Any recommendations for documentaries about African wildlife?
Any recommendations for documentaries about African wildlife?
Empire of Dust
i don't feel so goo-
why is there always an user who keeps posting about elephants? is it autism?
black panther
wild thornberrys
oh wait... thats a tv show
what the
You just KNOW
>first reaction is to open her mouth
Kek what a whore
is it having a heart attack?
that's an asian elephant, you uneducated oaf
Nerve gas
Nerve gas
Looks like a seizure to me
This hurts to look at, my mom had a seizure in front of me when i was a kid several times, meth addicted bitch
cannibal warlords of Liberia is pretty good, back before vice became trash
Here's a GIF of Donkey Kong vomiting after a bulking binge
Haha lmao
This thread was fun the first time but please stop now.
I've always been jealous of how efficient animal assholes are. No wiping necessary. Must be nice.
my first dog died like that
whats the problem?
If we didn't have sphincters we'd shit like that too. Too bad we'd also have no control over our shit and would constantly shit ourselves.
Sorry to hear that user. I'm sure he was a goodboy.
pfffffft hahaha hahahaahaha
I'd make that trade.
im sooo sorry :(
seething l*on
>have 1 decent elephant thread
>shit is spammed constantly for the next 2 days
man fuck redit
It was either bipedalism or shitting whenever we wanted
It's been literally like two threads over three days.
I wonder why do elephants have such a big ears
The wrong decision was made.
They have incredible hearing.
Seen a video like this where it happens to a bear I think. Aneurysm or something
>Global warming did this
>international jewery now hates elephants
this is how you die
and stick out her tongue
It's for cooling off. Blood passes through and it lets off heat.
fuck nature
Oh dear
Fun fact: the elephant is the only animal on the planet with two sets of forward bending knees.
I think this webm has finally explained the purpose of this.
Are owls actually retarded?
/thread and based
lmao fucking based
they're actually based
poor kitty
nah this is how i die
Anyone got the vid of the poachers detonating a bomb in a baby elephants ass? Its fuckin legs get all fucked up lol
declawed and defanged. fucking faccots
No, we aren't psychopathic jews.
Elephants never forget... he's just got to get one good look at em, and he's set for life.
god I wish that lion would've ripped them apart
That's weird, my first dog died like that too. I was really young that I thought he was just playing around, so it made me laugh, but my mom freaked out and we took him to the vet. He didn't make it.
Someone should post it. Piss your beastiality faggot ass off. Stupid elephant fucker. Dumb bitch baby crawls for 5 feet then dies
Yes, all birds of prey are retarded. The smarter birds are crows, ravens and parrots that are more foragers, who are smarter because their ability to solve problems lets them get to harder to reach food. If you're an owl or an eagle all you need to be good at is catching smaller animals, so you need to be quick and have good senses, but not necessarily intelligent.
Humans anthropomorphize owls into being intelligent because of their forward facing eyes and other face-like features, and we want eagles and hawks to be smart because they look cool, but in reality these animals are fucking retarded.
reminds me of that video of a baboon eating a deer alive
nerve gas?
>posting images of elephants means you have a sick attraction to animals and want to fuck them
Ladies amd gentlemen, the mind of a jew.
animals are pretty based
I would have paid to see her rip them to shreds
You have pictures of animal assholes saved.
being (you) must be like a fever dream existence
holy shit user
They were Chinamen
I think he's unable of understanding anything outside the realm of his own being and shekels. The Jewish condition truly is a form of autism.
I don't even really hate women, but damn, this girl is the definition of a roasty
>"Omg we like have such an AMAZING connection! When I look into his eyes, it's like I'm his mommy!"
It brings about as much ire as when I see some 9 year old zoomie playing fortnite on his phone instead of eating dinner with his family. That's what the feeling is comparable too.
How sad is your life.
I'm not saying who did it, but commenting on who would save it. Sticking with psychopathic jews.
mostly white people save it
white people who browse here and 8gag
>They see me sliding, they hatin'
The Great Rift
The fucking thing is in agony and it can't do a single thing about it
It's muscle memory. That what this webm used to be labelled as anyway.
My dog also died like this. He had the seizures for a year prior his death. We even started giving him medication until one day he got another seizure and didn't came back...
I cried like a bitch..
We having another elephant thread?
Fun fact
Elephants have four knees. No other animal in existence has 4 knees.
i'm seeing 2 knees and 2 elbows
If your diet is balanced you will shit like that too. Stop drinking soda and eating shit.
Vietnam flashbacks.....I get them too.
summer truly is here. Fucking kids these days being edgy
Condolences. My dog died when I took it out back.
>Yea Forums whines hourly about /pol/ boogeyman
>don't realize we /an/ are the real invaders
is he ok?
[hoof-rubbing intensifies]
>the weak should fear the strong
all according to keikaku
pröööööööööööh xD
What has to go wrong in someone's life for them to write this?
God I wish that were me.
It's water being sprayed from behind my dudes.
Bad parenting and/or mental illness(es). Usually end up very angry and alone, and since they can't deal with their psychopathy, they externalize it and anger becomes bile they can't help but spew outwards.
that's a cute smellerphant
>a weapon to surpass metal gear
when people say that owls are actually really stupid I wonder how stupid they mean.
like less smart then even a mouse?
Why is his hair thinning? Is he going bald?
Worldstar fight comps
No one's posted Chicago Police Scanner yet? I'm honestly surprised.
mice are much smarter than owls
post more nature kino
Warrior spirit
Rest in Valhalla, impalabro
>that little triumphant jump at the end
tfw u will never pee on her
>The Virgin Human Handler
>The Chad Pachyderm
We got my good boi some medication and he lasted 5 years after seizure diagnosis. Got him in the end though...
"Who Killed Captain Alex?"