HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HOH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HOH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for /sissy/
First for /ourhogg/
here we go!
shes got the boys wrapped around her braindead finger
Your waifu a shit.
lol deadbeat youtuber
a jolly showmance would be dope
nick is rock hard
More than Anal will ever be.
If I like BB will I like Love Island? It looks the same, but way more cheesy and no gameplay (which is part of why I like watching BB)
if there aren’t feeds why would you even watch
*uses his power anyway*
anal said she hates that bitch (talking about christie)
Looks like there will be more minorities than BB usually casts. So since you're here: no, you probably won't like it.
based and redpilled
the rules are shit
its more bachelor than survivor/bb/challenge
good night /bb/
i hope i wake up to see ovi smearing poo all over the place with his power
lol sissy will get way more opportunities because she’s not retarded enough to be racist on a show watched by millions
Perhaps not, but at least Aaryn's eyes are a normal distance apart.
You mean Kemi
Huh? What u mean?
Ovi's mouth breathing needs to go
are you sure? christie was walking away and i think anal was looking in her direction
snipped from someone else's cap a thread or two ago
thanks i thought that was a good one
feeds are boring, gonna watch a movie
I mean that proper waifus have appropriately spaced eyes, straight teeth, and normal hair lines.
and also like to drink a little nail polish remover once in a while.
Sis is objectively better looking than Aaryn
>any advice for me?
yeah, get Grods to save you. worked for her.
good 'constanza face' if someone wants to crop cliff
someone help me get into the mind of the sister haters
what is your motivation in seeking to tear her down?
was nick implying that kemi got saved because production didn't want the black houseguests out first
Look, Sis is objectively hot, and a top 6 girl of BB21, but she might as well be Hayley Okines next to Aar-Bear
shitting on things that others enjoy
Analyse is such a cunt.
>nick totally confident he'll win HoH
>going over his noms already
this dough-body faggot needs his shit kicked in
She's actually ok when she's alone with christie. She's a total follower
>has a giant alliance
>has a female alliance
>outsiders trusts her
>backdoored the person who won the power in week 1
>is the best character on bb21
i think shes gonna win bros
you wouldnt do shit
i think you meant pushed in
*paranoia intensifies*
>another dyke winner
oh god
say that to my face not online and see what happens
She has no personality to speak of. She'll never be on another reality show. And lets not be hasty, theres plenty of time for the cunt to say something racist.
wtf why did that save as a png
I think he meant picked up
what a tangled web we weave
>3mb grainy cap
Glad it's not compressed, or else we'd lose out on some image quality
>the cunt
yep he mad
Ovi will win the pre-jury battleback and it will be kino.
im sorry i didn't mean to save as png
against AHHHHHHHH ??? I don't think so
Solid 6
>Hey user! Will you go to church with me after the game? I need Jesus in my life right now!
im almost wondering if she is gona make jury at this pace
Analyse is a bore!!!!
a bore!!!!
yeah if you let me fuck you in the ass
Sorry Sis, I don't fraternize with grills who play commie sports.
man he is going to look foolish
The boat room is ripe for an Ovi-ing right now
god I want to save her from being brainwashed by some religious cult bullshit
>Of course you can fuck my ass, I need to remain a virgin for marriage after all
christie and bella will be the ones who to go after our girl
lol the girls basically said about jack what we've all been saying, how he was the ugly kid who grew into his looks just recently and acts like a douche because of it
I want her to trip me so bad
>wanting to stick it in this dumper
Bruh, just hop on grinder and look for the skinny twinks. Way easier to land.
lol sam talking about his hemorrhoids
button boy fucking up this whole season.
>guy butt
ho's in the boat room talking about birth control and switch to pure qt
ovi is doing a terrible job of saving his ass
>What Scouts Say: "We've seen more at next level at an outside midfielder... has athleticism , engine, prpobably one of the fittest guys in the league and has really good pace and can get up and down the field ... naturally right-footed ... predominatnly right foot but can use left and cut in and serve a good ball in the box ... would be right side ... Josh Gros type. ..... Training with the Union unofficial ... Two deep MFs and he was one of them .. he was playmaker ...he sets plays and run at people ... we thought he'd be more dangerous if pushed higher up field ... he's not a defensive midfielder but a good player ... techincal ... more techncbial type ... wide or inside."
He could have made it lads
A Jack HOH might be the best for maximum drama. The girls would throw each other utb. Christie might get exposed too.
