>real life is more kino than actual kinographies
Has the motion picture industry just been a giant waste of time?
Real life is more kino than actual kinographies
Other urls found in this thread:
>"oohhhh welcome mr bond, we've been waiting for you"
>chink music plays in background
Looks like trailer shots for an international conspiracy film.
good job bud you spelled it out
Sorry i m a retard, can somebody reply the video link?
>tfw real life is directed by Snyder
hollywood movies are a glib facsimile for rl
nvm i find it. And sorry.
Is this...
>still pictures taken by professional photographers, by thousands on dollars worth of equipment, of wealthy men and politicians, in settings worth more than your entire existence, are better than McMovies released just to separate simpletons from their money.
Imagine my shock.
Winnie the Pooh looks dapper tho.
>movie cameraman aren't professionals
>movies don't have sets custom designed/built for the scenario at hand
>movie cameras don't cost $100,000+ compared to a still photoraphy camera which is probably under $10,000
based retard
>chink music plays in background
why did I laugh so hard at this
The Trump one needs changing.
It's a pleb shot.
The other 3 are red hot kino though
The putin scene happens in hitman and salt
Instead of trump it should be that shot of the republicans gathered around the table.
You know the one.
You are so clueless its embarrassing
I was thinking this one
That's objectively a poorly shot photo though.
it's actually pretty iconic, not even a trumptard. you see his size and his blonde hair, which are trademarks of trump and then you see kim. trump is even large due to the perspective and it looks lke Kim is going towards him. This has history book quality as it encapsules an important step in american diplomacy.
putin shot is shit
trump is alright but it looks a bit goofy
the other 2 are perfection
kinoesque shot right here
there's a kino angle of this
Because you know exactly what he means: it sounds like a chinese restaurant in there.
try without the black bands it's cheating
Could someone post just the Xi Jinping one?
>tfw you were the person that found that Xi Jingping picture
That'd be pretty sweet. China used to have an interesting culture before the communists destroyed it
>Ohh werkom to Shitty Wok.
why is top right always posted as kino? only way it would be kino is if the gooks were at war with eachother while photo was taken
>literally psychopathic global elite symbolically holding the world in their grasp
okay this is keeno
fuck do you mean found it
What are you on about? everyone in the pic are Chinese state officials Chinese, there wouldn't e any tension. Anyway, Japan is rebuilding their military and China is pissing off everyone in the Pacific, so we'll see.
I posted it in a high-res political image thread.
It got like 10 replies and ever since it's been everywhere.
Post the original
Well I guess I'm sucking your dick now
This is why historical movies are always the most kino, OP. Retelling reality is the highest that cinema can do
What's the context of the Xi JInping picture?
And does anyone have the individual photos?
Nice, it's by far the best one
I cant wait for drumpfkino in 30 or so years when even the corporate msm begins to admit that Trump was objectively a great president.
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys.
guy on the right ruins this shot
>it will be decades before we get a proper NK movie that isn't just a few shitty comedians blowing up Kim
Looks like Nolan to me
The middle one on top is a great shot. Does anyone know where it's from?
recent movies are unironically btfo by some porn. i don't even watch my movies in 4k, only the erotikino.
When the regime crashes or fizzles out eventually I wonder what the NK new wave of cinema will look like.
>How the Jews stole the planet
Why are lefties so angry at this? Was it because Trump didn't need to bribe then with 450 million like King nigger did?
Trump has a nice ads not even joking. I hope even I'm 73 I've got a nice thick round ass.
Ass I mean.
>my feet hurt
>i wish i was at home anexxing ukraine
>men in suits with decent framing
is top right from rush hour 4?
I will get called summerfag, but what is the upper left hand? I literally always thought it was a Black Mirror episode or a scene from that movie The Square.
Kim actually looks like a normal human being with glasses on (for a gook)
North Korea
It's from a movie. OP is retarted
guy gets assassinated by his own bodyguard. they were in a gallery of some sort at the time, hence the primo lighting
Christopher Wobin
The Interview
what is bottom right?
Four Beheadings and a Funeral
I think she’s just tired of being surrounded by jews
it's all in the composition, user
>those cartoon-tier faces
life imitates art
Wrong. Russian ambassador to Turkey got shot by a Turkish security man, complete with shouts of Allahu Akbar. Putin at the coffin is from his funeral.
Russian Ambassador got jihad-ed by an off duty police officer in an art gallery in Ankara
>approaching the final boss
the shot with the guy looking over his shoulder is better
Based and christpilled
>nobody posted this one yet
What's he looking at? Did he have a hand in it?
hmm guys, why's someone rubbing their hands on the right?
