why did she do it bros? their army already gave up but she burned everything anyway
Why did she do it bros? their army already gave up but she burned everything anyway
Violence turns women on just like it turns men on.
However a man in a leadership position already knows he can't just "have fun" and do what he wants to do, he must put his duty before his pleasure. Women never get put into leadership positions and don't understand the concept, their genes aren't suited for it, humans haven't been selecting for females that way like they do for high quality males (leaders)
She did it because she wanted to feel powerful and didn't have the willpower to stop herself, essentially.
Because she didn't trust Cersei
She was always a vindictive cunt, the source material depicted her as such, and both the show and society took the cowardly way out in ignoring this blatant aspect of the character in delusional hope it wouldn't end the way it was set up: as an example of an enabled child leader to become a genocidal dark lord due to her own queen complex.
Its what women do. Just look at feminism and all the LGBTQZ+ stuff. Enough is never enough. They have to continue and destroy everything else but what they perceive to be right regardless of reality. Dany was just following her womanly traits. Its some of the best writing of a female character in the last decade.
The bells meant Tyrion's betrayal
And, ironically, GRRM was trying to provide a necessary female example of tyranny to girls who might not feel involved in the lesson of Hitler to male leaders. As the queen, you will be faced with the opportunity for delusion, you will make cataclysmic quick decisions and find yourself able to lie to your nation they were good, and you might be able to trick yourself into feeling the hero no matter what you do, but despite all this you have an honest responsibility not to fucking kill every random thing that bothers you at first sight. GRRM was taking the highest feminist road in trying to include females in the Autocrat Question, but of course the lowest of feminists can't cope.
Because it was too easy. Had she known it would be this simple she would have taken the city before travelling north and could have saved all the people she lost
D&D's explanation ('she saw her family's home and snapped!') sounds retarded, but it makes sense. Daenerys had lied to herself about being some benevolent saviour for the entire series, and surrounded herself with sycophants who fed into this image. But the contradiction between her desire to 'break the wheel', and Aegon's conquest being the epitome of that subjugation by force, infuriated her, so she burned the city her ancestors built to signify that she was different and, I would argue, as a complex manifestation of guilt for all the harm the Targaryens did to Westeros.
That, and all the obvious stressors experienced by her that season + the fact that she was probably always a bitter, hateful cunt, something which I thought Jon/Aegon was going to confront her about in the last episode, similar to how Jaime admitted he was 'hateful' like Cersei was. Unfortunately, they chickened out of what probably would have been the most interesting character development for Daenerys; her developing a modicum of self-awareness, and seeing herself as the violent quasi-psychopath she was. Would've been particularly jarring coming from Aegon Targaryen himself.
Jon saw her big dark bush and knew she was a false Targ
Because this abysmal season needed to have at least one thing that was even slightly entertaining.
She did it for us.
Wish people would talk about this
It's because we all know the honest answer is 'shitty writing.' In the books, it'll make considerably more sense, because Aegon Blackfyre will be on the throne, will be loved by the people, and that will make Daenerys extremely envious/bitter.
Is Aegon really gonna be on the throne? God dammit I hate this fucking schrodingers series that's turned as all schizophrenic by not fucking COMING OUT. FUCK.
She had no reason to accept their surrender and playing nice with her conquest only led to people using her for their own gain and then betraying her, show of force to get people to stop fucking around
westerosi are all scum and she did the right thing. her only mistake was not killing more and starting with tyrion and the st*rks
>be a midget
>know about Red Keep secret entrance
>don't tell anyone
Tyrion was based
You seem stupid as fuck
>Enough is never enough. They have to continue and destroy everything else but what they perceive to be right regardless of reality
Because if she didn't the shitstains in King's Landing would be calling her a whore while parading her through the streets. They were fucking scumbags and all of them deserved to die. They should have at least shown the townsfolk cheering at Missandei's death because everybody watching seemed to forget all the horrible shit the commoners did to each other and the major characters since the very beginning
>When the fighting in the North is over, someone wins, you understand that, don’t you? If the Dead win, they march south and kill us all. If the living win, and we’ve betrayed them, they march south and kill us all.
He was being hyperbolic to emphasise the point to Cersei; if you betray them, you lose either way.
whos that actress??
Because DnD are shit at character building and squandered 7 seasons of painting her as the Mad Queen.
no one. it's CGI
sometimes people who say they are righteous saviors are actually liars. she did it because she is vengeful and vain.
not every villain needs a Walter White-esque character arc where their plodding descent into villainy is painfully shoved into viewers faces. the writers were making a different point with Dany.
Why do you care what happens in this shitty show, literally in the same episode they say cersei is bringing people in the red keep as human shields but then the red keep is totally empty and danaerys kills everyone not in the keep even though cersei is in there. It's just shit happening on a screen and people will read into it whatever they want based on their own politics or personal feelings about the character, which is why the writers didn't explain it at all, they let the audience explain it for them. None of the characters have been coherent for years now
I agree with you on that. I do understand that DnD were trying to be subtle with her heel turn, but it was TOO subtle, TOO slow. which made her turn in Season 8 very jarring.
Those of us who arent YAAAS QUEEN! saw the subtlety, but my argument is that it was too far to the other extreme direction. that balance wasnt there.
>writers were making a different point with Dany
>Implying "themes are for 8th grade book reports" Dabid who kinda forgot the dothraki were all dead was making any kind of point