I've never been more disgusted by a show like this. It's like they want to be disgusting on purpose. Great visuals tho
Is this the most degenerate show ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked the dicks scene, even though they were cut.
I hope at least one of them is a tranny.
Yea it's being degenerate for the sake of being degenerate.
only dick scene that served a purpose was the one when chad's gf looked at his phone
She sure shucks a mean dick down by the sea shore
The obese dude beating it was unbearable
Its just standard hbo trying to be "edgy" and push the limits and hope some cable news station does a bit about christian soccer moms being outraged over the show
who's the blonde girl?She's cute
She's not a girl
>durr all girls are trannies
Nice meme but just tell me who she is
why does the cute blonde girl have a male browline?
My wife started watching this because she heard there were dicks
I was like, "You already have internet access on your phone"
Hunter Schafer
thx, time to fap
he's genuinely a tranny though
The dicks, or the scene ?
Yep, the Israeli show it's "based on" looks looks like "Little House on the Prairie" by comparison.
I take it you've never watched Salo - the 120 days of Sodom
Of course I haven't you kike
>Salo - the 120 days of Sodom
Not a TV show, you mong.
So don;t talk about "degenerate" when you have seen nothing
episode 3 was mostly cringe.
Go jerk it to A Serbian Film, edgelord. Also, not a TV show.
>obscure shlock from decades ago that 0.1% of the population has seen
>versus mainstream TV show actively marketed towards teenagers and zoomers produced by one of the most successful and renowned TV networks on the planet
Yeah sure is a fitting comparison you utter brainlet
What do you call this type of cinematography?
Pan Focus
Link me a deep dish shot you film school faggot
>disgusting degenerate garbage
>tranny bait
>30 penises on screen
>wanting to portray what it's like being a teen in 2019 america
>many of the scenes were drawn from personal experiences
No that's a Column Arc with a Rack Focus
>Is this the most degenerate show ever?
>based on the Israeli miniseries of the same name
This dude is in the 1% of trannies when it comes to passability and attractiveness, and he's not even that attractive. The other 99% are chris-chan tier walking abominations.
and one day for no reason people elected hitler
more screenshots pls with her puffy nipples and webms from episode 1 and 3 with that shirt pls
As noted above, it is far more degenerate than even the Israeli version.
I don't watch this trash, bit someone posted a scene from it that was just HILARIOUS in how absolutely fucking dishonest it was. It was at some house party in the pilot and I guess this one dude's ex girlfriend was banging some other dude in the pool right in front of him. And the dude, jacked and enraged and /fit/ as fuck, just gets all butthurt and fucks off to the kitchen to bully some tranny instead of jumping the fuck into the pool and beating the ever loving shit out of the other guy for fucking his ex, and possibly even his ex for disrespecting him like that in front of everyone? Him fucking off like a little bitch like that is so far fetched as to be pants-on-head absurd and retarded.
Also this entire show is apparently only about zoomers taking drugs and fucking each other, Zoomers being so inundated with popular culture and memes that they can't even figure out what gender they are, and Gen Xers and older Millennials feasting on the flesh of the Zoomers, essentially eating their young via taking advantage of them in all manner of ways.
And naturally, the Lefties will applaud.
This is why I hope Hunter causes a rift with the trannies, because predictably the majority of fugly ones are gonna be jealous.
The best estimate is that gay people represent 4-5% of the population, and trannies perhaps 2-3%.
That's horseshit, faggots are like .01% and transfaggots are like . 0001%
Worse than that, he goes into the kitchen and gets backed down by the tranny he's now texting on the dl after seeing her on grindr, because, you know, all macho guys are really latent homosexuals, including his dad, who compulsively bangs twinks and trannies and keeps a video library of it. Because, you know, that's how it really is out there now for kids.
I blame twitter, MSM thinks the vocal minority on there accurately represents the wants of the real world
>A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men.
There hasn't really been a thorough study though
I was told this as fappable, but it seems I was lied to
>And naturally, the Lefties will applaud.
