HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HOH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HOH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for DAMN
Please vote for your power rankings of the HGs for week 1. You have to click their name and then use the arrows to move them into position. This site keeps changing shit all the time making it worse it's probably my last time using it
Would he have won BB20?
i miss the pin wall
What advise would you give someone going on bb other than "wash your hands after pooping" and don't be brown?
spend the first couple of weeks making friends with EVERYBODY, making sure whoever the target is isn't you, but trying not to directly target others as word can get back to you
to speak better english than you
break your ankle in week 1 because then everyone will forget about you and youll make it to f3 without breaking a sweat
theyll even let you vote from the hospital
Should BB bring back non-power competitions? Like luxury comps, food comps, Have/Have-not, etc. ?
have nots with the special food the have nots get for the week. but now that it takes them 10 minutes to recap the last episode and 30 minutes to do a comp with only a few minutes to show actual content it'll never happen
Do a day 1 comp that combines physical, mental, endurance. Have it drag on and on. Expose the try-hard gamers and real comp threats. Then the power is absolutely nothing.
Follow up the next day with a crapshoot first HOH.
That would be hilarious
Happy Monday, /bb/! Here's to a great day in the house for everyone but Kemi and Jack!
so the outcast girls have an alliance that won't matter because the 8 is still after them?
yeah but the 8s days are numbered
that moving each name 1 row at a time sucks bro probably the last time i contribute till something changes. why cant i drag them anymore?
One of the girls in the is a double agent that will vote then out next week, so they've got that going for them
well if you read the post you replied to you wouldn't have needed to type this post
i was just agreeing that it bites. you wont use something else next time who are you trying to mist lol
I likely won't use something else this year but I will look for something else next year
The game moves fast, good to have different alliances. Level 6 was an anomaly in how tightly they stayed together
best possible scenario for feeds next week? i'm thinking nick/bella or jack/christie nominations.
jess wins hoh and has huge hohitis
2 of the 8's go up but they mist whoever is HoH into back dooring someone not in the 8
Kat wins HOH
86 days to go
ovi getting evicted over kemi still makes me laugh
flood in the hoh bathroom
She would just put up Nick and Bella. Boring
R8 n H8.
Brent losing his shit this morning to Taran’s bimbo face was pretty funny
I still wish someone had used the pin wall to stir shit up in the house.
>___ flipped the vote
>___ has the power
>___ is the hacker
>same exact top three as me
>had nick last but you had him second last
i love it
jackfags too high
If Christie gets betrayed by anyone we will have a week-long total meltdown.
>Kemi: "you know how they say in the movie follow the rich white man and you'll find the trouble, well in BB, follow the white man bun and you'll see where the trouble is."
seems pretty obvious in retrospect
So do we have any idea what happening with David?
man's the 0.1% of good looking mutts
I hate Nick, he makes the feeds unbearable when he is talking, the only reason he isn't at the bottom is because of how annoying Kemi is going to become after being saved and put in a power position.
Aquaman is sinking by the day. I have him that high because he has some potential for Paulie tier feeds once he figures out everyone is turning on him.
Have/Have Not comps. They show peoples real potential and who is throwing HOH and veto
i mean both jacks... jackson is a uber-tool
kemi is a mean racist nigger
>follow the white man bun and you'll see where the trouble is
Does anyone that blacks don't like suddenly become white? Jack is clearly a fucking mutt, I think he even referred to this multiple times on feeds about how mixed he is.
they way they fastidiously put the hoh bed back together every morning makes me thing christie had some kid of blowup about it before the feeds came on
a lot of blacks genuinely view anyone lighter than them as white, typically the one's with a massive victim complex
How is Jackson an uber tool? Almost everyone else in the house talks more shit, is more annoying, and does less to keep the environment peaceful. His talks with Kat are getting kind of old, but thats about it.
Love how Ovi's presence or absence instantly changes the energy of the room hahaha
Are they talking more shit about Nick in HOH?
