Where's God when you need him most?
Where's God when you need him most?
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God is literally in all things.
That Nietzsche quote is probably the one that gets the most butchered out of its context.
The makers of these flicks need to pray harder so God can help them make better movies.
This is an answer no one wants to hear but it's faith. Faith in something you can't see. I guess what the bible says makes (some) sense to me and as dumb as it sounds I've felt God through prayer or reading the bible
God exists but he is malevolent.
Does it bother you that he doesn't exist?
that means you're mentally ill
>God exists
>but he is malevolent
Dumb Christfag. Why do you believe in things that there's no evidence for?
>God exists
Be great if you could prove it.
>Universe exists
>God doesn't exist
Pick one and only one.
This is a world of death and suffering. There is no purity in anything, everything falls apart and rots. It's likely our whole purpose is entertaining God, like the Sims.
Where in the body is the soul located?
universe does not exist and this is all happening inside an artificial consciousness created by scientists. Your life will feel like 80 years but in reality it was only a few seconds.
>the universe needs something to start it!
Beauty isn't defined by a things lasting nature.
I don't see how the two things are correlative. One is proven to exist, I can test it and it has an impact on my existence. The other is unproven, has no basis in the laws of physics or reality, backed by no evidence and is a feefees argument.
Some entity that created the universe *may* exist, but there's absolutely no reason to think that that being is anything like the Christian God - or is even aware of us.
Besides that, to make assertions about who or what cause the Big Bang or why it happened is tricky. Time began with Big Bang, and in the absence of time, causality itself doesn't exist, and hence, hard as it is to imagine, asking what "caused" the Big Bang is nonsensical.
>I can’t disprove contingency so I’m gonna post wojaks
Christfags seething itt
>muh empiricism is infallible
he's in ur hart user just balieve in him and also give money 2 ur church
Death and decay is the sphere of evil. The being that created a universe in which things deteriorate and rot and die is evil.
Not really getting that interpretation of this thread. Maybe...just maybe..you are the one that is seething?
It's okay that you don't understand. Midwits like yourself have a difficult time coming to terms with the existence of God.
The world HAS deaths and suffering. There's still lots of good in it that hasn't been removed
To be an edgy teenager, eh? Enjoy it while you ca man. You'll come around sooner or later.
It quite literally is.
Everything in existence depends on rot and decay to ensure future life. If things didn't rot or decay we wouldn't have food, forests wouldn't exist, animals wouldn't exist. Life is a cycle. That's the only way things can exist.
IS your argument that "God exists because "things" exist?" Otherwise, why and how?
You're working backwards, retard.
I agree friend. It's so frustrating watching these infidels stumble around and miss the truth. How could this complex world possibly exist "just by chance"? It's so obvious that Allah is the one and only true God and that Muhammad is his prophet.
This movie's about suicide(s) right? How would finding and accepting God stop that? Faith isn't some feel good blanket that'll just wash away all your problems
When did you guys grow out of Atheism? For me? 20 years old.
Also your reminder that
>Almost all high IQs believe in God
>evil being created universe that requires rot and decay for individuals to survive
Proving my point. A benevolent God would not create a universe where decay and death is required for the existence of life.
Yeah fuck off
>>Almost all high IQs believe in God
lol it's literally the exact opposite though.
If you believe in God (if we're talking Christianity) then we're talking about the whole story-God creating man and giving them free will to choose him or themselves. Man chooses himself and here we are today with all the death and suffering
I believe in God, and I believe that men who claim to know God are charlatans. Anyone who claims to be his chosen people, or claims exclusivity to the divine are all charlatans out for power or money. When people speak about the divine but use Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Eastern religion metaphors, they are all talking about the same thing that exists, but they all fail to fully understand.
I think you mean ambivalent
Nice bait.
High IQs
>Believe in God because they are intelligent enough to glimpse the universe and its complexity.
Midwit IQs
>Don't believe in God, because they are just smart enough to grasp general logic, but incapable of further insight
Low IQs
>Believe in God because High IQ people do, and they are good at submitting to higher authority.
all they are making is millions of dollars from christcucks
Yea, fuck Jews. They use religion for their own purposes to control the masses. However Werner Heisenberg wasn't a jew. I know "berg" is a kike surname, but unironically it is a German surname first. Jews appropriated it. He was also the father of modern Quantum Physics.