Directed by whom?
t. cumbrain
Holy shit
how could kino compete with real life when kino is inherently an imitation of real life?
Stupid question tbqhfamalam
this is going in.
>no mcchicken
is that fucking Loss?
What happened in the top left
Why does the saudi have his hands over the arctic/canada? Is he going to take over northern oil somehow??
turkish bodyguard shot the russian ambassador in ankara.
Too in-your-face?
L'ambassadeur 2: aftermath
This ones better
fucking capeshit
Don't post old shit we've already seen a million times here you dumb faggot, back to /his/ you fuck you're filling up the thread.
el macho
shut the FUCK up brainlet
there's something real fuckin sinister about the decor in the chinese photo and I can't pin out down to a single choice.
If it was a movie, I'd say it is unrealistic and too much on the nose...
Mel Gibson obviously
I can only imagine what group of people would not be happy about it
A king amongst peasants
As if everyone hasn't already seen every one in the OP as well as most others in this fucking thread already.
You're shitting up the thread, no one cares about your stuff except the editors of time in 1970 which is why we've seen them 6 million times before. Fuck you faggot, you're probably an underage retard to miss the point of the thread so badly.
Zack Snyder.
A reminder that all those dead looking spirit faces next to that statue that looks like jesus (probably antichrist instead) represents the major deaths and sacrifices leading up to the antichrist's reveal.
Too try-hard. This pope is if anything a mediocrity.
>complaining about historical photos while people are posting pictures from e3
get your shit together, user
At least they're memable moments of the world currently, fuck off posting literal 1950s times frontpage pics, are you braindamaged or something?.
so weird...
Do they really wonder why they are losing followers, when this is the aesthetics they go for?
What did Trump's photoshoot accomplish for Otto Warmbier's family?
If this isn't America encapsulated in one image then I don't know what is
The aesthetics look more malevolent and those spirits look evil (there's faces when you look closer in all the stuff). Makes you think......
The statue/piece of "art" was made relatively recent too. Luciferean Pope.
worthless photo, why even post?
No way all you faggots have been on Yea Forums for longer than a month, to miss the point of a thread so fucking badly.
Looks like a Jeff Wall image
It was made in 1977 according to wiki. Could be a conspiracy/cover-up of course.
It's more that kino replicates the lighting and composition of still shots that we associate good photography with good movies.
Any photograph that has a centered subject is basically a Wes Anderson frame.
have you done research if this is true?
Way to contribute, faggot. The "point" of the thread is literally posting real life kino, and what part of those photos aren't? Because they're not recent? Fuck it, let me post l'ambassadeur again it's so fucking refreshing and new
Oh, guess I was wrong then
>>photo with a 5 year old filename
>No way you have been on Yea Forums for longer than a month
I would enjoy this as a painting.
Lmao some boomer just linked me that meme article. The damage control is palpable.
Fake news.
I like how Abe is looking at her with such dismissiveness
I guess if your symbol is literally a half-dead human body, it's hard to take it up a notch
>not once in the millions of illegal aliens hopping the fence could a little girl possibly have been raped or used as a pawn, this is definitely a fake article
>only solution to is to let the entire continent of south america in unscreened
Why are you people so blindingly insane?
there's another angle of this that males it look less like Merkel is being listened to or in charge and more like she's annoying (which that polish-jewish dyke is annoying)
Angles change everything.
This is why they win the Franchise Wars.
le old school epic iconic photo??
So original so interesting..
We're not gonna have interesting threads anymore because all the BLACKED posting and got threads plus help from the mods attracted you and a million other completely unoriginal, circlejerking redditor faggots. Fuck you faggot.
any lynchian IRL kino yet?
what are some movies about Betas vs Chads?
>is a nasty foul mouthed bulldyke
>has that stupid slut tattoo
Are they printing them all at the factory like that now?
this image caused so much cuckold butthurt, it was glorious.
They're not normal people user, they're the exact same JIDF that come to many threads here in the last 2 months if anything is even slightly "politically incorrect" and will samefag the thread sometimes even until it reaches max replies. They rely on you to reply as well so they can keep going back and forth until thread is derailed.
The idea that it's better to traumatize children for life by separating them from their parents for requesting asylum because your boomer mind is obsessed with gang rape and casual violence is precisely why several congressmen are having a field day with CBP today.
You don't give a shit about the kids either way, so you might as well shut the fuck up while you're at it.
