Pure Kino

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probably the only decent Nolan's flick

This and Memento were good. Nolan went to shit as soon as he started messing around with capeshit.


Dunkirk and the first Batman movie are good.

>first Batman
only because of the meme knight

Everyone of Nolan's films are good but he dropped the ball with Dunkirk. I'm not a pleb but that was a snoozefest

uh.. yes.

Just watched Memento for the first time this weekend holy shit it was good

Memento might actually be one of the best movies of all time

insomnia>following>memento>prestige>inception>batman shit>interstellar>dunkirk

i dont get it. did david bowie invent teleportation device?


Doesn't have to work. Just has to look like it works

People have speculated that the machine never actually worked and that he resulted to countless body doubles. I don't buy it though.

yeah but the movie implies that it did work, at something.

i never counted but wasn't there like 1 huge actmans or tanks implying that each one had a dead huge actman inside it?

Maybe it didn't work but creates copies of Jackman? Hence the hats

snap, i forgot about the hats.
so..it created dupes.

I prefer the tv version

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dunkirk was really bad. glad to see other anons in this thread wised up

one of zimmer's worst scores too desu

no fuck off

Until recently, I always thought the machine worked. Then I started hearing people say the machine was a trick too.

But if the machine IS also just a trick, how did he find so many doubles, and why does he go so far as to kill them all? Why doesn't he just find one good one and stick with him?

Dunkirk wasn't that bad, contrarian idiots on here are just memeing

we aren't. maybe not bad bad but it's one of the most forgettable movies i've seen in a while.

So they don't survive. None of the ones falling through the ground are expecting a water tank. It's a prick way to not pay them

Pure Cinema

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>Dunkirk is bad

This is one of the worst movies I've ever sat through. Literally r*ddit: the flick.

kind of
duplicates or copies

>Dunkirk good because pow pow pow and awesome dogfights
I've never seen a film look great, sound great and be boring as shit

of course I haven't seen dunkirk.. how could you tell?

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>ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - the movie

>he dropped the ball with Dunkirk. I'm not a pleb but that was a snoozefest
binge watching user who watches the movie on a laptop and minimizes every 12minutes to shit post on Yea Forums
good thing you never reproduce

The Prestige is just the Star Trek transporter problem

Was this the one where he cut off his finger to fool a magician?

>tries to suggest he doesn't need action to think something is not boring
you're not fooling anyone

that's the point of his speech at the end not knowing if he was going to end up in the box or on stage. If he is teleported and a copy is left he lives but if he is left and a copy is teleported he drowns.

>it's supposed to be boring!

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it's been years since i watched it. i'll have to ask my gf if we can add it to movie night.

No action is great, which is why it's strange Dunkirk sucks

>tfw you realise every scene with Tesla/Bowie was merely Borden reading Angiers journal entries
There’s no proof that any of that actually happened or Angier even met Tesla, unreliable narrator effect

>hurr durr i'm fucking retarded and can't understand an atmospheric masterpiece

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>Wahhhh Nolan bad!!!! Cuhringe!!!!!!!
being contrarian isn’t criticism



>now roight 'ere, i 'ave an ordinary post numbah..

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haha he still has both his tumbs

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>an i'ma TOIN IT INTA DUBS!!!!

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>one off

>ees noh' enuf to make digits dis'a'peeah....

>you afta... bring em... BACK

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you stole my fackin doobs..

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how'd a couple of nitwits like you get those digits

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Garbage movie that you can only watch in a theater. It's not possible to watch this properly just with a television. Definitely pretentious.

nothing is impossible

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>dubs man
>has a double
>in a movie about doubling
damn ...

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it is one of the greats for sure

I unironically think the Dark Knight was one of the definitive movies of the 2000s

Who are you quoting

>He dun kirk'd his head

Compared to some of his other scores it’s definitely not up to par, that said however ‘supermarine’ is for sure a fantastic track

The magician shows you something ordinary

The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it into something.. extraordinary

But you wouldn't clap yet, because making something disappear isn't enough.

You have to bring it back.

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except the ending





Get this hothead out of here.

>'Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.'

The machine didn't really work; the movie only lead us on to believe so because we want to be fooled, we want to think it's magic. The movie spells this out for us. We see Angier find an almost exact body double of himself and use him for tricks, yet the audience still believes he was using some magic teleport device created by Nikola Tesla in his magic lab that created infinite clones.

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The Dark Knight was as close to DC capekino as we'll ever get, Hack Snyder can keep dreaming.

Why none of you uselsess faggotry ever mention true Nolan kino- following?

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Superior Magician-kino coming through

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t. Brainlet retard who thought the machine was real. I bet you also thought Teddy was insane at the end of Shutter Island

Dunkirk was shit

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He only used one body double then killed him off in the final act to frame Borden. The final scene with the vats of water, only one of them has a body, the rest are shrouded in darkness and you can't make out clearly. We only assume they are full of bodies because our mind wants to believe the magic is real

Bravo Nolan

‘The Illusionist’ was not the superior picture.

>I bet you also thought Teddy was insane at the end of Shutter Island

Why doesn't he have his gloves on?

This one sucked

honestly this is a good ranking. i'd switch following and memento, and inception and prestige though.

shit made me stop watching trek


i agree. his pretentious shitflicks got old really fast


Its not magic you retard, its teleporting another Angier from another parallel universe/dimension to ours.

>Its not magic you retard, its teleporting another Angier from another parallel universe/dimension to ours.

>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

No it doesn't. It does some weird electricity zaps and sudden thing is duplicated. We saw the same with hats. Are you gonna say the same exact hat each needs it's own dimension? Whatever your explanation it's retarded sci fi bullshit which was made up in Angier's diary to fool the reader

Crown Prince Leopold did nothing wrong

Woah since when was the consensus the machine didn't work?

This movie outright lied to you and it was only upon rewatching it knowing the twist did I realise just what feats it went to hide things from you but the machine absolutely worked, Jackman just got to the point where he didn't know if he was a clone or not.

>This movie outright lied to you

Yes that's the entire point. It's a magic show. Magicians want you to believe the magic is real and goes to incredible lengths to try to fool you. The movie does this, going to incredible lengths to make the "magic machine" story believable and hide the fact that it's just a parlor trick. And everyone believes it because they want to be entertained. That's the whole point of the movie.