I was tired of filling two reports all night and refused to go to a phisiology practice at 7 am, i told to myself "meh i will burn my ki on the last three lessons and ill break the scale on the last exam".
A few seconds before falling sleep, my eyes were closed but i was still fully aware of my surroundings thanks to the covfefe and cocoa, i heard the sound of a metal stuff knocking three times behind me (i`ve been living in my room for 22 years and that part is plastic) and i tell to myself fuck it ill finish my report.
I arrive to the damn phis lab at the last minute and the teacher says it`s the last report we can deliver and the docs (with this one i had 6/10) would replace our last test.
The Big guy is out there but we must be aware
>lol it's literally the exact opposite though.
why didn't god just snap his fingers and double the resources?
He is waiting for you to talk to him for once in your life. Pray for Wisdom and Discernment.
Yea, that's pretty fucking BASED.
I literally can't argue against this. All the Atheists I meet are pseduointellectuals, and almost never actually intelligent individuals.
I pray lots but maybe for the wrong things (if it's possible to pray for the wrong things)
>be god
>make yourself known in an era where no mass communication exists
>literally rely on "just trust me dude"
>mans interpretation of God isn't completely accurate
>therefore God must not exist!
Stop being a fag.
You believe in a god because its an easy fallback to a complex and meaningless life. There is no inherent meaning to life, and ideas of good and bad are subjective to whatever culture/society you were raised in. Religion is a means to absolve this fact by telling you that life has a clear meaning, and you must follow the rules of whatever religion you subscribe to in order to live a meaningful and succesful life.
Wrong on all accounts. At least you tried though =]
God doesn't exist. An all powerful creator might, but he gives as much of a fuck for human suffering as you do with the day to day lives of the insects in your yard.
>coping this hard
I wonder how delusional you have to be to actually read bible and still believe in God
Like seriously it’s so fucking stupid and it constantly contradicts itself.
>it's true because I read it in a meme image on the internet
I'll give you a hint to help you on your spiritual journey doubter. Religion =/= God. You should study some different philosophical disciplines and maybe that will help you overcome your average intellect's understanding of existence. I can tell you're fairly young, so in a couple of years of studying and reflection you might make some great strides in the right direction!
>still believing God has anything to do with organized religion
Yikes. Big cringe.
This question has always bothered me as well. There are plenty of professing Christians who claim to have been saved and made Christ Lord and Savior of their life but have still committed this sin. There aren't any Christian films to my knowledge of believers who did not preservere.
When does it contradict itself?
Nah God is apathetic.
listen boomer, straight up the spirit doesnt exist. its just your brain processing your surroundings. And fuck you I do study different philosophies, and you know what they are? Different interpretations people had for understanding the world at large. Not fact
The Ascetic monks learn the truth. You don't pray for things or things to happen, you just ask for things to happen graciously and be content with your lot in life. Science has shown that attempting to be permanently happy just leads to a strange numbness where past joys become the day-to-day. In fact, they may even become an addiction.
>high IQs' believe in God
Let me stop your bullshit right there because again, it's literally the opposite. The smartest member of MENSA is an atheist. Including literally all members of MENSA...
>Christopher Langan doesn't believe in God
He actually does though, and detests Atheists. He also has the highest IQ ever recorded. And just like that, I've invalidated your argument lmao.
No clue where god is, but you can usually find Yeshua hiding behind the curtains.
>Including literally all members of MENSA...
Haha oh yea? Talk with all the members of MENSA often do you? Give me a break, it's getting pathetic lmao
How much is this movie gonna bomb?
>He actually does though, and detests Atheists.
Why are you just lying now?
Every conscious being in existence knows the difference between right and wrong. Simply stop doing what you know is wrong, and start doing what you know to be right.
