What's the deal with that fucking douchebag?

What's the deal with that fucking douchebag?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


hi fatrick

i'd like to punch him right in his fat fuckin face

you sound like a real jerk

This post reminds me of that tragedy.

I hope he has good insurance

Nine eleven

Insurance?? user...he's calling me a fat pig.

How about Eating Strawberry Shortcake with the Stars?

What happened?

Who writes these Norm, who

Attached: Norm.jpg (900x900, 71K)


What do you think about this boys: A show called The Biggest Jerks in history. Hosted by Norm Macdonald, It's a 30-60 minute show about infamous historical figures. Norm will give the folks at home a history lesson, while peppering in his trademark humor. Each episode will end with Macdonald turning in to a camera and exclaiming his famous line, "I mean this guy was a real jerk!"

Attached: Norm-Macdonald-Net-Worth.jpg (889x515, 46K)

I've got an acid tongue

He's an acid-tongued a-rab

Norm needs a more flexible medium

>I tell ya, this HITLER guy!
>I dunno if this is widely known, but he actually FAILED to exterminate the jews!
>What a JERK!

Can't get more flexible than a blob.

Attached: the orville s02e13 yaphit dancing.webm (900x506, 1.28M)

yes there's nothing funnier than a famous comedian playing an expressionless cgi creature written by someone else

Attached: the orville dr. finn gets slimed.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

can you believe they didn't even need makeup on norm for that scene?