what does Yea Forums like to watch while high?
What does Yea Forums like to watch while high?
Doctor who with david tennant
I don’t do drugs
Weed ruined my life. I am just a rando online but I truly want everyone here to know that it is not harmless and can fuck you up if you are not careful. Please, if you are even beginning to think you smoke to much just quit. I am so sorry i had to lose a decade of my life before I found that out.
Apocalypse Now
After Hours
Pierrot le Fou
Midnight in Paris
Porco Rosso
A Serious Man
boomercore war movies or whatever TCM is playing
Beavis and Butthead. It's one of the very best shows to watch high.
I don't get high.
Watching movies wile high sucks because I get bored after the 40 minutes high wears off. Movies on codiene/tramadol are great though
Not trying to be judgemental, just giving advice I wish I had received when I was younger. Being a stoner stole my soul and creativity for many years. It is far from harmless and the mentality that it does nothing at all is what kept me from getting help and finally quitting.
Whenever I get high I feel drained the next day and coffee doesn't help
>smoking weed
can confirm lost 4 teeth to weed
It was just a image. Go take a shit and look at your life again
fucking faggot with no willpower. Lmao. You could have bought a vaporizer in order to avoid lung damage, and limit your weed usage for weekends or with a group of friends. But I'm sure you are a weak-willed faggot who rolled a joint every 2 hours until your brain melted. Lmao.
You were just a loser anyway and blamed everything on smoking a harmless green nard, absolute wool you kid.
I'm inclined to agree with this and I fucking love getting high. I started when I was about 15 and smoked like a nigger from Jamaica until my late 20s and now I've had chance to look back on my life and where I am now I really wish I hadn't.
Isnt the show in like 320p? Wtf
based Marvel Maniac
>Weed ruined my life.
this is literally like saying soda ruined your life or that smoking or pizza ruined it, or that masturbation did it
yes too much of anything can ruin your life especially when you use it to abuse your dopamine centers like a subhuman ratbrain
Enter the Void
Lost in Translation
Lawrence of Arabia
not him but yes I am that faggot who rolled a joint every 2 hours. I still do though and i'm living my best life lmao
You would have just been a drunk instead, dumbass. Maybe even a sex addict that ended up with hiv . You got lucky
i can its true. Just dont get obsessed by it. A joint form time to time is not a big deal, 1 gram a day will ruin your life tho.
This. I'm a wagecuck who rolls every 2-3 hours outside of work. I still earn much, employer doesn't care nor do a drug test, I spend my monies to weed and vidya. Just scared about lung cancer, otherwise all is good.
godspeed user
I smoked weed for 13 years i'm 32 now. I stopped without any problems. I know some people are more sensitive than others but all this withdraws, insomnia and shit didn't happen to me. 1 year sober and working well at my new job.
I usually go for cartoon sitcoms like Duckman or something.
I mainly watch it while high for the cool music and scenes of space. There's a lot of incredibly cringe worthy stupidity in it tho.
I use weed as a medicine for my insomnia. I sleep like babies for 9 hours when I roll a joint.
ancient aliens
that 70s show
Well yeah, I had poor willpower and weed made it worse. I am literally not condemning anyone, just saying in case anybody reads this and feels like they have a problem that YES weed can cause you problems, even if it is just for 1/10 people. I feel like I lived less of my life because of it. So if you feel that way even slightly, I recommend quitting before you end up like me. That is all.
This guy gets it.
>I feel like I lived less of my life because of it.
Although this is a fact, I realized I wasn't doing much rather than playing vidya and masturbating whole day at home before I started smoking weed. At least this shit makes the time go faster.
animal videos
Just saw my mate lose his fucking shit a few days ago because he did nothing for months but smoke weed. I usually notice when I start smoking way too much, then I lay off of it for a couple of weeks, sets me back to normal.
I unironically sleep for 12 hours without weed.