I know exactly what ur referring to. Repentance is the hardest thing to nail. It's easy to have a changed mind toward sin (which is what repentance is, in essence) but it doesn't give u a license to keep sinning based on what I've heard from the free grace and lordship salvation crowd. Best thing to do is to continue praying and being honest with God. Along with trusting Christ for his sacrifice for your sins on the cross and paying your debt with his blood. expreacherman.com
Do you even know who Christopher Langan is? lmao
Is she in my poo?
Feces is actually imperative to the life cycle. It fuels decomposition in soil and absorption of nutrients in all plants. So yes, the act of defecation is quite incredible and tied to the greatness and ingenuity of the divine.
guy who studied genetics all his life and invented the gene gun, rejected atheism is now a creationist.
Thank you for the responses. Apologies for deletion. There are many things to work on.
In his heaven,
Ask God to give you guidance and wisdom toward sin if you feel it is hurting you in the long run. It's not easy beating sin but as long as you are honest with God & believe on the finished work on the cross, you are and will be forgiven since your faith will be counted for righteousness. God bless you and keep your faith strong.
kek, all he does is study plant genes...
>I have no rebuttal other than ad hominems so I’ll post wojaks
The second you post a picture, you lost. Use your words, retards.
>semantics argument
Are you the arbiter of all knowledge, who assigns a value for life, the universe and meaning? No, you’re not, why the fuck are you making that argument then? You cannot tell someone what is worth to them, fucking retard.
Do you? He's not even remotely a Christcuck. The overwhelming majority of intelligent people who undergo IQ tests, are not religious.
>The overwhelming majority of intelligent people who undergo IQ tests, are not religious
Maybe if you keep repeating it, it'll become more true, lmao.
When you have to pick outliers in the scientific community who are already ostracized as some sort of "evidence", then I tend to ignore your bullshit argument.
>Groupthink is good because groupthink is good.
Circular reason at its best. How very scientific minded of you.
Which means we are all gods
So you’re just spouting shit on here hoping it’s true? Or can you actually do basic 5 minute google searches?
you know that "scientific consensus" doesn't mean groupthink or hivemind, right?
When are you going to try to prove a deity exists?
you are just producing young earth creationists who do earth science and lying about MENSA members. I'm not sure why you are intentionally dishonest.
>he has a specialized field so it doesnt count
What even is your argument now?
>scientific consensus
There isn't a consensus on the non-existence of God or the divine among the scientific community.
Guaranteed half this thread dresses like this.
This 100%. Lesbians exist and for that I say we should rejoice.
Okay, you’ll just go the “repeat same thing I typed two posts ago” route. Good to know. Burning in hell, btw.
there is no consensus on proving a negative, since nobody proves a negative you dumb retard. The consensus across the planet is that there is no hard evidence for anything supernatural.
Go to /x/ where you belong you mentally ill faggot.
You literally lied about the theological position of a MENSA member...
>The consensus across the planet is that there is no hard evidence for anything supernatural.
Mathematics and physics are literally the proof of God's existence.
>Mathematics and physics are literally the proof of God's existence.
No, they aren't. But you are free to believe whatever you want. We live in a free country and you're just baiting me anyway.
That wasn't him, it was me. I also didn't lie. Christopher Langan (the man with the highest recorded IQ) is not an Atheist. I don't know why you continue to claim he is.
He's literally not a theist and there is no proof that he is. Where are you getting that from? A Chick Tract?
Here you
>pic related
Are you satisfied now?
Fucking wrecked.
>AZ Quotes
Well shit, you sure showed me there. Not with any documented proof or statement or written example...but with AZ Quotes.
I've given you the proof user. the highest IQ ever recorded believes in God and creationism. If you won't accept what I've given you as truth, and aren't willing to dig a little deeper to validate it, then I can;t help you.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
>He proposes that all things, including the existence of God, the soul and the afterlife, can be proven using mathematics.
Fucking hell, I highly doubt he means LITERALLY.
Even if you were correct, that doesn't mean God exists or as you understand him, ONLY a Christian deity exists.
doesnt that defeat what you said here? lol
Chris Langan - CTMU Theory
God is not a servant to satisfy people's needs
Because you are talking about outliers.
Apocalypse soon, brothers. Just remember to not accept the mark of the beast.
Ask for Jesus to reveal Himself to you. Read the New Testament.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.