I wasn't planning to.
>40% of women saying hey I could be bisexual because I really want to support faggot causes because of the media orders being shouted through the screen
You sound overly triggered about this show you supposedly don't watch
Don't ever believe the people on this site.
>white kid enters class room
>"please dont be a mass shooter"
>mfw girls in high school nicknamed me Klebold
There was plenty to fap to in just the first episode alone. But this show is being overrated, it's just Yea Forums, Yea Forums really, loves trannys and vanilla sex scenes
>will glad show a slew of dicks in a row in a panning shot, even hold on some for a few seconds and zoom in on it
>too scared to show even 1 frame of vagina
What the fuck is wrong with these kind of shows?
Basically what happened to my ex
I would also like to conduct some research on said scenes from said episodes,
Thank you very much good sir
>What the fuck is wrong with these kind of shows?
made by kikes and w*men
I, would also enjoy the photographs of which you discuss. As I would enjoy that far whore taking a shit on my chest
Is there any substance to this show besides teens fucking and doing drugs or is that the entirety of any strife conflict or drama in the show? Like are the characters interesting? are there good character moments? Do you care about what the fuck is going on or is this just for horny foreveralones?
You sound mad h*tero, deal with it, the future is LGBTQ+
Let me guess, that's her bf callling?
The female actresses won't go for it, probably.
>not liking penis
umm that's transphobic sweetie, you know there are women who have penises right? transwomen are women, that's a woman's penis. If you're not attracted to someone because of their genitals you're a gross genital fetishist
>Is there any substance to this show
Not really. You're in it to see teens flipping out over who they slept with and are sleeping with.
dont you need to complain about tide pods on voat about now?
>will glad show a slew of dicks in a row in a panning shot, even hold on some for a few seconds and zoom in on it
Did this really happen?
>including his dad, who compulsively bangs twinks and trannies and keeps a video library of it
yeah, i'm thinking he's based
thats his trans-girlfriend texting. lol
why are you erasing lesbians? bigot
>bunch of attractive girls in the show
>you niggas focus on the landwhale
Wew lads
How did they use the city morgue song? Could never imagine a song by them being used in some tranny shit show
>not asking if she has to dilate
I really want a gf (male).
I've never seen this show discussed anywhere but here.
user get with the times, why are you erasing transbians? If you're a lesbian that won't fuck/date a transwoman you're a disgusting TERF
Haven't watched much of it but, is the tranny seeing someone, while having a bf AND is hooking up with Zendaya?
No, that's his bf (tranny gf) texting him. Retard.
>the B implies only two genders
Everything else is mental illness
It's literally all mental illness. If you're a man and attracted to men, you're mentally ill. Full stop.
op is a FAG
no one:
absolutely not a soul:
It's not that popular really, but it is being praised pretty much anywhere you can read about it or score it.
Call me when Zendaya gets fucked by the tranny. Rest looks boring as fuck
someone post the dick scenes pls!
Oh, this is one of *those* shows. Ones that try really hard to be edgy and """adult""". Why are these shows always so cringe?
Way too many dicks
Way too few dicks
If a show has blacks or gays I won't watch it. FACT
The only reason it's mildly entertaining is because of the cinematography and somewhat decent humor.
I swear though if they keep unabashedly showing penises without any puss or at least more tits, I'm going to kill one of the producers
prove it! post scenes!
Kys faggot
Why would you assault the guy who's dating your ex? Shit, I fell for the bait.
I mean, I'd probably be gay too if lesbians weren't so ugly irl
this is all I got
Fags get the rope
i refuse to watch anything with a tranny """"""""actress""""""" in it.
thank you, good sir
This show tries way to hard. It's trying to be like Skins, but edgier and more intellectual. But really it just comes across as 90210 but dumber because it thinks that its much smarter and better written then it actually is.
wtf are all americans this gay
watching HBO and netflix is like inviting a kike into your living room and having him whisper in your ear
>entire scene in locker room showing like 20 guys dicks
>entire scene of mary jane expaining dick pics while seeing multiple pictures of dicks
>entire scene of a guy on skype call manhandling his cock
>not enough penis
Riiiight gayboi
Nah, this is one of those 'only happens in tv shows/movies' things they like to peddle and pretend is 100% accurate to life.
