Why do lefties and discord trannies put so much stock into what this guy says?
Why do lefties and discord trannies put so much stock into what this guy says?
Can't take her seriously until her Grooby debut
I liked her older stuff better. Since she transitioned and became wealthy, the production value has gone up, but the quality has gone down. Stopped watching overall.
I've never watched a second of it
they're lonely and desperate
Because he says things they want to hear.
Honestly no idea. Anytime someone tries to shill this creature I just remind them that he thinks a penis turned inside out is an actual vagina
>/pol/ seething because all the youtube content they consume is trash
as evidenced by one of the recent youtube sensations among you people being an actual child who was willing to parrot your talking points
>production value
I keep seeing this phrase used to describe contrapoints so much its become ad nauseam
Have sex.
She just oozes feminine energy doesn't she?
>why yes I do get all my political opinions from youtubers, how could you tell?
because it exists, as opposed to the endless political content on youtube that could more or less just be audio
>if you're not left wing you must be /pol/
Lots of us just hate liberalism and trannies and degeneracy and immigrant crime rates and don't care about the rest
I haven't gone on /pol/ in 3 years because ot's such a bait normie kiked cesspool. I think the majority of mainstream conservative people are idiots like lots do. Keep trying to lump me and others into one group, you only fool yourself.
that doesn't pertain to my post
>i get all of MY political opinions from /pol/, gab, breitbart, drudge, my racist dad... the list goes on!
You are indistinguishable from regular posters on /pol/ lmaooo
It’s laughable that you think what you just wrote isn’t something I could go find almost word for word on /pol/
Production value =/=Quality of content and truth
Capeshit has high production value but it's still shit unless you're le basedjack
>didn't know who that is
>went to search on image
>mfw it is a faggot tranny constantly trying to sexualize himself on videos
nobody actually goes there anymore, but it's still the accepted shorthand for reactionary dipshits on any other board
Shes makes people think criticly of the themes shes make videos of. Which is
Wow! It's almost like people of many different ideologies and political preferences still share values and topics? How could this be??!
>I have very strong political beliefs
You offering?
people from all over the world of all races can all come together to say trannies are fucking disgusting and nothing they say holds any value whatsoever
Read Plato's Republic.
2 news sites, 1 social media site and the heart of Yea Forums.
I'd say that is already 100 times better than anything on the left.
>watching some guy in a wig
Probably one of the most normie things you can do
>Yes, I get all of MY political opinions from /pol/, gab, breitbart, drudge, and my based dad. How could you tell?
Ya seethe?
Ya boil?
Ya brew?
Ya simmer?
Ya baked?
Ya stew?
Ya fume?
Ya steamed?
Ya fizz?
Ya foam?
Ya ferment?
Ya bubble?
Ya froth?
Ya chafe?
Ya rant?
Ya rave?
Ya stormin?
Ya finna worked lil guy?
I go on infinity chan for politics sometimes like monthly and for other stuff. This site Iiterally only for Yea Forums (which has been flooded by derailing baiters and politically correct police semantics users) and for sometimes /k/ and /sci/. All these other boards I used to use were messed up or taken over by a certain group, like /r9k/ used to be more of a shitposting board but now it's lost that and only had whiny bitches and tranny spam 24/7.
Basically he was a broke ass philosophy major (but I repeat myself) making shitty YouTube atheism videos until he realised he could make more money by becoming an e-girl
What I don't understand about ContraPoints and similar breadtubers is that they're constantly putting up a smug facade but meanwhile on their Twitter they seem like they're constantly on the verge of tears and one inch from suicide. Kind of the same way Chapofags go on about being revolutionaries one post and will complain about their dad calling them "he" the next.
/Pol/ is Yea Forums and it unironically is informative much more so than any YouTube tranny or lefty Reddit. People like you are losing your grip. It's one of the reasons you lash out at everyone and call them /pol/.
