Other urls found in this thread:
He isn't a good actor.
He is, but his accents are cancer. and I'm not even an Anglo.
>Didn't actually scalp anyone
>No one got scalped for that matter
What did he mean by this
6 million jewish foreskins
War crimes ane atrocities are good as long as we are doing them :^)
Nazi shitter detected. We got away from it because nazis are pure shit. I remember being in the cinema when the theatre was getting shot the fuck up and all the aristocratic nazi scum were getting destroyed. Everyone was cheering. Just know that people like you get beat the fuck up when you voice your opinions in public because you're cowards. That's why you whine about women and minorities on an anonymous image board.
He plays the same person with a different variation of a southern or RP accent in every movie.
Daniel Day Lewis and Christian Bale are good actors. Brad Pitt isn't a good actor.
stay there, incel.
samefagging this hard lmfao
back to the ovens juden
>war crimes committed against brown people
>war crimes committed against white people
>[pic related]
He was literally the same character in Fury
Slav blood disqualifies you from being white you seething do-nothing continental
>I didn't watch the movie or I did but was so stupid I missed the point
based /pol/cuck
Based Carrie called that thing "The Xenomorph" on set, still get a chuckle out of that.
Also there´s more Nazis around than you think, commie traitor scum.
There´s no mods in real life anymore, when the banks are gone.
Erm, yeah they did
>if you made this film today, you'd have fifty threads a minute complaining about the violence against Nazis
fuck off, stormnigger.
*tips ebay stahlhelm*
this t b h
>killing throngs of your own men, women and children for suspected boogeyman crimes due to them being Jewish
>nosediving your entire economy into drastic war-time spending and having no real engineers, scientists or medical professionals any because because you murdered them all
>these are all good things
Naziboos are all sorts of retarded.
>boogeyman crimes
Fact: if you show mercy to your enemies the second generation may return for vengeance.
This but unironically
Clearly we need to engineer these nazis thoughts and help them "think good"
Oh, you're right. Goebbels was 100 percent truthful about how the ebul Jews were trying to infect and infiltrate German society with their pesky "success" and "thinking". That changes everything! Better round them up, amirite?
please go there.
Yes, round them up. Why take risks when a pattern of behavior has been established?
Try reading a book about Weimar Germany or the people who created the various treaties after WWI my brainlet friend
You know that over half of those people aren't Jewish, right? You're a gullible faggot.
>100 sneeds
When did this board get so infested with leftoid cucks
>driving away and killing some of your most brilliant minds because they're are kikes
also imagine watching Jewish soldiers fight bravely and die in ww1 for their country and then you kill them/exile them because you have some retarded notion of racial purity
>If I put that there is a "pattern of behavior" in my propaganda, it's truth
>these are reasons to murder other German citizens over
Less than half, and the percentage of jews in Germany that is a large discrepancy. Then you're ignoring the various other jewish communists who came into power in other countries- Bela Kun, Leon Trotsky, Lev Kamenev, etc.
Thank you Shlomo, very cool!
>no argument, better ad hom
I really can't wait for when people get sick of you vermin and start hanging you from lightposts and murdering your friends and families
>Fight bravely
The same minds that push for unlimited third world immigration and fag rights
Wow such loss much tragedy
Naziboos are literally the worst cucks in recent history. Hitler destroyed Germany, killed himself, all of the major leaders were rounded up and hung for war crimes and the rest were killed by Jewish bountyhunters. Your neo-movement attracts the mentally ill and the criminal, has been neutered by the federal government into a social club and your only major outlet now are fringe websites where half of the time, teenagers are larping with you.
Fucking kill yourself like your dead ideology already.
An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. The Iron Cross was awarded to 18,000 German Jews during the war
>/pol/ hates nazis
>votes for the israel supporter
I don't get it
>muh imagined "Jewish Communists"
Post the list of all the German communist members and I'll explain to you slowly how almost each one isn't a Jew.
No bulli
Geee, almost like politics can be complex or something
What argument do you want? Nazis murdered their own people and decimated their economy in the process for one-drop rules and "guilty by association" as if all Jews are a nefarious cartoon. It's never been a real argument you dumb tard.
