In April 1996, the FBI raided the cabin of one Ted Kaczynski, better known as the “Unabomber”. After decades of mailing pipe bombs to nerds, his reign of terror came to an end. Kaczynski, once a promising Harvard graduate, had turned his back on a society that in his eyes was being degraded by its unhealthy relationship with technology. He had been identified only after he published his manifesto, a long screed against industrial society.
Among his possessions was a copy of the novelization of Gremlins 2: The New Batch, and several ticket stubs from its run at the local cinema in Lincoln, Montana. It is believed that the film’s depiction of reckless genetic experimentation is what led Kaczynski to target geneticists in the mid-90s. He even, for a time, used the alias “Ted Katheter”, a reference to Christopher Lee’s character in the film.
In April 1996, the FBI raided the cabin of one Ted Kaczynski, better known as the “Unabomber”...
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Just goes to show that whackos gonna whacko. You can't hold artists responsible for what people do in the name of their art if the gremlins 2 can inspire people to bomb scientists.
he wasn't a wacko
Actually Gremlins 2 is one of the bravest pieces of post modern capitalist deconstruction. The movie is sublime and a piece of genius.
Chapo does an amazing review
Gremlins cinematic universe when?
Dude was mentally insane, you expect anything les from people like him? He turned into one of those woe is me faggots and instead of getting help he kills people.
little monsters indeed
> He was insane
Ted was the sanest person alive. Literally every word in his manifesto was prescient
>turned his back on society
society clearly turned its back on him
Do I really share this board with such retarded normalfags now?
He thought bombing people would somehow put an end to people's obsession with technology
So he's definitely a wacko
Another retarded nigger detected. What is happening to this board?
You aren't witty or funny. I appreciate the bump but why not add to the conversation with real statements instead of this retarded edgelord speak.
>CIA does experiment to see if they can turn anybody into a terrorist.
>Pick a 200 IQ autist from Berkeley
>”Yeah, he was just some nut.”
>DOOM and Marilyn Manson caused this
Nah faggot kids that couldn't be arsed to act normal caused that.
Ted was based you fucking retard
what in the fuck makes you think he was insane
Unoronically Nietzsche did
>post modern capitalist deconstruction
when you use words without being sure if their meaning, people can tell.
>people who self immolate think it will put an end to some problem or other
no they don't you retard
the unabomber is a tricky thing to discuss because the CIA has even admitted to fucking with and basically creating the unabomber. however that being said i don't necessarily think he is insane, its a bit unreasonable to classify every belief we don't understand or can see ourselves as insane. is he unhinged comparatively? sure, but the man was/is very intelligent and had a different view of the world despite whatever brain melt shit the government did
>some below average hillbilly muffler shop owner goes on a rampage
why is it always white trash?
>tfw we will never go back to the days where playing DOOM and blasting KMFDM was unironically cool
They didn't create him, he willingly accepted the project. The problem was he was stunted mentally and only had mediocre social skills. He no doubt was autistic. He should have been kept in an institution. He didn't have the capacity to live a normal life .
It may have been fun but neither were ever cool
It isn't though, what about the beltway snipers or the black guy that shot a pilot and crashed a plane?
Your racism is showing.
This needs to be a movie.
For every black guy that goes on a rampage there's 50 white guys that did the same.
>some retard thought this would be a good idea for pasta
I want to FUCK this gremlin!
nigger, white people make the news because it's actually abnormal when they commit violent acts. murser is just another day in the city for blacks so its not news and would be redundant to report on.
blackies shoot eachother en masse, the few whites just try to even the numbers
Proof? Sounds like you're pulling that number out of thin air to justify your racism.
Pic related: white people's share of mass shootings is in proportion with their share of the US population. Maybe educate yourself before you go off about stuff you don't understand.
This Ted guy was an abosulute maniac and a fool who wanted us to live in the stone age. He's like the idiots who live in rural areas.
As for the Rural, they're usually uneducated and not connected to any networks or global investment opportunities, and since forever they have repeatedly fucked up civilizations throughout history. We can utilize them for blue collar labor but we should shut them up and take their guns away before they shoot up some schools in retaliation.