Ok, good to know your opinion. You still thought I must be "EVIL /POL/ BOOGEYMAN" now you just switch and don't concede my points. Have a nice day desert dweller.
He was always a salt left idiot.
>the truth has no value
But atleast my father is proud of me.
Why do you hate western democracy
>spouts /pol/ npc talking points
>totally not /pol/
>also other people are idiots
lol fuck you, also immigrants in the US commit crimes less than native born citizens, surprised an intelligent guy like you didnt know that
Why is a board about Television and Film so obsessed with this person?
Better a child than a mentally ill tranny. Was funny watching you snowflakes cry about lt corbis.
Either way we have so many to choose from
>"and the heart of Yea Forums"
I was going to ramble and call you a newfag, but nowadays you may be right. Yea Forums is no longer culturally influential on this imageboard, and Yea Forums is nothing but a den of racial bait porn and "check my fb friend" threads. Yea Forums may be the biggest, but it's only influence on Yea Forums is wojak edits.
It's hard to accept it, but /pol/ is indeed the most influential board on Yea Forums since the 2016 elections, and the current beating heart of the website. People who complain about "muh /pol/" are just redditors who think that our boards are culturally isolated like their subreddits are.
Well I mean all you'd have to do to rek this human is point out that he's a man who thinks he's a woman. They rely on us being nice and polite to get away with shit kinda disgusting desu
Hmm you don't see uninformed pseudo marxist?
That's ironic coming from the left on here. Either way it's still the largest board on Yea Forums.
No one wants the axe wound between your legs, incel
>native born citizens
Who are the kid's of shitskin immigrants
because you're so overinvested OP. as a gormless perpetually openmouthed wretch the gender ambivalent are about the only people left you've got any chance of feeling superior to. certainly you're not the equal of a groid
He's so fucking hideous under normal lighting.
gain height
take a shower
hit the weights
have sex
get a clue
>spouts /pol/ npc talking points
At look the left tries to stay another meme they didn't make or understand.
Yep the left can't meme isn't just a meme anymore.
>the kid's of
Obviously they're not to be prized as highly as local retard spawn.
>a man that thinks she's a woman
She addressed that in a few videos already sweet heart
Also Contrapoints really isn't that extreme in the political sense, as far as lefty tube goes. She parodies and takes the piss from extreme leftists that encourage violence and calls out the toxicity of leftist twitter and how they tend to eat their own over small transgressions.
/pol/ is obsessed with seething over any trans person speaking in public which is to be expected
Pol attitude has always been the backbone of this site in some form.
>At look the left tries to stay another meme
user's dad was a tard wrangler who abused his position.
Lefties are Masters of projection. Is not that hard to believe when their entire ideology is based on emotion.
perpetually whining, attention whoring and contradicting itself?
you could even be right
roastie getting toastie
I like how you think you're some moderate normal Yea Forums user when you're just a discord/Reddit cockroach
>literally still seething that I must be /pol/
Holy shit what an easy (You) farm. I might as well just say I am a /pol/tard. Or maybe I'm a /his/ browser. Or even /int/ poster. Uh oh, what now? Also, fuck Jews! Fuck all races! I am now a pro-grey alien race realist. You're all idiots compared to our big grey dick energy. You all commit thousands of times more crimes than us so death to all non-greys! Meet me at Area 51 stupid bitch, I'll fucking body snatch you and make you suck your own dick while my grey chad buds take notes for their grey independant classes studies
Not after seeing your great sloppy cunt fall out to accumulate grit and be licked by pariah dogs.
>my racist dad
Stopped reading here. Check your facts straight, faggot.
>I am now a pro-grey alien race realist. You're all idiots compared to our big grey dick energy.
In that position you'd find it impossible to be uncontemptuous of /pol/ types.
>ol fuck you, also immigrants in the US commit crimes less than native born citizens, surprised an intelligent guy like you didnt know that
He could be European and in the case of Europe it's he migrants.