Its crazy that people consider a dried plant a drug. You're comparing it to precisely calculated extremely effective white pills that can literally kill you if taken improperly. It's an insult to medicine and potheads, as well as a useless classification
Just keep it in control. That's why I'm against legalization. Because it's harder to access when it is illegal. I can't imagine if you could just go to market and buy it just like you buy cigarettes. I'm sure many people would become vegetables because of that.
Excellent taste.
this guy is just a Marvel Maniac clone
Yeah, but legalization also paves the way for support many people don't seek because of stigma. People will always find a way to get high/drunk/laid with a prostitute. A
Mulholland Drive
I've only tried weed once. I was expecting it to be a meme drug that barely did anything but it completely twisted my perception of time and I would walk over to the other side of the room, sit down and only a few seconds later register what had occurred. When talking to people I had to quickly get my thoughts across before I got distracted or lost my train of thought. I just wanted to giggle and watch youtube videos.
Pale imitation of Quentin
this is amazing. saved
The only stigma I faced was people saying it was harmless and that my problems were my own and I could still smoke. When I finally stopped my life got better. Maybe that was just me, I don't know, but I also think legalization will negatively affect people.
What exactly is “amazing” about it? It’s not clever or witty at all
How much did you smoke? I believe you because I've seen it happen to a mate who was fine for years and then suddenly started getting panic attacks from smoking.
Personally I smoke everyday but its only a small cigarette sized joint once a day before bed. I can make an 8th last nearly nearly a month, I still smoke more when with friends though.
quentin's shit is autistic as well yet people seem to suck his boipucci
I dabbed 5 years of my life away. I don’t have any lasting effects or damage to my lungs (run, hike and swim regularly) but the fact the last 5 years were a blur and time I’ll never get back is just pathetic and sad.
If you’re weak willed like us, don’t do weed. If you’re depressed and weak willed, weed just makes you hyper critical of yourself and makes you even more depressed.
>deluding yourself this hard to convince yourself you're not a degenerate pussy for using weed to cope
I'm all for pot but it literally is a drug and whoever told you otherwise is a fucking retard
also those white pills are pretty much just repackaged dry plants that are ground up or synthesized but it's basically the same concept
there's even cbd and thc pills that are identical in nature
>People will always find a way to get high/drunk/laid with a prostitute
Yes but that doesn't mean it should be legal. People will always steal and murder but it doesn't mean we should legalise it or accept it
these blow away those stale quentins.
how does someone become nostalgic for old quentin memes? lawlsauceusa5000
>that tight pink bigpuss
Gotta watch something different every time we smoke. Good stuff I've seen while high is 4K nature documentaries, BoJack Horseman muted and with my own music on the speaker and it usually fits the song, The Godfather, Boss Baby, best basketball plays, Chinatown, Arnold movies, CGI videogame trailers, music videos and Coen Brothers Movies.
Things I didn't enjoy while high include Pirates Of The Caribbean, Megamind, any Netflix original, Rick And Morty, and the absolute worst thing I've ever seen while high to the point it physically sickened me by how bad it is was The Hangover Part 2.
>lmao fucking pussy didnt drop $200 on cartridges and a metal cock to suck on every few hours Lmao what a fucking pussy bro.
do you realize how much of a colossal faggot you sound like? jesus fucking christ stoners are literally just niggers in denial
By that logic, every time I smoke a joint after work and just zone the fuck out I'm doing something that is morally, and legislatively equivalent to killing someone.
Because they were sincere
This “marvel maniac” crap is obviously a joke
Listen to this guy anons
soda literally ruined my life
I watch whatever I would watch sober. Weed actually helps me be more engaged with what I'm watching
I'm a Dutch guy from Amsterdam and my dad has been breeding marijuana plants for 30+ years now. You're extremely naive if you think weed is natural and not explicitly engineered by people to have certain effects. It has gone to such a length that people have died due to the influence of THC being so big that they fainted in dangerous situations.