Yeah, Falling Down
chapos funny but the fans are all exactly like yr picture
not me tho, im a cool chapo who says nigger on 4chun
Yikes, dilate
>Chapo does an amazing review
Thanks for finding and providing proof for my point. White people are just as fucked up if not even more than most black people. You little faggots act edgy and "intelligent" but you are just a bunch of low IQ individuals like the twits you read about.
Retard alert. Read the manifesto you redditor scum
Are we counting drive bys as rampages or only shopping malls?
>getting caught by his own post
kek ya big dummy
good joke
no he did not, they were made to sponsor the manifesto
future aliens at least will know that there was one sane man
I don't think someone who doesn't understand the concept of "per capita" should be calling others low IQ
>44 more white people killers than black killers
He was close.
You can't take their guns away and you know it and that's why you impotentally bleat on whatever internet forum you can. You're going to be forced to act like a human being, move on already
Take your L and call it quits tiger. You are retarded, it's ok.
>50 times
>50 more
You need to go back to primary school
No argument then? Looks like I win, thanks for playing.
My point was that rural and backwards minded people are a let back on society and a soon as machines replace them, oof. All the time throughout history it's been bitter and jealous rural idiots taking down a thriving and progressive society
You provided me my win dude. You showed that white faggots do more mass killing then negros. Atleast white people can do one thing better than blacks.
If you hate technology so much, why are you using the internet?
Go live in the woods, losers.
>global investment opportunities
The preoccupations of a bug-mind living inside of a bugman.
Imagine being a brainwashed loser enough to listen to chapo lmao
>source: mother Jones
Just cited the New Jewish times while you're at it
You're still never going to be able to get rid of them because you'll never get their guns. Seethe.
Why do socialists lick so many boots?
He's still alive you dunderheads, and he keeps answering letters. Some guy in Poland asked him to supervise his thesis since Ted is a genius tier mathematician(pic related). One of his short stories was adapted to stop motion animation:
I think it highlights just how hopeless Ted thinks the future is going to be.
They wouldn't be able to tell the world that technology is evil without the internet.
Do you understand how population works? If I showed that most killings in Sierra Leone were by black people and used it as evidence that they were violent then that would be stupid because most people in Sierra Leone are black, same with the united states. You're pretty stupid if you can't understand this.
So black people disproportionately are far more likely to be mass shooters than whites according to your data?
That's what the picture shows right? Do you know how to read a graph?
>Atleast white people can do one thing better than blacks.
Are you actually implying blacks have a higher iq than whites or something?
That was my point learn to read you smoothbrain
>muh gunz
>gets removed by a drone's laser
>shit eating boot licking suburban leftoids think they're untouchable
Top kek, always hilarious when they get their comeuppance
I know that's what it shows.
So we're in agreement, blacks are far more likely to be killers than whites, correct?
You can acknowledge that you are a domesticated man completely dependent on technical civilization while also accepting the critique of it. The entire point is that we can't, as modern humans separated from our species essence, just go live in the wild as there is no outside of civilization. Even those areas considered "wild" are delineated and controlled by civilization.
Ted's writings may as well be prophecies.
>Hate technology and think it's ruining the world
>Use technology to kill hundreds of people
Logical and reasonable course of action Dude was fucked in the head obviously
Here, have a patrician.
How many of these are whites or (((whites))) ?
Also do "whites" include Hispanics?
I live in an all white nation and no one goes on killing rampages here.
Yes, it also doesn't account for the thousands of driveby mass shootings
>White bar higher than Black bar
>Black people do more mass killing
>chapo trap house
In other news the sky is blue
I've seen more than 18 webm's of "mass" killings by blacks just on Pol alone.
Their terminology is probably just deliberately deceptive.
Are you retarded? Even a child knows a random black man would kill him before the pedophile that kidnapped him. There's a reason why 13% makes 50% of the crime. It isn't a meme.
Gremlins 2 is a great movie, but shut the hell up.
I love Gremlins 2 but shut the fuck up chapofag
They are more likely to per capita, which is what matters.
They also commit more than half the murder despite being 13 percent of the population, thus overrepresented by a factor of more than 3. Heavy stuff.
What the fuck is this.