Come to /biz/. You will make a lot of money, it's not too late
>a large pool of people that all engage in group think and mindlessly repeat the same phrases and insults ad naseum
I think I understand fucking perfectly, /pol/s memes are all projection. Look at you for example: You're so incapable of original thought you had to employ 'the left can't meme,' trope on someone that insulted your gay little club. You are tragically retarded lmao
This is the problem with this ideology, NO ONE will ever be pure enough. Once the recent migrants get kicked out, you'll move on to wanting to the cull the heard of all sorts of other people. What makes you think you would make the cut friend?
>She addressed that in a few videos already sweet heart
What do you mean? Of course he's acknowledged he's a tranny but he still thinks a mutilated penis is an actual vagina and sperged the fuck out on someone disagreeing.
>Also Contrapoints really isn't that extreme in the political sense, as far as lefty tube goes. She parodies and takes the piss from extreme leftists that encourage violence and calls out the toxicity of leftist twitter
Not really, in the same breath he'll parrot the exact same kind of shit he's supposedly calling out and he's big on the whole "white people tears" thing
Honestly all of these leftist fags are just self hating fucks who want to drag everyone else down with them. Maybe the muslims are onto something with the throwing off buildings
I mainly watch Beau youtube.com
Actually it's still the most visited part of this site and the majority of boards users go there.
As long jews die it doesn't matter.
>drag everyone else down with them
This is so fucking amazingly deliciously ironic
It costs me nothing to call someone whatever the fuck they want to be called (I'll call you tuna-fish sandwitch if you ask for all I fucking care, as long as you ask politely and remain mutually polite,) and getting in someone's grill for using a selected pronoun is just as idiotic as someone getting in your grill for using a biological pronoun. You can call someone whatever you want: that's called free speech, but if you intentionally call someone something other than what they've requested, you're a prick: that's called etiquette.
are transgender people even real?
>I think I understand fucking perfectly, /pol/s memes are all projection. Look at you for example: You're so incapable of original thought you had to employ 'the left can't meme,' trope on someone that insulted your gay little club. You are tragically retarded lmao
>This is the problem with this ideology, NO ONE will ever be pure enough. Once the recent migrants get kicked out, you'll move on to wanting to the cull the heard of all sorts of other people. What makes you think you would make the cut friend?
Cody Showdy is fantastic
>You are tragically retarded lmao
Talk about protection.
Go on then
the amount of coping in just one video is legit hilarious, this dude is warping reality around himself so he won't have to face the truth. if you listen to this guy for a political take, you might as well ask the smelly bum in your local park
reminder that no matter what these people do
this is still a male, dressed up in a dress with shit make up and pumped estrogen that wont change his voice, face or body to look like a female.
>You're so incapable of original thought you had to employ 'the left can't meme,' trope
Because it was perfect to describe your little rant. You were so upset by what the op posted you to try and hope to play the "game". Either way it's sad /pol/ which is Yea Forums irritates you so much.
People seem to think freedom of speech means I can say whatever I want without consequence. Its because of a generation of people growing up on the internet and becoming socially retarded from anonymous online conversations and endless shitposting
If I'm talking to a tranny I'll call them what they like because I'm polite but I'm never actually going to believe they're a different sex and I'm not going to continue to pretend to believe it once I'm done talking to them
based willie is right
its willie!
>freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences
kill yourself, faggot
>There are pro-grey posters on /pol/
Damn, thanks user! I guess I'll go there now! Also fuck your non-grey skinned pig human mother. I bet she had to take it up the vagina to be able to form a child.
>Not just creating a baby biogenetically in less than a day at the equivalent of 16 years old in human development
imagine how bad all these 20-25 year old t rannies are going to look when they start to age
and there will be absolutely nothing they can do to stop it
even ones that "pass" will become grotesque caricatures
best post ITT
>it's another "be bitter and stubborn about things that are different and make me uncomfortable" episode
Just change the channel, grandpa.
>Also Contrapoints really isn't that extreme in the political sense, as far as lefty tube goes.
