Here's your Geralt, Yea Forums
>minority quotas
poltards aren't allowed here
Looks pretty damn good actually. He doesn't have to look identical to the fictional character.
>no scars
Henry Cavill is the least bad thing about that adaptation. Half the cast consists of filthy nignogs
>one sword
Just fuck my show up
he had very few at the start of the books, gamer loser
I doubt they could fuck up the fact that he has two swords, it shouldn't be possible.
>one sword
stick to Yea Forums, retard
He looks like Superman in a knight costume.
This shit will flop hard
ok guys, we got it... you don't like it and you won't watch it, awful cast for an awful adaptation. you already posted it in a dozen threads
he keeps the silver sword on his horse
the medallion is flat and circular in the books
I can't even look at him
I own the books
I guess I should read them.
he looks just fine to me. Never really worried about him more about the rest of the cast.
Henry doesn't deserve this...
>studded leather
Why do they keep doing this!!!!!
Deep down Henry's a nerd, he loves it.
peak daddy material
Thats why he doesn't deserve it.
He joined this dumpster fire because he legitimately liked the franchise.
It's gonna be a spectacular flop, which Netflix will never admit of course.
Looks surprisingly good, really
But those Nilfgardians
paranoid posters shouldn't be here either.
Not gonna bother watching this filthy n*gger adaptation
that looks like some shitty latin american telenovela
Oh...oh no.
why does he keep the sword on his back, isn't it pretty uncomfortable
Because it looks cool.
the studs are silver to hurt against monster bites, if that helps your immersion
Didn't know that. But... why? Scared townsfolk say there's something in the cave. Which sword do I take? I'll take the steel one. Oops, it was a Nightwraith or w/e.
because humans are the greatest and most common menace to a witcher
Now what about the niggers. What are they for?
They keep the police employed
the games suck and the books suck, why does anyone want this?
part of growing up is realizing that other people like things that you don't
salty shill
Started playing this a week back.
It's Mary Sue bullshit, and embarrassingly so.
Show looks like turd.
She's hot as fuck, but I just dont think she can pull off the sternness of Yenn.
are you going to act like you don't look down at people who watch anime?
they're there to make capitalists more money because of increased viewership
fuck capitalism
The studding on his armour is poorly aligned
shit Mortal Kombat medallion
unconvincing contacts
one sword
good casting though
Arent Elri- I mean Geralts eyes supposed to be yellow
I don't because I just don't care. I just accept that some people are into it and I'm not. The world keeps rotating
are you color blind
bro you are so benevolent hahaha
oh sorry user
have a tshirt
oh that’s just superstition
>yennefer and ciri both look the same age
what did they men by this
It could just be brigandine
You've got it backwards, everything is ok to fine except the casting, Cavill playing Geralt is awful and probably took up half the budget.
Honestly it could have been worse.
>Gearlt, show benis
This pic is actually a relief. He doesn’t look bad as Geralt. I’m actually excited again about seeing this.
show penes and testakelz, Geralt.
How did he get them?
Yea Forums has been /pol/ for years how new are you?
The one in his hand actually looks like a Silversword, the handle looks abit like Aerdonight, obviously it isn't though.
Yea Forums is more right-wing than /pol/
She's a total qt and i want to kiss her, but she can't pull off yennifer.
putting blacks in a show doesn't increase viewership, kill yourself communist scum
>that regretful vacant stare
He knows
creative and funny
Silver actually only works for a specific couple of very specific monsters
It’s rare enough you don’t want to waste having the extra weight always on your person, but important enough that you definitely never wanna leave it at home
too handsome imo
yes it does you fucking anti-capitalist fucktard
In the Last Wish he nearly dies when a Striga slices his throat, I imagine that will actually be in the show aswell, the games pretended it never happened though it seems.
He has loads on his chest and his back in the first book too which he doesn't speak of, I've only read the first book.
The eye scar won't exist in the show.
Name one film or tv show which was successful doing this. Every single Black-wash has flopped hard. Its literally just retard soi-people and conniving Jews
So this first season is about the first book? So they are going to adapt the djinn story and what more?
