just a prank wagie
Just a prank wagie
That's a really bad picture
so this is the face of 98% of Yea Forums
good lord italian genetics are disgusting
I really doubt he has good ones.
why all his front teeth fall out at once that shit aint normal they musta made a few of the baby teeth come out early or some shit
>There's no job?
Naaaaw bro, YEET XD
>I told my wife things were gonna be ok, we really needed this
Just an epic prank bro XD lol lighten up
That horrifying face might have looked cute and memorable when he was 8 but the older he gets the more he'll resemble a warlock ogre.
Fake outrage
The people they hired were applying for 1 day gigs for fast cash
The people were paid for their time
Other reality prank shows like practical jokers and scare tactics do the same thing for years with no one bitching
People are just blowing this out of proportion because they want to hate on the goblin child.
It's the face of 56% of Yea Forums
this little car key troll needs the Warwick treatment
disgusting little mutt
la creatura
How long will it take for his adult teeth to grow in? Wtf? This nearly adult man lost his teeth like 6 years ago.
>Ha ha ha look into the camera dude you got JOBBED!
>Why are you crying bro it's just a prank!
>Dude don't be so dramatic
>What do you mean your family can't afford to eat bro just go down the street there's an artisinal cake shop that sells by the slice and it's really good just let them eat cake bro ha ha ha
el goblino...
plastic surgery
lol I'd watch it but then again I'm not a desperate american nobody
kekles if it wasn't so sad and life so unfair and bleak.
He'll more than likely offer them a way better job after the prank is over. You alt-right pissbabies need to lighten up.
el strangest thing......
2/10 made me reply
I'm not trying to bait you fucking retards. It's irritating seeing you faggots bitch and moan every god damned day over the most minuscule shit on this board. Shut the fuck up and learn to have fun for once in your miserable life you annoying twat.
Fuck off Schlomo
and 98% of /pol/
>*fortnite dances over your careers corpse*
lamao someone got xer panties in the bunch! Fag.
It’s just a prank bro
And then they get pranked again XD
Fuck off corporate shill
...all crew members before the gunman turned the weapon on himself.
And then they get paid a fuckload of more money than they would if it were a normal job but HEY LET'S TOTALLY OVERLOOK THAT SO WE CAN BITCH ENDLESSLY ABOUT FUCKING NOTHING BECAUSE THAT TOTALLY DOESN'T GET TIRESOME NOPE NOPE NOPE. Fuck. You niggers are worse than Yea Forums these days. Do you realize how sad that is?
What’s the name of their band?
Zoom 41
What's wrong with Yea Forums?
La cabeza de demonio
24 and Me
they gotta get this kid a bridge or something, how the fuck does he eat without frontsies
was this
Nah Calpurnia are more tryhard hipster. this is pure zoomercore.
go back
>I'm not trying to bait you fucking retards. It's irritating seeing you faggots bitch and moan every god damned day over the most minuscule shit on this board. Shut the fuck up and learn to have fun for once in your miserable life you annoying twat.
At least they won't have to worry about the suckers kicking his teeth in.
Imagine how much more fucked his face will be when he's hit in the face with a tire iron.
Complete face transplant?
This "person" will be sued into oblivion
wouldn't be the first time
Finn is too good to be part of this
His bank statement will just be a picture of his face.
50 (6 per) Cent
Jesus Mutter is ugly but that kid on the right looks like an 80 year old woman with a late stage cancer it disgusts me so much
The creme of American youth.
>being for the working class is now considered "alt-right"
that actually sounds about right
caps lock makes you look like a sad virgin
we're all friends here, dude
What is OP referencing? Someone post link
Beetlejew and the 56ers.
New Workaholics looking breddy gud.
Now keep in mind that he's probably rich and will own and do things that you could only dream of.
Matchbox 56
Nigger logic
find me a good one of him
God, I want them to die.
Stranger Things kid has an upcoming reality show where he pranks people looking for work. I wish Trump wasn't president after all of this mess.
brb knocking my teeth out so i can experience getting a set
Speaking of which, many nogs live lives of luxury by literally doing drugs, selling drugs, beating women, singing about beat women, and generally being niggers. Feels bad, brastrap.