Only negative about Jackson to me is he gets too angry with Kat while trying to cheer her up, he's kind of like abusive in that way "You make me act like this" etc, but he's really cool otherwise
you dont have to talk shit about people to be a tool. his demeanor is off putting. he tries to control the room whenever a discussion breaks out and has an over inflated sense of self worth. he acts like he is watching out for everyone else with his advice but its all self serving
first class douche-bag characteristics
I'm kind of impressed by how much the HGs this year are keeping the house in order. It's only week 1, but usually it's a hellscape in the kitchen and bathroom with this many players.
spot on. i think he's in a good place in the game though.
I thought it was Sam Hyde in a nigger costume
Currently being molested by his CBS handler. Soon the Stockholm Syndrome will kick in. He will take a fall in his imminent boxing match with Ovi to be with his new true love. They run off to Canada, driving the only road all the way from Vancouver to Halifax. There they will realize they were only ever in love with idea of each other and split up right there on the docks. David then jumps into the sea, never to be heard from again. Soon, we will look back at the annals of BB21, but all traces of him will have been expunged and we will collectively wonder if he really ever existed at all. Go in peace, brother David...
I agree with most of that, but he is also the most laid back version of that Archetype that we have seen on the show. He could actually do well and be the first dictator to win the show. Based off his "pep-talks" with Kat I wouldn't want to know him IRL, but still has potential for great feeds, he remains my number 1 pick.
>Some of his more pointed remarks? When talking about houseguest Jessica Milagros, he said, "I flirt with her just to make her feel good about herself."
>198 have signed
oh no no no no
what will cbs do
wtf i love aquaman now
>a petition
lol week 1 is not even done
i know right, compared the shit jason roy said on OTT, he's a saint
>"Jack Matthews has said numerous racist things and has been very aggressive towards the only black woman in the Big Brother house, including saying he wants to 'stomp a mud hole' through her chest. He needs to be expelled for Kemi’s safety and to show that it’s not okay to be racist in 2019, especially on tv," the petition says.
It has to be the same 200 people who sign the same petition to get rid of the same kind of houseguest evey year, right
he was quoting a woman from last season
did he say anything even remotely racist? i get he's a douche, but the only slip up i've seen was that midget comment and he knew he shouldn't have said that.
>It has to be the same 200 "journalists" who sign the same petition to write the same story evey year, right
ofc not. if and when he says the same thing about a white man, nobody will care
>did he say anything even remotely racist?
are you kidding me? kemi is black. you can't insult a black person without being racist.
i like how they write articles about subhumans
i know which is what makes it funny. they even mention it in the article but say jack was trying to water it down by stating he was making a joke related to sam's comment
Nope. But nowadays any negative comment towards a person with a skin tone darker than italian is "racism". You aren't allowed to dislike non-whites.
She was probably trying to show genuine concern but leave it to Twitter nogs with low self-esteem to read malicious intent into everything
Based Kass defending her male concubines that she casts on the show.
>Kat- The thing about Jess and a lot of these girls is they are so in on this all girls alliance thing. I think that's a horrible idea. Holly- I do too. Kat- I'll go along with it but I just dont care about gender. I do but a Final 5 of girls does not sound good to me
/our girl/ too bad she's terrible at this
>tfw no tangela on last nights ep
>I'm not gonna watch!
>Then don't.
jessica is pretty much the only one who believes the alliance
analyse is good at making others feel good about themselves she is really working hammi over right now
I mean thats the one girl it would be easy for another girl to win over, but I hear you
nick told sam he is throwing the hoh.
