How would you improve captain marvel with changing at little as possible also give a pitch on what captain marvel 2 plot will be.
Captain Marvel improvements
>give a pitch on what captain marvel 2 plot will be
It'll be that time Captain Marvel gave birth to her rapist and then married him in an alternate dimension.
Fuck off Kevin Feige. Hire your own writers.
new actress
stop giving interviews
cut the flashbacks and have it play in chronological order. Or at least don't reveal she's human until way late in the movie.
make her have sex with peter parker
get brie to do lots of squats + have at least three nude scenes
thank you marvel
Why is something like a light-speed drive such a big deal when they have warp points and the Bifrost that already enable you to teleport to another galaxy???
Like hardcore Henry but from her POV
Also she's naked the whole time
Didn't see the film but one thing I'd change is the costume. Looks unnecessarily over complicated. I'm not saying we should give her the sexualized black leotard she had as Miss Marvel but just give her something without so many lines in it for christs sake. Also, I'd add that floating bandanna belt thing she has in the comic, when she's floating and the belt floats with her it looks kinda cool.
Also I'd remove the joke scene where le memey cat scratches Fury's eye out. Really undermined Fury's moment in one of the previous movies where he tells cap that the last time he trusted someone he lost his eye.
be a metabolically challenged black trans woman with HIV
Us whites and our humor on Yea Forums. Top kek
>t. butthurt black trans woman with hiv
What will be the third meme (s)he posts?
i'd cast someone with bigger tits
angie rice plays captain marvel
Top kek, broskee
New actress Better Costume ratchet back the strong girl power by a factor of 10
starting the movie in 1990 makes Carol Danvers ~65 years old in Endgame. If her powers stop her from aging the last 30 years, how will they explain her rapid aging over the next 5 movies.
Also means if they do decide to introduce Spectrum, she's going to be almost 40 right from the start.
Is a reddur user trying to get a screenshot?
>If her powers stop her from aging the last 30 years
They don't, she was in space. Earth years don't affect other planets.
So we get a scene on the space subway where Yon Rogg tells her that the supreme intelligence appears to you as someone close to you. Why wouldn’t it be her father if he was this overbearing presence from her past? Why is Come as you are relevant to her if she was off world for Nirvana’s entire rise and fall? Annette Benning is all “great song! What’d you hear three minutes of it once on the radio while you’ve been back on earth for two days? Must be super relevant to you!” Use Joan Jett or Souxsie Soux and the Banshees or something consistent from 87 or before she left earth. I know it 90s-the-movie but the 90s really aren’t relevant to Carol’s frame of reference
remove the suit
what does that have to do with aging, zoomfag. You think just because she's on a planet that rotates around its star slower than earth means she ages slower?
Wow you must be wildly lonely
you tell em tommy
Cast a real actress with tits and ass.
sorry if I made you feel like a fucking retard
You are trying to comfort me? While my dick wont suck its self . I love how whites will get to slobbering so readily
>Cast a more fit, more charismatic actress with bigger tits and ass
>Make it MS. MARVEL complete with costume
>Lose the silly feminist shit in the script
>Give a satisfying final battle instead of CAROL STRONK
Rogue comes, steals her powers, takes over