>that tiny dick skype call scene
Hit a little too close to home
It's called Freedom, you terrorist. Something you wouldn't understand.
circumcision doesn't actually happen irl, right?
please tell me a first world country doesn't have a culture of routinely practicing genital mutilation on infants
but hitler loved it up the ass
shut the fuck up you dumb nerd. i was on a football team and it was common to walk around naked casually in the locker room
only betas changed in the stalls
>fucking with her bra on
do girls without a complex really do this?
Sure, but the way the scene plays out in this episode isn't entirely truthful.
So what are your predictions for the next episode? Nate is going to meet Jules. Will he fall in love with her or will he hurt her?
Preview of next episode
I truly hope Nate stops being an asshole and has an epic character evolution just like the bully from season 1 in Stranger Things.
Based HBO giving us what we want.
Protect Jules!
I've never been so frightened for a character before. I hope she's ok. :(
>circumcision doesn't actually happen irl, right?
yeah it does. here in America, we're not exactly big fans of growing smelly dick cheese
>I don't wash
do you also cut off your fingers in case you get shit under your nails
It was an effective scene, because I hate trannies and that mutt bitch, but I was rooting for them. Good acting on Zendaya's part.
>degenerate sex and shock value is all the left could muster when it took over our culture
Zero genuine ideas of their own. It's an anti-culture with no reason to exist save being subversive toward a superior one.
sure jew
>I truly hope Nate stops being an asshole and has an epic character evolution just like the bully from season 1 in Stranger Things.
Nahhh he's probably going to keep being a dick and it will get worse.
Why is Kat so against that guy at school who is really nice to her and clear interested in her? Does she really only like fat 40 year olds online cuz they tell her shes sexy?
Is the Rocky Horror Picture Show considered offensive among the LBGTQ+ community?
I'm just a sweet transvestite! From traaaaaaansexual Traaansylvaaaniaaa!!!
No it's kino
>that cast
i need to watch this
that main druggie girl is so hot tho. My qualm with this show and shows like this is how all the highschool kids are doing these crazy drugs and partying and having sex. When i was in highschool I got fucked up on crazy drugs all the time, not to party, just to get over the mundane depressing life i had as a loser. In a real highschool, the kids like me who tried all the crazy hard drugs and got drunk and smoked weed all the time were the losers with no lives and hardly enough friends to form a smoking circle. I feel like this type of show just rubs in my face what a fucking loser ive been all my life.
>omg look at depressed mullatto stacy
>shes so broken, she went to rehab
>ohhh nooo shes still hooked on drugs
>her family is falling apart
>shes so sad
>still has healthy relationships
>still has friends
>is beautiful and attractive to others
>gets invited to parties
This show is such a departure from reality, I feel like shes supposed to represent what i felt like going through school alone and addicted to drugs, but really it just shows me everything i wished I had back then and how i thought my life was supposed to be. I wish someone wouldve payed enough attention to send me to rehab instead of just leaving me to pick up the peices of my sad empty youth.
I would be concerned about the dual shock 4's battery life too
Watch the fucking show, you frog
Indulge, goy. It's the height of pleasure.
Dictionary.com defines euphoria as a state of intense happiness and self-confidence.
Only drake would finance something thats begging to be hated
Pls do! Not to go off-topic from Euphoria but it's such a good movie and 'zra is really cute in it.
you really, really don't
can the mods start banning the nazis that keep shitting up these threads?
i swear this board is becoming as stupid as /pol/
Who the fuck let Pierce Brosnan direct this?
that's what happens when america produces the only not shitty tv shows
>5.1% of women identifying as LGBT
from what I've seen it's more like 80%
you will definitely see plenty of penises if you play sports
but more than 80% of the people in the show are straight
>tfw face like this
what do lads?
the carnival episode is going to be so dope
Post pics
some day..
so is this what zoomer life is really like? cool neon light aesthetics plus cute trannies?
