary are fantastic tho. Your contrarianism is leading to irl retardation. I'll admit Noroi was trash.
Cool, but a project would take time, i could do this in 5 minutes and my degree isnt even in electrical or mechatronics engineering. Youre autistic for caring about a webm this much, or maybr just a triggered libcuck
There is nothing wrong with jumpscares
It's just annoying when they're overused
>wahh wahhh im not an NPC, youre projecting
Classic. Bernie is going to lose again btw.
>jumpscares are based!
>/pol/ are the real NPCs xD
>the witch was boring
And we all know where they come from
nice try Jay we all know its you defending Vvitch
Sorry am I supposed to know what this is redditor?
Based fuck soi horror
small brain: jump scares in a horror flick
galaxy brain: jump scares in a non horror non thriller non suspense genre
The image is pretty explanatory, whether you us reddit or not....
End your life soi cuck
ah bloo bloo
>Pretends not to know what Reddit is
>Calls the other user a Redditor based on recognizing the screen cap
Stop posting
I want to watch some good horror movies, what are some that are better than the "slow onions horror" ones then?
What did they mean by this?
Saved. Some good films in there.
are these bots? sanders is your only hope in america to gain some class consciousness and pick up from where FDR started (hopefully), at least get your basic rights and some good unions before you start sucking corporate dick again. Yikes!
Watch AM1200 on Vimeo, I liked it a lot and it's short.
i'm gonna need someone to intellectually unpack this image for me. i don't understand why someone would make the image poking fun of movies they presumably thought were not scary and then go on to say in the same image that their own argument (that these aren't horror movies) is one that would be made by NPCs
care to expound on that for me?
Horror? More like snhorror.
Unless you're prepared to go back a decade or two, soi horror is the best you can get right now, since found footage ate up the genre. Though, if you're a zoomer who hasn't watched much there is a massive treasure trove of great horror waiting for you.
This is actually a really great chart.
can't you just name some good movies? Feels like you always have to force people to reveal some suggestions, which is weird since we're all anonymous.
BlairWitch Absolutely Belongs there.
Maybe you're thinking of the original, The Blair Witch Project.
Which was indeed, pretty good.
the problem is that they often are not used that way. And that's why people criticize.
Jump scares are cheap but the Witch isn’t even a good suspense or horror film
Maybe it’s because I watched it as a kid but I remember the exorcist being terrifying.
>get out isn't there
peele won
If you want recommendations you need to actually ask for them, otherwise people just assume that you're trying to start an argument.
>The descent
>28 days later
>The mist
>REC (2007)
>Final destination series
>Sleepy hollow
>Resident evil
>The thing
>Even Horizon
>Invasion of the body snatchers
>The devil's backbone
>Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
>Tale of two sisters
>Sixth sense
>In my skin
>The Orphanage
That's all I can remember for now.
I wouldn't watch it again then, it's extremely weak and poorly shot.
It has dogs dying horribly so it’s pure poison for basedboys
>wojak cancer
Go back to whatever shithole you crawled from
this is the worst thread i've ever read on Yea Forums, it's sort of beautiful
she cute
Jump scares are only cheap if that’s the only suspense in the movie. One of the biggest jumps I’ve ever seen was when the alien walks by on the news in the movie signs. However signs was also a well done psychological thriller so it wasn’t a shallow cheap trick
Well, it's summer.
They are great if the movie has a good plot.
If it triggers reddit I support it
>"The dictionary"
fucking hell
The witch was great
diamond in the shit heap
keep up the good work, user
In which way could a cheap scare which relies on base human instincts the """horror""" from which departs as quickly as it arrives be anything but a lazy tactic to lull retards into thinking that they experienced something? Jump scares are the film equivalent of crashing cymbals together behind someone's head. Yes, they'll probably jump. No, you didn't actually do anything scary. I understand this is bait, but I'm going to say this anyway: only the dumbest, mentally incapable, tasteless, brainless, utterly moronic fucking retards defend this shit. Kill yourself.
I am so confused by this memes. Is liking jump scares onions or not?
I love this basedtard literally cannot take the picture without making that face, like his own damaged brain literally had to override.
>tfw i made this as a joke and ppl post it unironically
nice, thanks user, appreciate it.
I guess I'm the only one that liked It Comes at Night. What's everyones problem with it?
