Didn't end with creasy blowing everyone up with his own rectum bomb

>didn't end with creasy blowing everyone up with his own rectum bomb

What a huge missed opportunity

Attached: A1Xy7lzjmWL._SY445_.jpg (306x445, 34K)

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I wish... You had more time

Such a cool and awkward line

The whole movie is great. My dad took me to the theatres too young to watch it and Denzel burns that douches fingers off, kek

Always bothered me. Him just bleeding out in the car feels like such a cop out. After giving himself up, he should have taken out the rest of them with his last breath. Would have been a perfect ending.

>never bothered to put on a vest

Attached: 1543560834049.png (395x341, 161K)

The fucking ridiculous editing style almost kills this otherwise engaging movie.

Any fighting would have jeopardized Lupita's life, as they were within range.

>ass bomb in creasy
>ass bomb in the brother while hes knocked out
>both bad guy cars drive away
Its a foolproof and pleasurable plan

Too undignified.
>dude just stood there rather than try and take Denzel out with him

I can dig it, but unfortunately I think it would sully the cult classic reputation the film holds in exchange for being known as that film where Denzel Washington shoves a bomb up his ass.

Same with original ending of I am Legend

They had chance to be epic but settled for being mediocre

Good point. The editing is so fucking overdone.

I'm more surprised it isn't known as that film where Denzel Washington shoves a bomb up a guy's ass in the first place

"He's about to paint his assterpiece"

Attached: mof.gif (440x183, 820K)

Oh fucking hell this so much, editing was pure trash
>jump cuts every 0.3 second
literally bollywood tier

It was like a mix of late 80s/early 90s Oliver Stone and Michael Bay action movies.

True signs of a serf. It was amazing.
Most effective use of text on a screen in film.

>Most effective use of text on a screen in film.

Attached: cunt.webm (1920x1080, 803K)

That is one of the few well edited and clear scenes in the film. Check out the scene with Denzel in the club, or when the exchange fucks up, or the scene where Denzel busts in on the bad guy’s brother’s family. It’s a mess and overdone.