False. I keep seeing this, people proclaiming that things were different in the books, when they weren't. What drives you? Do you incels really get so much pleasure out of pretending to be book readers? Couldn't you the books?
By interrogating the scared townsfolk, examining the outside of the cave for footprints and other telltale signs, and checking with the medallion if there's magic at play, any properly trained Witcher should be able to make a reasonably accurate deduction of what is actually inside. Remember that the vast majority of monsters are vulnerable to steel too and the ones requiring silver are extremely rare, it's just the muggles who think that the steel sword is for humans and the silver sword is for monsters.
what do jews love the most? money
your argument killed itself retard
I thought it was going to be Blood of Elves
the first game intro is that story exactly:
Wrong. Its undermining the goyim. Money is just a means to that
Resentiment is the ultimate foundation of the Jew
This is a meme for illiterates to LARP as book readers on the internet. I can't fathom why. He has two swords in the tavern in his first outing, he has two in the latest book. Two swords isn't 100% of the time, but it's not game only, either. People who read the books know this. People who want to "lol PLEBS!" on the internet because their life is totally lacking in self-esteem, well...
First and second it seems since Ciri is in it.
A Question of Price is definitely getting adapted along with The Last Wish, people seem to think Edge of the World will too.
He's too much of a pretty boi, it just doesn't fit how I see geralt in my head.
source then if your so great
I know but he doesn't have the scar in the other games, I guess Nenneke could get rid of them with magic who knows.
here's your armored Geralt
fuck, an animated show like this would be kino
>"Yennefer had locks of curly, raven black hair fragrant with lilac and gooseberry perfume, falling in a cascade of curls on her shapely shoulders. Her face was very pale, triangular in shape with a slightly receded chin.''
why would they fuck up on purpose when they have it laid out what to go for
i'll give you that, it does. but after seeing the nilfgaard armor i wouldn't say it is for sure.
Triss is way better but the rest of worse
She's also a 90/200 year old hunchback depending on who you ask.
jews sacrificing some income to subvert the goyim as a payback for being expelled from 109 countries
theres a scar on his eye faggot
>gets to run around in a foreign country on a glorified vacation fucking your co stars and having big pretend sword fights
yeah, poor Henry
I'm not sure how to post a book on Yea Forums. If you can take a break from "well actually, in the books" type reddit shit, you could try reading them.
this, it's fucking ridiculous seeing people claim he looks ugly cos of one illustration by some polish nobody. The whole point is that people misconstrue them as monsters due to propaganda and fairy tales. The book constantly alludes to him being attractive, not to mention every woman drenches herself on sight of him.
“Triss” is still absolute shit. I dont really care abt her anyway since triss is worst girl
you really like posting that picture
have sex
When they first announced a show, I was really hopeful that this is what they were doing. The studio that made the "A Night to Remember" short for the third game was attached to the project at some point, which got me excited.
Then, they Netflix'd it.
Sounds pretty fun desu
Geralt is the definition of a Chad in 3.
hit the weights
>depending on who you ask
Shes old ass fuck and a hunchback regardless. She just takes care of herself w magic healing like literally any witch does. and thats a good thing
what did she mean by this
He's not very good at horseriding.
Theyre adapting the books retard. Geralt is handsome for a witcher but people still dont throw themselves at him. He’s viewed as a freak so it doesnt make sense for him to be casted as a giga chad.
Hissrich tweeted during preproduction that "The Witcher" will be the intro sequence
The bulk of the pilot is reportedly "The Lesser Evil" (already refilmed and recast)
Istredd has been cast so "A Shard of Ice" will be there. Which of course would make zero sense without "The Last Wish"
Torque, Toruviel, and Filavandrel have been cast so "The Edge of the World"
Lots of Cintrans in the cast too so "A Question of Price", "The Sword of Destiny", and "Something More" will probably be included.
Battle of Sodden Hill, mentioned in the passing in the dialogue on the opening pages of "Blood of Elves" will probably be the series finale/cliffhanger (cf. set video of all the wizards & sorceresses standing at the walls of a castle).
