Every clip I’ve seen of this looks like it’s 3 fps, is this really what Yea Forums considers a 10/10...

Every clip I’ve seen of this looks like it’s 3 fps, is this really what Yea Forums considers a 10/10, yeah I’m thinking I’m going to stick to my Taiwanese moving pictures

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Only Reddit and Twitter think that's a 10/10

watch this and see if you learn something user

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>tl dr style is not similar to Pixar so is gud even though Pixar quality is far ahead

I felt the same way before I saw it. When you see it it clicks.

What's with all the Into the Spider-Verse threads lately? The BluRay got released/leaked 3 months ago, so it can't be the influx of poorfags finally watching it. Did something new happen with the movie?

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Netflix added it. Really tells you about the absolute state of this board.

It's one of the more controversial movies on Yea Forums because the racist /pol/tards can't get over the fact that a capeshit with a black protagonist is good. Of course, they haven't even seen the movie (just like OP), so their whining is based solely on conjecture, presumption and the fact that they're sóycucks.

only the Japanese dub is 10/10. They don't speak ebonics

I don’t watch western stuff that often, I heard this was good so I went to find clips, and thus I made this thread.

Two of Yea Forums's favorite cape movies are Blade and Spawn though?

>pushing the racist card out of nowhere
Unironically go back to Yea Forumsmblr, people like you are cancer, you fuck up any chance to have real discussion.

I didn’t realize that was out, I was looking for a way to watch the Japanese dub

No user you just don't get it, if you don't like Lego movie rip off with a bland ass protagonist without personality you must be Hittler.

you get used to it. half way through I thought it almost seemed like it sped up.

It's the only piece of decent Spider-Man media people had since the good cartoons got cancelled. It sucks off Raimi's films so of course reddit will praise it. It's mediocre though.

It's got a variable frame rate just like your shittt gook toons except it's infinitely higher production quality.

Anons keep tricking people and claiming it's better than Spiderman 3

old shit with diversity in it gets a pass like gtas san andreas, half life 2, predator, etc.
its a way for them to not fuck with the nostalgia faggots in their group and fool people that diverse movies are a recent thing.

Some bee libtard on twitter said it was the best animated film he ever saw recently and made it a standard for good movies.
He's well known among the memeshitters on Yea Forums so naturally people here will see it.
Its actually really fucking good though.

forced-diversity movies are recent though, they are just riding the trend

Not as bad as the overrated Spectacular Spider-Shit

The animation is barely notable provided you're not running it at "soap opera filter" speeds. Looks akin to slightly faster stop-motion and the film itself was probably the best capeshit I've seen lately, but you won't enjoy it if you hate blacks.

It's on Netflix

You don't even notice it after the first minute or two. It fits the comic book style presentation surprisingly well.

It's a 7-8 don't let soys tell you it's better or racists tell you it's worse

Yeah almost like most normal people that have sex subscribe to Netflix

>Yea Forums
Nah, just some femcels with a Messiah complex about black people and a few non whites who think art should be subject to racial communism so they all get a turn too.

Miles was literally created because an obese neurotic Jew can’t stand white people and thinks our icons should be erased.

The colors are nice. I want to get it in 4K.

They’re actually the cancer of society but think of themselves as its saviours.

Tom Holland is actually great as Spider-Man, just a shame he’s got an ugly, insufferably written MJ to really spoil his turn in the suit.

I just watched it today, honestly really good.

recent like 50 years ago recent.

>let's start with a few jaw-dropping numbers of production

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Have you not noticed the moment something drops on Netflix 1000 shitters make threads about it?