Any truth to this?

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>1000 different men
>none of them me

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>1000 different men
>all of them me

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What movie is this?

>women would rather fuck black people or even dogs before even considering you
Heh nothing personal, incel!

>believing in every shit posted on internet

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Good thing i chose an above average girl that was a virgin

My girlfriend was with a lot of guys before me but it doesn't matter because it was before we even knew eachother. It's impossible to be betrayed or hurt by someone's past when you weren't even in their life yet. She's only been with me since we've known eachother.

Then she still has 999 guys on her list. Hope you're ready to get cucked.

>1000 men
>only 9 pictured

seem to have mixed up women with homosexual men

She's been with me for a decade so i doubt she is leaving tomorrow.

t. cuck

Tell that to the emotionally stunted with zero understanding of human intimacy.
Shit, you are.

wait a second...

user, you're already getting cucked.

>My girlfriend has killed a lot of guys before me but it doesn't matter because it was before we even knew eachother. It's impossible to be betrayed or hurt by someone's past when you weren't even in their life yet. She's only been with me since we've known eachother.

>posting Cherreddit memes

That's just the typical day.

Would you like to explain? If i was being honest she's getting cucked because everyone in her family is waiting for me to marry her. I would if i wasn't broke.

Still true.

Why are late millennials such socially awkward cowards?


girls with skill > virgins

>getting killed by a girl


Which of those guys would you fuck Yea Forums?

Don't think so human.

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What skill can a well used whore gain that makes her better then a horny willing to learn virgin with a hair trigger and a tight hole?

Imagine not being red pilled on the RQ (Roasty Question),


Would it be based to have a virgin gf and let her train her skills on the side?


Congrats on having to pay for what others got for free and in better condition. Not to mention having to put up with her emotional roller coaster and pms.

That would be based and cuckpilled.

What do you mean by having to pay?

>tfw stopped counting how many women I had fucked when I was in college and the number was around 40
>tfw if I find out a woman I'm really interested in actually dating has slept with more than like two guys in her life I automatically feel sickened by her and can't bring myself to be in a relationship with her

What is this brain damage I have called?

goddamn nigger seals
what the fuck

Common sense

this is bullshit, mostly have sex with 3 to none at 30

Hypocrisy. You are what you hate.

being a sensible, prudent male

It's o ly hypocrisy if you believe men and women are the same.

Why'd I have to be a manlet...

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What's the benefit of creating negative fantasies

>with a girl for 10 years
>thinking she has been faithful to a broke loser while constantly hounded by men well above your status level
modern men are the most pathetic thing


>tfw just made the "meh" cutoff
That was a close one bros

>He doesn't want to live with an awesome serial killer girlfriend that loves him and will never kill him.

Think about this logicaahhhh baited for 2 seconds fuck you

Nah, just the betas that are willing to get cucked and getting used goods, because the alternative is dying alone.

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>tfw talking to an 18 year old virgin
>she's black
>she's not obese but not skinny
what do bros

>once chance at life
>wasn't born a seal
why even live

She's lying to you

A male made this photo. I guarantee it

Men don't care about dying alone.
Women do.

What we do care about is dying without leaving any children behind and having too many things left undone.


she's a hardcore Christian and kind of a sperg, in my personal opinion she's not lying

She lost her virginity by the time she was 10 like they all do. Don't believe it.

the highest average for sexual partners is gay men and even they don't average anywhere near that many.
In the U.S the average for men and women is 7.

You still pay, it's just long term, daily/weekly payments.

>replying yo pepeposters
Shame on you

Are you retarded?

She's not lying. The other poster is either insecure or just having fun shitposting. Tons of people her age now are virgins. Times are changing.

>gay men typically have more partners than lesbians, and one study in San Francisco found that nearly 50% of gay men had more than 500 partners


A manlet made this post. I guarantee it.

demoralization propaganda isn't supposed to make you laugh. sloppy job mossad

>Not to mention having to put up with her emotional roller coaster and pms.
A woman's and a man's emotional stability have very little to do with how many sexual partners they've had you dumb nigger. Only turbo autists on the internet give sex so much importance and they do it just because they can't have it

for what age



there is no such thing as a black girl and a virgin. Blacks get raped as infants, 12 if they are lucky.

Not true. Statistically speaking, the more partners a person has, the less happy they are and the less chances there are of them being able to hold a long term relationship i.e. classic roasty syndrome.

Whatever makes you feel better my guy.

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you know this shit didn't happen, girls don't just talk about being virgins in casual conversation.
If you were dating already maybe, but no one just says that shit when you're "talking".

That’s not the point jackass. My point is that someone banged your gf before you and did it with less investment. It’s similar to paying more for a used car than someone who paid for a new or at least less used version of the same car. I’m calling you a mark basically.

Why do retarded zoomers with nothing to add like you even bother replying? Return to reddit9k with the rest of your subhuman tribe.

If you're not an autist then yes topics like that do get discussed in actual conversation

>you know user, I'm a virgin
>"Hol up I'm gonna run this past Yea Forums and get back to you"

Your entire worldview is shaped by the memes of this place. I'm the original guy up there and there was nothing complicated with getting my girlfriend. You're making it out to seem like she was fucked by all these people within the first moment of meeting them where I had to go through all kinds of hoops. I literally just met her one day, we were both attracted to eachother, we watched a movie at my house and had sex, and then since we've just been together. Her past isn't an issue at all.