I mean literally because she says she's 90 but someone I can't remember says he's known her for 200 years to Geralt.
Fuck I forgot about that short, now I'm even more disappointed
She can't pull off Yen.
>adapting a book based on games
So it's going to be worse than the Assassin's Creed movie, isn't it?
I don’t actually, that doesnt mean people should not see it.
>Geralt is handsome for a witcher but people still dont throw themselves at him
Is that why every 10/10 sorceress wants to gargle on his cock in the books?
Where do you get the impression he's a giga chad? Because he's tall and handsome? He actually have freakishly overextended arms and legs, cat eyes & grey hair like a 2000 year old corpse.
The showrunner is a nepotism hire/raging sjw feminist. She doesnt care about the story just trying to shoehorn her identity politics. Thia show will be a virtue signaling mess.
Yeah, you'd think they would get him some good training or something
>But discord trannies are welcome anytime
you're discarded friend, no hard feelings. it isn't hard to copy paste.
Not even good bait
I'll take the bait - it's a game based on books, and now a show based on those same books, not a book based on games.
That said, Netflix Original is this generation's SyFy Original, so...yeah, it'll probably be Assassin's Creed tier.
It's actually because a Witcher's body is magically active, which causes a tingling sensation when touched by other magically active people. So his dick is basically one of the few vibrators in the world. Slags are willing to put up with the rest of his appearance to get on it.
Geralt looks fine, but Yen looks so bad. They could have done a better job with the costume, hair, and makeup. It's almost like they made the actress look even worse on purpose.
Yes the ones who are pretty much viewed as whores and suffer under the same ostracizing that witchers do which is why geralt gets off with yen in the first place. I suggest you actually read the books before talking about them.
Reread my post, slowly.
> copy paste
> not understanding the existence of physical books
But she can pull off my dick
Maybe he'll obtain scars throughout the show? Dumbass.
haha yeah man
Witches and witchers could fuck anyone they want. Your point sucks.
This nigga bouncing on the horse like its a dick
They're supposed to follow the books at least loosely. At the start of the books, Geralt was already a veteran Witcher and that implies at least some scars. Dumbass
That's sort of lame though, he's been making a living by stabbing eldritch terrors to death with a sharp piece of metal for several decades by that point. I liked the scars as a piece of visual story telling, "he's been around, and this is still very dangerous".
All it says now is "Henry doesn't want to ugg it up too much". It isn't a big deal, but it makes the whole thing a little bit less than what it could have been. The entire production seems to be a collection of these "it isn't a big deal" things, and they build up over time.
Calanthe is cast, can't wait for 40 minutes of Geralt and Calanthe discussing semantics, then having to explain who Duny is to people.
Yeah and they do, he has no noticable scars at the start of the books that aren't on his chest/back, he gets a big one on his back in literally the first short story.
Ofc they could but it wouldnt be consensual. The only people who fuck witches are nobles who dont give a fuck.
Im gonna take a shot in the dark and say
Geralt will barely be in it
Majority of the show will revolve around the women
Geralt will fight maybe two monsters for the entire first season
Show will have episodes mirroring reali life so expect plotlines involving diversity,immigration, and acceptance of different genders. Plus an orange man bad esque king who wrongfully inherited his crown and must be stopped.
You don't know what brigandine is, do you?
The big reveal will actually come in The Last Wish episode when Geralt gets naked and his entire body is covered in scars.
Nenneke can heal scars.
>women showrunners
how to make sure your show sucks 101
They have already casted an actor known for being a Trump impersonator comedian
>king who wrongfully inherited his crown and must be stopped
Radovid in The Witcher 3?
This show should've been the heir to game of thrones (s01-s04) and aryan kino. Now it's ruined. Why has God forsaken us?
You're all going to binge watch it on the first day and shitpost about it endlessly. That's all Netflix wants.