Only faggots and women watch this retarded shit stay in lolcow or better yet commit suicide human trash
i want a jack hoh without kemi in the house
that will be more fun
every one thinks cliff has the power because ovi has been crying and freaking out. little do they know the power was made useless lol
we're all girls here
>using the word lolcow
misted lol
Do you need attention user? What's going on?
based frank shutting his ass down
I'd lie and prone bone fuck her in the poosi until I nutted :)
Ovi leave Kat alone
analyse not being in on these group girl talks is either problematic or advantageous
>I need validation and this is the only way I know how to get it
sad but I understand.
why don’t you just try to interact positively with people instead? you’ll get a much better feeling of fulfillment if you do.
holly almost looks cute right now
You feelin alright, aggro? this post seems a little bit desperate.
ovi has been having these meetings all night
ovi... bro...
My dream scenario for maximum feed potential is the vote flipping on Kat, David coming back into the house, Jack winning HoH. I think 90% of the feeds would just be Christie crying.
lol that pitch
>youngest in the house
>goes to sleep the earliest
she better not be going to get finger blasted by jack
*bleh* i'm ded ;)
just tuned in. how fail has ovis pitches been?
You are NOT going to bed Sissy.
The Hogg laying down some dank mist right now
he's not very persuasive in all the meetings he's been having all night with everybody
Virgin Poo in Loo vs Chad Boss Hogg
oh shi jackson just called kemi cancer
wew kemi being called a cancer again this time by jackson
he's been calling her that and cancer for a while now. him and jack HATE kemi
Anyone have that preseason pic of Anal in the bikini with her hair in buns?
i meant 'toxic' as the other word
No. Now go away simp.
based jack trips
I need it for a reference don't project waifufaggotry onto me
So I'm assuming Grod didn't expect Aura2 to put up poovi. DR talked her out of Kemi and couldn't plant the seed of Jack.
Fuck off with these faggoty threads
kek 'kemi wants me to stomp a mudhole through her chest'
Jack wants to stomp a mudhole through Kemi's chest.
I actually don’t think there was much manipulation in this one. Christie is a space cadet
would ovi telling jackson he has the power and its his to use if he keeps be a smart move? like a hail mary
or am i retard
this hoh room went off the rails
I was thinking the same thing. He has to leverage it somehow right? It's literally his only hope.
you're retarded lmao, this is swaggy 2.0 without a tyler to push back properly
christie left the dr in tears twice concerned with outside perception and was spouting the same lines over and over
nick said they were another bomb squad
>Nick: "Tell me this isn't a fucking bomb squad though."
that's not a good thing Nick
jackson saying he wants to put kemi straight up onto the block so she can feel that dread of going home the whole week.
>I legit really like michie
>hey I could fuck up hoh or your allies' hoh uncontrollably, I'm going to leave the house with it if you do nothing, save me
not to mention it's infinitely less useful if your identity's known, poovi's not really got known loyalties, and anyone he'd need knew he was going up (could be burned, disinclined, etc) except jack, who calls him an asshole as soon as he leaves earshot
they're discussing kat vs ovi. he could totally use it to stay. but he has to pick the right person to tell who will then convince the 8 to vote out kat. and i would that thats jackson. he could probably swing that
I'm pretty sure Jack just called Jess Consuela.
get ready for bomb squad alliance talk
risky call but i'd say keep it a secret so he still has it if he battles back. there's been a prejury "battleback" every season since 18 so he should know it's coming. and he's basically dead in the water with no hope.
removing kemi next week is a good idea for the alliance since
Panic Week 3: Analyse Nick Kemi Jessica Christie
remove kemi and is nick/anal/christie vs jessica
lol jack is so aggro right now
man these threads are retarded can you take this shit to discord
ovi appears to have such a bad read on people he'll probably tell anal
looks like this alliance gonna stay pretty fucking loyal
no one ever gets to finish their sentence without getting interrupted.