I wish I had been a zoomer instead of a millennial. :-(
millennials had it in places.
Who wants to bet Ethan will be the last boy Kat settles down with after she fucks 100+ guys
>still has healthy relationships
No, she doesn't. Her only non-familial relationship is to the trans girl, and the show is clearly painting it as unhealthy and obsessive.
>still has friends
Again, just the trans girl. Judd Apatow's daughter and /ourguy/ Fez care about her, but all she does is push them away unless she needs clean urine or easy drugs.
>is beautiful and attractive to others
Not really. Has anyone shown interest in her at all?
>gets invited to parties
Just one, and nobody directly invited her.
So does this show have a great pussy shot or what?
>this fucking cast
enjoy mein nigga: youtube.com
This was in Perks? fucking hell none of the chicks I know that watch chick flicks ever told me...
>tfw no bf to fugg me in the butt
>This show is such a departure from reality
Not really, it's just a departure form what you personally went through. You admit you did drugs and smoked weed and had sex. There are definitely circles of people who are more "popular" (for lack of better term) in high school that would also do drugs and party and have sex. It wasn't only 'depressed losers' or whatever else.It's not so much rubbing it in your face, it's just showing that there are people who do these things, and have flaws and struggles yet are still able to maintain some friends.
As for Rue, she does not really have healthy relationships, she pretty much flat out tells you she is struggling to maintain a "normal" life.
She basically has one real friend, that she likes and it isn't being reciprocated. Also the show really throws the idea that the other girls that are central characters are much prettier and more attractive than Rue. Idon't think it's not intentional that she always wears loose/baggy clothes and looks somewhat disheveled and out of it. She is in the thick of falling back on drugs and making efforts to hide it from the few people that matter to her. I wouldn't necessarily say she's attractive, in the traditional sense and I think it's completely intentional. She's not hideous either, but still.
Because they're str8 scum and were drooling over Logan Lerman probably (who admittedly is also cute but nothing compared to our thicc queer)
Is Hebrew good?
>good girl
Do you look like Hunter?
Jesus I hope Ethans dead before she decides to do that.,
>tfw no barely-legal trans qt to dote on and cuddle with and fuck
life is bullshit
I've been told that
that part with the fat microdicked loser was the most hilarious shit I've seen in a while
It was literally Yea Forums incarnate
In the original pilot script Rue says she murdered Nate.
Synopses of the next episodes.
Shook One: Pt 2 (1x04)
>Rue tries to get clean for Jules and chaperones Gia at the carnival; Cassie and Maddy decide to do molly together; Kat hangs out with Ethan until she misreads a situation; Nate reveals who he really is.
'03 Bonnie & Clyde (1x05)
>In the aftermath of the carnival, Maddy and Nate are forced to deal with a police investigation; Jules begins to feel pressured by her role in Rue's sobriety; Cal worries about how his actions have affected his sons.
The Next Episode (1x06)
>On Halloween, Rue worries about her reliance on Jules when she starts exhibiting concerning behavior; McKay questions his future in football; Kat continues to push Ethan away; Nate comes up with a plan to get his life back on track.
No synopses for the last two episodes, "The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed" and "And Salt the Earth Behind You".
Yep, she's gon kill him in a later episode.
>RUE (V.O.)
>Don’t feel bad, Nate Jacobs was a part time alcoholic, part time groper, full time fucking asshole. (a beat) And if I’m going to be entirely
honest... I’m the one who killed him.
I literally didn't take the trap pill until this show. I want her so hard bros.
As the wind blows through the crops. We see TWO COPS step into frame and peer down at a bloody and disfigured corpse.
Good God.
Is that Nate Jacobs?
Beats the holy hell outta me.
Look at the monogram.