Keep memeing
Every nation ever. Morality in a war is something you make up after you murder the enemy nation and rape the women.
>/pol/ votes for the toughest stance on immigration
Where's the controversy here ?
>didnu nuffins
No, your macro is literal disinfo. Almost all of the members of the German Revolution are not in fact Jewish. Who fucking gives a shit either way? Is the argument that their Jewishness was the reason for the revolt?
Is that what we call losing a war now? Did the British kill their own people in 1776?
>Is the argument that their Jewishness was the reason for the revolt?
Please explain how some 12 year old German Jew is some sort of evil agent of da Joo that you need to autistically screech about, round up and murder?
not really. Not nearly every war is a war of genocide.
>ebil natzees hurt mr goldstein and the jew crew
You mean rise up, unite the people, and remove people like you? I'm down.
Christian Bale is honestly not that great
He gets memed as a good actor bc he was in Machinist, which none of you faggots even watched
Then you're retarded, like all Naziboos.
>muh chilluns
Their use of communism to break down barriers to wealth and power- German ethnicity, culture, and religion is documented and obvious.
Karl Marx's parents outwardly converted to Lutheranism so they could practice law. Benjamin Disraeli outwardly converted to Anglicanism so he could practice politics. I will wreck your shit itt.
There is no arguing with you, because of three reasons:
1. You are already brainwashed by propaganda
2. No matter what I say, it will not change how you FEEL about what you know
3. Your FEELINGS are what inhibit you from changing your mind
Because you feel one way about nazis and whatever, it's impossible to convince you with logical analysis of the history surrounding them. There are millions and millions of people just like you who have been succesfully wired through clever propaganda prevelant not only within Academia but the Media as well.
The only thing that will change the minds of people like you is hot lead.
Whoever drew this image has a massive vote fetish I fucking guarantee it
When you have to ignore all of the jews actions through history to paint them as the victims of something they brought upon themselves
You didn't just lose a war, you attempted to destabilize the entire known world and genocided multiple demographic groups in other nations.
No i mean get addicted to methamphetamines, Destroy your country, and then kill yourself
Vore, fuck phone posting
>I will wreck your shit itt.
Do it, Nazinigger. There exists no hard evidence that there was a major majority of Jewish persons in the Bolshevik parties. Eat shit, Goebbels.
What antifa think they look like...
The world wars definitely ended that way. If cooler heads hadn’t prevailed and the Cold War hadn’t kicked off after 45 the Germans would have been eradicated. To an extent they were the plan just wasn’t followed through to completion.
>destroy Germany
You're a special kind of stupid, arent (you)?
Yes, abloo abloo. We aren't all goosestepping to the tune of Triumph of the Will because we're brainwashed by an elaborate Jewish conspiracy. It's not that your'e wrong or anything...
I see you can't read, there is no mention of Germany in my post
>murder millions of your own population
>get decimated by the Allies
>country is cucked and Berlin is split by the Americans and Russians
Is "destroy" not a good term? How about completely raped?
>destabilize communist controlled regions
>ignores how Germany was protecting Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, and other countries from communism and Soviet incursions.
The "victory" of the US ensured the conquering of all of Eastern Europe
>muh jews! muh gypsies! Muh various members of the Polish intelligentsia that could become a threat!
Yes my little brainwashed goy, keep crusading for us chosen people. Your efforts will be most rewarded, remember our movies we made about how evil the Germans are!
>*gets run over by a muslim terrorist*
Gee i sure am glad we saved the innocent jews from these evil nazees
>is documented and obvious.
Then blow me the fuck out with FACTS and LOGIC, I'm waiting. Show me.
Thread theme
Does anyone have an Argentina edit of this? You could derail a lot of shit with it.
This is the only argument you people ever make. "Everybody is wrong and brainwashed, not me though. Did I ever tell you that the Holocaust was a lie"?
His italian speech was hilarious
See how the kike shifts from "in power" or "in significant positions" or "in control" to "majority". You fags love sneakily reframing arguments to whatever benefits you.
Hey so:
remember Hitler telling Goebbels [this movie] was his best yet?
Remember the Little Jew telling Raine [his carved swastika] was his best? Remember the close-up on it?