8's were talking throwing it to nick or kat last night. they are going to end up throwing this to the wrong hg
hopefully so i want to see some drama
she does it to the guys too. i dont think its a game strategy but it goes a long way when you have a bunch of narcissistic egos who only want to talk about themselves
hopefully the n-bomb wins and gets out jack yass queen
guys if cbs does not kick out jack it literally means we are living in trumps america
they won't throw shit. it's going to be a crapshoot hoh with a completely random winner, like always in the beginning of bb
this why do they never realize this the 1st week?
they're retarded instagram whores?
he'd make it as far as he did on 10
swaggy gonna cook these fools
when is this n-bomb gonna use his power?
on week 5
never if he gets evicted on wed
wtf i didn't know aquaman was this fucking based!
>cliff mentioning the six shooter
>devin mentioned
>bombsquad mentioned
this is already a great season
user i.....
devin gets mentioned every season. he's a f-bomb legend
it's good but i'm still waiting for the baneposting season
There was Devinposting on RHAP last night
When he wins the battleback
did they turn off feeds because bimbo almost showed nipples?
>overhear something about a 8 person alliance
>first person you inform is a stacy
this will never not be funny to me
he was casted as the smart person lmao
have sex
naaa the literal 9/10 that all the chads love surely isn't in the massive alliance, that never happens
war stories with cliff
>the literal 9/10
it's fun listening to him tell these stories. i wish i had cool stories
go outside you loser
with what?
Why didn't Analysefag post any caps of Jack rubbing on his waifus ass last night? Makes you think...
we're not cucks, unlike bella posters.
please stop being so annoying
"Analyse isn't smart!!1" yet she's wrapping every dude around her little finger with ease
post a timestamp and I'll cap it for you
you think she's doing that with her brain?
that isn't intelligence, that's stacy privilege lol
what's that gotta do with smarts lol wtf
don't back down coward
6 (You)s and counting
i have (You)s to spare buddy i can do this all day
Why is no one pissed at Christies refusal to backdoor Kemi after promising to do so for a week? Jack and Jackson should be livid, yet no reaction from anyone. Kemi was a dead man walking and now its almost she was never a target. Not even a single person noting how erratic she is for a week 1 hoh and how shes not to be trusted. Its dumbfounding.
ignore the waifufaggotry this is sad
tommy noticed. everyone else is dumb or doesn't know
because christie cried for 2 straight days so people just let her do what she wanted
because she was being really emotional about it and thinking they were forcing her. they said they'll just wait until next hoh
The guys were talking about how it shocked them how she spiraled when she was so cool to start with. I think they don't want to get overly pissed at Christie yet, their sites are still just on Kemi.
i want to see this too
christie better be on the block next. her meltdown will be glorious
shes going to the finals
>i love memes
I want kat to be the pawn of the season desu
is he /ourguy/
so was the rachel stuff proven to be true?
anyone wanna share a plan with monte
wait lol who was Jack calling a bitch for some nature valley shit?
have they let them have makeup mirrors before? I don't remember them
is he insane, why would he react like that
wat stuff
not yet
This season wouldve been infinitely improved with the presence of Aura
that she got a dui
i think it was supposed to be a joke but they are all over exaggerating it
she didn't post to twitter all day yesterday so id assume yes
where did you even hear that
>Anal: I hate when all people want to do is fucking talk about game. I just want to sit and not think about anything.
you literally have a clone of her, just bisexual and she won't cheat on her bf
why did they all just jump out super quick and run out of the room
i want her to lick my taint
ovi dropped a stink bomb
cliff watches maddie
why was rachel so bangable
kat thinks she's the new swaggy
cause she looked like a slut
they think they get $350k after taxes lol
she has the same skin color
kemi thinks america might hate her
black girls on her period
who are they talking about in the 1/2?
kumi like always?
bimbo said that
well she did get ovi evicted
here and evel dick
they both kind of did
jack nick and sam really just like to gossip
nick talking about taking out kemi so nick/anal and christie can beat jessica for the power on week 3
someone posted a screenshot from twitter. i legit dont know if it's true or false.
