The fact that so many people still name Stanley Kubrick as the greatest or most significant or most influential...

The fact that so many people still name Stanley Kubrick as the greatest or most significant or most influential director ever only tells you how far film still is from becoming a serious art.

Contemporary film makers never spoke highly of Kubrick, and for good reason. They could never figure out why his movies should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that Kubrick was simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to the Space Race, which had nothing to do with his film making merits). That phenomenon kept alive interest in his (mediocre) films to this day.

Kubrick sold a lot of copies of his films not because he was the greatest director but simply because his films were easy to sell to the masses they had no difficult content, they had no technical innovations, they had no creative depth. He shot a bunch of catchy 3-minute scenes with some decent cinematography. If somebody had not invented the Space Race in 1957, you would not have wasted your time reading this post about such a trivial director.

He's a talentless hack, get over it.

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this shit is reaching so hard

you should see the Batman v Superman threads

Left looks like shit and trash.

>t. absolute pleb

>They could never figure out why his movies should be regarded more highly than their own
So basically they were jealous their shitty art house films weren't highly regarded. Yeah, great argument there, OP.

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>stop liking what I don't like

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>t. absolute blind retard

>The fact that so many people still name Stanley Kubrick as the greatest or most significant or most influential director ever only tells you how far film still is from becoming a serious art.
That just tells me that people don't watch enough films.

no technical innovations? the weakest bait I have ever seen.

Why not try going to a site like reddit where hacks like Kubrick are never criticized?

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>all these cuck plebs replying to pasta

>t. pleb brainlet

You should have made it more like the beatles pasta.

I think kubrick's overrated though.

Yes, a couple models in front of a blue screen isn't a technical innovation, shit like that has already been done years prior.
>B-But muh stargate sequence!
Alright, faggot. Name ONE other movie that used that slitscan contraption used to make that scene or any device like it.

>impling "copying" from others is bad in art
There have been no original stories told in any medium since the invention of writing

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Hey, I can't keep track of every terrible fucking repost that gets spammed on this shithole of a board.

>shot of hallway
>shot of spaceship
>shot of guy going EVA
>shot of dude on the computer

Yeah, much copy, such faggotry, wow

Guess I'll shoplift a laptop today because Toshiba didn't invent the laptop.

This is literally all false

>when you realize that the board is exclusively newfags now


If you got your hands on a Toshiba laptop schematics and used them to built your own laptop that'd be perfectly reasonable

>Don't trust copyright laws goyim! It goes in the way of socialism!
Begone, kike

Mate I understand you're looking for ways to feel intellectually superior but being a contrarian faggot isn't the way to do it. The very fact that you're pointing out what you're pointing out shows your lack of ability for critical thought. You're like a modern artist trying to put down Michelangelo and claiming intellectual superiority over all those who see the merit to his work. Just because someone's work is recognised as decent it does not mean it is overrated, and it sure as fuck doesn't mean you aren't likely to make yourself look a complete pleb by taking a contrary stance on it for the mere hell of it.

Learn to appreciate art regardless of what others think of it or what their appreciation does to your own fragile ego by holding the artist in such high regard. This thread is either passable bait - which says a lot about the demographic of this board these days - or it is the most pathetic thing I've seen for a while. I can only imagine what your life must be like but I promise you if you don't fix your outlook on life by the time you're into your mid-twenties it will start to solidify and, if you let it, you will end up a horrendously depressed and bitter individual for the rest of your life.

This is originally a Yea Forums pasta that is posted whenever the beatles are mentioned

its a Yea Forums meme. of course it's not funny

If that laptop is different enough to be considered a new design (as 2001 is when compared to that godzilla film) then it's perfectly reasonable

Why does Yea Forums suddenly like Kubrick's garbage now? Just two years ago you'd get laughed off the site if you thought any of his works were good

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>Yea Forums is all one person shitposting from his parents' basement 24/7

Kube is overrated. He has great attention to detail but obviously regards plot and pacing as far down the priority list.

Nolan, yes. Wes Anderson, yes. But Kubrick? Aside from the occasional contrarian this board has always been okay with him.

Not really, this board hated Kubrick for a long time (Or atleast 2001)

>t. lowly subhuman

Maybe 2001 but the majority have always agreed on Barry Lyndon and his older stuff like Dr. Strangelove & Paths of Glory

Kubrick films are like having a fever. An surreal sensation of slowly passing eternity and infinite, inescapable tedium. FUCK Kubrick.