He led a normie life before and after. The CIA just caused some trauma to him, trauma which no doubt loosened a few inhibitions.
He was far above normal intelligence and had a very reasonable world view many, many people agree with today.
You just don’t agree with his methods.
Those methods are the only reason we have read his work, so i would say it was worth it.
You have a higher chance of being killed by a white dude than you are anyone else in america. That's what matters.
Considering black males make up 5-6% of the population, they are over represented in mass shootings, and that doesn't include the thousands of mass shooting drive bys, piss gargling leftoid subhuman retard
So glad I don't live near any urban monkeys myself.
Hahahahaha take a stroll through the ghetto stupid weak limp wristed noodle armed mouth breathing subhuman leftoid
More than half of murders are committed by African Americans.
Nice try
blacks go on killing sprees constantly, it's just lumped in as 'gang violence' and ignored by the media
Because there is far more whites.
Statistically you'd be much safer avoiding black people.
Do you even know how statistics work, brainlet?
Are you intentionally trying to be retarded?
>killing innocent people is worth it
No it's not, psychopath.
Fuck off normie have more chance of being violently attacked by a white dude? thank for agreeing
stats also show that you also have more chance of getting a bee sting in the middle of the ocean than you are getting attacked by a minority radical muslim
He didn't believe that bombing people would fix the problem by itself. He bombed people to bring attention to his manifesto. It wasn't right to bomb people but he was correct in believing that nobody would have ever read his shit if he hadn't done it.
He's an asshole but he's not crazy. Read his works before you write them off.
The people he killed were people contributing to society and education, plus paying tax. People like this ted envy that.
Get a job
>this low IQ post
> have more chance of being violently attacked by a white dude?
No, the majority of violent crime is committed by black people so they're more likely to attack you then anyone else, despite being a minority.
>uncle ted thread devolves into retarded race/crime statistics screed
Ship of fools indeed
well I don't know any violent black people within my community, in fact there's many back people up my drive and in my apartment, and they're civilized people
>there are liberals posting ITT
it's not racism since you avoid them too
Are you actually this retarded
Is the left really sincerely this brainlet in 2019
>bunch of edgy white kids ignore the article of a 22 yo white killer
Honestly i feel more comfortable being around negros than white people now a days.
>you have more chance of being violently attacked by a white dude
Actually no, since blacks and Hispanics commit the vast majority of murders in this country, you are far more likely to be killed by a black or Hispanic than a white.
Hurts donnit?
Go back to your bootlicking chapo brainwashing leftoid.
>shrieking bluehaired vegan dykes
>parades of retarded degenerates wanting to be praised and worshipped for sucking dicks
>homeless people passed out on the sidewalk, surrounded by syringes and literal shit all over the streets
>niggers niggin' nonstop
Thanks but I'll pass.
>my anecdote overrules your statistics
you're dumb
I'll say this, Ted and the others like him have more balls than the faggot posters ok this board. He actually lets his actions do the talking instead of his mouth. Same with dylan and supreme gentleman. /pol/ posters are just the rejects that could never commit to their beliefs.
The exception proves the rule. Why do we need to celebrate a black person who doesn't act like a nigger? We expect everyone else to behave properly. Why do they need pats on the back for NOT being violent pieces of shit?
Just keep posting this, it seems to really upset the psychos
>Zommer commenting on social norms from 10 years before he was born
Cringe af seriously dude kill yourself
But there are more whites, so whites are more dangerous
>neck tats
Kid was already fucked from the get go
Lol yikes
Blacks are violent AND stupid?! Who knew?
The ghetto can be avoided, white people cant
>But he's not white because I said so REEEEE
>Dude was mentally insane
How the fuck do you figure?
Falling down is about a man who won't accept his consequences. Then throwing a big fit about it for the entirety of the movie.
Are there people that are actually this stupid but simultaneously oblivious? I want to think all of these posts are bait but they seem too sincere, like user truly believes what he’s saying. I don’t whether to be mad or just feel bad for his niggerbrain :/
>Go back to your bootlicking chapo brainwashing leftoid.