(peers closer)
Good God.
Coach Barnes ain’t gonna like this
turn of events.
same here. jules is so cute
Drake the child groomer is a producer. What else would you expect?
yeah and you both look like men because you are male
just join the 40% and kill yourself
>dozens of dicks
What are they going to show next lads?
dragons, flying pigs and maybe they could even cast you being a non-virgin
Aapparently one direciton members are livid about the animated scene about them. Lmao
Why is Jules so perfect bruhz?
Why does that make me a virgin?
dam it i dont want to be gay
That's cisfemale pornstar Kenzie Reeves, please don't compare her to our goddess Hunter
>Israeli show gets an American adaptation
>is 1000% more pozzed
(((They))) just can't help themselves.
Welp, there it is.
I do wonder if it's warranted or if Zendaya goes full Annie Wilkes.
This dude looks like the Chad meme
>she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she >she
Maybe he hurts Jules or does something worse to her
If that's the case, it's justified.
How do you cope with her being a leftist irl?
FACT: 95% of trans people are killed by latent homosexual alt-righters every year
>look bros, I misgendered a trans person, so epic, am I not a virgin anymore??
So if he's only pretending to dress like a girl but fucks a real black girl is it still gay?
>dad arranges his collection of videos of himself fucking underage boys in drag so he can tell if someone was messing with them
You’d think getting arrested would be the sign he worried about.
Wanting to fuck someone who so closely resembles an attractive woman is not gay at all user. What's gay is being a guy that gets hard for the male aesthetic.
>latent homosexual alt-righters
is that what we're calling a rope now?
gibs me titmeat
Mutts are so far gone it's not even funny anymore.
You're trying to squeeze things into a word not designed for it.
Who fucks with a bra on?
THIS thread
>I have two personalities
>the signin dude at an addicts anonymous meeting is affected by the offer of sex acts in exchange for falsifying the sign-in
Who writes this shit? A person with that job gets offered anal twice a day.
This show is confusing enough as it is without having to decipher a riddle.
Since gender is a social construct, it’s just simpler to refer to people by their biological sex.
Neither is a tranny. But they are sisters.
If god didn;t want me to be gay, why did he have to make guys so cute and penises so appealing?
holy shit the tranny literally has the "incel" skull shape. where the fuck is his chin?
That dude has tits
>not wanting to nurse off them
what a faggot!
...so far
checkmate /pol/tards!
back satan you wont get me today
Is this the movie where they fuck some hentai tentacle monster?
spoonfeed my massah
literally kys newfag
you fucking reddit discord fuckers need to die
Is that fucking McSteamy?
You conservatards realize sound like some SJW whining about a show being problematic, right? When I hear leftists whine and I hear that word, it just becomes white noise to me. Same thing happens when I hear conservatives talk about "degeneracy".
Meanwhile, I don't know if I care to watch this. While I am libertarian enough to think transgenders have the constitutional right to live their lives like that, I also have some concerns about the mainstreaming of it. I have to wonder if it is all some vast right wing conspiracy run by big pharma for profits. It's amazing progressives have fallen for supporting a movement that has gained giant corporations massive profits.
Now I do think stories about minorities like trangenders are valuable. I don't need stories about straight white males all the time. Yet the vilification of them is insane. The minority oppression Olympics Hollywood keeps demanding is crazy. They keep feeling the need to display what they think is the most obscure most oppressed people.
Having said all that, a pre-op trap fucking a mocca girl sounds kinda cute.
kek, it absolutely is my fellow boomer
Why don't you go discuss the show on r/television you retard? Or Tumblr or twitter or any other gay fucking site where they ban actual discussion?
Funny. I don't find them appealing. Sometimes not even my own. Yet I looked at the transgender path and thought it was too expensive and too much work. So maybe I am a tranny, but just too lazy to be one. Or maybe I'm asexual. Or maybe it's just my depression killing my libido. Or maybe I'm gender fluid. Whatever. I don't believe in labels. Identity politics, be it gay or straight or trans or black power or white power, is all bullshit.