Imagine being an atheist but then you see this Kino IRL
>objectively a great President
This looks like something Anno would put in one of his movies before everything goes to shit
>is precisely why several congressmen are having a field day with CBP today.
You mean AOC threatening to physically assault a border officer and running off in a huff after being invited to tour the "concentration camp" she claims it is? Real epic, she got em
>hiding behind bulletproof glass
What a pussy. As if N Korea would ever kill a president and risk all-out nuclear war
Why are you not angry that he met a dictator and for whatever reason, won't publicly condemn him for war crimes?
10k hours in paint
its supposed to be Jesus and the souls of those lost in the Holocaust
more proof that the hall of cost is some sort of satanic ritual
>it is fake, but if it were true, we would need to act now
lies lies lies
Shes interesting because shes the best in the world, doesn't look like a woman or a man, she is the embodiment of the next evolution of humankind.
You're such a pleb.
>it's illegal to deport them
>it's illegal to hold them
>it's illegal to refuse them entry
>it's illegal to stop them from coming
>whoops guess the only thing you can do is hand out a Section 8 voucher on the way in
They don't have a right to be here and no one invited them. You seem unable to comprehend that.
I've been here for 12 years. I'll repeat myself, almost every fucking image in this thread has been posted again and again and again, but I'm sure they haven't lost their allure yet. Oh hey, another photo of Trump. Points for originality on your part dragging blacked and got into a topic completely unrelated to those things, you're doing a great job at stopping the downfall of the site you've obviously been frequenting for years. Fucking moron
God I wish he were king
Do you think she is butch? Which tattoo? She is an amazing player btw
don't you think there are any gamers in NK?
The lack of windows maybe
That art gallery assassin one is cropped to comply with the rule of thirds the original isn’t as well composed.
That's his point dipshit. Those le ebin real life kino shots are just as manufactured as any movie. Not a single one of those shots would look good if they were organically taken by some rube with a $100 android phone
female sports is a meme, they literally lose to 15 year old boy teams.
Thank you for your service.
only cucks care about democracy, only cucks care about muh war crimes.
>AOC threatening to physically assault a border officer
>the woman who reported this has a history of making shit up
Lmao, dumb fucking boomer.
But I'd be happy if AOC slapped the shit out of some fascist BCP cunt.
Lmao, you retarded fucking boomer.
>muh 12 years
The Trump and Kim pics were just taken yesterday, you moron. Most of these pictures didn't even exist until 2017.
No they don't, /x/...
>it's illegal to deport them
>it's illegal to hold them
>it's illegal to refuse them entry
I read this in John Travolta's voice
Requesting asylum isn't illegal, fascist piece of shit. ;^)
Agreed. The overall composition of the shot needs work, they overlap eachother
Seven days to the river rhine , is only they had been given the go code
Where is the edit of him being God touching the hand of Adam?
they do have a right to request asylum
>pansy ass pseudopope gets this god-tier kinomatography
Unfair desu
isn't there a right to apply for asylum?
every pope is a psuedopope
then leave the fucking thread faggot, or better yet kill yourself.
What is that shockwave?
Ok, /pol/.
and they are awaiting their asylums you fucking retards
are we supposed to just let them roam free while awaiting asylum?
This isn't fucking europe
the communism leaving his body
Fun fact: The
>200 posts in
>no maidan photos
you people are smalltime
I love how much this chick absolutely ass-shatter triggers /pol/ and Yea Forums
you should probably let them go somewhere before they fucking die
What are you talking about?
And they've been posted damn near daily ever since. You still haven't posted an image yourself, buddy
Then why are you supporting policies to give asylum courts more money so that we can process their cases so they DON'T end up in poorly run detention centers? I don't get why conservatives refuse to actually address the influx issue.
>you should probably let them go somewhere before they fucking die
Are you implying Mexico is a complete shithole without hospitals and aid?
Because they're on THAT side of the border, not ours.
and they still end up dead
cool story bro
what's with the tattoo?
Stop whining you little faggot
*Why are you not
>Are you implying Mexico is a complete shithole without hospitals and aid?
>Because they're on THAT side of the border, not ours.
what's your point
No they don't. You must request asylum in the first country you reach. For most of them, that would be Mexico or Guatemala. And since the government of Mexico and the US are allies, and Mexico is claiming there is nothing in Mexico to seek asylum from, the US is recognizing Mexico's claim. Therefore, Mexicans cannot receive asylum in the US.