If I took enough I'll just stare into space and laugh for no reason
What that fuck, when did I say doing drugs is equivalent to murder. Certain crimes are worse than others, what you do to yourself is more of a moral/discipline problem. The dealer should be the one raped in prison
you know I say that and I'm literally going out for a smoke right now and I'll most likely get a diet soda to drink after
but it's all about moderation (which should also be practiced ironically in moderation)
Nathan For You
End of Evangelion
My drug dealer robbed me.
>I'm sure many people would become vegetables because of that.
Yeah, if you get Indica. Which I stay away from because I smoke weed to break from lethargy and being unmotivated. I just smoke a small little bowl in the morning of a Sativa strain and I feel energized, can smile, and be sociable.
I live in a legalized recreational state and it is wonderful because I'm no longer at the mercy of a dealer having only Indica. With a regulated and informed system, I know exactly what I am getting at a consistent rate.
wow, you are fucking stupid. have fun on Yea Forums
Conveys its points well and has a funny twist ending.
Based Quentin lite
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
Ghost adventures
Survivorman Bigfoot
Hard-core pawn
Curse of oak island
>Why of course I don't smoke Cannabis, or any illegal and harmful substance. How could you tell?
yeah man i agree. If it's natural, it has to be healthy. I live in the northeast and sometimes i just like to go into the woods and eat random mushrooms and berries. Nature put them there for us after all. Actually just a few hours ago i was in the woods eating some strange red berries and ever since then my sto
Marvel Maniac sounds like a bro
It's actually kind of fucked he has sex out of wedlock with some chick. I guess other incels can't make fun of each other without wither being sex.
>he doesn’t smoke a dap of opium after railing a fat line of mephedrone before a movie
Imagine being such a weed pleb.
>tfw 25 and had weed only once in my life
How do I find a weed dealer bros? I don't have any friends.
>If it's natural, it has to be healthy
This is by far the dumbest argument for the supposed health benefits of pot
For others it can enhance creativity. I agree smoking is bad, doing it everyday is worse. But its like alcohol, most people can consume it responsibly, some dont have this control, thats what we call addiction. Its not necessarily cause by a product, sometimes in can manifest as a habit, like browsing the same shitty image board everyday. You can see it surely aroung you, old friends who stopped smoking, if what you claim is true i garantee you are the addict of your group and most of the people around you let go of that shit young and you had to found new people to smoke with. Im not saying you are responsible for what happened to you, but netheir is weed.
You're an insult to medicine and potheads by projecting your personal stigma against the word "drug" and by generally being a fucking retard. Now go roll up and watch cartoons.
and yet here you are addicted to replying
Quintin was clever and atleast pretended to be intelligent this shit is just, lol u don't like marvel ur a poopee baby! Typical of nu memes to be so shallow.
>Looks at everything like a cock
>Calls other people "colossal faggots"
The fucking irony.
Moderation is fine. Too much of anything is harmful. Interesting picture to use when some of the greatest Romans in history, such as Marcus Aurelius, used opium.
This vape is sick, would recommend it to all those stoners that waste their weed by smoking it all.
Get the chamber reducer and pack those capsules tightly
nostalgia goggles for a meme. this is what adults in 2019 are now.
Isnt it great?
I actually got a bit lucky, some friends ended up doing harder drugs and got even worse off. But you have a point. I am just saying that for many people weed is not harmless that is all
This this THIS
It alters your perception, dont Fall for the herbal jew
Oh yeah, like all those other hazardous things that naturedoes like poisonous plants or venomous insects. "How could a mushroom kill you its a natural."
nothing better than seeing someone fall for b8 on Yea Forums and get try to get all serious. the best part is if they reply thinking im the same user they are replying to. its like a double whammy of dumb for them
>comparing marijuana, something that has known benefits if consumed, to a poisonous mushroom
made me reply
nature documentaries
lm like you were. Love to smoke but will never recommend drugs to anyone, the wrong ones can make some people craxy and the fun of drugs is simply coping for the happiness some lose in life.
If you think you can tell the difference between certain types of weed and you have a preference you're a faggot.