And remember the close-up on the swastika carved out by Zoller?
What about the back to back giant faces of Zoller and Shosanna? Them lying side-by-side, Zoller in a black and white suit, Shosanna in blood-red dress?
>Poland and Austria are "communist controlled regions"
kek, sure thing bud.
>Nazis were protecting Finland, Hungary and Romania
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA you have a funny way of using the word "defend".
Just remember, there's a lot banking on ensuring that not just Nazis, but Germans as a whole are forever weighed down by their tragic history and past ((crimes))
The film was American wartime propaganda. The Basterds were Zoller's film character minus the introspection. That's why the Germans were the only ones with any sort of humanity or depth while the Americans were mindless killers
>people are actually wasting their lives debating basement dwelling naziboos in this thread
So your only argument is "you Jew"? Where is the documented evidence that the German Revolution was conducted by Jews? Or that the Bolsheviks were run by Jews?
You're fucking adorable with how stupid you are. Is this a larp?
This will never fail to make /pol/cels seethe. They cannot cope with the fact that their meme state ended up in an abject failure.
Glaring faggots, the both of you
Retard hivemind. Why would he "murder" his own fucking people. This 10000% aryan shit is a fucking meme
Everybody labeled as Jewish is Jewish, which would make 8/14 of those people jews
>Why would he "murder" his own fucking people.
You tell me, faggot. Hundreds of thousands of who the Nazis killed, were Germans. Including intellectuals, military personnel, doctors, scientists...
Great strategy there autismo.
Ayo wassup nigga
The holocaust never happened.
>Everybody labeled as Jewish is Jewish
Did you ever bother to fact-check your stormnigger memes? Only like, 4 are even remotely Jewish
>that would make 8 out of 14 Jewish!
lol oh no, not 8 of them! Clearly you're onto something and this isn't a schizoid nothingburger designed to be propaganda at all!
You truly are a credit to the genius "Aryan" race.
No they didnt, that was communism. Now fuck off, take your hormones and dilate, but you will still never pass lmao
If you believe this you haven’t seen all of his movies. For example he played an amazing mental patient in 12 monkeys
>If you go to war and defend yourself that means you destroyed your country, goy!
Yes clearly they killed all of their top scientists, that is why operation paperclip never happened and we never landed on the moon haha
Lololol let's kill this honorable officer because he's on the other side, and what's more let's torture him first. Because we are the "good guys."
Still think the good guys won WW2?
>the Germans never orchestrated the murders of their own citizens
Hitler personally ordered the executions of hundreds of political rivals after he took power, are you fucking retarded?
Check all of them listed. Luxumbourg, Eisner, Levi, Toller, Muhsam, Landauer, Levine, and Radek are confirmed Jewish. You think gentiles have names like Levi? Seriously, it takes about 30 seconds to confirm this
I want 100 (You)'s from each one of you gentile keyboard warriors. We will not rest until we have baited all of Yea Forums
>killing traitors is bad
Lmao @ this cuck
>/pol/ votes for the most support of Isreal in history
>start a war
>takes over France
>tries to carpet bomb the British Isles
>kills millions of Jews
What a based movie
>Check all of them listed. Luxumbourg, Eisner, Levi, Toller, Muhsam, Landauer, Levine, and Radek are confirmed Jewish.
Except they aren't and you're getting mad that you never looked it up personally.
Europe is looking really good now
Suck my dick Moishe
>Luxemburg was freed from prison in Breslau on 8 November 1918. One day later, Karl Liebknecht, who had also been freed from prison, proclaimed the Free Socialist Republic (Freie Sozialistische Republik) in Berlin.[27] He and Luxemburg reorganised the Spartacus League and founded The Red Flag (Die Rote Fahne) newspaper, demanding amnesty for all political prisoners and the abolition of capital punishment in the essay Against Capital Punishment.[6] On 14 December 1918, they published the new programme of the Spartacus League.