who cares. my boy david is coming back after the live show and he's gonna COOK those maggots
lol ovi pulled the race card to save himself
so did the grod, and nobody's complaining
I still don't like any of them
kat, jessica and kemi are the nominees for next week
no jack and his son are
God analyse is such a fucking bore
Cast stacys like Britney, Regina George types
she has a point. openly gaming 24/7 isnt good for anyones game. you have to internalize that shit sometimes. the noms are set and the veto has been played.
gaming should occur most after a new hoh and the veto. you can speculate and manifest all you want but its anyones game till the next hoh is crowned
Only Kemi is targeting the jacks. Everyone else fears their wrath.
i wonder if they will ever get a new pool design
name one memorable story britney told
hundo p
have to switch off nick cams he's so annoying
he really is. bella must be thirsty as fuck
BB for the mentally ill/slow
do they have competitions on this show?
analyse looking ethnic
Final 3 on cam 1/2
hi can you take analyse from us please
christie always uses words wrong. she just used projects wrong
>taking the only eye candy we have
baka gaijin
do they have big personalities like Jessica Milagros?
imagine being so lonely you will do this for the (You)'s
sounds awesome see you there
>big personalities
jack has a bandaid on one of his tattoos on his shoulder is it to block copyright stuff
its a chicago bulls logo. he was fucking 1-3 years old when they had their first 3-peat
God she was so attractive.
he's from chicago though
>post yfw ovi gets back in the house over AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and keeps his power
look at hogg right now he looks like john goodman
i wish he would do an impression
production told jack to watch what he says
ugh, fuck grodner intervening on twitters behalf. this is meant to be unfiltered and real. its ruining every bit of integrity it ever had
this is why you always get rid of the blacks first
Yeah until she opened her mouth. Her and cuntmas were fucking awful.
so i guess no whacktivity comp today then
what made you think there would be
sam and nick said it would be on monday
based you're even dumber than sam and nick
nah, after hoh and before noms, I think
i dunno. seems they need to run it before the next hoh but they re-used the camp-bb set for the first one.
unless they have another camp bb thing before next hoh i guess it would make sense to use the hoh set.
you are really smart though, i cant tell
Yea agreed
>seems they need to run it before the next hoh
based retard
you dont even know what the next powers are.. one could be that you can install yourself as hoh which would mean only one thing you really smart individual
>hurr its going to be replace the noms again
Looks like some dirt was scooped up on ol' Jackyboy!
Or should I call him by his real name, John?
jack is a nickname for john
this dude is getting more based everyday
whactivity is powers
thats every week
after hoh before noms
Chaos Week 2: Holly Tommy Jackson Sam Jack Panic Week 3: Analyse Nick Kemi Jessica Christie
I understand that, it was for dramatic effect.
why is he so fucking based?
so are you going to say what he did or just be an f-bomb
Kat and Holly have such busted faces jesus
kat is bad but holly is unconscionably bogg'd
raw jeremy mcguire energy
wtf this dude is awesome!!
he kinda looks like john tavares in this one
You can look it up man. I'd post it but then some asshole would complain about Twitter.
He raped a village though. No, obviously it's just some alcohol bullshit, what else?
post it!
i know what it is. they had a full week of nothing to do so they could run it after hoh or pretty much anytime they wanted. thinking its going to be the same is pure speculation at this point. with that said it would make sense to run it after hoh again this week because they moved the live eviction up a day to wed for the holiday. stop acting like you guys are graduates of the game
>Mon 1:33 PM PT Kat to Holly and Sys....I can't wait to get off this block b/c I love talking smack....Kat says she has this game on lock and can actually figure stuff out once she gets off block.
based bread for this
I really hope kat wins an HoH
here itis will be legendary
they're on lockdown and nicole asked if they were bringing david back
guessing they are fixing the leaking shower in the hoh
>white people
>not giving their children stupid middle names
probably but it was funny she even mentioned it
what the fuck is the gook talking about
>driving when he was over double the allowed BAC
based retard
the asian is losing her mind
have they hit them with a no napping yet this year
>we're meditating
>so you're jackhammering cement
It is just me or do baseball pitchers die way more than any other position in any sport?