>Enter the Void
this movie gives me really negative vibes, would not do drugs during this
Many benefical things canbe harmfull to a high enough dose. My point was that its not because something is natural that you can enjoy the smoke of it without the risks. Do you ever see any retards breath in the smoke of a fire camp ? Why would you think nature would give us a reflex to not breath burning particles ? I wonder...
The Great British Bake-off
i bet you cant even tell a difference between pepsi and coke
that's retarded. soda doesnt give a dopamine boost like weed does.
I can't tell the difference between sativa or indica and neither can you since it's 99 percent hybridized anyway.
what the fuck is that thing
It can be a spectrum you autistic fuck, alcohol and tobacco are drugs too but nobody is implying they're equivalent to shooting heroin
I typically play vidya or shitpost when I'm on stuff
>you can only smoke weed
Stop posting mate. Even I know you're just saying some of the stupid shit and I'm straight edge.
I smoked for 3 years without negative effects, one day I did an edible with friends and had the most awful experience in the hours that followes i've ever had, started hallucinating and trowing up.
Couple weeks after that I smoked 1 normal joint with a friend and started freaking the fuck out and hallucinating again those 2 hours were THE WORST in my life, I was getting sucked out of my body it was fucking unreal.
So I quit weed for 2 months.... I had alot of fucking anxiety and startes having panic attacks sober, awful period of my life.
So after 2 months I shared a joint with like 5 people at some party by some friend.
Since then i've quit and its been more than a year and i've not been the same person ever since. Im scared about doing things now and have no confidence at all.
Im not here to shill for anything, just to tell you my personal experience.
>Started smoking at 16
>I'm now 29
>My life revolves around sitting around the couch smoking weed
I'm not saying it was weed to begin with but man it sucks to be a loser
Everyone listing to this guy:
Weed is harmless.
The harm he’s referring to is a willpower/purpose issue.
It makes you feel euphoric and can make any mundane task the best and most fascinating thing ever; (example: went to a zoo yesterday with 2 friends and was high as shit, it made me appreciate what I was seeing more, etc)
If you don’t focus on your purpose (whatever that might be) then you will have weak impulse control and drop all your money doing it instead of pursuing your life goals.
It is an excellent way to relax and your experience in life will be optimal if you take it over the weekends/when your with your squad
Basically, this guy is a faggot loser who literally blames his problems on a substance instead of a character trait that he can choose to fix whenever he wants.
Get your hands off my dog
>You can't abuse thc
You stop posting, How can you know all those who claim weed calm their stress dont suffer from it because of their eating habit or any of the things in society that can impact a mind ? You can talk all you want about how you can vaporize cbd into your vein, doesnt change the fact that most of the consumer ar e pothead trying to cope with life, it doesnt magically lift someone mood up. You cant be sceptics of traditional medecine and at the same time blindly believing cannabis is all good because you saw some kid stop having seizure with some oil
Or that many brand of weeds have been revealed to mislabel their products anyway, how could they possibly really know what theu smoke is sativa or indicda, because they read it on a label ? And many study show effects vary more by strains than familly
ITT: Christfags and anons still so young that they think weed is dangerous.
Just like brew, don't overdo it and it is fine; even good. It will enhance your life and give you a sense of well-being. Don't smoke it every day and don't wake-n-bake unless you are vacationing at the beach.
use English, bro. what country are you from?
My life spiral to pieces emotionally
>soda doesnt give a dopamine boost like weed does.
not in the same levels but it does and several people can get psychologically addicted to it the same way they may become psychologically dependent on weed for their anxiety etc
what's retarded is writing off weed as inherently bad or addictive or life ruining or any other retarded shit people blame for their preexisting self destructive tendencies
war/contemporary (american) history/ancient civilization documentaries
>improves creativity
Are there any actual good artists who regularly smokes weed?
You can abuse anything bud. THC isn't the medicinal chemical in marijuana it's CBD. You can pop CBD pills, which are now legal, and feel your pain go away without feeling like DUDE WEED. Its not a cure all remedy but it helps a lot for some of the small stuff. I don't get why you're so anti weed on a board that regularly posts cunny.