Guatemalans and Venezuelans also have very tenuous claims for asylum. If they need asylum, then by definition, their government officials need to be deposed by foreign (American) intervention. Do you support American intervention in Venezuela?
I support literally everything except letting them roam free while awaiting asylum. Even if that means more immigration staffing so we can process requests faster.
Fuck off you pussy liberal cuck
>thread devolves into leftoids defending their illegal beaner pets
every time
>get granted asylum
>still die
>you fucking retards
what's wrong with you?
Seems like you have much greater problems than worrying about immigration.
Stop samefagging
>what's your point
Mexico is a perfectly good country for these central americans to emigrate to.
Why do they feel the need to dangerously cross deserts, putting their families lives at risk when they're already in fucking Mexico?
Stop throwing around the word fascist and taking away any real meaning it has
The reichstag fire was actually set by an anarchist and the nazis used it as impetus to crack down. They didn't publish a bunch of tabloid articles about a fire that happened somewhere and waited for the 30s German equivalent of boomers to bring it up at enough dinner tables to seize power.
Comparing the dynamism and vital force of politics in the 1930s to the gay enervated shit we have in 2019 is insulting to the past.
their bulls lock them up with just a laptop and an internet connection for hours on end.
Wait, people still love the jew loving, multicultural pushing, dictator dicktaker trump here? Damn, i thought you'd all turn him by now...
shut up retard, this isn't reddit
because mexico is a shithole filled with rapists and murderers
i have a big beautiful brain that is compressing on the inside of my skull and giving me mental retardation
however these pics are still cool
Then why aren't Republicans proposing that?
amazing photo
Who the fuck are you tell anybody what this place is or isn't? GTFO asshole
stop posting on Yea Forums. Go back to lddit where mods protect faggots like you from criticism.
Getting this worked up by a random soccer dyke makes you a complete faggot...i bet you are obsessed with trannies too, go fucking post about dialation on your fag board
use this pic
Well done being wrong as usual
how based can one man be?
>our president is a pussy who slurps slanteyed cum from a fat autist who runs a third world country
Every day trump makes me more embarrased to live in America
They are. Every single spending bill they have proposed has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars just for staffing. Let's not even get into the fact that Dems have been stonewalling the confirmation of immigration judges, specifically to keep the cases backlogged, which ironically keeps these "kids" in detention centers for much longer.
To Nancy Pelosi's credit (it hurts me to say that) she told AoC to fuck off and approved Trump's latest spending bill which allocates nearly $1 billion just for staffing and detention center upgrades.
roastie spotted
for the church
you don't belong here faggot, back to rddit with the other basedboys.
nah, Obama was the real pussy, hide behind bulletproof glass and used binoculars
Trump is a certified chad, and he makes you leftoid trannies seethe because you hate strong men
Yes. I am a roastie on the Yea Forums Yea Forums board making fun of people obsessed with soccer dykes. How did you figure me out?
What's going on here?
Your literally the only person who even gives a shit
Strong men don't let insults from soccer dykes get under their skin, hate to break it you buddy...and sorry im not a leftist twat either. I'm a proud clownworld rep, its all shit so lets just make fun of everyone and watch the world slowly die.
Oh. Another person who doesn't follow current events - that's just great.
>and they are awaiting their asylums
Without food, clean water, in crowded cells where they can't even lay down, separated from their children. When did the US turn into a totalitarian shithole?
based and logospilled
Soccer dyke loses to 15 year olds
shes literally a joke, no one gives a fuck about female sports lmao
The Illuminati are scary motherfuckers, that's what I take from this thread.
Your criticism was idiotic and hypocritical, and you STILL HAVEN'T FUCKING CONTRIBUTED A SINGLE THING. Goddamn I cannot even comprehend your retardation. You can have the rest of the thread to yourself, it's devolved into the same political circle jerk it always does so you can go on enjoying the same photos of Trump's wacky adventures and complain about reddit boogiemen and blacked-posters as much as you like. Fucking hell
>You must request asylum in the first country you reach
That's not even close to how requesting asylum works.
imagine being a catholic lmao
go away you toastie roastie, everyone hates your long winded SEETHING posts for a reason, stupid cunt.
The security at the door is tensing himself so hard, standing as straight as he possibly can too
I think he likes her
Well asian twink lover trump sure cared enough to write a couple twitter posts about her. What does that say about the cocksucker in chief?
>asian twink
someone doesn't know what words mean
>what do you mean they're not taking prisoners
Your not even talking to the same person you moron. You need to go back
Why the fuck would I follow "current events" nigga?