>From 29 to 31 December 1918, they took part in a joint congress of the League, independent socialists and the International Communists of Germany (IKD) that led to the foundation on 1 January 1919 of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) under the leadership of Liebknecht and Luxemburg. Luxemburg supported the new KPD's participation in the Weimar National Assembly that founded the Weimar Republic, but she was out-voted and the KPD boycotted the elections.[28]
>Luxemburg was born on 5 March 1871 in Zamość.[4][5] The Luxemburg family were Polish Jews living in Russian-controlled Poland.
Feel free to remain ignorant, it only hurts yourself in the end
Don't you know the Jew will always claim a fact to just be a lie? Have you no recollection of their past tricks? There a reason the Nazis rounded them up, there's no such thing as a Jew admitting they are wrong.
Just take the 30 seconds, sweetie. It's really not difficult if you try!
>killing natural born German citizens who are upholding the law and mad that you strongarmed your way through an illegal election are now traitors because I'm cucked and Hitler said so
Imagine being okay with killing your own country.
>Except they aren't
Why are you lying?
Funny how that wasn't your original argument.
The Fighter
The Big Short
American Psycho
Am I supposed to know who this is? You deranged /pol/cels just assume everyone is in tune with your autistic lore.
Why are you falling for easy to dispute propaganda?
Half or maybe even a third of it, you mean. Not to mention it's not longer the most powerful continent.
>Vaksberg (1994) has a particularly interesting presentation. He notes, for example, that in a photomontage of the Bolshevik leaders taken in 1920, 22 of the 61 leaders were Jews, “and the picture did not include Kaganovich, Pyatniksky, Goloshchekin, and many others who were part of the ruling circle, and whose presence on that album page would have raised the percentage of Jews even higher” (p. 20). In addition to the very large overrepresentation of Jews at these levels, there were “a plethora of Jewish wives” among the non-Jewish leaders (p. 49), which must have heightened the Jewish atmosphere of the top levels of the government.
>During the 1930s the secret police, then known as the NKVD, “was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions” (p. 254), with 42 of its 111 top officials being Jewish. At this time 12 of the 20 NKVD directorates were headed by ethnic Jews, including those in charge of state security, police, labor camps, and resettlement (i.e., deportation). The Gulag was headed by ethnic Jews from its beginning in 1930 until the end of 1938, a period that encompasses the worst excesses of the Great Terror. They were, in Slezkine’s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners” (p. 103).
The majority of high ranking party members were in fact, not Jews. Are you going to peddle that conspiratard meme too that Lenin was secretly Jewish?
What are you even quoting?
Yeah its called compromise
Or choosing the lesser evil
What's the weather like in Tel Aviv?
Literally the l e a d e r s h i p
And of course foolish Germans ended up believing the jewish lies
Europe is unironically fine and the world didn't end.
>Germans are white
What did the schizo mean by this
oh *that's* what they were doing. They had a funny way of defending themselves though. Their strategy involved attacking the world.
Not sure about about the point of that picture either, Germany had a million troops more than the Soviets had in the front in 1941.
>your own men, women and children
Why is he jutting his chin out like that? He looks like Billy Bob’s character in Slingblade had a stroke.
Oh, why didn't you say you had a greentext? Well sht, looks like I'm defeated goy. OY VEYYY RUBBING MY HANDS IN ANGER.
>moving the goalpost
Your original claim was that only 4 of the German revolution leaders on that wiki list were jews. You even claimed that Rosa Luxemburg wasn't jewish ffs. So now in attempt to damage control you tried to debunk some vague connection about jews and bolshevism in general even though this wasn't the topic of the debate.
>Rosa Luxemburg
is literally half-Jewish though.
I just joined the conversation. Two almost back-to-back World Wars crippled Europe, how can you think otherwise?
Jewish historian Yuri Slezkine if that makes you feel any better
yea islamic terror attacks surely are comparable in scope to the genocide and destruction of WW2. You're saying that like the Nazis were absolutely innocent angels.
Why are you engaging them? They only act in bad faith. You could be more productive with your day then telling tin-foil /pol/tards that they’re retarded. Its not worth it.
Your "debate" is based on literal propaganda though. There was no majority of Jewish persons in the German Revolution. You're cherrypicking the handful of them that exist. Because you're a fucking schizoid.
