Love Death Robots

Just finished watching it. What was the best episode?

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the one where Hitler gets killed over and over again. I laughed so hard.

Fuck netflix and fuck shills

The best episode with the best girl

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zima blue

Overrated as fuck

I was kidding about the Hitler one, this was the best episode

i wanna fuck a spider now

>ywn fuck a hot spider in a simulation
why even live bros

None. But visuals are kinda nice

Zima blue and this were the best episodes. Helps they were based off short stories and not the god awful writing the rest of them had

Do you think we could get Diamond Dogs or Galactic North in the next season?

For me, it's Fox Waifu.

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This and the one were the soviets are actually shown to fuck the world for once.
The beast fight would've been good too if it didn't have those dyke undertones.

Soviets vs Demons one

While this is the correct answer the short story it's based on is better, this adaption focused far too much on cgi titties.
You can find the audio book on YT, it's only about an hour and a half long

The Witness
Zima Blue
Beyond Aquila Rift

Lucky 13
Aquila rift
The soviet one

All of them other than Witness and Blindspot were based on short stories.

Zima Blue
The Witness
Fish Night
Lucky 13
Aquila Rift
those are the ones I liked the most

Why is everyone in this thread not being honest about the best episode?

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Fuck furfags.

Because the ending to that one sucked.
>hurr we're just gonna let you desert because you're sad about your friend
>hurr I'm gonna bury my best friend who was a proud American in some bumfuck nowhere location in the middle east instead of bringing his body home so he can be buried and honored in by his family

>Lucky 13

The fuck is that song that plays in that episode? They use it for a montage or two, I think during their sex scene.

The armless astronaut was the best.

But overall, I'm disappointed how much they used gore and sex as a crutch. The armless astronaut is the only story where the gore was critical to the plot.

what the fuck went wrong with the hitler episode?

wasted the potential on repeating the same joke

I only watched three eps: Yogurt, Zima Blue, and Three Robots.

Of the three, I don't think any impacted me harder than Zima Blue. Every frame looked like a fucking pop-art painting, and the story about discovering who you are through art is legitimately captivating.

Three Robots was kekworthy though, and Yogurt was...okay I guess

I liked the robot one except for the HAHA LE RANDOM cat ending
Sonnies Edge and Demon fight were good,
im too lazy to write the rest

hitler timestravel was awful


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The starcraft one with all the zerglings.

>four fours

also, i think the voice actors are the same from star craft, no? at least, i know that the farmer guy was voiced by tychus

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Need a light?

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>stuttery fps

what were they thinking?

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Why do people think that the spider at the end of Aquila Rift wanted to simply eat the people. It makes no fucking sense. It's the stupidest thing a human could think. She genuinely wanted to help Thom.

Secret War was easily the best one. The desperation, horror, valor, and grimness of the story made it stand above the others imo.

Watch the rest instead of shitposting dude

i dislike mad max 1 but mad max 2 is one of the best films ive ever seen, mad max 3 is strange again

hold on, wrong thread

The Secret War was so fucking insanely based. It was the one episode that I immediately restarted after finishing it. Should've been a whole movie.

The last few minutes were really awesome. It's the only one I wish it could become a full movie as well.


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Khanivore was best girl and if you disagree you are wrong.

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based. also, that story escalated quickly, and I would like to see a steampunk spiritual asian waifu movie

>actually draws anthro fox pussy
based japs. Shame the episdoe was about evil white men.

>evil white men
Uhh that's redundant sweetie

That episode was so gay. And it was so obvious it was made by gay furries

umm it's sweaty okay??


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Why does everyone think he fucked the spider, when she wakes him up he is coming out the bed for the first time. She was just running his comatose mind.

I agree, it was the only one where i wasn't rolling my eyes constantly. Sure the story was weak, but at least they knew it and didn't pretend it wasn't like the rest of them.

They were chinks right? It was all about the subjugation of the chinks by the british i think, i can't imagine Japs being so caught up with the chinks misery in history that they would make it...

first episode is great but honestly the over the top male caricatures makes it kind of cringe. The twist at the end is 11/10 but it's amusing that the first thing that the rape survivor does when confronted with a woman alone is to treat her like fuckmeat

>anti anglo gang

>It was all about the subjugation of the chinks by the british
Yes, but the other user really, really wants to get into an argument about wypipo on Yea Forums, so please continue to reply to his posts.

How many episodes are there and how many should I expect to be wastes of time?

I haven't watched all of them yet but so far the ones I liked best were (in no real order)
Sonnie's Edge
The Witness
Good Hunting
The Secret War
I'm a sucker for Slavkino too

>in the end, he was better off as pool equipment

both by the same writer even

It was really bad, definitely a contender for worse episode beside the Dracula episode

>The armless astronaut was the best.
Seemed like a Gravity rip off to me

>Why does everyone think he fucked the spider,
But no one does

What’s with all the obsession for Zime Blue? It was okay but not top tier. Good hunting was easily the best

Kharnivore has the best body, but Greta has the best mind. Greta is for handholding, Kharnivore is for FUCKING.

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It was a good story, didn't see it coming

All the episodes are absolute shit. Pop sci-fi at its worst


The bathrobe titties flapping around one

I liked Siri, Xbox and baby monitor having a tour in apocalyptic city.

>repeating the same joke
You're right, 4 is such a joke number

Hate to break it to you but this show was weaponized autism. I lasted about five episodes and reached my breaking point. I couldn't physically endure it any longer. It's like when marathon runners talk about hitting The Wall.

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What was the best episode?
Zima blue, i dont even know why

By far the best episode, wish it had been a full movie

Russians versus demons was Kino as fuck

>I liked Siri, Xbox and baby monitor having a tour in apocalyptic city.
I really liked how it showed that the robots continued to manufacture each other and evolve for many generations after the humans died out.

I'm assuming you are talking about Sonnie. That was not my first episode, since the order was scrambled for every person