>entire group of people in the HoH
gee, wonder if they're in an alliance
lol they're trying to hide from ovi
lmao nope. jack and nick don't trust each other. christie, sissy, holly don't trust jack.
lol this HOH room is full on clown mode
another season of the cool kids bullying the house
he's got 3 more days
The girls were dragging Jack through the shit in the boat room, and Christie hasn't spilled the beans on that, so I don't think it's all that solid. At minimum I think Christie legit hates Jack.
jackson said jess used 8 steaks
you can really tell these threads are full of retarded roasties and /soc/ faggots probably only come to the board for these
pathetic commit suicide
jack is the meatshield for the alliance
why is Jackson sperging out over how much production spends on groceries on them
why are they mad they got $34.99 a lb halibut steaks?
cook it and eat it you scrubs, chicken is for peasants
they're real life assholes
bros I’m on team /sissy/ but I’m starting to like bimbo
looks like the head of a penis
Tommy, Bella, Jack final 3
Cliff is still kind of a flop
im a girl
ovi is just going to use his power
bitch needs some proactiv
he can’t
First for /slut/
ana's hand right noe
i can't imagine damage controlling for your online crush but you do you lol
t. skeltalfag
shes not even my top girl this season, was just a textbook incel post.
ovi has sexy nipples
do you spend a lot of time wondering about how much sex other peopel have?
>Anal will never spit into your mouth and say you're hers
why live
Sixth Sense was already an alliance you fake superfans
this is painful. im out
lol jackson called anal out for having nothing going on in her head. she just giggles and agrees
Any alliance that involves the number of people in it in the name sucks
i want her to give me a swirly
kind of sad that poo memes will end after a few days.
Airheads are great. Can convince them that lewd things are OK. Like you can't get pregnant in a hot tub.
sixth sense was pretty good, since julia wasn't officially a hg
>Sam: I started watching season 13
>says he has only heard of Dan’s funeral
>Thier alliance name is School Shooters
wtf Grodner
>Sam saying bimbo while Kat is in the room
>nick would stick it in a tailpipe if it was wet
tommy bout to go the whole season without getting nominated
OVI using that POWER???
he can’t
i didn't think so but they originally cut to the dogs so i thought maybe production pulled some bs
>tfw no sissy to cuddle
rules don't apply to the Big O.
ovi just wanted to sleep
ovi getting blindsided in his punjabi hahaha
>22 year old brown boy
really working that angle but production already used that one on kemi
they're referring to jack/anal as aquaman and jasmin, a dc/disney crossover event
Jesus Christ kill yourself retarded spammer
don't kill yourself
nick is seething
>all 4 cams in the same room filled with 2 people sleeping
jessica would be ursula
LEave my friend alone.
I love how the Analysefag hasn't posted Jack feeling up on his waifu. Get bent nigga.
the two best waifus of the season
why do they keep putting all 4 cams in the same room
that stare kills me every time. she has room temp iq
black widows
christie said it was 'gay' for jackson and aquaman to manipulate girls with their looks
Shes fucking boring as shit
anal stinks
she's dumb as a sack of hammers
widows are smart. too bad they're unattractive
>we're very diverse
Just fuck off Rockwall jr
goodnight, these bitches are staying up too late for me tonight
is someone in this thread figure out bbviewer for the very first time or something jesus christ
shut your tramp. she's doing a good work
more caps are always good i guess but half of them arent even good caps theyre just... there
and? just skip them and save the ones you like. don't tell me you're some kind of sicko that browses /bb/ on a mobile plan.
cam 1/2 good stuff
What kind of virgin cares about how “interesting” or “intellectual” a smoking hot babe is? Looks are absolutely the most important thing in all aspects of life thanks to the halo effect.
We care because we're sitting here watching this shit for entertainment, not for the 7/10 girls.
Im not gonna fuck her or hell even meet her. I want good feeds not some basic stacey bitch.
Last night Jack said he wanted to stomp a mud hole thru kemi’s chest
Wtf does that even mean?
you ever heard of a blood hole?
Nicole is my waifu tho
imagine waifuing a sjw.
She wouldent be after i give her some dong.
imagine waifuing
I dont know what it is about this season but it seems so meh
I still don't like anybody
no one is entertaining. and so far no one is a mistman type gamer. it's a season of devins and kaitlins but without the derricks, tylers, or bretts.
there hasn’t even been an eviction yet
watching the ep now. sam and jess really turn up the annoying in the DR
So I'm watching Big Brother 2 for the first time and Dr. Will is absolutely based for being attracted to Sheryl
that was a very aggressive ON BIIIIIIG BROTHERRRRRRRRRRR to end the ep last night
How was she so perfect??
Still crazy that we lost Kent before Jerry.
anyone cap this?
still can't believe she didn't solve that puzzle
I made a new thread but forgot to put the subject. can someone else make one or I can wait 5 minutes
comfy morning hogg chats
its been 5 minutes
cooldown was 10 minutes