Whoa. What if trannies are just straight men that are so straight that they don't even want their own penises?!
>degenerate sex and shock value is all the left could muster when it took over our culture
>Zero genuine ideas of their own.
In what world is the right the ones with new ideas? This is why you'll keep sucking corporate cock in america forever.
europen here, so obviously I'm completely oblivious of all this "gender disphoria" thing because it happens only in america where doctors prescribe drugs to children at a very young age
so, basically the protag is a female (male) tranny that has a girlfriend (girl) who's also MJ from spiderman, and she (he) gets fucked by her dad too?
what the fuck is going on with the world
>killing him off
Shit writing
>the fappenning comes up
>tries to make an argument why the leakers were wrong
>ends up validating the leaks by stating that nudes are currency.
Man, this is some brilliant writing.
I don’t think Nate is dying. Pilot’s script gets change; all the time and it seems a waste of a potential good character for cliffhanger bait
Sense8 was worse imo
That dildo flop scene made me actually retch. Fuck my neighbor for making me watch it.
>Fuck my neighbor for making me watch it.
anyone ever try using this argument on trannies? like what if you explain to them that you mean "he" as in their bio-sex designation? how can they possibly call that bigoted and not sound retarded?
I hated the idea of the show but it's the only thing I'm following weekly now. Well shot, acted, and overall entertaining. I don't even hate Zendaya as much as I thought I did. Jules a cute
any more scenes where the zoomers suck and fuck all the parents in the neighborhood, since they only exist to be fucktoys of the older generation when they're not doing drugs and fucking each other?
>europen here,
don't speak for all european m8
Fuck off shills, your show looks like irredeemable garbage
>only betas don't like seeing a bunch of naked dudes slap each other's asses
sure thing faggot
So if the show is so terrible and degenerate, why are you guys watching it?
The same reason we watch anything, for the waifus/husbandos
I want to play with her milkers
UK is not europe so I'm still right
it's the same right-wing closet cases who keep posting the same shit.
they're triggered because they're secretly turned on by the trans woman.
It isn't terrible, though.
I jerk it to incest porn as much as the next guy, but even I found this gross. Mainly just because the young one was sickly and unattractive, though.
Majority of the people in this thread have not seen it. Probably just here to shitpost
Lmao no high schooler looks like this dude
it is though
more like peen focus lmao
Not really. There are some issues with it but so far it's fairly entertaining.
when I was in HS, we definitely had chads who looked like that. they were jocks mainly.
>I jerk it to incest porn
step parents/siblings isn't incest
the gender binary is OVER!
Oh great they're killing my fave :(
So Hunter Schafer's dad is a Presbyterian pastor.
What are the Presbyterians like? Are they the most conservative type of Christians or are they liberal like the Episcopalians?
That whole scene where she's all "YOU WANNA HURT ME??" I could tell if I wanted to give her hugs and tell her it was gonna be okay, or or fuck her.
As someone with a femdom/humiliation fetish a lot of scenes with this piggy in ep 3 made my pp big pp.
>Euphoria is an American teen drama television series created by Sam Levinson, based on the Israeli miniseries of the same name (Hebrew: אופוריה) created by Ron Leshem, Daphna Levin, and Tmira Yardeni.
oh, ok
this really caught me off guard
You guys say that, but there's barely any lewd content (from the girls at least). So what gives? It's just dicks and drugs all the time?
I wish just ONE show would actually approach teenage life with the realness that Bo Burnham had with Eighth Grade
Seriously, what the fuck is up with every guy just swinging their dick out in the locker room? Every single guy in this thread knows that like 80% of the dudes are going to be uncomfortable with that or change their boxers real quick. Show some dicks, sure, whatever; but at least TRY and understand the kind of insecurity that teenagers have. Every dude looks like he was breathed into life from the goddamn Chad meme. The girls barely look like their in high school, wearing all this gaudy IG influencer clothing that maybe 1 out of every 20 girls wear in high school. Where are the loads of Jansport and Kanken backpacks? The hoodies?