He is laughbly the face of it. Which makes the left in YouTube that much sadder.
>She parodies and takes the piss from extreme leftists that encourage violence and calls out the toxicity of leftist twitter and how they tend to eat their own over small transgressions.
Oh look we got one of his paypigs here to defend him.
>/pol/ is obsessed with seething over any trans person speaking in public which is to be expected
Actually it's everyone on this site. Nobody respects trannies and I'd like to remind you again that /pol/ is Yea Forums.
>why yes I am a real woman!
Only whining is from you redditards who cry about pol
>the /pol/tard when faced with an actual argument recoils in fear and doubles down on his memes
I was pointing out the irony in that a person that can only argue in memes calls others NPCs and then continues to argue in memes when called out. I think I was pretty spot on. It looks like the essence of your argument is 'you mad'? Which is fucking retarded, and once again a reliance on memes. Address what it is I'm actually saying, you can do this I believe in you
Funny how you say that thinking I care about being called unpolite. Unlike you, I am not so socialized I got to the point I'm afraid of peer pressure.
imagine how terrible you're going to look when you start to age due to your bad diet and lack of exercise
no, I'm not a tranny, but I doubt you're a looker just saiyan
>the /pol/tard when faced with an actual argument recoils in fear and doubles down on his memes
all of his arguments are based on different ideologies.
it doesnt take much to break them apart
It's inescapably true though. If you have a business, and you put your voice behind some political position people find reprehensible, they're free to boycott your business because they have no desire to be associated with you. Even if you tried to change the laws so people couldn't do that, it would be unenforceable. There's no escaping the truth that freedom of speech, a political concept, doesn't mean freedom from social consequences.
What are you even trying to call out? People don't like you. We put up with you because we feel sorry for you. You're a fucking burden on society. It's not some meme cult that's against you it's just society in general.
>Heh guys fuck /pol/ we're the majority on this site right?!
Go back.
Most poltards are closeted pedo gays
He used to be a massive piece of atheist shit. I hope Mister Metokur exposes his past, cause he did alot of fucked up things
cope, projection, dilate
Read popper's the open society amd its enemies
You don't really know what irony means.
>all of his arguments are based on different ideologies.
it doesnt take much to break them apart
>It's inescapably true though. If you have a business, and you put your voice behind some political position people find reprehensible, they're free to boycott your business because they have no desire to be associated with you. Even if you tried to change the laws so people couldn't do that, it would be unenforceable. There's no escaping the truth that freedom of speech, a political concept, doesn't mean freedom from social consequences.
>Most poltards are closeted pedo gays
Yeah go ahead and enable their delusion.
>have sex
>discord tranny
This is getting out of hand, you cant have a proper discussion about anything on this board the whole site has gone mad. Just typing "Yea Forums tv" into google makes me cringe, i'd rather not go no Yea Forums at all at this point. Site is full of retards it's like NEOGAF
You're really far behind on all this dude. He's memeing because what you just said has been said before a billion times and it's a classic plebbit NPC talking point. It's not like these social consequences are organic grassroots things. The media is full of leftists who puts anyone they don't like on blast. That's not social consequences, that's media fucks deserving a bullet to the larynx
Yeah he's a retard.>but if you intentionally call someone something other than what they've requested, you're a prick
Oh well.
all politics posters should be shot desu
I would very much like if you lefties draw the line between natural social consequences, and deplatforming and other difficulties caused from organized doxing and online witch hunts. But that is not the case. So yeah, in the legal department, free speech should be protected at all costs, including stuff that might be caused by external forces, like calling one's employers to paint a bad picture.
In my country doxing is illegal. I strongly believe it should be on USA an Europe as well, since that crap usually comes from you.
You're from the generation that grew up thinking offending someone was the worst thing that could happen to a human being. Learn to take a hit faggot.