Stupid little deformed gremlin nigger
>1 day gigs for fast cash
temp jobs still have the potential for permanent employment
nice spacing btw
>b..bb but I really needed the money for my child's medication..:(
LOLz fucking idiot! WE FOOLED YOU! :D
Fucking Kek I’m dead
United states of America
The ironic thing is that you'd think this ugly fucker was bullied enough to be able to empathize with the wagies he's pranking.
Why would you think that?
>a bloo bloo bloo this must be what waiting tables at ihop is like
What the fuck is wrong with you? Your brains are equivalent to that kid's face.
yes this is exactly like the circumstances preceding the french revolution
Poor kid, when reality hits and he realizes he's seen as ugly and disgusting and never gets any roles other than "fat disgusting stoner sidekick" he'll probably kill himself. No pity from me
Needs subtitles.
Fake post. Get fucked.
It might even be an improvement.
>forcing miserable minimum wagies to sing Mr. Brightside
british humour is truly on another level
Is call centers being hell some meme? I worked in one for 8 years, fucked 4 girls and dated 2, could've banged at least 10 if I wasn't such a sperg, I laughed every single day shooting the shit with my co workers and was friends with a lot of the managers, maybe some people are too weak to handle even the tiniest amount of pressure
ITT: fake outrage over nothing
You fags loved Nathan For You, and that show was basically the same shit
>lmao your business is failing, I'll help! JK I'm gonna make you sell shit flavored ice cream xD that's so random
Actual fags would call them fags I'm guessing. Oh your were being literal. Well yeah that too.
He either doesn't have them, or doesn't have the space. Blame the (literally, look it up) jewish producers for forcing him not to get braces or prosthesis just so he can be "le cute nerdy reject with a lisp" for Stranger Things.
So where's the "prank", then? They literally said the "prank" is where they pull the rug out and tell him there's actually no job, right? I assume there will be other shit put in to fuck with the wagie before that, but that's literally what all the teaser info implied regarding what the show would be about.
>fire people for not indulging me in karaoke of my favorite songs
What a fucking turbochad.
>the "work"
easy as fuck. You can literally sit there reading a novel or playing vidya and do your "job"
>the clients
Most of the time you're contracted out by giant corporations. they will turn a blind eye to your shitty underhanded selling practices that make their company look like even bigger crooks than they already are. Any company that uses call centers and gives out actual customer info to them should be boycotted completely, and if you're a customer of one (DirectTV and AT&T are two I know for sure), end your services with them immediately
>the customers
Prepare to encounter the most disgruntled and abusive people on the planet. You think that people on here are toxic and way too personal? Wait till you work in a call center. If you can't handle being told hourly that you're a leech, a retard, to get a real job etc., then yes it's literal hell by this fact alone
>your peers
the most bitter, lazy, sneaky, self-serving, lowest common denominator in any one job sector. Drug addicts, welfare queens, freaks, rejects, you name it. Imagine being so fucking non-functional that you can't even handle being a construction worker or line cook. That's who you'll be working alongside.
>your superiors
Not as bad as above, but they're either complete sociopaths that will encourage you to literally commit fraud if it means a slight uptick in sales numbers (it all means bonuses for them), or they're complete fucking autists that will get mad if you deviate from the corporate script even one iota. Also, you will have the faux-motivational types that always parrot back the same empty corporate platitudes that always come back to "sell sell sell, wagie!"
tl;dr If you have thick skin and no self-respect, it's actually not that bad. Just make sure you're 100% certain you'll be paid hourly and not by commission solely, and also be prepared to get clipped the second you aren't drinking the Kool-Aid and tricking Alzheimer's patients into signing up for some bullshit.
Most of the NEETs on here have never owned a struggling small business. Many of them have been rejected for the shittiest wageslave positions repeatedly.
It must be rough to be born with a face this busted and go into acting
In another time he could have been born into a life of coal mining and become a valued and respected family man
Maybe it's because people in the US are too stressed out or something but I got insulted maybe once or twice in 8 years here. And there was nothing shady about the sells, there's a whole industry here of trials and suing companies, etc. so if you lied and got caught you were laid off immediately. I don't know, I mean I had bad days but anyone does in any given job. It IS a shitty job compared to most but it's nothing you can't handle
>Warlock Ogre
So this confirms boomers > zoomers.