I just drink untill I blackout everyday. More fun than weed.
I am literally saying if you have self control issues weed can fuck you up more than you can imagine. It is a drug, and if you are prone to certain habits it can take over your life. Not everyone is as strong as you bro obviously
Dude I had similar experience after I stopped smoking because of school (I can't get shit done when I'm smoking). Now that I'm out I tried to smoke again a few times. It gives me a damn panic attack every time now.
imagine being this intimidated by marijuana. Stick to video games
Yeah but what about the crippling hangovers
>For others it can enhance creativity.
what exactly have you created? lol
Fact: 99% of artists smoke weed.
Fact: 99% of artists today are trash
Im not the kinda person to tell people how they should live but when you smoke and have hallucinations and trow up please quit because it will happen again next time you smoke in my experience.
If you dont have any negative effect its probably fine though
Why the fuck are you bringing up religion? It's demonization has nothing to do with it and everything to do with American conservatism and racial policies.
your only looking at the ones who sell fake art.
someone has a sex dungeon.
a rich person pays for it.
cant just have their bank account lose a million for no reason SO...
the rich person buys a fake art that is made by someone who handles the sex dungeons.
art sells for a million even though its not good.
no one suspects a thing.
point me in the direction of a good artist who regularly smokes weed and I'll believe you
I use aderall for that
i only follow fake artists because im deep in trying to expose these child fuckers
Truth. The panic attacks are why I don't smoke anymore. Why smoke if I'm not enjoying myself?
Weed hasn't ruined my life but has probs stopped me getting pussy when I could have but it has also been there for me when the pussy hurt me
i found some art for you.
Buts thats it, any retards who says canabis is harmfull isnt carefully ingesting cbd, i would bet most of the retards saying cannabis is just a plant are getting stone everyday with bong hits. You say things like you dont haqve to smoke it as if the majority of users werent smoker.
lol fucking loser
ihis, they say its harmless because its natural, then the retard who goes into a toxic psychosis because he overdo it they say he is the weak one for not controlling himself when it affects a minority of users. I enjoy alcohol, i wont say its harmless because of it.Like these retards believe damage can only be caused by breathing smoke.
A bit off topic here but how do I go on porn detox? I wanna fucking quit this thing for good cuz it messes up my brain and soul like you wouldn’t fucking believe. I mean I don’t want to stop masturbating, just get rid of porn
I agree and same here. I was super motivated after not being high every day after 11 years of always high but now I'm depressed again and just as unmotivated. Maybe even less motivated. I really miss weed now, especially when I play video games. However, I'm trying not to go back because it will limit my plans to get get a decent job. Also, it's terrible for male hormones, your sperm, and leads to erectile problems. Not worth it. But damn do I miss that shit. I was always happy even in shitty times. Saving money is good though. Even at 600 a QP, it was expensive with how much I smoked.
Terror was the last thing I did. Small sets of two episodes each, watching with a friend.
An absolutely fantastic experience.
There is nothing you can do but stop watching porn. You masturbate without porn or you dont masturbate at all. You have no other options
its a prop from Pacific Rim, you fucking tard
Under the skin
The holy mountain
Season 1 of american gods
Yeah I mean I get that the easiest way is to just stop watching it. I am talking about how it will fuck up me afterwards mentally wise. I mean it’s a fucking addiction at this point, so there will be consequences I guess.
>lost a decade
You are still under the residual effects if you view shit that way. I took a 2 year break and it wasn't until I got entirely back to my sober mind that I realized how untrue that is.
>gay porn noises
Sounds like you're one of the few people who runs the chance of getting severe anxiety/panic attacks from weed. Usually a sign of latent schizophrenia. Not even joking. Might want to get your head checked out. There's no shame in mental illness. It's no different than a physical illness. Just uses different medicine
I vape for over 5 years now and feel fine.