Then you have the actual drama. High schoolers aren't using tinder to sleep with their friend's dad lmao. The amount of sex teenagers are having is actually lower than it was years ago. No one is hosting crazy ragers full of public sex and drugs. You know how often we would see shit like that because of Instagram and Snapchat? Yet, where are the clips of our deteriorating youth? The last dumb shit we had was when a couple of regular kids were playing beer pong where the cups were shaped like a swastika, that's it.
This is Skins if you thought skins was just about how edgy teenagers could be.
If you had read the thread before posting, you'd have seen that most of the anons here are queer.
>Euphoria opens with an Axe Body Spray–strength blast of teenage angst. “I was once happy, content,” protagonist and narrator Rue (Zendaya) explains via voice-over, over footage of a fetus in the womb. “Sloshing around in my own primordial pool. Then, one day, for reasons beyond my control, I was repeatedly crushed, over and over, by the cruel cervix of my mother, Leslie. I put up a good fight, but I lost—for the first time, but not the last.” The monologue expresses a sentiment as histrionic and self-aggrandizing as it is typically adolescent: The only time Rue has ever experienced true happiness, according to Rue, was before she was born, her very existence a parent-inflicted nightmare since. You can practically hear the Lil Uzi Vert blasting in the background.
this Ricanmortin generation deserve to be gassed, seriously, a bunch of depressed fags, useless people who deserve to die
Rumors are circulating that Jacob Elordi (Nate) and Hunter Schafer (Jules) are dating in real life.
They attended the Golden Globes after party together.
>High schoolers aren't using tinder to sleep with their friend's dad lmao.
didn't handmaidens tale shit on tinder?
Just wanted to see the rumored zendaya sex scene, but it looks like that was fucking bullshit. Can't believe I wasted my time with this boring useless filth. Fucking shame.
This would be cutee, hope it's real
Very good post. Media like this show is clearly just about sexualizing high schoolers, it's not realistic at all. It's a fantasy for grown men to stroke their dicks to and for leftists to stroke their egos to.
Exactly this. I should have learned the first time about trusting this stupid ass board.
I love Jules!
would be cute ngl
Is Hunter going to avoid being part of the 40%?
Probably, she transitioned very early and was raised in an environment where no one hounded on her about her mental illness. Most non-Hollywood trannies won't be able to manage the same privileges.
Embarrassing thread
Just realized Chad's dad that bangs the tranny is the CO from The Last Ship
He's McSteamy dude, he was on Grey's Anatomy for fucking ever
>she transitioned very early and was raised in an environment where no one hounded on her about her mental illness.
Yeah but that is not why they join the 40%
>She's rich
>She's got a great career as a model and actress
>she has a huge supporting fanbase that loves her
>She's really cute and better looking than most women (cis or trans)
>she's dating big dick king of chads Jacob Elordi
I think she's a happy person.
>Then you have the actual drama. High schoolers aren't using tinder to sleep with their friend's dad lmao. The amount of sex teenagers are having is actually lower than it was years ago. No one is hosting crazy ragers full of public sex and drugs.
It's Gen X and Millennial showrunners projecting their own shit onto Zoomers. If they had stated something like "yeah this follows high school kids back around 2006" it would make a lot more sense. As it stands this is apparently "what Gen Z is doing" which is bullshit. All the high school kids that actually did this kind of thing are now in their 20s and 30s whoring it up on Tinder and doing everything they can to run away from "old fashioned" ideas like monogamy and moderate states of existing, even thought they're all fucking miserable anyway for the effort. Gen Z is a lot more chill from what I've seen, even if more of them suffer from gender shit than any other generation.
>a man calling another man "McSteamy"
>a man watching Grey's Anatomy
I'm gay btw, not sure if that helps.
It does, actually. Carry on.