>had sex the day you met
yes, this is going to last

lol imagine taking such an interest in another user's sex life


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no it was
>meet eachother
>talk for a while
>exchange numbers
>go back and forth for a few days
>she comes over
It's a normal experience.

sexual fetishes/turn ons coming through

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lol you sound mad

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Women that have had two or more sexual partners are far less likely to be happy with where they end up in life and in their relationships.

people don't fuck on the first date, get married, and then stay together for 60 years
that shit does not happen

>inb4 that's not what we want though
good, because it ain't happening

Just tried and neither of those links at the bottom go to anything, which is a good indicator this is a "troll image" which tricked retards like yourself into reposting unironically. lmao

this data interests me.

what is it.


I think the one in the back has already penetrated her

Ok? The whole reason you got pissy is because you made up some reality where every guy that has a gf fits into this little bubble and you were proven wrong.

even more cringe

I'm not the guy you were talking to originally, mr man.

sorry bud
the image is like 2 or 3 years old

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I'm pretty old for this website and just found it a couple weeks ago. Married two times, divorced twice. No children. My first wife when we got married, I had known her for about a year or two. Before I married, and all men do this unless they're pussies, I asked her her "wall of shame" number. My advice is don't be scared to ever ask and don't act nervous or too curious. Be stern though. You got to be the authority with women otherwise yes they will stray and lay. My first wife admitted she had been with three men, one of them was almost related to her, it was her cousin but on her stepmother's side of the family, meaning yes there was no blood relation and it wasn't against the wall. She said he basically raped her. This was a different time though and girls didn't report stuff like they do today. No evidence or witnesses, it was treated like it didn't happen.

She cheated on me about eight months into our marriage. I suspected something. She was too good in bed and liked to watch racier movies than I liked. Fatal Attraction was a big one. Anywhoo I got a divorce, she got shit.

My second wife was worse. Her number she said was about 17 men. But she was older, 29. She was a looker and her family had money. I was struggling at the time, that first divorce, I didn't care anymore about my ex but I lost standing at work. Back then men were married or gay past about 27. If you were thought to be a fag bye bye to a raise. She didn't cheat on me that I know of but I got drunk with her friends while she was still at work and they joked about how she went through tons of men before us. How many? All I said was 30? 40? And I left the bar. This time it hurt. Always find out who you are fucking beforehand. Just don't act like you care. Women now are giant hoe bags barely act white.

>i have fantasized about having sex with a star or well-known person
>51.7 female
Yeah okay. These bitches be lying.

Infographs like these are what destroy civilization. We weren't supposed to know these things.

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I wont lie: i would care if my gf had been with more men then i have been with women. Thankfully i won 19x7

>a couple people openly admitted having pedophile fantasies
Lmao wut. Where the fuck did this study come from.

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>sorry bud
>the image is like 2 or 3 years old
In other words you were trolled like 2 or 3 years ago?
>continues to post dubious infographics with no working sources
lmao what a retard

It must be weird knowing the girl you're with right now was moaning other men's names and taking their cum in their bodies and on their face.

It's common knowledge. There's always a back up guy. Always.

>fantasy about performing fellatio
>men: 26.8

>fantasy about homosexual sex
>men: 20.6%

It's cool; I fucked a bunch of randos and they moaned my name while I blasted into them.

Hmm maybe you shouldnt fall for a thot ?

Incels have never had sex.

Thats a petty cool statistic

I wish incels were all banned from 4channel
It would improve the site 10 fold

I wonder how many of them have stable boyfriends now? Did you ever do any really fucked up stuff to them?

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Reminder that Brits are taller than Amerilards and what Yea Forums deems midgets are actually still acceptable.

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That's not true at all. Being an incel just means you can't have sex not that you've never had sex. It's possible to fuck once in your life and never fuck again.
t. incel who fucked when at 14 and hasn't fucked again at the age of 27

Gentlemen don't kiss and tell user.

Attached: he cute.jpg (334x506, 42K)

statistics would suggest that the average men has sex with over 1.000 different women

What the fuck is "the average woman"?
Also no.

women were beaten in the past for a reason
don't believe the "men were just meanies back then" lies

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>She's only been with me since we've known eachother.

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HelIo reddit

The "men were just meanies back then" lie is just a way for women to get an excuse to be massive sluts, and get their way. All the moaning and bitching they did was because they were being kept in line instead of being able to do whatever the fuck they want, i.e. completely destroying the sexual market and creating an incel epidemic.


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>the sexual market
t. incel

Holy shit, I'm not saying women who look like the woman on the left are whores, but they are definitely dirty.

you should have payed attention during math class

>talk about "the pendulum swinging" constantly
>astounded when it swings back for women
I'll never understand you faggots.

and you during english class

No I guarantee a women made it, seeing as how if you're above 5'10 but just below 5'11 (like me) you apparently don't exist within the bounds of reality.

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All women are whores.

6'5 is the real cutoff for manlet status, dumb roastie image

Black incels are incredibly rare.