>t. shitskin

The only people on this board that hated Kubrick were also the ones that cum to the thought of Avatar and Jurassic Park. I'm not saying they're bad movies but that is what they are, movies. They pander to a certain demographic whereas Kubrick pandered to himself.

even there you can see that he made those scenes better
maybe he wasn't the most original but be had the better taste

>t. dumb nigger

Invasion of Astro Monster
>Enjoyable all the way through
>Knew what it was
>Charming as fuck
>Got fun giant monster fights

2001: A Space Odyssey
>Giant bore
>Director is a pseud who'd browse reddit if it were a thing when he was alive
>No charm or personality, all of the characters are monotone robots
>Got a shitty LSD trip at the end for druggie subhumans to look at

People only like 2001 because their favorite youtube video essay faggot told them it was good.

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Avatar and Jurassic Park are objectively superior to 2001, though

This has to be one of the worst cancer thread on Yea Forums

only first looks similar tbqh

>People only like 2001 because their favorite youtube video essay faggot told them it was good.
or maybe they just enjoy the movie?

You'd need to be very easily entertained and of low IQ to enjoy the slog that is 2001


>Don't trust copyright laws goyim! It goes in the way of socialism!
IP laws are anti-capitalist.

People call me a pleb because of this, but 2001 would be awesome had the whole thing just been the HAL 9000 debacle, expanded. That part of the movie was really gripping, tense, and thought-provoking - plus the VA for HAL was pure sex.

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He was Jewish and Jews cannot produce art, it's impossible for them to do so because they have no soul.

>Both space ships are made of metal and have monitors. This bastard copied!

t. Ishiro Honda

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Be gay, do crimes.

>A-a least the books were good

bullshit, what about Gantz

Why the hell people rate Astro Monster higher than Ghidorah? The only thing going for it is Nick Adams and the Xilien controller and actually mostly just talking scenes because the monster scene get less screentime than in any other live action movie and hard sci fi stuff like space battles is inferior to Hollywood productions.

Who are you quoting, fag?


Kubrick was inspired and influenced by this movie and it's not a joke or exaggeration.

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I dunno, I personally liked the sad moment when Rodan and Godzilla were left behind on planet X and looked up sadly as the ship left


>it's a Scaruffi starts reviewing movies episode

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fuck off newfag

>t-they don't like my shitty meme but it's s-so memorable and funny

No, you fuck off pleb stop dumping your shit in another thread you have zero talent.

You are pleb and don't deserve 2001

what a fucking hack

Japa- no, Asian SciFi is famously bad. Thanks for the rec though.

I'd say when they tried to imitate what Hollywood did in movies like Earth vs. the Flying Saucers they don't look as good in comparison (but they still look quite impressive and I love how in Battle in Outer Space from 1959 the fighter jets were modeled after X-15, Honda loved this shit). Japanese sci fi of monster variation is terrific if done right as well as a few movies about experiments such as Human Vapor.

>I'd say when they tried to imitate what Hollywood did in movies like Earth vs. the Flying Saucers they don't look as good in comparison
Japanese special effects from the 50s and 60s compare well to Hollywood effects from the same period. It was the blockbuster era that left Japan in the dust.

Yeah Honda predicted that when he visited the set of one of the Godzilla movies of the heisei era. Those effects could be neat especially those from the 80s they were on par with smaller blockbusters like Tremors. Then it became more cartoony.

Diehard kubrick fans are the fucking worst.

>tfw i still don't get what the baby was supposed to represent

Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero is a good one. Oh and lel.

>>tfw i still don't get what the baby was supposed to represent
The "Star Child" is Dave Bowman-he reached apotheosis, he became a god. It's a Masonic film, but neat art and music.

Kubrick haters are literally cancer

Lightspeed evolution. Alien technology basically that allowed Bowman to achieve the form of an omnipresent being but in the sequel he can still take human form even if he seems distand and out there.

nice try defending a hack who couldn't have achieved all that by himself so he had to steal.

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Astro Monster is a clear ripoff of Godzilla (1954). At least Honda waited longer than Kubrick did to blatantly steal.

>this entire thread
>not even mentioning the main film Kubrick stole from for 2001

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I think Godzilla was an afterthought. Honda was so sick of making the same movies, he liked high sci fi.

Toho effects stagnated hard in the 90s. Daiei's Gamera films from the same time hold up pretty well today however

I don't hate him but his worshipers are autistic and annoying.

So are his haters and jealous rivals

Just keep sucking his jew cock

>As we walked along the flatblock marina, I was calm on the outside but thinking all the time, so now it was to be Georgie the General, saying what we should do and what not to do, and Dim as his mindless, grinning bulldog. But, suddenly, I viddied that thinking was for the gloopy ones and that the oomny ones use like inspiration and what Bog sends, for now it was lovely music that came to my aid and I viddied at once what to do

best kubrick film and its not even close

Attached: A Clockwork Orange - Flat block Marina scene HD ( (2) (1) (1).webm (398x240, 1.81M)

Astro Monster was clearly Honda's last honest effort. Most everything he did with monsters afterwards pales.

It’s just a shitty bait thread, there’s no actual conversation to be found here...but, yes, Ikarie XB-1 is absolutely fantastic.