>watches Tanya the Evil once
>Luxemburg was born on 5 March 1871 in Zamość.[4][5] The Luxemburg family were Polish Jews living in Russian-controlled Poland. She was the fifth and youngest child of timber trader Eliasz Luxemburg and Line Löwenstein. Luxemburg later stated that her father imparted an interest in liberal ideas in her while her mother was religious and well read with books kept at home.[6] The family spoke Polish and German, and Luxemburg also learned Russian.[6] The family moved to Warsaw in 1873.[7] After being bedridden with a hip ailment at the age of five, she was left with a permanent limp.[8]
What makes you think so?
> It is likely that Lenin was unaware of his mother's half-Jewish ancestry, which was only discovered by his sister Anna after his death.[7]
Take a hike, kike
Actually the American war propaganda often portrayed the German people as victims of Hitler and the nazi high officials. The Germans still got fucked because the soviets won the war. The enemy that was deshumanized were the japs. The American soldiers saw killing japs as hunting and they brought skulls as trophies. It'd make way more sense that Inglorious Bastards happen on the Pacific War for discussing the effects of propaganda and how Americans were encouraged to exterminate the japs as they did with the indians by the official propaganda
>be france and england
>attack Germany starting ww2
>70 years later some drooling retard thinks you didnu nuffins
So now we moved from "only 4" to "not a majority".
Jesus, I though you people will at least lie properly if nothing else
>attack Poland
>"don't do that, we will declare war"
>do it more
>"okay, we are going to war"
Yes, how could this have happened?
>What are you even quoting?
>literaly the first word
>be too stupid to compete with jewish intellect
>chimp the fuck out and try to exterminate them
>utterly fail and get btfo
>try it again 60 years later
90% of Poland wanted to be liberated by Hitler
Imagine falling for this easy to debunk meme picture. You realize that this graph literally invents people out of thin air, right?
Here is the real question- is the user a goy in denial FIGHIN DA FASH or is it a jew? Imagine being a goy given ample information on jewish subversion only to write it off because you're so brainwashed.
How do you argue away jewish control of hollywood? Politics?
>is the user a goy in denial FIGHIN DA FASH or is it a jew
Is there even a practical difference in it?
>I'm obsessed with Jews
These threads never fail to attract the masses
As if there wasn't enough evidence already.
>In the 1988 book The Media Elite: America’s New Powerbrokers, Litcher, Rothman, and Litcher report on a representative survey of 238 journalists from America’s top new organizations which found that 59% of respondents were Jewish.
>A 1990 list of the top 10 US entertainment companies published in American Film found that Jews accounted of 8 of their ten CEOs (Lynn, 2011). The companies were Time Warner, Paramount, CBS, Fox, Columbia Pictures, Viacom, ABC, and MCA Inc.
inb4: Who are you citing?
I just don't get how you can be white and celebrate the defeat of the nazis now that you can just looking back and easily see their defeat enabled jews and marxists to implement feminism and mass non-white immigration, among other disgusting trends that are destroying our civilization. For all the excesses and mistakes one could blame on the nazis, it should now be clear they were the good guys.
If most of the Polish people didn't want to be under Russian or Jewish rule, then how is it not a liberation?
>be poland
>steal german land
>wtf give it back poland
>now dont you dare hit my wifes son old chap!
>You realize that this graph literally invents people out of thin air, right?
Wow jews have never done that before, right?
>Jews aren't successful due to their own merit
Well shit, then Catholics are the Legion of Doom since entire governments are run by them.
People fighting against nazis wanted white only countries as well. It's only historically illiterate shitlibs who think only nazis would want such thing.
They used a kangaroo court to invent the notion of "war crimes" so that they could unethically execute leaders. They did this because after WWII when they punished the entire nation, the nation fought back.
I'm aware, but seeing how things turned out, it should now be clear they were at least terribly misguided, if not consciously treasonous to their own people.
If cathoclics made up 2% of population you would have a point
True, but after WW2 there was mounting pressure from the “raysism bad” cadres, and everyone was distracted by “muh communism”, which was literally the biggest meme in modern history. Any ideology or belief that explicitly condoned racial hierarchy or purity was swiftly discredited as being literally hitler. American segregationists became portrayed as backward old fuddy-duddies at best, and recent research has shown that a majority of students at segregated college approved of integration. The writing was on the wall.