>me a revolutionary for the opressed against authority
>being told I lick boots by a totalitarian racist
Actually one of the only violent scenes in my community within the last year were by a white dude he assaulted his asian wife
Excellent pol tard bait Put me in the screenshot
Why dont violent crime stats include whites killing each other in war? D-day was just a justified mass shooting
Every urbanite job will be replaced before rural ones
Almost as stupid as the people who pretend white mass killings aren't a problem while pointing towards blacks
We have the upper hand of the economy in the near future. People like us have connections etc
I think he was onto something with regard to his theory of over socialization.
Social media is a great example of extremely laborious modern social activity that basically means nothing. In humankind's past, social activity allowed us to survive by maintaining some badic form of social unity. But the social activity represented by social media seems to represent an end in and of itself. It is just the desire for popularity and attention with no deeper meaning or useful applicatiob
Maybe if you're a friendless virgin who's not creative
Social media can be used as a tool to promote and unite just about any ideology or group. Which is incredibly powerful. Nothing in human history can compare to the almost limitless transfers of data and information in a short span of time
>Nothing in human history can compare to the almost limitless transfers of data and information in a short span of time
and all they use it for is smearing each other, arguing, fighting, ridiculousness
so exactly like that user said, it's an end in and of itself, because its 'champions' aren't mature enough for it
I don't even know how to respond to this it's so utterly naive and foolish. Most real creativity and collaboration happen in real life. You can form connections with people on the other side of the globe through the internet yeah and maybe collaborate on an ambient album by sending emails back and forth but that aint what social media is about for the most part. Its just about the pursuit of notoriety for the sake of notoriety
Ted is riight. Look at how social media is literally rotting our society.
Remember there was a deleted scene where George almost got to dick her
Kek are you trapped in the 00's? That naive image of the internet has been blown up by reality. The internet has become increasingly fractalized. Individuals participating in self selected boutique echo chambers that have no interaction with other communities let alone the real world. Social media hasn't offered the human experience anything other than a means to more efficiently funnel your data to advertisers and a medium for narcissists to curate a simulated version of their lives - individual actors performing on their own little stages ignoring the panoptic architecture they're trapped within. Oh you're posting about that totally radical protest you're going to??? Don't forget to buy new running sneakers and art suppies for that sign. The internet isn't revolutionary because it's imbued with thr agenda of it's owners. And you aren't one of them.
>tfw I got into KMFDM because of columbine
Look at this meaningless text from people who can't even communicate with others through the internet without suffering from severe schizoid delusions.
And they have the fucking balls to tell you people take Facebook too seriously lmao
>white mass killings
....which ones? Name 3 in the past year in the US.
>HURR social media is just people infighting and meaningless
>HURR it's also an echo chamber
you said for every 1 blackie theres 50 whites
that statistic shows theres 3.4 white mass shooters for every 1 blackie mass shooter
that's lower than the general population proportion which is 5.6
i.e. whites are less likely to be a mass shooter than blacks but a mass shooter will more likely be white than black because of the population disproportion
don't be stupid all your life
brainlet cope
>don't be stupid all your life
Irony at its most pure
that's by sheer numbers, not considering the fact that blacks are like one eigth of the white population
>Yea Forums - White children making retarded assumptions
>source: mother jones
>not knowing how "per capita works"
What's going on big guy?
>inb4 per capita is racist
No wonder women only want black dick now a days. White guys have been neutered of their manliness and sanity.
>I'll pretend that I didn't move the goalpost
white hands typed these posts
There are no goal posts, this is a shitposting thread. Nobody has posted anything of substance or fact. I'm finally getting tired so i'll just be honest.
Wtf are you even mad at us about
>There's a reason why 13% makes 50% of the crime
Yeah but how many of that 13% make those 50% of crimes.
>kill hundreds of people
Actually it was just 3 people who died
>Use technology to kill hundreds of people
>hundreds of people
This is how I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
>it's not racism since you avoid them too
But i don't avoid them.
They asked him if we was worried about losing his mind in prison and this is what he said.
"No, what worries me is that I might in a sense adapt to this environment and come to be comfortable here and not resent it anymore. And I am afraid that as the years go by that I may forget, I may begin to lose my memories of the mountains and the woods and that's what really worries me, that I might lose those memories, and lose that sense of contact with wild nature in general. But I am not afraid they are going to break my spirit."