And the shilling begins
Nobody cares. This is basically a shitposting containment thread
Nah i dont watch anything that proceeds to push an agenda over quality. Why I quit punisher 2 episodes in. Now you want to talk about a show that took a steaming hot dump all over the source material. The punisher show is a travesty.
Still better than what dark tower got
Aren't they going out of business soon? Not soon enough. Christ.
It isn't enough to say that nu-Yennefer is okay, or even good. She has to be THE BEST EVAR. This shit is so transparent.
are people in the books supposed to be well fed? because Cavill looks like a fucking beast
Literally me
Gotta push the agenda user. Thats all that matters. And lets be fair. This adaptation isnt made for fans of the books or games. Its for feminists Who just want a new show to be catered to them.
Youre fucking ugly
Geralt looks fine you spergs. Everything else looks awful
Geralt goes hungry more oft than not. But he's also a mutant, so I guess he gets sick gainz from eating grass? I don't know.
I always imagined him being a little more lithe, like a swimmer.
>Yen looks younger than Ciri
Ok, this is epic.
I know. That’s why they hired me
I think he looks mostly fine, and I think most would agree he's probably the best looking thing we've seen so far. I still wish his hair said "mutant albino" and not "old man", though.
Yet another show our guy Cavill has to carry, the rest of the casting looks terrible
Game only retard
I've only played the games but he can meditate in place for days at a time, he's a mutant
Is he this pretty in the books? The game and show made him a hunk
can he ever catch a break?
he seems like a guy who really likes to do his homework for his roles and really wants to do his best for them
he's also going to be Sherlock Holmes in a movie about... his sister...
Hes handsome for witcher standards. That said people are disgusted by him being a mutant
None of that is game only. Stop LARPing as a book reader on the internet, and actually read a book.
All it takes is one retard redditor to say "hurr not in da books, hurr", and a thousand retard redditors will parrot it forever. The misinformation and general retardation that the internet enables is un-fucking-real, the world is fucking doomed.
Keep thinking that.. we own this board sweetie.
Any chance this big guy is in the show?
b-but that sword is for monsters!!!
He doesn't appear in the books, so I doubt it. I'm not sure how the licensing on that would work either, I assume Netflix would have to pay CDPR or something.
My expectation is that season 1 under-performs, season 2 tries to draw from the games a little more as the material most are familiar with, and then the axe. So if you're going to get him, it won't be this year.
can someone photoshop this to replace her head with a whitoid?
He's a game only character so no
Who could play him if he did?
Deepfaked Rich Piano as Letho lmao
>"Resentiment is the ultimate foundation of the Jew," he stated resentfully on his internet safe space.
me and he, not me and you.
Which is a shame cos hes cool af
>"Resentiment is the ultimate foundation of the Jew, he stated resentfully on his internet safe space" he stated resentfully on his internet safe space.
What do they have against fire crotch? Fuck SJW.
Nope. This show only has room for 1 white powerful man.
as much as the producers/writers of this like to yuck it up on Twitter, have any of them ever, in any way, even mentioned the games or acknowledged their existence. it seems incredibly petty to pretend that TW3 isn't the sole reason your show is being made, because it 100% is.
i understand sapkowski is a bitter cunt mad at CDPR, but i don't know why that has to extend to the production team. i don't want the show to just copy CDPR's art/music choices, but you also can't completely abandon what your audience already identifies with this universe.
this show isn't going to suck because of SJWs or too many blacks, it's going to suck because they're going to be too preoccupied not being like the games, which will be much like D&D's preoccupation with subverting fan theories.
The showrunner openly admitted she wouldnt even touch the games. Why? I have no idea. Personally id like to view anything and everything witcher to get a good idea of what i wanted to do. Clearly she doesnt think the same way.