>Everyone get's a medal
>people don't like you
lol who doesn't like me user? are you talking about your online club? Burden on society, but I am educated and contribute a great deal. This very well may the saddest post ITT and I sense a great deal of projection here. Here's a tip, go outside, get a hobby, join some clubs and actually talk to people you sad cunt
to be fair, that's a very cute boy
Jesus, how long before the mental breakdown?
>Losers shouldn't get medals
>but confederate statues are important
No I mean society in general, there's a reason you stick to your pockets and you have to try to brainwash society at large into accepting you. I mean you know all this anyway so whatever
If this is you posting, which there's a good chance it is, you toxic semantics using miserable spic, I'll email your Mother that you're actively supporting an agent of the "gay agenda" as you once told me she said to you. Fucking League of Legends toxic, no heart no compassion worthless nigger.
>I was being ironic
>It was a joke
It's just anger, you attempt to project the anger you feel on others.
He used to be somewhat rational but since he became a Troon he became a complete sellout
How is being allowed to fly a confederate flag the same as being given a medal? Why does every single leftist argument require that you pretend to be retarded?
I follow my nutritionist diet to the letter and I exercise daily. Also, I have no wife to nag me to death. So yeah, with 50 I will look like a healthy 50yo guy, and not like a degenerate old faggot with balding long hair, a grotesque creature that cases eye bleeding.
>The media is full of leftists who puts anyone they don't like on blast. That's not social consequences, that's media fucks deserving a bullet to the larynx
I seem to remember that it was those school shooting survivor kids that called for the boycott of Laura Ingraham after she started mocking them, not some journalist. And it would still be social consequences even if it was a journalist.
>who doesn't like me user? are you talking about your online club?
I think he means his fellow nonwhite white supremacists from /pol/ of whom photographs certainly exist but which will get you banned if you post 'em. /pol/ types are pretty delicate.
I'm willing to bet no matter how bad he looks he won't look half has stupid as these aging trannies.
Perfect casting decisions only itt.
Not gonna lie he's really cute.
>generation offending someone was the worst thing that could happen
Nice NPC talking point meme that has nothing to do with reality, idiot.
You're literally encouraging the degradation of society old man. Imagine if the founding fathers dialogue operated like this shit hole image board. Do you think anything would get done, ever?
Rational civilized discourse is a functional mechanism for successful operation of society.
>I would very much like if you lefties draw the line between natural social consequences, and deplatforming and other difficulties caused from organized doxing and online witch hunts.
Why would we stop deplatfrorming? Why should the social consequences be dialed back just because they hurt somebody's reach for their message or bottom line?
>all of his arguments are based on different ideologies.
>it doesnt take much to break them apart
I have watched his most famous video to the half because of this thread, and god damn, he is just trying to sexualize himself so hard it is laughable, even the lightning imitates the room of a whorehouse. There are some weak arguments under the "PLEASE MASTURBATE THINKING ABOUT ME, I AM A SEXY LADY WITH A DONG", but they are weak in essence.
>Rational civilized discourse
>Men can be women and have babies
It's all so tiresome......
Because it's celebrating the team that lost
Why does Robert E Lee get a statue when he was a traitor in open rebellion against the United States, in a war he couldn't even win?
>Nice NPC talking point meme that has nothing to do with reality, idiot.
You're literally encouraging the degradation of society old man. Imagine if the founding fathers dialogue operated like this shit hole image board. Do you think anything would get done, ever?
Rational civilized discourse is a functional mechanism for successful operation of society.
There is already a thread about him on kiwifarms
she cute
From a strategy pov there's no reason to obviously, it's working. You have all the right people on your side. I mean it makes you scum that deserves to be flayed alive so you lose the moral ground stuff but that'd be the only reason to stop
what the holy fuck are you even talking about. Pockets? I was born in conservative rural american and studied in liberal city universities and have friends everywhere lol because I am a normal functioning person. Believe it or not, despite what you've been led to believe on the internet, people generally do get along in real life. That is why I'm telling you to go outside bro, for your own good
Want to discuss trannies? Go to /lgbt/, /pol/, or the tranny central /r9k/. This is Yea Forums. This is no place for serious discussions about transfaggots.