Have you ever heard of the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact?
Catholics would be an outlier if EVERY member of government was Catholic, which is the case in the US and most Western countries and there are millions of Catholics just like there are millions of Jews. So your argument has always been an aspie one.
yea, specifically Hollywood has a lot of Jews in important positions. There's a big leap from that to all kinds of conspiracy theories. It's not surprising that a smaller group would show preference to each other more than to outsiders, it's a simple way to reduce competition and advance your own position in life. There's nothing particularly insidious about that, it naturally happens in all groups even without some overarching sentient conspiracy.
I'm not a Jew and have probably never even talked to a Jew, since I'm Finnish.
Putting "muh" in front of it won't make it go away
> there are millions of Catholics just like there are millions of Jews
This statement means noting. There are mulpile times more catholics than there are jews which was my point all along.
But exclusively, all high positions in the US government, are run by Catholics. Almost all of them. So are Catholics in a similar cabal? Or does it not count because that isn't your boogeyman?
I just want you to admit your logic is flawed.
Why are you still on the wrong side of history?
>There are mulpile times more catholics than there are jews
How does it need to be explained to you that this isn't a real argument? Also, your grammar fucking sucks.
Give him a break it's first shift on the JIDF
Why are you still glorifying whites killing their white brothers?
>Sure jews control the US media and therefore the public opinion but jews controlling communism? Thats just a crazy conspiracy.
>How does it need to be explained to you that this isn't a real argument?
Try one more time, maybe I will understand then
>200 kikes
>dindu wif glasses in the back
Nazis, christcucks, pedos, and furries should be the target of the next holocaust. Throw in all niggers and white trash too for good measure
>"Have you seen the Muslims with their turbans and their djellabas (traditional, hooded, long wool coats)? You can see that they are not French. Try and integrate oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. After a moment they separate again. The Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think that the French can absorb ten million Muslims who will tomorrow be twenty million and after tomorrow forty? If we carry out integration, if all the Berbers and Arabs of Algeria were regarded as French, how would one stop them coming to settle on the mainland where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-les-deux-Eglises [the two churches] but Colombey-the-two-mosques."
-Charles de Gaulle
>"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France"
-Adolf Hitler
>I'm Finnish
You should know better then
he based
Well mexicans did get gassed by typhus
I did and I dont
get fucked butthurt armchair psychologist
Its crazy they knew this would happen.
I'm done either way, the human race is fucking terrible
Any pact that was based on the Treaty of Versailles was fair game.
well, I didn't comment on the communism thing. I'm not that guy. As far as I know, there were some/many Jews in the Bolshevik party.
ok, this says five percent of total party membership and makes no specific mention of the leadership: en.wikipedia.org
I can't help but be doubtful about the many conspiracy theories of anti-semites since so much of it is just clear hyperbole.
what's your point in posting that picture? Mannerheim despised Hitler, whom he saw as an uppity Corporal. Finnish Jews fought alongside Germans against the Soviets (and declined the Iron Crosses offered). Finland wasn't ideologically aligned with the Nazis.
oh actually it mentioned 6% of the leadership were ethnic Jews 1922.
>There's a big leap from that to all kinds of conspiracy theories
>probably never even talked to a Jew, since I'm Finnish
sheltered white liberals go away
best goy
thank u for ur efforts
can we talk about how shit this film was instead of this thread being a pol circlejerk?
it didn't even happen lmao why are you angry about one kike's AU revenge story?
I've been replied to with this empty comment that I always see.
ei vittu aina saa hävetä, mene helvettiin lammas
why was it shit?
and dont include any political reason whatsoever otherwise youre /pol/
jews are evil
Who are you quoting?
>and makes no specific mention of the leadership:
see this
>Mannerheim despised Hitler, whom he saw as an uppity Corporal. Finnish Jews fought alongside Germans against the Soviets (and declined the Iron Crosses offered)
Source it Moishe Mäkinen.
>God I hate the only country who helped us fight against the Soviets, lemme tell you about the brave jewish Finns!
