*leans back*

*leans back*

Attached: 1561866937977.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would you ever check here when you have the straight nuts flowing into a flush flop.
Down the river gives him 3 outs and 10 chances to hit the pure nuts. If he'd called or bluffed the ace he'd have made a clean pot.

More importantly, why did he act like he had a great hand after just getting a great hand.

what movie?

I hate poker snobs so much

Maybe he was acting like he was acting like he got a good hand to throw everyone off

I byet two grand

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He clearly just sharted his pants after he saw the house and didn’t know what to do with it. What a fucking fish holy shit

He was trying to bait someone hoping that someone had pocket pairs or the other 10

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>Your move, Mr Bond

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Well, it’s a (picrelated) then

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All these smart people wasting their lives playing a fucking card game is sad. Atleast fucking play a real one like yugioh or hearthstone

What a pussy

matt(shitato)damon is setting the trap, but he doesn't know what he's doing

What else could he do? If he raises then people are gonna take him on a good hand and fold. He needs someone to see everyone else check and assume they've got the best with the second best possible hand, or for someone to try and bluff.

1. If he raises he almost certaintly gets the 12,000 unless someone's thinks HE'S bluffing
2. If he checks he has more of a chance to go higher with minimum 12,000

he could not have the worst poker face in the world for starters

Um, that’s not how you play poker sweetie

Okay Mrs Big Chips, enlighten me.


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Why don't people fold when they have a band hand and all in when they have a good hand? That way you're GUARANTEED to win every time LMAO
Poker is fucking stupid played by stupid individuals

*leans back*
Check em

It would be so rad if there were underground hi stakes yugioh games

Antes and blinds were designed to stop exactly that

>great hand
>not one face card
>nobody's folding

Man, I hope I bump into you in a poker room some day, topkek.

Attached: jennifer-tilly-poker.jpg (396x500, 174K)

>full house
>not a "great hand"

Attached: why you eat so much.png (594x567, 406K)

>smiles like a retard

*teleports behind you*

Attached: H-he's Fast.webm (720x404, 249K)

There are. You just don't here about them because the losers get sent to the shadowrealm

Thanks for the PTSD online flashbacks

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every fucking time

that fucking autist who repost this every single day

>good hand
kek he doesnt even have an ace, aces = 13


Attached: dwan.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

I'll raise you tree fiddy there, pal.

Attached: Adam Ante up 07.jpg (279x400, 31K)


>Why would you ever check here
I would have gone ALL IN.

I wish you fucks posted the video once or twice in any of these threads


he actually played this OK until after the river. he should've done a value bet then though.

literally all that would do is bring each hand to a stalemate where all players fold or everyone bluffs (which is the most obvious shit) until 2 or more get very similar hands then it's down to pure luck
poker is retarded enough as is