Fuck off imperialist you don’t get to tell me what to do
Bringing it back to contra points, she engages with these ideas with a well constructed argument while all I see in this thread is
I know that having to actually rationally defend your view point is indeed very tiresome, but I believe you are capable of it user, I really do
That is a dude in a dress and make up
Oh I was assuming you were some antifa tranny not just a regular lefty
because xhe is sassy and fuckable once tarted up
youtube algorithms and mainstream backing xher humour is shit and so are xher beliefs
Reminder if a tranny starts sucking your dick it's not gay if you beat him up after nutting
>I mean it makes you scum that deserves to be flayed alive
Hah. You think taking away one platform you can use to spread your message (which usually just means telling a site to enforce their pre-existing harassment policies against lucrative offending users) is so heinous, but you think nothing of threats of violence? No wonder the right is so warped. That goes for doxing too. That's traditionally more the far right's tool. Death threats, doxing, filling up the person's email with harassment.
>Bringing it back to contra points, she engages with these ideas with a well constructed argument while all I see in this thread is
>I know that having to actually rationally defend your view point is indeed very tiresome, but I believe you are capable of it user, I really do
>she engages with these ideas with a well constructed argument
Fuck are you talking about, no. Men cannot be women and they can't have babies it doesn't matter how many mental and semantical hoops you jump through. This is why he's a fucking retard and should be entirely disrgarded. Bringing it back to him thinking a penis sliced vertically and turned inside out is an actual vagina. It just isn't, there's no argument required. He might as well be saying 2+2 = avocados
Cause his new rabid fanbase are insane. They will turn on him if he has his own opinions that they disagree with
nope a pretty regular dude desu
>In my capitalist society, privately owned companies are obligated to provide, out of their own pocket, a platform to people who share my political beliefs, and even if it becomes a financial drain on the company, they are obligated to continue providing it no matter what.
Slow down there Comrade
*destroys the alt-right*
Nothin personnel kid
this is some good shit /pol melting down about Trannies again in /tv like pottery. These threads are so motivational and confidence boosters.
Imagine dedicating your life to bullhorning your hate of trannies on an imageboard for all to see your insecurity and weakness in real time, The only thing that can ruin it if this isn't actually people but bots
I don't know which one platform you're referring to, there's been so many cancellations/deplatformings in the last 10 years or so it's impossible to keep track. But no I mean, absolutely you folks deserve to be murdered and put on display. I mean there's seriously no question about it. I just hope you keep escalating this antifa shit so we can finally get started
I'm 1000x more racist than my dad
>absolutely you folks deserve to be murdered and put on display
The height of far-right political theory.
In today's society, social media plays a bigger part on politics and your democratic voice more than any television channel. Presidents have elected thenselves not just in USA, but all around the world just using virtual platforms. They are fucking important, and it should be viewed as a right. They have grown big enough to become necessary for democracy, and therefore abiding to neutrality rules.
>b-but they are private, they can do what they want!
Television channels are also private, and in most countries there is laws forcing then to show political advertisement for any political party, specially in election times. They have a reach the government doesn't have, and because of it they should abide to fairness and neutrality laws.
>[insert snarky assumption taken from the ass that I am anarcho-capitalist here]
Unlike what you assume, I am not anarcho-capitalist, I like the democratic republic format, and it is with the format that my allegiance aligns. The beauty of democracy is that the power circles from left to right with the will of the people, without the needing of bloodbath and beheadings. The system knows that the cycling is a natural thing, and work in a way that makes it easily doable. Anyone that wants to freeze it, be it with stagnating the election system, or even with information manipulation, those are my enemies. People like you, are those I despise.