Weed is a good drug.
actually I even managed to work harder thanks to it and today I am a millionaire.
point me in the direction of an artist you think is "good" and I'll tell you if they smoke or not.
not that user but it's pretty common knowledge that weed is really bad for people with latent mental issues and accelerates the symptoms to where you might suffer panic attacks or psychotic episodes every time you take it
your brains reward system is fucked lmao
> it's terrible for male hormones, your sperm, and leads to erectile problems
You had those problems because you are a lazy cunt who sits on his ass all day and blames external influences for his shortcomings.
Weed has litteraly no way to interact with your "male hormons"
Just as an anecdote: a lot of bodybuilders and weightlifters smoke for dat dere apetite gains and muscle relaxation.
I like bullshit action. Recommend others.
The Equalizer 1 & 2
John Wick 1,2,3
I've been watching these on a loop since about last Thursday. Being sick BLOWS. But I can't get the soundtracks out of my head. Oh I saw Alita that was ok I guess. Ender's Game kind of feel.
Not really if you understand well how your brain works around it. If you know you watch too much porn by stoping you might feel more anxious or stressed. Be aware you are lucky its not a drug withdrawal, you wont have any shake, at worst youll have wet dreams. That the will it takes people talk about when doing a detox. If you dont stop worrying about what stopping might do without realising it less worse than being addicted to porn youll keep jerking of to porn. Its like an alcoholicsa have to take the risks of being hurt by alcohol withdrawal to stop drinking. Thats the problem with addiction, stopping it is not easy at all but its the only thing you can do. Honestly sorry if i writen badly, the truth is that for maybe a few weeks, or months, i dont know anything about porn addiction, bu any drugs withdrawal brings a few weeks of depression. Youll just have to be patient and keep going trough, you arent risking anything, youll feel bad in your head for a while but it is normal. The brain need a long time to readjust. If you can go through being depressed for a while, i think thats the only thing cutting porn might do to you, feeling like shit and all. Its nothing anyone cant overcome. Its certainly not risky at all to stop watching porn.
I dont know how people can watch or read or drive or do anything while high. I dont even get crazy, just a little a couple of puffs off a vape. But that's enough to make me not want to do anything. Not because it makes me lazy, but because I know I'm not good for doing shit. I cant focus, cant hear or see that well, feel that well. Overall it's like putting on a blur filter over every sense. Nowhere near the point of seeing shapes or getting fucked up and it's still impossible to do anything. So I cant imagine why people recommend watching or doing anything while high
Man I wish I could get that High.
>tfw want to smoke but don't have any friends/contacts to get weed from
guess being a social loser has it's upsides h-heh
t.mid smoker
Good luck when the schizophrenia sets in. You may not realize it when it does, but the people whose have to deal with your constant bullshit will. That is, if you haven't pushed everyone you know away by then, and live in a cardboard box behind Safeway.
no serious people smoke weed
It's estrogenic. I don't have those problems but I quit to avoid them. Weed leads to impotence and canabinoids are an estrogen receptor. I've done research on the subject. Reason why weed is so accepted is because they want to sterilize men and fuck up their hormonal balance. Jews man.
if you're from Europe then go to a subway station and talk to some middle eastern teenagers who wear bags like pic related. they sell weed and other drugs. if you're from America and can't get weed then i don't even know what the fuck your problem is.
the absolute state of /pol/
Well at least now I know when peoole say schizophrenia here it's just a lazy catch all like cuck thar is relatively meaningless.
I love weed but I just can't use it in moderation. From the moment I take on drag again the addiction kicks in immediately and I just binge on it for months on end. And after that period I'm so far away from my emotions and issues that I feel more depressed that when I started again. I always trick myself I will have a great time with it and it's true for the first gram or so. But after that I just play the same games and watch the same series over and over again. Still, I would love it if I get to the point where I could use it in moderation.
jesus fuck my heart would've exploded on it's own already. benzos man. pretty sure they give you those to stop the seizures and shakes if you go to rehab.
literally me
Same boat user. I actually set aside time to practice it.
