I just saw Toy Story 4

Overall it was ... meh
What I found really tiresome was:
>Most of the humans character in the movie were female (like 80%)
>Also they all were useful, for example: (2 female cops helping a lost girl in a fair town
>Bo Peep strong independent woman
>All the men characters are idiots
>Short Canadian stuntman toy dude hes so short lmao
>I was wrong about the transgender/gender fluid Forky theory, it was a "I am Groot" character like but actually funnier
>Jessie ends up being a cuck
>The animations was pretty good tbqh
>The plot was simple

Attached: 218391.png (1252x526, 907K)

Stop giving money to Disney

This, movie is grabage so


They split woody and buzz apart and my whole world is shattered

>All the men characters are idiots
They're not wrong

Just say you hate women and go

Attached: jew.jpg (501x504, 72K)

Why'd I?

Worst in the franchise by a mile, the ending destroyed 3's ending

Have sex

I'd like to say the same for you, but I really doubt you'll
It was comfy

>>Most of the humans character in the movie were female (like 80%)

Attached: 1486259316362.jpg (1279x712, 139K)

It's true tho


Shut up! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!

There was Bonnie's dad, Andy as a kid, and the carnie stoner, and that's it

>Carnie stoner
>unhealthy lifestyle
>listens to metal
>doesn't give a fuck about what happens around him

how do they portrayed Yea Forums that good?

2 >= 1 > 3 >> 4
prove me wrong

3 had less soul than 4

>3 had less soul than 4

3 was soul city up in that bitch you absolute mongoloid

You’re right. I’d consider 2 to be better than 1.

>3 had less soul than 4
imagine being this retarded

Attached: muh soul.png (960x1080, 2.46M)

Imagine being so much of an incel that you keep a running tally of how man female characters you see in every movie and analyze how useful every single one of them, including background characters, are, so that you can bitch about it on the internet.


How is that soul?

maybe you should rewatch the movie instead of judging still images

well, maybe if you stop attaching non sense images would be better

>non sense images
anyone who has seen the movie knows what happens during these scenes. why the fuck are you even in a Toy Story thread if you havent even seen the movies?

>OMG Andy grows up and pass his toys to her sister
wow deep
okay, now this is soul

I didn't bother seeing it because there's seriously no reason to continue the movies after Toy Story 3.

>pass his toys to her sister
confirmed, didnt watch the movie

>>Jessie ends up being a cuck

>Jessie gets cucked
What? She likes buzz not Woody

The only people saying this are people who were 10 when they saw three. Everything past One destroyed the ending of One. One Woody and Buzz had their arcs, they developed as characters, and it had a resolution. Everything past that was "let's revert the characters to their preresolution state just to retread the same arcs."