How hard would it have been to grow a beard.
the less she recognizes the thing that already exists, the more freedom she has to just make shit up to suit her own tastes
>"Resentiment is the ultimate foundation of the Jew, he stated resentfully on his internet safe space, he stated resentfully on his internet safe space," he stated resentfully on his internet safe space.
its supposed to be a young geralt
She said it’s because she didn’t want to be influenced too heavily by cdpr and wants the games to remain a separate thing. But yeah the sjws are coming over to your house right now to beat you up
so fucking dumb. it isn't just another adaptation, or an alternative vision, it is literally the only reason 'your' show is being made, and it is the source of your ENTIRE audiences' awareness of 'your' show.
right, what I said
and don't worry, I got a gun
why wait user? go kill some liberals right now
Nah its like what some other user said. It would just get in the way of all the sjw shit shes gonna shove in.
What’s your reddit username?
Great. Now the sjws are coming to your house also
because I'm not a psychopath like you user
Looks better than the game version
Platige images is still attached to the project
Tomek Baginski is an executive producer
B-but witcher is polish
Except it's true. This is set prior to TW1 so he wouldn't be heavily scarred and in the books he keeps the silver sword on Roach and his medallion is round and flat.
His eyes are catlike, the resolution of the photo is just low.
Although it says here they actually made the "Killing Monsters" trailer, which is also how I remember it. "A night to remember" is by Digic pictures or something like that.
Hitler tried to prevent this but we didn’t listen.
Literally nothing raging about those tweets you fucktarded polack
You have to go back.
>"it's based on the books so we don't cast people based on their looks in the games"
>uses the most iconic armor used by Geralt in the games
I don't get it, looks like an improvement.
I don't mind diversity casting in general but it doesn't make sense for a game set in a medieval universe. Travelling was hard then so characters from other nations should be a rarity and generally mistrusted.
You can handwave it a bit with magical characters but anyone else should be appropriate for the nation it's set in unless it's story relevant that they're not.
Show. You know what I meant.
ppl these days will say with a straight face that fantasy has nothing to do with Europe, even if the setting has an entirely European aesthetic and its world/lore heavily reference historical Europe.
>Travelling was hard then so characters from other nations should be a rarity and generally mistrusted.
If you haven't read the Witcher books, or if books are too much of big brain activity for you - played the games and read the codex on the world, you really shouldn't be posting.
the iconic armor is chainmail user
BOTH are for monsters.
>imgur filename
made an oopsie, reddifriend
man I want to see this cause I like mr cavil but I can't stand netflix and hiring legitimately ugly people to play the other roles
I don't care they're nigs or beans but why are they also ugly
Radovid is based.
>random letters = muh boogieman site filename
based schizo
>triss, yen, ciri are ugly
We are the monsters all along.
Imma bite the bait, because fuck, I'm hungry. I love your reddit spacing, bro.
>Geralt will barely be in it
In the books Ciri was the main heroine, no Geralt.
>Majority of the show will revolve around the women
Like in books, yes.
>Show will have episodes mirroring reali life so expect plotlines involving diversity,immigration,
Like the books
> and acceptance of different genders.
The books were more focused on the female rights, but sure.
>Plus an orange man bad esque king who wrongfully inherited his crown and must be stopped.
That's kinda the emperor of Nilfgaard.
wait is this shopped
How are people thinking cavil is a good actor? He was alright in the tudors but mediocre in everything else in my opinion.
>tfw trumptards up in arms about a Polish book written decades ago pushing all their key triggers
have sex
such as
Sometimes a 6/10 woman will surround herself with 3/10s, to improve her relative appearance.
The same concept plays out here.
He's mediocre, I don't get it either. But he MIGHT fit as Geralt. Not only because of his looks, but also thanks to his lackluster expressions. Geralt in the books is for about 90% of the sulking and angsty. The rest 10% he's pissed off. There's really not that much material to work with.
All they really needed was a hot guy with chiseled abs, who makes all females ovulate at the very sight of him.
Yen looks like THAT?!?
Could be way worse. At least she's not a nog.
But I'm really fucking worried about Geralt's contacts. Especially from this angle. They make him look like Tim Curry in the Legend. Hopefully we'll get a shot or two with Geralt's eyes going full potato.
i hope she learns how to speak with this accent
>I'm not sure how to post a book on Yea Forums
Mission impossible
Blood creek
Was okay in castle
Was alright in count of monte Cristo
I suppose I enjoyed him in the man from Uncle
But I don’t rate him as anything special. Of course it’s my opinion, he does look good but I don’t want to suck his dick so I don’t have that clouding my judgement.
would you prefer Idris Elba?