>bragging about willpower
Thanks bruh. I’ll try it
damn someone really got passionate about some interesting study results
>canabinoids are an estrogen receptor
if it is a receptor then the only thing you can do is make weed gay with your soi boy genes.
Did the articles that you "researched" actually used that word?
Go research it yourself. We have known about this since like the 80s. It' lowers your T and fucks your shit up if used excessively.
I haven't smoked weed in like 4 years. Now that I live alone I frequently think about smoking would be a great idea to relax/get comfy but I'm not smoking poisonus nigger-tier weed like most people here do (I'm south american). And even if I wanted I have zero contacts anyway.
I want to plant my own but I don't know where to get seeds
Post link to studies
Holy fuck it seems we don't even smoke the same thing, when i get stoned my mind keeps repeating to me that i should be productive and shit, sometimes my stoner mind made me clean my house and go study because getting better at something is the best thing to do while high for me, i started to write a book and got interested in a lot of historical periods solely because of weed
Prenseeds my man
>subway station
the closest one is 300km away user
>marvel shirt
Why does he look like a chad and not a s.o.y boy
I've been dealing with a psychopath for 25 years and it gets worse every day. I just want to die.
I smoke up and usually watch Voyager or TNG. Really comfy
Start exercising. Your body is crying out for the dopamine rush you get from weed. Give it to yourself in other ways and weed won't seem as addictive.
Go on a break for a few weeks, and when you smoke literally take one tiny hit and set it aside. Ideally set it to the weekends, but you can get away with smoking every other day or so if you only ever take a tiny hit at a time.
Don't smoke every day. Don't try to get very high unless you're smoking with others. It's supplementing your brain with extra cannabinoids, don't go overboard with that shit.
I used to get really anxious while smoking but I found out the only way to make it better is to do something productive like you said. Even if it's just playing guitar. Anything creative is better than just vegetating playing video games or watching movies.
if you live alone and very isolated then you can order seeds from a darknet market and grow some yourself, but it might be a lot of effort and risk for you. i'm not joking about the bags though. if you see some middle eastern guys who dress in gucci/boss/nike/adidas clothing and wear those bags, chances are they sell weed or know someone who does.
The frustrating part is that I did a full year of full time therapy and I still go to my shrink every week for more than a year now and I still feel depressed and empty. tl;dr: mom's dead, she was a narcist and my father is emotionally absent. So I relapsed in october for six months and it already did some pretty big damage on my 2 year relationship. I smoked weed from 18 til 30 or so. Pic related, that's what i threw away a month ago.
>Go research it yourself
Nah, thanks I actually paid attention in midle school biology classes.
its more fun like this
I started working out 2 years ago and lost 20kg. But it all came back and the discipline faded away. I tried combining working out and vaping weed but I just didn't work for me. I know a guy who can combine it well but I just can't I think. Coincidentally I was planning on starting again tomorrow.
2 minute google search proves you wrong
>weed never hurt anyone
Who commits most of the violent crime despite being 13% of the population? Protip: the same people who smoke weed erryday.
If it's a good movie or a good book my mind stays at peace too, exercising while high is nice as well, doesn't feel like a chore.
Games are a no-go for me, i'm competitive as fuck and i feel like i'm playing like shit while high
the reason 13% idolizes weed so much is because it's their cocaine, status-wise
most of the people that can smoke regularly without living out of a box are affluent college fags and edgy teenagers
Actually, no. That user is correct. They found in the 80s that crude marijuana (smoking ect...) in large amounts is in fact estrogenic.
>Why yes I do drugs in moderation, how could you tell?
>basic control
Cry more to your blog faggot
A rat study. Wow that's so helpful. Unless you are a rat. Are you guys rats by any chance? If so I am very sorry #ratsagainstcanabis #noratleftunspermed
>Actually, no.
but actually, yes
please at least bother reading that shit before you post it
if you did you completely misunderstood
“Weed ruined my life”
No. You did.