>empty comment
im literally congratulating you
dont make me take it back...refusing compliments doesnt bode well with the tribe
Why are modern conservatives so easily baited? Why are they so sensitive?
>Any pact that was based on the Treaty of Versailles was fair game
Not even gonna start a discussion on this one, but the very existence of a German-Russian pact shows that the former did not intend to liberate anyone from the latter.
theyre snowflakes
wtf I hate kikes now!
Imagine ww2 ally soldiers being alive today, see what they fought for, they would swap sides 24/7
Because 9 year old kids are being forced to listen to drag queens lecture them on how to use condoms in public libraries. It's not a joke anymore.
has terrible pacing. it's very tonally inconsistent - different chapters feel shoved together. there is a big emphasis on *epic* set pieces that purely exist to look *epic* and have no real baring on the plot or developing the characters. brad pitt's performance is pretty shit in the first half until he's okay in the second half. also the movie feels very smug about itself - like constantly reminding the viewer 'aren't you watching something very epic?!'. QT's most overrated film
>German-Russian pact shows that the former did not intend to liberate anyone from the latter.
That pact was a dog and pony show for Jewish bankers. Neither side kept to it as the Soviet Union was still funding commie radicals in Germany all throughout the 1930's.
It would have been Kino if he said "6 million Nazi scalps", one for each Jew killed in the camps.
So much for the tolerant left
I never understood why they insist on calling them nazis, when they were actually just germans.
Hell, even a good chunk of the Werhmacht were conscripted Poles and Czechs. They're the ones who get used as cannon fodder.
its almost flattering that Yea Forums is still relevant enough that IJDFags are still around to brain wash us
That would've been anachronistic since muh 6 million meme wasn't invented until 1951.
holy fuck SEETHING
cry harder kike
>D'you get that for killin jews?
ugh why are there so many incels here
based psychotic strawman posters
Bad performances from brad and Eli Roth (terrible, actually), and just a bit too self-aware and ironic to get invested in the story, which was pretty slow.
>an atheist jew isn't a jew
how do people this stupid exist? jews are a PEOPLE. not a religion, dumbfuck
what brilliant minds? all the best minds were ethnic germans. einstein is a fraud who fucked his cousin and abandoned his incest daughter to die.
have kids
Guess according to Chaim Israel is a theocracy lol
>brain damage makes you a leftist
yeah and 6 million kikes died in the holobunga
the numbers are as convenient as the kikes want them to be
not true, there are newspaper articles about the 6 million long before the event supposedly took place.
>Jewish Torture Porn: The Movie
>*body starts to shake"
>*face turns red*
>*veins are now visible on neck*
>*foam comes out of mouth*
>*start to rip hair off my head*
>*run around screaming at the top of my lungs"
>implying the "nazi" side of the spectrum isn't full of people like that
One could take a look at some of Hitler's speeches, for instance. He was a prominent Nazi.
They just show you those edited and cut 2 minutes where Hitler is yelling after 30 minutes of speech where he's all calm and collected.
i found it funny when chronically insane superhero deadpool agreed with all the SJWs policies.
idk how they did not see the irony in that
*procees to invade or bomb half the nations he listed for humorous effect*
heh, just defending my country, Roosevelt.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>That pact was a dog and pony show for Jewish bankers. Neither side kept to it as the Soviet Union was still funding commie radicals in Germany all throughout the 1930's.
Should I even point out you didn't back up claim about Poles wanting to be liberated by Germans? What you wrote is completely irrelevant, particularly the part about financing revolutionaries (they were controlled from Moscow), as the treaty was signed days before WW2
It wasn't a meme in America until it was added to the public school curriculum in the early 50's.
>Lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills makes you a conservative
as long as you know that it was foreshadowed by fake news jews. they made up random numbers and stories like how x amount of jews would die unless action z was taken. this was years before things actually kicked off. they're obsessed with numbers for some reason
>Should I even point out you didn't back up claim about Poles wanting to be liberated by Germans?
Fuck off, kike
>The Free City included the city of Danzig and other nearby towns, villages, and settlements that were primarily inhabited by Germans
Come again?
One of the many cities that belonged to Germany but were allocated to Moscow's Polish puppet state. Notice how Hitler was welcomed with open arms by these people.