Are you another idiot here to tell me to "copy paste" from a piece of paper, you fucking mongoloid?
Imagine being Cavill in that scene etc. etc.
>Medallion's humming... Shit and curry gotta be.
if you own the book, go to the appropriate page and either take a picture with your phone or type out the one relevant sentence necessary to make your point
if you don't, go look up online excerpts or find a sample page, such as on goodreads or amazon
it may stun you to learn this but white people who were raised in a good household by more than one parent don't find this kind of sourcing hard or time-consuming to do. I'm sorry for whatever circumstances made you a mouth-breathing retard
yeah does not look too horrible , but the rest of the cast , the writers and the image of those ballsack warriors. Thats a lot of things going against it , maybe it will turn out ok , but I am not holding my breath
I could do that, but why go through that kind of effort for a bunch of goat fucking mulattos on /r/tv? If I convince a pair of you retard subhumans, do I get a prize or something?
She's cute
Should I read the books then play the games or play the games then read the books? Or should I be a faggot and watch a youtube video about it
I wish they would actually curl her hair and give it some volume and also make her wear a push-up bra. Would make it 100 times better.
Dude, it's over two fucking hours. How long can you drag this shitpost?
There, let me copy from the first book:
"As he took off his coat those around him noticed that he carried
a sword – not something unusual in itself, nearly every man in
Wyzim carried a weapon – but no one carried a sword strapped
to his back as if it were a bow or a quiver."
For this user.
The books aren't that great, you can tell they were translated. If you were interested in the games, you'd have played them already, they're not for you. Just youtube it if you must, but you're probably better off just watching the show, it's going to diverge a lot anyways.
I want her to jump both of us to a world with the appropriate AoC.
This is supposed to be mother to this
Look younger than her daughter wtf
Looks okay. I like that they roughed up Cavill's face a bit. It's more Geralt-like.
do we ever see cavil in any of those bts pictures with the other members of the cast so far?
read a real fantasy book nerds
Is it because the women are really attractive and busty in the games and she sees "le gamer culture" as some misogynist thing?
The first book(s? been a while) that are just a collection of short stories was alright in English. As soon as Ciri enters the picture it becomes trash though.
Also, Geralt is way more of an angsty, self-pitying faggot than I expected him to be. Guy constantly fucking whines about muh emotions, emotionally lamenting to himself how he totally doesn't have any, implying what an atrocity forced upon him that has been, as he cries over not being able to settle down with the latest random girl he just met five minutes ago. Or he's crying about his mother. Or he's crying about dragons. Or he's crying about the fucking weather, I don't know. Dude's more emotional than a teenage girl.
this is a gay manga
Why the fuck did they make Yen look so young? It's seriously bothering me. Geralt looks way fucking older than her which is creepy, but even Ciri looks like she has 10 years on her.
it's telling that even after the mega-success of TW3, these books are still relatively obscure. i'm a big fantasy fag and even i can't muster up the interest. the only time Sapowski is ever brought up is when somebody mentions what a sourpuss asshole he is.
Sometimes you have to go with the better actress over the lookalike
Sorceresses always look like they're in their 20s.
No this is a gay manga
I'm 3 book sin and Geralt is pretty much the same as in the game. You are probably just projecting on him too much because you spend all your time stealing alcohol from villagers instead of actually paying attention to the story and relationships of the game.
Fuck off with your SJW shit
Goddamn he is one beautiful man.
not even going to no homo.
She looks like she's fucking 16. Ciri looks like she's in her 20's. Geralt looks like he's 40.
What do you think is happening on that webm?
