>The game is better than the movie
Is this literally the only time in history this has ever happened?
The game is better than the movie
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what's with his lip?
star wars episode 1 racer.
X-Men Origins Wolverine
The Lucas arts Star Wars games in the 00s were just fantastic though.
nah, the snes star wars, shadows of empire, racer, all the factor 5 developed games and KotOR. Granted, it helps that the movies are pretty shitty.
Super Mario Bros
Butcher Bay was awesome. Way better than any of the Riddick movies.
Tomb Raider
All Star Wars games
The film is pretty great too though, it's just that the game is GOAT tier. The soundtrack is still perfection.
>the entire game was just a promo for chronicles, complete with shitty prerendered trailer inside the game
I honestly with vin would just adapt escape from butcher bay to film, would make for the best riddick
Didn't it basically re-invent the genre or am i remembering it wrong? Like some of the graphics/interface stuff in that game has never been done before
Super Star Wars is not better than A New Hope.
I personally don't remember it re-inventing anything. Just doing everything extremely well. The progression is structured perfectly too.
But the pinball machine trumps all.
Neither the game nor the movie aged well. I remember trying to rewatch Goldeneye and it was hard to get through.
I'll bet the game is still a thousand times better than the shit released these days. I don't even have one of the current consoles because gaming is now so shit.
>tfw this will never, ever be released
One of the best games ever IMO, way ahead of its time
>tfw I paid $120 US burgers for this game back in '97 ($191.47 in modern burgers)
>there's no super heroes, waahhhhh.
i remember jacking off to the picture of Natalya in her bra on the side of the game box
Upvoted fren.
I ABSOLUTELY fapped to the Perfect Dark cutscene gallery after beating the game
The movie didn't exactly set the bar high.
It's crazy. They even said it would have released both on 360 and Wii so I don't know why Nintendo rejected it.
Literal fucking retard. It's one of the Bond films that never gets old and has great rewatch value.
It's his hand you retards.
No it's not, this is what happens when you drink a stirred martini
Wait what?
Every video game is better than it's related movie. Mortal Kombat, Warcraft, Super Mario Bros, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, etc
Video game based off movie != Movie based off video game
Why? Do you like paying more than necessary?
I loved this game so much. I new all the secret paths, best times to boost, could win at any difficulty even with Ben Quadrinaros. I bragged to all my friends but I had pc and they all had n64 so i sucked at it when we played together and they called me a liar and a loser.