No let me guess what your opinion on America's invasion and occupation of Iraq is.
So how does this prove Poles wanted to be liberated by Germans?
>committing vicious pitiless violence against a tyrannical and genocidal empire who intends to invade your homeland is a war crime
War crimes are crimes against humanity. Germans and Nazis - and especially Nazi Germans - aren't human to begin with so nothing you can do to them are crimes.
Fuck Nazis.
>only jews can be REAL engineers, scientists, or medical professionals
And the British and French were willing to cause another World War and lose their colonial empires to prevent those German lands from being annexed by the 3rd Reich
Oh yes, what a great proponent for keeping white countries - white.
yea what happened with the Nazi nuclear program? Guess the real ethnic German scientists weren't that great after all.
I though that he considered Anglo protestants to be the best.
they realized the american program, dumbass. it wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them
Oppenheimer was a Jew, retard. The Germans botched their own nuclear projects after drafting, driving out or purging large parts of their academia.
oppenheimer didn't do shit. hes a fraud just like einstein, retard.
Unironically based user
nice. How was Einstein a fraud? Or Oppenheimer? You'd think someone would've noticed the head of the laboratory which is designing the bombs doesn't know shit.
>conservacucks and 5oylets mad
The Germans never had a nuclear program to speak of because they didn't think it was a worthwhile pursuit and thus didn't aggressively pursue it. The science behind the bombs was pretty trivial relative to the massive engineering and infrastructure requires needed to actually produce a bomb.
look it up. you made the original claim about oppenheimer. the einstein shit is easy to find out so im not spoonfeeding you. but here's a video of oppenheimer pretending to be human (sad + crying)
I made the original claim about Oppenheimer? Yes, I was indeed the one in this discussion who NAMED the principal famous scientist of the Manhattan project, but I don't have to follow that up with proof of all his achievements, since it's all common public information. You're the one with the hare-brained weirdo theory that these people are frauds, and should follow that up with something.
If I name George Washington or Donald Trump in a discussion, I don't have to prove that they are indeed Presidents of the United States. It's up to you prove that they're really not.
To your video there is no possible comment.
You’re severely retarded and illiterate, it’s not even a protected fact on Wikipedia what the jewish bolsheviks were responsible for
watch the episode of king of the hill with him on it where he plays boomhauer’s cousin
mutts are atrociously bad w/ accents.
S. Weaver is brilliant, but her british accent was cringe-worthy (same goes for costner, minus the ''brilliant''
Violence in movies is good as long as it is not against conservatives :)
All the presidential candidates since Truman have been pro-Israel. Zion Don really doesn’t stand out from the trend of the US feeding Israel with billions of dollars annually.
>Didn't actually scalp anyone
Why would he? It was his his men that owed him scalps.
>No one got scalped for that matter
Bravery man and all of the dead from his unit were scalped on screen.
thats basicly the point of this movie yes
Name one ethinc jew that was decorated as a war hero in WW1
members don't matter, leaders do
If you made most 80s movies today you'd have 10x as many people whining about how politically incorrect they are and accusing the creators of being nazis on social media.
History is written by the victor. Doesn't matter what or who you think was right it only matters who's left
It really does surprise me how everyone can agree that history is written by the winners in every single scenario except WW2 where everything is 100% factually accurate and black or white
feels good to be full ledge supported of national socialism.
>Just know that people like you get beat the fuck up when you voice your opinions in public because you're cowards
That doesn't make sense on multiple levels
this is some next level history cope. I cannot believe that some people are this delusional.
So which side won this thread?
kek, it doesn't have to make any sense, just look who falls for it
well Jews got 18,000 Iron Crosses so I'm sure there's a couple of people that you would qualify as war heroes in there if they weren't Jewish.
because history isn't written by the winners. It's a stupid saying that isn't true.
Pretty sure all our grandparents would've joined the Krauts in hindsights
>what is a revenge movie
Scalps you say?
Or both are equally crazy conspiracy theories and the only reason you think otherwise, is because the former is normalized as an opinion HERE despite how little evidence you have.
>this gives me an excuse to kill German Jews
but Nazis literally did what I greentexted..?