Dude was academically brilliant but had zero common sense. He was literally a social retard.
>technology bad
what a faggot.
to this day I can't read this guys writing without dying laughing
>please ignore the dozen or so he maimed with his shitty bombs, and that one meant to blow up a passenger plane that he didn't wire correctly
Stop deifying terrorists.
Absolute sheep.
Shut the fuck up, stop derailing shit you fucking retard
>last great American Folk Hero
>called the "conservatives" of the time fools for whining about traditional values while supporting the economic and technological advances that destroy those values
>called leftists oversocialized maniacs
>correctly predicted that technology and industrial society would erode human dignity and freedom in order to better fit humans within its system
Seriously, when is the biopic?
>merely pretending to be retarded
Just like everyone else has been doing in the thread....probably
Your study doesn’t account for population difference retard.
>correctly predicted that technology and industrial society would erode human dignity and freedom in order to better fit humans within its system
Anyone can predict that. If you allow hundreds of millions of people access to each other (internet) they will form insane groups and ideologies just like religion did prior without such vast communication methods.
Dont ruin Gremlins 2 for me fucking commie
How am i derailing the subject at hand? That post was in response to that other retard user. Go be a fucking moron somewhere else
...oh right there were none! that must be why I’m not getting replies to this very simple question
>Yea Forums - poorly written bait website
What do we count as mass killing? And can it be outside of america?
He goes well beyond what you describe though.
I find it interesting that he was ultimately far more dismissive of conservatives than the oversocialized leftists but the same "conservatives" still love him. It's like they didn't even read the manifesto.
Also curious if any of you Tedfags ever wrote to him.
That wasn't Ted's point. He feared that industrial society would strip people of their individualism (and by extension freedom) so that they could be regulated in the way that the system needs in order to function. It's the same reason why he also feared human genetic engineering, since it would allow for even more control and regulation of human nature
Is there any proof of this? I've seen this quote before but it only leads to a medium article. Also, he was closer to Helena than he was to Lincoln.
>correctly predicted that technology and industrial society would erode human dignity and freedom in order to better fit humans within its system
That wasn't really a novel prediction. His manifesto is basically a distilled version of Ellul's Technological Society.
There's been a documentary made but they haven't sold the rights yet.
Haven't read Ellul, but Kaczynski's writings overall address more than just that. Or, more importantly I suppose, he popularized these ideas by bombing people, something Ellul clearly wouldn't do.
There is no local cinema in Lincoln haha. Its a very small town
There are other places outside of America? wtf?
Persia fell to early Classical Greece, which then became a slave state... You're understating the inward character of a civilized megalopolis. Although it took 320 years, Classical Greece was succeeded by -- Republican Rome! Hardly a bunch of hillbillies. While post-Imperial Rome was overtaken by 'ruralist' goths and vandals, it wasn't until Christianity triumphed that you got some kind of functional international society. Compare the Norman territory throughout Europe with that of the Athenians.
And don't try to say that Cleopatra's Egypt was a progressive and tolerant society that should have triumphed over an increasingly Imperial Rome. Or that Imperial Rome of the first few centuries AD was perfect.
And none of that has happened. He was just a stupid fear monger.
>but the same "conservatives" still love him.
Really? I thought only alt righters and traditionalists cared about Ted. Mainstream Conservatives do not like him much, i would say.
When studios figure out who owns the various rights and which audience to target
Adults think he is a broken human being that needs to be detained and children think he is the savior of humanity.
It makes no sense why the alt-right would like him, his philosophies certainly don't agree with them generally. But a lot of people on the "left" and "right" like him, which includes a lot of conservatives strangely enough (though they all say they disliked his methods). I just find it a bit strange.
I'm not trying to take anything away from ol' Ted. He definitely explores his own ideas in the manifesto but the core thesis was inspired by Ellul. I'm sure he'd say as much. Technological Society was one of the books in his cabin. You should definitely give it a read of you're interested in this line of thinking.
>something Ellul clearly wouldn't do
Well yeah. He was a fairly well adjusted Christian anarchist academic.
>It makes no sense why the alt-right would like him
Why not? He was firmly against modernity, and many alt-righters are firmly against modernity.