>signs was also a well done psychological thriller
>no chadments
You're only getting .5 of a based from me.
that isn't even a jumpscare because you knew something was about to happen because the reporter told you
It's a generic post.apocalyptic "Humans turns into the monsters when civilization collapses" (as in every zombie movie ever made) trope dressed up with a switchero and some vague social commentaries sprinkled on top.
It's the part that everyone hates in a horror/zombie film when the cast start to turn on each other in the 2 second act before getting their shit together to solve the problem, just that there isnt a problem to be solved (besides who opened the fucking door) and they stretch that second act trope into half the film.
At the end (which you can see coming a mile away), it just feels like you've been slapped with a wet paper towel for 2 hours.
It's just a shit, pretentious as fuck film that has nothing to say and isnt even entertaining because it takes itself so god damn seriously.
Glad to see Evil Dead (2013) continues to be based and gore pilled.
the entire point of horror movies is that jump scares make women jump and hold you tighter, whats the point of horror without jump scares?
I agree with the sois on jumpscares. Limit to 2-3 per movie.
It's good. The shitposting on this site just overrides any reason at this point.
inb4 isn't an actual argument, this image is, in fact, bait, made by someone to fuck with people who bitch about jump scares being shit. Most of these movies are pretty good, or at least okay, outside of the 4 meta-humor ones in the middle.
>passive-aggressive-posting this hard
Yep, I'm thinking a nerve was struck.
Jump scares are great when they're used appropriately.
Most of horror, comes from terror; the terror of someone startling you, is horror.
The thing I’ve never understood is that most of these ‘onions horror’ films still have jump scares? Maybe not in the strict classical sense of Michael Myers jumping into the frame but there are still sudden reveals or frame shifts that basically have the same effect.
This is an intentional campaign to ruin a good meme, isn't it? Kill it by overusing and misapplying it, until everyone gives up on using it?
did they say The VVITCH was one of those?because it most definitely has jumpscares, more than one even.
Actually a decent chart, besides the bizarre inclusion of Zodiac in the vintage category.
That being said, Shining and Alien are actually great films - regardless of their efficacy as "horror."
It's just incredibly boring. The trailer was really good and then the actual movie put me to fucking sleep
Shut the fuck up you fucking piece of worthless dog shit motherfucker. Horror is meant to terrify not for you and your faggoty friends to get off from.
I mean it took me a few seconds to reply to you. The other guy who responded to you wasn't even me lmfao. Have sex
They're lazy
lake mungo is pleb bait
It's worked well for sneed so far
Yea Forums is so compulsively contrarian that now jump scares are good here lmao
Refute this.
Protip: you can't
>good meme
No. Feelsguy was funny for about a month the first time it was ever posted. It, nor any of it's sprialed, malformed derivatives almost a decade later aren't however in any way 'good'. They're forced, shitty templatetrash.
Normies dont like jumpscares, 4chin retards now like jumpscares
Man I been a long time on this shit hole
It's fucking kino
Literally just not enough munsters for babbies
what a fucking faggot
>widely-used insult is sometimes used on one of the most heavily-trafficked sites on the web
>this means anyone who uses a widely-used insult is from a specific website
Holy shit, being a leftcuck is unironically a mental disability.
>nothing happens
That's most jump-scare movies you brainlet.
most vvoring movie ive seen
Vore, you say ...
>This is an intentional campaign to ruin a good meme, isn't it? Kill it by overusing and misapplying it, until everyone gives up on using it?
t.homosexual pleb
I remember I did soi horror list, the original, like a year ago. and then somebody hijacked it
and now today, we're on the 4.0 version. not gonna lie this is pretty hilarious. I started something, don't even know what.
I wish multi-quoters would die.
And what are these 10 movies without jump scares?
Jumpscares is a modern horror technique. If you pick old horrors there are no jump scares in it.
>Horror doesn't have to scare me it just a vehicle with which you explore and allegorize a real and very pervasive social issue
starting to understand people mocking "slowburn, atmospheric" fags
Hit a nerve?
The Thing was actually listed before in a previous version.
too small.
The Witch has a lot of jumpscares though
fell asleep after 15 minutes it was so scary
you mother fuck
>t. cucksoiboi
This movie had a scary jump scare.
i respect the creativity of this user
I only enjoy the ones you listed under slow. Should I watch The Witch?
I'm retarded. What's the one between Lake Mungo and It Comes At Night?