I didn't even know trump was meeting with kim. Only redditor pseuds are proud to "follow current events" because they imagine it makes them more intelligent or informed lmfao.
But you're pretty much typing like a caricature of a basedboy cuck. So it checks out.
>coping this hard that Trump is working towards peace on the Korean peninsula
why are leftoids so mad about the prospect of peace?
Imagine being a catholic who hates gays...what kind of mental gymnastics do they have to do to satisfy their bias, i wonder?
Best photo of the year.
shut up gay nigga
ill smoke u, trick
this faggot doesn't understand that Yea Forums is anonymous and it's impossible to view a users posting history lmao.
I know nothing about her other than we played the USAvFrance game on TV at work last week and she utterly kicked the shit out of the opposing team. Champions don't follow decorum. They can talk all the shit they want and dye their hair stupid fucking colors if they want to.
>working towards peace on the Korean peninsula
This is unironically what dumb white people think when Ivanka and Jared hop on the presidential plane to deal shady shit at the swampiest meeting in the world.
So is the United States...
>dumb white people
well at least your mask slipped and your anti-white faggotry is showing for everyone to see, roastie.
>implying anyone was threatened by third world korea who couldn't even make a working missile
Trump made himself look like a complete dicksucking bitch once again just like he did with Putin and Isreal, when will you sunk cost fallacy fuckers wake the fuck up and look at the pussy you elected. Sure he is better than hillary but even fucking kamala harris has bigger balls and better insults than this demented faggot
That's just it though, it's a subtle off detail that gives the shot an air of suspense.
>couldn't even make a working missile
are you gaslighting? they sent missiles as far as Japan you mentally retarded tranny, at least TRY to keep up with what happens in the world, willful ignorance makes you look stupid.
>making friends with dictators you're jealous of is "working towards peace"
NK is more nuclear capable than they were before Trump and the only thing that's changed is the NK regime is very happy with how stupid and ineffectual American "leadership" has become. But please, explain to me how Trump writing love notes to Lil Kim is going to keep them from bombing Japan and invading the south.
Reminds me of a level of Darkest Dungeon.
Exploring the subterranean crypts of a dilapidated cathedral.
Oh look, people are already repackaging up an old fake news story from last year.
Asylum shopping is not recognized as a legitimate practice by any governing body on the face of the planet. Yes, you must apply for asylum in the first country you reach
This is completely ignoring the fact that Guatemalens and Venezuelans have no real claim for asylum. Unless you're implying that Hugo Chavez is a brutal dictator who needs to be in front of an international court for alleged human rights violations. Is that what you're implying?
kill yourself you autistic faggot
>female ever beating Trump in a debate
hes going to rape that nigger whore on live TV
FDR met with Stalin, Nixon met with Mao, blow me you historically illiterate faggot
Someone give me a rundown on the tree Jesus
>I know nothing about her other than we played the on TV at work
its Jesus with holocaust souls
>nitpicking one little thing about my post and ignoring the fact that we elected a fucking kneeling bitch as president
All the way to fucking Japan even? You don't say? Holy shit, thank god for Trump or else they would have taken over the entire planet
>couldn't even make a working missile
Dumbass making shit up like people won't call him out.
>ignoring all the time that US presidents meeting with dictators has worked to the worlds benefit
Reagan and Gorbachev? you little zoomer trannies know fucking absolute nothing about history do you? You're completely retarded, congrats.
You can't legally request asylum if you illegally enter the country. You need to go to a port of entry
Can't wait for the meltdown from you stupid faggots when he wins 2020
>its another thread where lefties get absolutely BTFO and then run away until the next thread
When has trump ever blown anyone out besides himself? Demented Donnie is an old faggot who is going to cry like a little bitch on live tv when he loses the next election
That's my favorite zombie movie
You're right, I don't give a single fuck about those kids. I hope this acts as a deterrent next time some shitskin wants to hop the border knowing him and his litter of children will be rounded up and kept in cages like they deserve.
>they sent missiles as far as Japan
This guy is still mad about Benghazi or whatever Fox News tells him is true.
What's his name Yea Forums?
The dumbasses should stop traveling hundreds of miles to live in concentration camps. Their asylum claims are utter bullshit, which is why none of them show up for their hearings.
Everything you said is a flat out lie.
And Trump only gave up on Venezuela because Bolton is an ineffectual neocon lmao
>drumpf suck benis
wow great argument you mental midget, you sure showed le donnie
are you really just gonna scroll by without saying howdy?
what fucking hack directed this cliched, cheesy garbage?