>when you know they'd only be for each other and no one else, no bullshit open relationship shit, just a solid romance between two people who aren't afraid of connecting
Pure as fuck if it's happening.
She’s attractive and successful with a supporting family she’ll be fine
plenty of rich people with careers, supporting fanbases, and loving spouses commit suicide
Yeah but that’s not why trans people usually do
A huge rumor in our school was that a girl fucked two dudes on prom night. That's like... it. That's it. That is the extent to how crazy high school was 6 years ago.
A lot of lads here want to smash. Me? She makes me want a daughter.
also I take it you are gay with statements like "She's really cute and better looking than most women"
>this handsome chad talks to a fucking disgusting tranny
The fuck? Is this a breaking bad parody? Did he throw her on the roof?
was this really how high school parties were never went to one do people really celebrate losing there virginity there and being sluts?
is this obese heart attack risk supposed to be attractive?
Since 1945, all technological revolutions have occurred in America while all social revolutions began in Europe
Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about because you started the shit
The chad is a closeted gay who watches vids of his dad fucking twinks, dumbass
no she's just hanging out on the roof texting chad
yeah this.
Oh wow this show is even more retarded than I thought
She's not disgusting and she's more beautiful than any woman you'll ever get.you right-wing incel.
women were a mistake
Why do they do it then?
lel amazing bait. Here is your (you)
Who is your favorite Yea Forums twink?
how does a cock in your ass feel
do you always use lube?
when you discovered you liked boys
this was one of the most beautiful scenes so far. the imagery is outstanding.
Jules brings sunshine to Zendaya. When Jules leaves, it gets cloudy and Zendaya goes looking for drugs. That music is so soothing too.
Dysphoria issues, bullying, depression, self-image, etc
>trans women don't have an athletic edge over bio women
uh huh
>watches Grey's
how cute is Schmico? I'm behind a few episodes so I'm not sure how things ended this season
>Rue didn't throw Jules off the bike and finger bang that butthole
Rue IS a loser.
>Who is your favorite Yea Forums twink?
Ezra, always has been since forever even if he's not much of a twink anymore but I still love him
>how does a cock in your ass feel
Dunno, I've never bottomed yet - only topped so far but I play with my ass a lot and want to get fucked one day soon once I'm done getting swole
>do you always use lube?
>when you discovered you liked boys
I was 15 years old, I lost my virginity to a cute Asian girl and realized something was wrong - then I realized boys were cuter and started fooling around with them and I knew
I'm 28 now :(
I have always regarded myself as being straight, but once I watched this show and saw Jules, I'm now questioning my sexuality.
Should I start identifying as pansexual now? Or is it ok to still keep calling myself straight since Jules looks like a cis female?
It is incredible how cruel we are to people with gender dysphoria. Instead of helping them we just feed and encourage their delusions, and they won't know it leads down a path with a dead end until its too late.
Is it one big joke? Do the people doing this actually know the cruelty they are inflicting on the trannies, and think its funny?
You are bi
The dopamine rush they get from "helping" the trannies is too much for them to see what they are actually doing.
IDK I haven't watch GA in years, sorry :(
I just googled it though, cute as fuck - maybe I should start watching again
Is he /ourguy/?
i find it amazing weve gone through this sexual degeneracy phase already in history realized it doesnt help anything casted it out but somehow were going through it again
You're still straight. If you felt compelled to suck the trans dick, then you might want to consider that you are gay. As of right now, technically, you're still only attracted to the female aesthetic. It would be just like fucking a CIS fem in the ass, especially if it's with a trans like Jules. If you start playing with the peen though that's gay and you'd be gay.
oh no worries, i honestly dropped it for a long while too but then a friend started tweeting about those two and it's the only thing getting me to watch again.
imagine a tv show drawn from your personal experience as a teen
>dork sits in front of monitor for 8 hours after getting home from school
Bullshit. He is bi
>i dont watch this trash but i watched enough to go over a scene detail by detail and it's burned into my brain and i cant stop talking about it and obsessing over it and clicking on threads about it and posting about it