>Hah. You think taking away one platform you can use to spread your message (which usually just means telling a site to enforce their pre-existing harassment policies against lucrative offending users) is so heinous, but you think nothing of threats of violence? No wonder the right is so warped. That goes for doxing too. That's traditionally more the far right's tool. Death threats, doxing, filling up the person's email with harassment.
Historically it's more leftist actually but times change
Its amazing how similar you degenerates are to the muslim extremists you claim to despise. Why do you hate democracy and civil society? Do you know how hard your ancestors fought to establish this system? Honor your heritage instead of burning it to the ground you enemy of the human race
Damn, that is one fat bitch.
I haven't seen a single post being able to debunk Three Arrows
Dilate and fuck off to resetera
>taking upper middle class yuppie LARPing as revolutionary seriously
lol case in pointand not to mention based
The sad part about the chapo/contra/breadtude crowd is that even they realise the only people lower on the social totem pole than them are incels and nazis
>Why do you hate democracy and civil society?
It's actually you guys that are trying to destroy everything good about society because you want life to be like a Netflix show. It's not some right wing thing, every sensible person wants you tumblrinas-turned-journo types to be eradicated, you're bad for the planet.
Muslims are pretty based
The funny part is that when revolution comes these useful idiots will be shot first
>Comparing an ancestral Aztec art review blog to an actual political body
Go get em champ, you are smart and people should listen to your opinions.
Two points:
1. Conservatives, culturally speaking, are the biggest losers in the world. They literally always become outdated and wrong. The conservatives of yesteryear would think you're a stupid liberal, the progressives of today think you're a stupid conservative, and everyone in the future will recognize that you're just plain stupid. The point being, basically everyone but yourself recognizes your idiocy, and dying on the hill of antagonizing trans people is such a ludicrously petty position to hold in the grand scheme of things, I'm amazed you care at all.
2. The argument is less about whether they ARE women, but rather whether it is best for them, and for society, for them to be recognized as women. Trying to make points about biology just shows how utterly dense you really are.
Not that user but giving free speech to the far left objectively harms society. The fact Muslims will exist into the future while the left seems to have successfully put the white race in the path for extinction shows that we are the ones who have to learn from the "Muslim extremists", not the other way around.
fuck social media and fuck cocking sucking nigger faggots like you. The only thing your life would be good for is to hear your screams while you were skinned alive.
>all my beliefs are irrational and I just work backwards to justify it
>but rather whether it is best for them, and for society, for them to be recognized as women.
[sound of a tranny killing themselves every 30 seconds in the background]
>Two points:
>1. Conservatives, culturally speaking, are the biggest losers in the world. They literally always become outdated and wrong. The conservatives of yesteryear would think you're a stupid liberal, the progressives of today think you're a stupid conservative, and everyone in the future will recognize that you're just plain stupid. The point being, basically everyone but yourself recognizes your idiocy, and dying on the hill of antagonizing trans people is such a ludicrously petty position to hold in the grand scheme of things, I'm amazed you care at all.
>2. The argument is less about whether they ARE women, but rather whether it is best for them, and for society, for them to be recognized as women. Trying to make points about biology just shows how utterly dense you really are.
Anonymous 07/01/19(Mon)03:09:09 No.117400692
Muslims kill faggots and put roasties in their place, so they are OK in my book. I can live with having to pray with the ring of a bell, if with that I can live my life peacefully in a truly patriarchal driven society.
>literally advocating political purging and genocide
>every sensible person is one that I agree with
*sucks air through teeth*
yiiiiiikes bro
Democracy involves engaging with people and ideas you don't agree with. "Sensible people" generally don't think people they disagree with should be publicly murdered. You're pretty far down that rabbit hole ol friend
its just /pol/'s new boogeyman. it used to be the kikes, jews, jidf, CTR, chapotraphouse and now trannies. what a sad fucking lot these people are
>you degenerates
Oof. Nice projection.
>Democracy involves engaging with people and ideas you don't agree with
Three Arrows is a youtuber?