Industrial society and its consequences have been a disaster for the Mogwai
How does his philosophy not line up with anitfa? Both want to destroy what they can't have or have to work hard for, both hate the wealthy, and both would rather anarchy instead of a democracy.
The theme of the last several decades has been collectivization and reduction of individual rights in favor of society's overall needs. As other anons have noted, it's not like he was unique in his views.
Only this retarded website could turn a discussion about the motherfucking Gremlins and the Unabomber into a "WHITE PEOPLE GOOD, BLACK PEOPLE BAD/WHITE PEOPLE BAD, BLACK PEOPLE GOOD" pissing match
Fuck this place so hard.
>Nigger, what is it that you want?
>Why, we want what everybody wants, civilization.
I've been meaning to read it for a while, I will soon. And yeah, Ted said at some point that Ellul was saying everything he thought so their ideas are certainly parallel.
Anyone have any other similar reading recommendations? I suppose this is more Yea Forums than Yea Forums but Yea Forums is never on topic anyway.
Having a few similar values doesn't mean he's any closer to the alt-right or antifa, and he would have far more dissimilarities with them than real similarities. I get the feeling the more "leftist" supporters like that his ideas could sort of be coupled with environmental issues and he was an anarchist, while the alt-right might simply dislike his ideas about modernity (though I think they oversimplify that for their cause) and the fact that he condemned so much of leftism. But many of his inherent values are still what even he would call "leftist" so even that's barking up the wrong tree.
Ivan Illich and Jacques Camatte
The only way to control it, is that you should just not give the guy who even mentiones that shit just to derail threads any kinda attention.
It doesn't matter even a little whether you do or don't. Have you actually ever been on /pol/? Literally no one replies to each other most of the time. It's just one guy opining on niggers and jews after another, without any feedback other than the hundreds of other posts alongside his. There's a reason every sane person calls it an echo chamber.
Wouldn't surprise me if it's some bot a guy rigs up and sets loose every time he senses a thread can keep the thing going by itself by picking up on keywords.
Jesus Christ mods, clean this thread up.
I'd also like to add that it's highly ironic the NPC meme is was created/forced by /pol/tards, considering 95% of their arguments do boil down to "darkies bad, white is good!" like they claim liberals do with Trump.
But yeah, it's probably some AI half the time that does the replies. Thread about an actress? "Made for BBC/looks like she fucks black guys" bait. Thread about truecrime/killers? "How come white people are always the violent psychopaths?" false flag (no sane person actually thinks whites or blacks are more prone to being that type of killer, racist or not). FFS you can't even talk about shows completely devoid of blacks without /pol/ commenting on how great it is solely because it has no blacks, then going on to still find fault because "oh those 2 guys shook hands, patted each other on the shoulder, and made eye contact for more than a second. This is straight fag shit propaganda dude!"
I just hate how it spreads to every other board because every 13 year old thinks they have a profound opinion on topics that they weren't even alive for. I found the best way to hinder threads is to confront each one by calling them out and providing a truth they can't weasel out of.
based and chapopilled.
It's all so tiresome.
>Literally no one replies to each other most of the time.
You've never actually visited the board, have you? And is right. All it takes to avoid a thread derailing is to ignore the shitposter in question. Said shitposter this time was , who evidently isn't a /pol/tard anyway. The fuck are you on about?
>(though I think they oversimplify that for their cause)
I don't think it's oversimplification on either side, just selective picking of his thoughts when it can be best used against the other side. Brevik's manifesto was a good example of this, where he copy-pasted the sections of "Industrial Society and Its Future" that criticized leftism. Even though Ted criticized leftism and conservatism in the context of his larger ideas about technology and nature, his criticisms still work fine without that context.
>conflating conservatism with the dissident right
Apples to oranges there bud, epic political illiteracy.
Hence "conservatives" and there have been some who admired elements of his philosophy, people not a part of the dissident/alt right. Some wrote letters to him and he disagreed with their ideas.
It's also listed as one of his possessions in the official records
>the novelization of Gremlins 2: The New Batch
I had that book.
How is it?
Any other interesting finds in there?
Come take my guns you limp wristed city scum.
Because niggers get welfare