What's some Civil War kino?

What's some Civil War kino?

I only know Gettysburg and Cold Mountain.

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The General
Birth of a nation

Your children are boomers

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Those movies are not obscure in the slightest

gods and generals

I didn't know they had jeeps during the Civil War

Gone With the Wind

The Good The Bad & The Ugly
The Outlaw Josey Wales


Sounds like something I could like, but 8% approval on RT?


It’s good don’t believe pozz’d libshart RT opinions just because the film happens to show a confederate general in a sympathetic light.


Sounds a bit like you're in denial and are only calling a piece of shit movie good because "it shows a confederate general in a good light"

Sounds a bit like you’ve got a cleft asshole and a disappointed father



I know this is \teevee/ but if any of you play vidya, I can recommend Ultimate General: Civil War
It's like Total War battles but with a bit of actual tactical complexity instead of just letting the enemy run into your line infantry to get slaughtered

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this is a video game

Good eyes

Sounds like some feels caught

I've played it and time runs out, which i don't like

That's not what feels means my dude

wtf, wasn't it made by the same guys as gettysburg?

I like the time element, it gives you a reason to actually go for the objectives. Otherwise you could just sit in a tactically superior position slowly whittling down the entire enemy army with 10:1 casualties

Which is what I did 1000 times in Napoleon TW

the AI suck so you get the time "element" to force you into desperate positions, thus making the game "difficult"

It's literally the same fucking movie as Gettysburg

And that's exactly why I prefer this game over gunpowder Total Wars, Hell, in Fall of the Samurai you win the entire game as soon as you have Armstrong guns and 5 or 6 line infantry. You don't even ever need to move your army
Yeah that's pretty much exactly what I said. I found the AI pretty competent but maybe I'm just not a tactical genius

Gettysburg fucking sucked

>win battle
>take objective 1 sec too late
>battle lost

It's a prequel to Gettysburg

Napoleon TW

Yes I agree with gunpowder TWs being boring, why do you keep posting about it?
>don't look at conditions for winning the battle
>wtf but I killed loads of enemies???

Does /tg/ have a favorite Civil War game?

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is there a mod that removes the time running out thing?

Not turn off because it's tied to many game mechanics. This mod apparently allows you to increase all timers by an arbitrary amount though
This mod is good in general. It also makes skirmishers behave like actual skirmishers instead of suiciding into the enemy, and it shows you indicators at which range artillery uses what kind of shell, for example

impressive, very nice

Could the South conceivably have won? The actual population and production numbers make it seem like a Nazi Germany vs USSR scenario where they had no chance in hell, but the movie is saying they could threaten Washington and maybe force peace if they just march south around Gettysburg
Surely at least after the Emancipation Proclamation destroyed any hopes of European support for the CSA they had pretty much already lost

Gettysburg is enough
theres so much kino in there its fuckin crazy

i got addicted to that game for like two months. the persistent campaign system is amazing

CSA could have won, yes. Read a book ffs.
Thank you.

Not with Lee leading them

They had a chance of dragging things out and sapping the north's will for war until someone on a peace platform got elected in 1864. After it was clear that wasnt going to happen not surrendering was criminally immoral

ride with the devil