I was interested in playing as a friend recommended it to me.I have all 3 on my steam already even before the netflix annoucement but I had not find time to play
>can change appearance to suit your tastes
>make yourself a pathetic-looking streeshitter
at least make yourself a good looking one, geeze
lol reddit was full of people claiming that he's described as ugly in the books despite the fact the only time his appearance is dissed is that apparently his "smile is hideous". dont fucking know where they got that idea
With women at the helm I'm sure we'll get plenty shirtless scenes.
Yeah, people's disgust at Geralt is because he's an aberration and they hate Witchers, not because he's actually ugly.
He was plenty naked in the game and books and always involved in some relationship drama, women are going to love the story.
Cast him.
BIG HANK is going to drag it kicking and screaming into KINO territory.
shut it down moishe! the goyim know!
>this story set in Africa doesn't describe any of the characters skin, so they might all be white or asian looking
> Netflix
Triss is a nog
> That's different!
When you ask how, they can never say.
it could be an alt history post-ww2 setting where the nazis wiped out all non-whites and then their society collapsed because melanin powers the earth's rotation or something
Based and Genealogy-of-Morals pilled
>i-i was just memeing
It's not wholly your fault. Your upbringing failed you
>but I had not find time to play
Than its nothing for you. The Witcher 3 is such a fantastic game that you WILL find the time
the witcher 3 is a fantastic movie sliced up into cutscenes and filled out with shitty open-world drudgery. i wish to god they have made it a game like the second one.
>that $1 budget medallion
meanwhile literally any gaming merch store has and the collector's edition had sick looking real metal wolf head medallions
like holy fuck the Nilfgaardian armours were bad enough but this cheap ass looking medallion is really flaring me up
I enjoyed all 70 smugglers cache
>that overdesigned fantasy shitstain of a medallion
god i hate faggots like you who unironically liked final fantasy and medal gear solid
tell me what you think this means
Bullshit, it had the perfect balance between open world and red line missions. Smugglers caches were the only bullshit due to the older build as they admitted. At that point you didnt had to dive for anything in it anyway.
too much mass like Mac when he hits level 10 in always sunny and can't even ulti charlie when he drinks too much
Its based on the books not the games. The medallion is accurate to the book.
This is not something to nitpick over though. The show is going to be absolute garbage thanks to identity politics.
Hey, Stupid. The games did their own thing with the witcher. 99% of you fucking faggots crying about the show think its based on the games. Fucking kill yourselves.
>The stranger reached into his jerkin once more and pulled out a round medallion on a silver chain. It pictured the head of a wolf, baring its fangs.
I think he means having that around your neck would probably piss you off
then again, any medallion that big would piss me off around my neck
jewelry is for women
What you really should be angry about is that it is not very apparent from the OP picture that the wolf on the medallion is in fact a female wolf, an empowered she-wolf-kin that only resonates when the patriarchy uses magic in the vicinity
Idris Elba
>Its based on the books not the games.
Fucking why
why would it be based on the games
they're already movies you troglodyte
Because they're better than the books
They add a certain je-ne-sais-quoi, fucktard
I hope we get many nekkers. Maybe Warwick can play 'em.
go back to your next moviegame, zoomer, i heard last of us is coming out
Wish it were based on the games. I don't know if I've read book series by the same author where the quality has varied so much from book to book. A couple of them were decent page turners, some were terrible.
Witcher 3 is fine except for the over-the-shoulder cutscenes that play every time you talk to anyone. Back and forth, over the shoulder, like some soap opera.
Yen looks 20, she should look 30-ish if we can get past the fact that she isn't a shitskin either
And Ciri should look ~8 and not 15
Ciri isn't that young.
you don't have to be a zoomer to realize that the books are not that great and any adaptation has a chance to elevate beyond them. the witcher 3 is also like an 11-hour movie, so it takes more dedication to get through that than one of the shitty little short stories.
Cavil is too noble looking and stuffy for Geralt.
>the books are not that great
end yourself
Because the asshole Sapkowski got salty when the Games were a gigantic success while refused to be part of them and sold everything for just 8000 Euros. CD project even offered a main job on the witcher games but the guys sees Video games as garbage.
In this shit he was there right from the start.
so like PKD and Steven King's adaptations?