Why does antifa put that symbol on their shields and protest gear like it actually means more than advertisement?
Boogeywoman* you fucking bigot
>Democracy involves engaging with people and ideas you don't agree with
Which leftists are not capable of
>gives literally no evidence and constructs no argument
you utterly and completely missed the point but thanks I get good grades :3
>forgetting SRS
smdh desu
More projection. Again, you are the one calling for the murder of a whole group of people you identified as the opposition. I don't generally see leftists doing that
>Conservatives, culturally speaking, are the biggest losers in the world. They literally always become outdated and wrong
Source: 20 years of US history as taught by Jon Stewart
>The argument is less about whether they ARE women, but rather whether it is best for them, and for society, for them to be recognized as women.
Will never happen because they aren't women and I really, really shouldn't have to explain to you that attempting to collectively brainwash the planet into forgetting basic human biology is a really fucking dumb and pointless idea.
>Trying to make points about biology just shows how utterly dense you really are.
Living in reality makes you dense to a commie lefty tranny retard huh... Wow, lefties and trannies are retarded? Thanks for clearing that up. I can just imagine this is the kind of thing John Adams envisioned us talking about
lol does that land whale have some kind of disgusting chest tattoo
>I don't generally see leftists doing that
No one can be this intentionally dishonest lamo
>I don't generally see leftists doing that
Because you are ignorant
/pol/ ended up becoming new Yea Forums that's why it's the heart of the site.
I'm an actual female and I fucking hate men pretending to be women more than you can fucking imagine.
O, and have sex.
What is communism
Excuse me, you slippery coward, could you respond to my post on please?
Who mentioned genocide? I'm talking about purging the anti-US faction of the democrats and media. I mean these are people who are actively working against the interests of the country in favor of other nations. 50 years ago they'd be lined up and shot no problem.
>Living outside reality is best for society
As a liberal, you are fucking stupid.
>destroys the alt-right
I'm NatSoc and have been for 4 years and I have no idea who the fuck those literal who's are you massive turd.
>I'm an actual female and I fucking hate men pretending to be women more than you can fucking imagine.
Of course you do, because now men can have all of your undeserved rights and privileges while barely trying to pass as a woman
Typical TERF
>she engages with these ideas with a well constructed argument while all I see in this thread is
And no he doesn't. He prances around and uses "humor" instead of valid facts.
>Nah bro, politics are for virgins coping over their wasted lives
Three Arrows is an old symbol, but an unpopular youtuber adopted it after Antifa to highlight history.
You are a litteral npc.
You did it again: you tried to shift the argument towards one about biology when nobody is making that point. But hey! Let's play your game: imagine an intersex person, born with a combination of male and female genitalia. At birth, they are assigned male, because the doctor felt like it would make their life easier. They go their whole life thinking they're a man. They are even aware of any kind of biological complication. Are they a "man"? Or, more importantly: does it matter?
You are a based roastie. Women that think a man just needs to dress up as a woman and are now actual women don't value the their own gender. I don't view a short haired dyke as a man and I never will, I know there's much more to each, and mimicking then won't make you be the opposite one as much as mimicking a cat won't make you be a cat.
I wish a hooktube style site still existed that let you watch YouTube videos without giving views
This but unironically
Only ugly losers are overly engaged in politics on both ends
Notice how Contrapoints has dodged the trans athlete debate like a fatso at a salad bar? Trans athlete debate is for the left like climate change denial is for the Right
You did it again: you tried to shift the argument towards one about biology when nobody is making that point. But hey! Let's play your game: imagine an intersex person, born with a combination of male and female genitalia. At birth, they are assigned male, because the doctor felt like it would make their life easier. They go their whole life thinking they're a man. They are even aware of any kind of biological complication. Are they a "man"? Or, more importantly: does it matter?
>As a liberal
Fuck off, Dave Rubin.
Lol these are the "intellectual left" the skull guy became irrelevant after kraut destroyed his "migrants don't commit crimes" crap.