Take one of the biggest franchises of all time

>Take one of the biggest franchises of all time
>ruin it
How did they manage to fuck up Star Wars?

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Victory syndrome. How could Disney’s Star Wars possible fail? It could have a dog shit script and still be loved right?

They let a black woman be the head of the 95% female story group. When are people going to learn that negresses are a fat angry plague?

>They let a black woman be the head of the 95% female story group.
Come on, this woman was brought in because she was someone trusted by Kathleen Kennedy. She ahsn't done anything that wasn't KK's idea, she was just an assistant and got the boot when shit hit the fan. All this misery brought upon us is made by white women. They use niggers as red herrings but it's all about white women, all heroes are white women,. White men are evil and brown men are subsevrient to white women. This is literally the matriarchy feminzais want to established.

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I hear you, but KK didn't write anything, her chief booga booga did along with her tribe and two token soi males.

I thought you were talking about pic related

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Can we convince Disney to buy Star Trek? Oh wait, that's already ruined too.

Why do American companies have 37 VPs? WTF

by playing it safe.

george lucas took a risk on the original. most people said it would flop. they were wrong.

disney, years later, looks at SW's earning potential and thinks "yes.. we want some of that." they buy it. they don't take any risks, they grind out safe, formulaic shit that appeals to nobody, and it fails.

The company has lacked creative direction ever since they ousted Eisner. Iger is a bad fit for CEO of Disney. You need somebody with an artistic vision.

You're implying KK gave her the reign ans just sat and watched, this is ridiculous. Kk explained how she decided to create captain phasma just after seeing the discarded concept art. Rian admitted Carrie Poppins was KK's idea. Kiri Hart is literally nobody and KK is known for micro managing everything. KK was there to snap fingers and Kiri make it happen. i imagine that's how it happened but they never explained what was her real job. But we know it's KK that told her to form an all female story group

>buy tiny studio for pennies
>now it's your biggest cow

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This guy is right on the money. I'm not even going to attempt to make a clever shitpost.

>by playing it safe.
They didn't play it safe. They played a dangerously dumb game and lost. Taking your main audience for granted and focusing 100% on seducing a new audience was a major mistake. These movies are made for people who haven't watched the original either because they're tool ancient (kids) or because they don't like sci-fi (women). The result is movies that cater to everyone except the fans. i don't think that's a safe or sane plan. This is sheer incompetence.

Trying to appeal to a minority of Star Wars fans, not realizing why it’s called a MINORITY.

Forsaking your core audience for a new one who never cared about your product almost never works.

>putting women in charge

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Again, MINORity

Creating an entire campaign who’s sole purpose was to spite the majority of the fanbase

Why an evil corporation would do any good?

>Why do American companies have 37 VPs? WTF
Your nation wouldn't be so useless if you weren't letting Americans live rent-free.

They thought the fans will keep watching no matter what, because spaceships and lightsabers. It worked to a ceratin extent. But once the hype died, even the most loyal fanboys came to the realization Star Wars had been hijacked by feminazis.

No different from other studios, Disney thought if they just slapped the MCU filter on it would be an automatic success. Difference is that a majority of consumers don’t actually give a shit about the comics themselves and enjoy the MCU as dumb action movies to pass time with actual comic fans being desperate fanboys who will get a big boner from a simple costume design and an easter egg. However a lot more people nerd and normie alike hold SW more dearly and actually have standards. So of course self aware zoomer quips and bastardization of characters weren’t gonna fly like it did with marvel. TFA came close but that was mainly due to hype. Most people including normies agree now it’s a soulless remake not worth remembering.

Jews putting a major Feminazi in charge of deconstructing an archetypal Male Hero story.

Neo-bolshevik propaganda.

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By not understanding the appeal of the franchise at all.

go woke, go broke. When you focus on the globalist pandering, sometimes you forget to make a decent plot, characters, world etc

Disney is a complete mess outside of Marvel.

>outside of Marvel.
clarification: Marvel Studios

It's a shame the new Star Wars movies are so divisive. I enjoy them and I'd like to see more of them.

>take one of the biggest franchises of all time
>ruin it
How did he manage to fuck up Star Wars?

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Prequels did not ruin star wars for people the same way nu-wars did, at least most kids liked the prequels, absolutely no one cares about the franchise after sequels

>he doesn’t own a porg collection
I feel bad for you desu

Rogue One blows and doesn't fit in. Now Solo on the other hand, is sleeper kino.

how come the one person with the one jewish surname looks the most evil?

This is WAAY too redpilled for this crowd. Right leaning tradcons worship pussy as much as left leaning feminist allies. One side runs interference blaming everything on patriarchy, the other side runs interference blaming everything on the 'JUICE.' But I respect what you're trying to do.

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The twist is all of them are jewish

>B-but we did everything right! We started out making a trilogy without knowing where the story would go, brought back the old ships and characters that everyone loved and had the new characters retread the same plots that people used to watch over and over before! We even gave the second movie to some relatively unknown director! Why did it work for George and not us??

He didn't though. The prequels made OT purists mad sure, but the PT had a following and overall the franchise thrived. Clone Wars, KOTOR, etc.

because they wanted to make $$$, not something great
you simply disregard passion and pander to an ideology they will automatically defend it as fantastic

they wanted content for kids and young adults, but they wanted the female audience too, wich is retarded, so they fucked the IP putting retards in charge trying to do that, the same shit is happening with Marvel but the IP is stronger now and it can hold all that bullshit.

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what's glooks?

Because theyre fucking jewish. Are you not noticing a pattern here? Game of thrones, sw, endgame, any remake with all female/black/bullshit societal group...they are trying to destroy your heros and your franchises.

Why are Jews so inbred-looking?

You have no idea how bad Eisner became. I was rooting for him to leave by the end. Grow up and stop being contrarian.

>only one Star Wars entry has been a financial failure
>The parks are not doing poorly
>almost a full return on investment
And imb4 you cry the usual autistic shit like "muh marketing", realize that the Mouse is so fucking big, they don't need the same sort of advertising budget as your smaller company does.

>disney ruined star wars

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At least George could manage to create iconic film characters that he could exploit financially.

I still have no idea why they didn't just do what Marvel did and just make movies based off of the most popular EU comics and novels. It would have required zero effort on their part.

It's negro for "thank you."

The most popular ones involved characters relatively short time periods after Endor. It wouldn't really work to run the Thrawn trilogy, for example, since the OT actors are too old.

They could have done some of the PT ones though, or much further into the future.

They could have just CGI Harrison Ford's and Carrie Fisher's faces. Or announced a KOTOR movie. Or even just recast the original characters like they ended up doing in Solo. Disney just chose the worst course of action.

>It would have required zero effort on their part.
The difference is that Feige likes comic books and dived into them to make the movies. Kathleen Kennedy and her group of wemen know nothing about SW, they don't like it and they don't want to go into it to see what the fans want. They decided to make SW movies that would be appealing to them.