>comparing a president actually liberating a country with trump sucking asian cock just to make himself look good while letting them do whatever the fuck they want
Utterly fucking embarrasing, go live in fucking Isreal if you want the kikes to shit down your throat so bad
You're not entering illegally if you're requesting asylum, you absolute dumb fuck.
You can only request asylum at a port of entry. If you cross the border and only ask for asylum when you are caught its not a valid claim
Literally the law
the shining is a great movie
>Reagan liberated the USSR when he met with Gorbachev
this is your brain on retarded leftie strawmen
>You're right, I don't give a single fuck about those kids
This is why I don't give a shit about white people desu. You're all just a bunch of sadist cunts and boomers do us no good entertaining your delusions.
>Everything you said is a flat out lie.
Show me any written law that allows for asylum shopping. Show me any US statute that says the federal government has to accept any asylum seekers whatsoever.
As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court confirmed the POTUS' authority to deny all entry into the US for any reason at all. Trump could literally stop all legal immigration tomorrow if he wanted to.
That... Well I got to say it was bold of the pope to depict them all burning in hell.
cry more.
>triggered shitskin
no one asked your opinion you low IQ mutt. get your filthy illegal family out of my country
I work on AI, not videogames, but that picture's mostly accurate. We have TVs, free food, drinks, and the typical "we're so carefree we have ping pong tables everywhere" in my office.
>STILL no movie
shamefur disprey
>You can only request asylum at a port of entry.
How are they supposed to approach the port of entry, dumb cunt? Are you implying they should just scream their heads off from the other side of the border?
Do something about it you fucking mongrel, if we make you that upset feel free to fuck off back to your shithole country. You come to our country illegally you get rounded up and caged like dogs and shipped back out, full stop.
>half nigger child in tow
>no father in sight
a true classic
>white people are all sadist murderers thats why all the shitskins of the world are trying to illegally break into white countries and white countries only
its ok to be wrong little guy
clint may have one left in him?
How come on fox news all they talk about now is how obama deported more illegals than trump? Isn't that pretty embarrassing to their supreme leader the fact that he is still bested by Obama at the one thing he ran his whole campaign on?
It's sad when you can't even pretend you're the good guy in fucking Yea Forums, huh? Don't worry, your dwindling demographics are the sweetest revenge there is.
>a couple dozen Asians vs. every nigger in LA
I put my money on the Asians
They should stop running away from their own countries and unfuck themselves. It's like third worlders secretly wish colonialism was still a thing the way they risk themselves and their children just to go live in a country they're not supposed to be in.
white people give the most to charity, white countries give the most in medical and food aid to poor countries
your argument falls flat when you're this much of an ignorant mutt
the food is full of onions.
>your dwindling demographics are the sweetest revenge there is
Thanks for revealing your true motive behind all of this bleeding heart posturing.
they always let the mask slip
shit talking point as
1-border apprehensions only count people who are actually caught and CBP was completely neutered under obama
2-obama era counted turning people around at the border as a "deportation"
but hey, at least you tried, right?
The entire world is leaning right. Someone's just waiting for the first errant bullet to fly.
>he supports trump yet hates kikes
How do you rationalize that to yourself?
they always do kek.
so cool. is this real life?
So fox news makes up facts to make their own president look bad just so they can talk shit on liberals? Even you have to admit that is fucking stupid as shit.
Great grandpappy Drumpf?
There is, in fact, a onions option for milk/creamer in our coffee machiens lol. But I've never seen the "onions" drinks other than in pictures here. We have a chef come to the office every day and prepare new meals. Besides him, we have a fully stacked cafeteria with yogurt, fruits, various pre-made sandwiches like the kind you'd buy at Kroger or other grocery, etc., free of charge. Whenever you want. Software development/coding isn't the genius-level job myths make it out to be, and it's probably the only current industry that will hire you without a degree so long as you prove you can fucking do the task at hand. The amount of people required versus the amount of talent actually present to fill the roles is staggering. Get on codeacademy, user. Teach yourself some shit. Start at 50k and bump up to 70 within 6 months.
>dude high res photos like wow so kino LOL
What, they didn't send missiles as far as Japan?
Hmm, that jew looks suspiciously well fed. Perhaps the holocaust didn't happen exactly as it's told to us?
Incel magapede
Don't even go there. They turned the 66 billion jews into soap and lampshades.
Had a summer job as a dev once. It was absolute hell and every minute there I was screaming internally. I guess I just couldn't get excited about the things we were working on.
>all fat people instantly lose 100 pounds upon being put into incarceration