Maybe like hockey enforcers after they retire, but in the middle of their careers pitchers just die
>but in the middle of their careers pitchers just die
that doesnt happen to often. recently the dominicans keep dying because they drive vehicles like absolute retards tho
he's trying
to talk about
some angels pitcher
that just
jackson loves talking about the food
pitchers make up like 50% of the mlb
>died in texas
did he get into that ron washington cocaine?
crazy heart things, suicide, plane crashes, car crashes, boat crashes
whens the last time a NHL, NBA, NFL star died tragically? Sean Taylor died over a decade ago
this dude wasn't a star. an nfl player died last year stop being a retard
fuck i'm in love with nicole
the way he chewed sunflower seeds killed me everytime lol
i hate that lesbo so much....
If you were immortal, would it warp your perception of time? Like how quickly it passes.
Sports are dumb
romeo crennel was such a bad coach for the chiefs that jovan belcher murdered his gf then drove to the practice facility so he could suicide himself in the parking lot in front of crennel. that was 7 years ago
jack talking about the free concert pitbull did in orlando recently that i chose to ignore
can't believe they left the kayaks in there
the pool is too small for them
7 of the last 14 mlb players to die during their career died due to vehicle crashes
these last few years the backyard just means it's time for them to talk about social media and I hate it
>jack and kemi bonding over some ig comedian
new power couple gonna cook these fools
yeah they should talk about sports
drunk driving is John's favorite sport.
same. would wife.
it would because the reason time moves faster in your mind when you get older is because you base it off of new experiences
so when you're young, everything is new so time feels like it's longer/slow and when you're older there aren't as many new experiences all the time so feels like time speeds by
if you lived forever, you'd get to a point where you would blink and decades have passed
which one of the hgs is the best at hogging tho?
He looks better without the cringe long hair.
>it's another stupid person with shitty parents complains that they weren't taught how to be an adult in school
they finally fixed the broken tub
that would suck t.b.h
Not everyone has the luxury of good parents. It becomes a cycle. Bad parents have bad kids, who then become bad parents.
It's been a pet peeve of mine that schools need to teach basic financial understanding.
jose fernandez, 2016
based no reading comprehension retard
you sound like those idiots who complain that they werent taught how to do their taxes in high school as if they wouldve listened to anything taught in that class if it was taught
my school taught it, it was a math credit for the stupid people that couldn't take calculus, figured they'd teach them how to handle their mcdonald's checks
ahh yes perennial all star left tackle jose fernandez
>im really passionate about cleaning up the ocenas
>i want to go whale watching sometime
said without an ounce of irony
she specifically said she wanted to do it in greenland too. black bitch couldn't handle that cold
No it's called empathy faggot. I wasn't taught taxes and went to a private school. Difference is my parents are smart financially.
I had a coworker who signed up for a 30% apr loan on a fucking used Dodge. His parents also sounded like trailer trash retards. His father didn't pay income tax for like 10 years and was in deep shit. He didn't even know what interest was.
and he smoked weed before going to class and wouldn't have learned any of that shit if they tried to teach him in high school
dude sounds like the type to learn alot in a personal finance class
i wonder how much a whale watching boat pollutes the water
you're not very smart
i just educated myself
does that mole just grows bigger with each year
nice you're up to date on 1995
Just because 100% of the students wont learn something doesn't mean you still shouldn't teach it. Let's just abolish schools yo XD
New thread Ian. Make it Nicole themed plz
quarky and bella gona try to figure out why girl alliances dont work
the kids that learn something generally wouldnt have the problem in the first place. i was glad that i took a personal finance course in high school but its always the retards who wouldnt have learned anything anyways that complain that their school didnt teach them something
like everyone called, he hasn't been a big guy for long
help me learn more or dont idgaf
the people that don't know how to do it as an adult are the people that wouldn't have listened in school
im sure they will figure it out
Why are you on Yea Forums then?