No weed did
You would have found another habit to abuse. The constant here is you, not a drug
I did read it. It says that extract is okay but smoking buds is estrogenic.
I don't smoke pot
Weed was criminalized as an excuse to arrest black people back in the early part of the 20th century.
I’d say that if it were legalized, there’d be less black on black crime/black perpetrated crime
>inb4 reddit
I absolutely hate political correctness and places that operate under it. I’m stating a fact as a person who doesn’t generalize in a close minded fashion; which retarded redditors always do with Women/minorities/gays/trans/etc
What does Yea Forums like to watch when dropping tabs or shrooms?
Beyond the black rainbow
The Wall
I tried looking out of a window once at a black party and regretted it
Thought I saw monsters waging a war with celestial weapons in heaven when it was just a bunch of hood thugs doing a bare knuckle street fight over somebody’s baby momma or some stupid shit like that
Stargate SG-1.
Literally the best sci fi while stoned.
>Weed was criminalized as an excuse to arrest black people back in the early part of the 20th century.
Wrong. Dumb iPhone using zoomer. The answer you're looking for is Mexicans and negative hyperbolic stigma back then.
Try again.
All non whites were persecuted then due to the aftermath of Jim Crow laws
If you’re one of those people from /pol/ that thinks being Mexican makes you “white”, you’re literally too retarded to reason with
>laying in bead
>heart racing
>hallucinating sounds, smells, dreams
>reaches for adderall
madman. fuckin baba yaga
I just take the adderall before any of that starts. When I just wake up I'm usually still drunk, so I don't experience any negative side effects ever really.
I don't think you people should get high. I waited til I'm 35 and tried edibles. I think you can do it responsibly when you know who you are.
>Its crazy that people consider a dried plant a drug
Potheads keep out-dumbing each other
I've been smoking all day, so far I've watched Excalibur and The Shining and now I'm debating between Blade Runner and The Dark Crystal.
How do you guys even smoke weed? Everytime ive done it it just makes me feel retarded, introverted and unable to focus on anything. I dont see the appeal
you have to work out constantly for it to be fulfilling
You seem to not be able to read and has projection issues. At least you tried.
seeds are legal you poser and just because a sketch looking guy wears a pouch doesn't mean shit
i'm lmaoing@ your life rn
smoked from 18 till 23, took half a year off then started again till 2 months ago when I freaked out. regular use and sometimes abuse. truth is everything needs moderation. I can tell that it has fucked with my cognition somewhat, it made me procrastinate very much and has really impaired my decision making. my serotonin system is probably also fucked and I started developing anxiety and obsession recently, which is why I stopped. I also didn't use to believe that weed could fuck me up. anyway, I'm feeling a bit better now that I'm sober.
QUintein predates marvel maniac by like 10 years
I always feel sick to my stomach when I’m high or drunk. Do you guys actually enjoy the feeling? I’m jealous if you do.
What do you mean... "you people"
i like watching spaceballs while being high im actually going to watch it right now because i just smoked
This. I don't know why.
thats weird, a symptom of weed is steadying your stomach and fighting nausea.
Young thug
how the fuck was i supposed to know that retard i dont watch shit movies
The Neon Demon
Good Time
Fantastic Mr Fox
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Planet Earth
Princess Mononoke
Song of the Sea
>the office, season 6
>the eric andre show
>tim & eric
>frisky dingo
boring, i know
the collapse of western civilization
the degeneration of white society
anything on hbo
weed is degenerate
t. spends 4 hours a day playing video games
Thank you, no one else I know IRL experiences this but fuck it’s so bad for me. I feel like I can’t do shit the day after getting high. Really takes the fun out of it for me, I pretty much just reserve it for real lazy weekends these days.
While Quentin comics were sincere, I do hope you know you shouldn’t take them seriously
opiates and synthetic opiates are are the shittiest drugs of all time
enjoy your impacted bowl and lack of neurotransmitters